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function soln = rungeKutta(problem)
% soln = rungeKutta(problem)
% This function transcribes a trajectory optimization problem using the
% multiple shooting, with 4th-order Runge Kutta integration
% See Bett's book for details on the method
% For details on the input and output, see the help file for optimTraj.m
% Method specific parameters:
% problem.options.method = 'rungeKutta'
% problem.options.rungeKutta = struct with method parameters:
% .nSegment = number of trajectory segments
% .nSubStep = number of sub-steps to use in each segment
% .adaptiveDerivativeCheck = 'off' by default. Set to 'on' to enable
% numerical checks on the analytic gradients, computed using the
% derivest package, rather than fmincon's internal checks.
% Derivest is slower, but more accurate than fmincon. Derivest
% can be downloaded from the Mathworks File Exchange, file id of
% 13490 - Adaptive Robust Numerical Differentation, John D-Errico
% Code for computing analyic gradients of the Runge Kutta method was
% contributed by Will Wehner.
% If analytic gradients are used, then the sparsity pattern is returned
% in the struct: soln.info.sparsityPattern. View it using spy().
%To make code more readable
G = problem.guess;
B = problem.bounds;
F = problem.func;
Opt = problem.options;
% Figure out grid size:
nSegment = Opt.rungeKutta.nSegment;
nSubStep = Opt.rungeKutta.nSubStep;
nGridControl = 2*nSegment*nSubStep + 1;
nGridState = nSegment + 1;
% Print out some solver info if desired:
if Opt.verbose > 0
fprintf(' -> Transcription via 4th-order Runge-Kutta method \n');
fprintf(' nSegments = %d \n', nSegment);
fprintf(' nSubSteps = %d \n', nSubStep);
% Interpolate the guess at the transcription grid points for initial guess:
guess.tSpan = G.time([1,end]);
guess.tState = linspace(guess.tSpan(1), guess.tSpan(2), nGridState);
guess.tControl = linspace(guess.tSpan(1), guess.tSpan(2), nGridControl);
guess.state = interp1(G.time', G.state', guess.tState')';
guess.control = interp1(G.time', G.control', guess.tControl')';
[zGuess, pack] = packDecVar(guess.tSpan, guess.state, guess.control);
% Unpack all bounds:
tLow = [B.initialTime.low, B.finalTime.low];
xLow = [B.initialState.low, B.state.low*ones(1,nGridState-2), B.finalState.low];
uLow = B.control.low*ones(1,nGridControl);
zLow = packDecVar(tLow,xLow,uLow);
tUpp = [B.initialTime.upp, B.finalTime.upp];
xUpp = [B.initialState.upp, B.state.upp*ones(1,nGridState-2), B.finalState.upp];
uUpp = B.control.upp*ones(1,nGridControl);
zUpp = packDecVar(tUpp,xUpp,uUpp);
%%%% Set up problem for fmincon:
flagGradObj = strcmp(Opt.nlpOpt.GradObj,'on');
flagGradCst = strcmp(Opt.nlpOpt.GradConstr,'on');
if flagGradObj || flagGradCst
gradInfo = grad_computeInfo(pack);
if flagGradObj
P.objective = @(z)( ...
myObjGrad(z, pack, F.dynamics, F.pathObj, F.bndObj, gradInfo) ); %Analytic gradients
[~, objGradInit] = P.objective(zGuess);
sparsityPattern.objective = (objGradInit~=0)';
P.objective = @(z)( ...
myObjective(z, pack, F.dynamics, F.pathObj, F.bndObj) ); %Numerical gradients
if flagGradCst
P.nonlcon = @(z)( ...
myCstGrad(z, pack, F.dynamics, F.pathObj, F.pathCst, F.bndCst, gradInfo) ); %Analytic gradients
[~,~,cstIneqInit,cstEqInit] = P.nonlcon(zGuess);
sparsityPattern.equalityConstraint = (cstEqInit~=0)';
sparsityPattern.inequalityConstraint = (cstIneqInit~=0)';
P.nonlcon = @(z)( ...
