An enhanced multi-sensor fusion framework, based on the ethzasl_msf lib.【基于MSF的增强版多源传感器融合框架 (VSLAM/IMU/GNSS)】
Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
Pangolin is a lightweight portable rapid development library for managing OpenGL display / interaction and abstracting video input.
Detailed comments for ORB-SLAM2 with trouble-shooting, key formula derivation, and diagrammatic drawing
The goal of the GPSTk project is to provide an open source library and suite of applications to the satellite navigation community--to free researchers to focus on research, not lower level coding.
Multi-Sensor Fusion (GNSS, IMU, Camera) 多源多传感器融合定位 GPS/INS组合导航 PPP/INS紧组合
UrbanNav: an Open-Sourcing Localization Data Collected in Asian Urban Canyons, Including Tokyo and Hong Kong