myConstraint(z, pack, F.dynamics, F.pathObj, F.pathCst, F.bndCst) ); %Numerical gradients
% Check analytic gradients with DERIVEST package
if strcmp(Opt.rungeKutta.adaptiveDerivativeCheck,'on')
if exist('jacobianest','file')
runGradientCheck(zGuess, pack,F.dynamics, F.pathObj, F.bndObj, F.pathCst, F.bndCst, gradInfo);
Opt.nlpOpt.DerivativeCheck = []; %Disable built-in derivative check
Opt.rungeKutta.adaptiveDerivativeCheck = 'cannot find jacobianest.m';
disp('Warning: the derivest package is not on search path.');
disp(' --> Using fmincon''s built-in derivative checks.');
% Build the standard fmincon problem struct
P.x0 = zGuess;
P.lb = zLow;
P.ub = zUpp;
P.Aineq = []; P.bineq = [];
P.Aeq = []; P.beq = [];
P.solver = 'fmincon';
P.options = Opt.nlpOpt;
%%%% Call fmincon to solve the non-linear program (NLP)
[zSoln, objVal,exitFlag,output] = fmincon(P);
[tSpan,~,uSoln] = unPackDecVar(zSoln,pack);
nlpTime = toc;
%%%% Store the results:
[tGrid,xGrid,uGrid] = simulateSystem(zSoln, pack, F.dynamics, F.pathObj);
soln.grid.time = tGrid;
soln.grid.state = xGrid;
soln.grid.control = uGrid;
% Quadratic interpolation over each sub-step for the control:
tSoln = linspace(tSpan(1),tSpan(2),nGridControl);
soln.interp.control = @(t)( interp1(tSoln', uSoln', t','pchip')' );
% Cubic spline representation of the state over each substep:
dxGrid = F.dynamics(tGrid,xGrid,uGrid);
xSpline = pwch(tGrid, xGrid, dxGrid);
soln.interp.state = @(t)( ppval(xSpline,t) );
% General information about the optimization run
soln.info = output;
soln.info.nlpTime = nlpTime;
soln.info.exitFlag = exitFlag;
soln.info.objVal = objVal;
if flagGradCst || flagGradObj
soln.info.sparsityPattern = sparsityPattern;
soln.problem = problem; % Return the fully detailed problem struct
function [decVars,pack] = packDecVar(tSpan,state,control)
% This function collapses the time (t), state (x)
% and control (u) matricies into a single vector
% tSpan = [1, 2] = time bounds
% state = [nState, nGridState] = state vector at each grid point
% control = [nControl, nGridControl] = control vector at each grid point
% decVars = column vector of 2 + nState*nGridState + nControl*nGridControl) decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert z back into t,x, and u
% .nState
% .nGridState
% .nControl
% .nGridControl
% nGridControl = 2*nSegment*nSubStep + 1;
% nGridState = nSegment + 1;
[nState, nGridState] = size(state);
[nControl, nGridControl] = size(control);
nSegment = nGridState - 1;
nSubStep = (nGridControl - 1)/(2*nSegment);
xCol = reshape(state, nState*nGridState, 1);
uCol = reshape(control, nControl*nGridControl, 1);
indz = 1:numel(control)+numel(state)+numel(tSpan);
% index of time in decVar
indt = 1:2;
% the z index of the first element of each state over time
indtemp = 2 + (1 : (nState + (2*nSubStep)*nControl ) : numel(control)+numel(state));
% remaining state elements at each time
indx = repmat(indtemp,nState,1) + cumsum(ones(nState,nGridState),1) - 1;
% index of control in decVar
indu = indz;
indu = reshape(indu,nControl,nGridControl);
% pack up decVars
decVars = zeros(numel(indz),1);
decVars(indt(:),1) = tSpan;
decVars(indx(:),1) = xCol;
decVars(indu(:),1) = uCol;
% pack structure
pack.nState = nState;
pack.nGridState = nGridState;
pack.nControl = nControl;
pack.nGridControl = nGridControl;
pack.nSegment = nGridState - 1;
pack.nSubStep = (nGridControl-1)/(2*pack.nSegment);
pack.indt = indt;
pack.indx = indx;
pack.indu = indu;
function [tSpan, state, control] = unPackDecVar(decVars,pack)
% This function unpacks the decision variables for
% trajectory optimization into the time (t),
% state (x), and control (u) matricies
% decVars = column vector of 2 + nState*nGridState + nControl*nGridControl) decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert z back into t,x, and u
% .nState
% .nGridState
% .nControl
% .nGridControl
% tSpan = [1, 2] = time bounds
% state = [nState, nGridState] = state vector at each grid point
% control = [nControl, nGridControl] = control vector at each grid point
tSpan = [decVars(1),decVars(2)];
% state = reshape(decVars((2+1):(2+nx)), pack.nState, pack.nGridState);
% control = reshape(decVars((2+nx+1):(2+nx+nu)), pack.nControl, pack.nGridControl);
state = decVars(pack.indx);
control = decVars(pack.indu);
% make sure x and u are returned as vectors, [nState,nTime] and
% [nControl,nTime]
state = reshape(state,pack.nState,pack.nGridState);
control = reshape(control,pack.nControl,pack.nGridControl);
function cost = myObjective(decVars, pack,dynamics, pathObj, bndObj)
% This function unpacks the decision variables, sends them to the
% user-defined objective functions, and then returns the final cost
% decVars = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynamics = user-defined dynamics function handle
% pathObj = user-defined path-objective function
% bndObj = user-defined boundary objective function
% cost = scalar cost for this set of decision variables
% All of the real work happens inside this function:
[t,x,~,~,pathCost] = simulateSystem(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj);
% Compute the cost at the boundaries of the trajectory
if isempty(bndObj)
bndCost = 0;
t0 = t(1);
tF = t(end);
x0 = x(:,1);
xF = x(:,end);
bndCost = bndObj(t0,x0,tF,xF);
cost = bndCost + pathCost;
function [c, ceq] = myConstraint(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj, pathCst, bndCst)
% This function unpacks the decision variables, computes the defects along
% the trajectory, and then evaluates the user-defined constraint functions.
% decVars = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynamics = user-defined dynamics function handle
% pathObj = user-defined path-objective function
% pathCst = user-defined path-constraint function
% bndCst = user-defined boundary constraint function
% c = non-linear inequality constraint
% ceq = non-linear equatlity cosntraint
% - path constraints are satisfied at the start and end of each sub-step
[t,x,u,defects] = simulateSystem(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj);
%%%% Call user-defined constraints and pack up:
[c, ceq] = collectConstraints(t,x,u,...
pathCst, bndCst);
function [t,x,u,defects,pathCost] = simulateSystem(decVars, pack, dynFun, pathObj)
% This function does the real work of the transcription method. It
% simulates the system forward in time across each segment of the
% trajectory, computes the integral of the cost function, and then matches
% up the defects between the end of each segment and the start of the next.
% decVars = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynamics = user-defined dynamics function handle
% pathObj = user-defined path-objective function
% t = [1 x nGrid] = time vector for the edges of the sub-step grid
% x = [nState x nGrid] = state vector
% u = [nControl x nGrid] = control vector
% defects = [nState x nSegment] = defect matrix
% pathCost = scalar cost for the path integral
% - nGrid = nSegment*nSubStep+1
% - This function is usually called twice for each combination of
% decision variables: once by the objective function and once by the
% constraint function. To keep the code fast I cache the old values and
% only recompute when the inputs change.
% Prevents the same exact code from being called twice by caching the
% solution and reusing it when appropriate.
global RUNGE_KUTTA_defects RUNGE_KUTTA_pathCost
global RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars
usePreviousValues = false;
if ~isempty(RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars)
if length(RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars) == length(decVars)
if ~any(RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars ~= decVars)
usePreviousValues = true;
if usePreviousValues
defects = RUNGE_KUTTA_defects;
pathCost = RUNGE_KUTTA_pathCost;
[tSpan, state, control] = unPackDecVar(decVars,pack);
nState = pack.nState;
nSegment = pack.nSegment;
nSubStep = pack.nSubStep;
% The following bit of code is a bit confusing, mostly due to the
% need for vectorization to make things run at a reasonable speed in
% Matlab. Part of the confusion comes because the decision variables
% include the state at the beginning of each segment, but the control
% at the beginning and middle of each substep - thus there are more
% control grid-points than state grid points. The calculations are
% vectorized over segments, but not sub-steps, since the result of
% one sub-step is required for the next.
% time, state, and control at the ends of each substep
nTime = 1+nSegment*nSubStep;
t = linspace(tSpan(1), tSpan(2), nTime);
x = zeros(nState, nTime);
u = control(:,1:2:end); % Control a the endpoints of each segment
uMid = control(:,2:2:end); %Control at the mid-points of each segment
c = zeros(1, nTime-1); %Integral cost for each segment
dt = (t(end)-t(1))/(nTime-1);
idx = 1:nSubStep:(nTime-1); %Indicies for the start of each segment
x(:,[idx,end]) = state; %Fill in the states that we already know
for iSubStep = 1:nSubStep
% March forward Runge-Kutta step
t0 = t(idx);
x0 = x(:,idx);
k0 = combinedDynamics(t0, x0, u(:,idx), dynFun,pathObj);
k1 = combinedDynamics(t0+0.5*dt, x0 + 0.5*dt*k0(1:nState,:), uMid(:,idx), dynFun,pathObj);
k2 = combinedDynamics(t0+0.5*dt, x0 + 0.5*dt*k1(1:nState,:), uMid(:,idx), dynFun,pathObj);
k3 = combinedDynamics(t0+dt, x0 + dt*k2(1:nState,:), u(:,idx+1), dynFun,pathObj);
z = (dt/6)*(k0 + 2*k1 + 2*k2 + k3); %Change over the sub-step
xNext = x0 + z(1:nState,:); %Next state
c(idx) = z(end,:); %Integral of the cost function over this step
if iSubStep == nSubStep %We've reached the end of the interval
% Compute the defect vector:
defects = xNext - x(:,idx+1);
% Store the state for next step in time
idx = idx+1; % <-- This is important!!
x(:,idx) = xNext;
pathCost = sum(c); %Sum up the integral cost over each segment
%%%% Cache results to use on the next call to this function.
RUNGE_KUTTA_defects = defects;
RUNGE_KUTTA_pathCost = pathCost;
function dz = combinedDynamics(t,x,u,dynFun,pathObj)
% dz = combinedDynamics(t,x,u,dynFun,pathObj)
% This function packages the dynamics and the cost function together so
% that they can be integrated at the same time.
% t = [1, nTime] = time vector (grid points)
% x = [nState, nTime] = state vector at each grid point
% u = [nControl, nTime] = control vector at each grid point
% dynamics(t,x,u) = dynamics function handle
% dx = [nState, nTime] = dx/dt = derivative of state wrt time
% pathObj(t,x,u) = integral cost function handle
% dObj = [1, nTime] = integrand from the cost function
% dz = [dx; dObj] = combined dynamics of state and cost
dx = dynFun(t,x,u);
if isempty(pathObj)
dc = zeros(size(t));
dc = pathObj(t,x,u);
dz = [dx;dc]; %Combine and return
%%%% Analytic Gradient Stuff %%%%
function gradInfo = grad_computeInfo(pack)
% This function computes the matrix dimensions and indicies that are used
% to map the gradients from the user functions to the gradients needed by
% fmincon. The key difference is that the gradients in the user functions
% are with respect to their input (t,x,u) or (t0,x0,tF,xF), while the
% gradients for fmincon are with respect to all decision variables.
% nDeVar = number of decision variables
% pack = details about packing and unpacking the decision variables
% .nTime
% .nState
% .nControl
% gradInfo = details about how to transform gradients
%nTime = pack.nTime;
nState = pack.nState;
nGridState = pack.nGridState;
nControl = pack.nControl;
nGridControl = pack.nGridControl;
nDecVar = 2 + nState*nGridState + nControl*nGridControl;
zIdx = 1:nDecVar;
gradInfo.nDecVar = nDecVar;
[tIdx, xIdx, uIdx] = unPackDecVar(zIdx,pack);
gradInfo.tIdx = tIdx([1,end]);
gradInfo.xIdx = xIdx;
gradInfo.uIdx = uIdx;
nSegment = pack.nSegment;
nSubStep = pack.nSubStep;
% indices of decVars associated with u
indu = 1:2:(1+2*nSegment*nSubStep);
gradInfo.indu = uIdx(:,indu);
% indices of decVars associated with uMid
indumid = 2:2:(1+2*nSegment*nSubStep);
gradInfo.indumid = uIdx(:,indumid);
%%%% For unpacking the boundary constraints and objective:
gradInfo.bndIdxMap = [tIdx(1); xIdx(:,1); tIdx(end); xIdx(:,end)];
function [fail] = runGradientCheck(z_test, pack,dynamics, pathObj, bndObj, pathCst, bndCst, gradInfo)
% This function tests the analytic gradients of the objective and
% nonlinear constraints with the DERIVEST package. The finite difference
% calculations in matlab's optimization package were not sufficiently
% accurate.
GradientCheckTol = 1e-6; %Analytic gradients must match numerical within this bound
fail = 0;
fprintf('%s\n',' DerivativeCheck Information with DERIVEST Package ')
% analytic gradient
[~, dcost] = myObjGrad(z_test, pack, dynamics, pathObj, bndObj, gradInfo);
% check gradient with derivest package
deriv = gradest(@(z) myObjGrad(z, pack, dynamics, pathObj, bndObj, gradInfo),z_test);
% print largest difference in numerical and analytic gradients
fprintf('\n%s\n','Objective function derivatives:')
fprintf('%s\n','Maximum relative difference between user-supplied')
fprintf('%s %1.5e \n','and finite-difference derivatives = ',max(abs(dcost-deriv')))
if any(abs(dcost-deriv') > GradientCheckTol)
error('Objective gradient did not pass')
% analytic nonlinear constraints
[c, ceq,dc, dceq] = myCstGrad(z_test, pack, dynamics, pathObj, pathCst, bndCst, gradInfo);
% check nonlinear inequality constraints with 'jacobianest'
if ~isempty(c)
jac = jacobianest(@(z) myConstraint(z, pack, dynamics, pathObj, pathCst, bndCst),z_test);
% print largest difference in numerical and analytic gradients
fprintf('\n%s\n','Nonlinear inequality constraint function derivatives:')
fprintf('%s\n','Maximum relative difference between user-supplied')
fprintf('%s %1.5e \n','and finite-difference derivatives = ',max(max(abs(dc-jac'))))
if any(any(abs(dc - jac') > GradientCheckTol))
error('Nonlinear inequality constraint did not pass')
% check nonlinear equality constraints with 'jacobianest'
if ~isempty(ceq)
jac = jacobianest(@(z) myCstGradCheckEq(z, pack, dynamics, pathObj, pathCst, bndCst),z_test);
% print largest difference in numerical and analytic gradients
fprintf('\n%s\n','Nonlinear equality constraint function derivatives:')
fprintf('%s\n','Maximum relative difference between user-supplied')
fprintf('%s %1.5e \n','and finite-difference derivatives = ',max(max(abs(dceq-jac'))))
if any(any(abs(dceq - jac') > GradientCheckTol))
error('Nonlinear equality constraint did not pass')
fprintf('\n%s\n','DerivativeCheck successfully passed.')
function ceq = myCstGradCheckEq(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj, pathCst, bndCst)
% This function is necessary for runGradientCheck function
% return only equality constraint (ceq) for use with jacobest.m
[t,x,u,defects] = simulateSystem(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj);
%%%% Call user-defined constraints and pack up:
[~, ceq] = collectConstraints(t,x,u,...
pathCst, bndCst);
function [cost, dcost] = myObjGrad(decVars, pack,dynamics, pathObj, bndObj, gradInfo)
% This function unpacks the decision variables, sends them to the
% user-defined objective functions, and then returns the final cost
% decVars = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynamics = user-defined dynamics function handle
% pathObj = user-defined path-objective function
% bndObj = user-defined boundary objective function
% gradInfo =
% cost = scalar cost for this set of decision variables
% dcost = gradient of cost
% NOTE: gradients are only available for pathCost that depends only on
% input parameters not states.
% All of the real work happens inside this function:
[t,x,~,~,pathCost,dxdalpha,dJdalpha] = simSysGrad(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj, gradInfo); %#ok<ASGLU>
% dxdalpha is included in outputs to make sure subsequent calls to
% simulateSystem without change a to decVars have access to the correct value
% of dxdalpha - see simulateSystem in which dxdalpha is not calculated unless
% nargout > 5
% Compute the cost at the boundaries of the trajectory
if isempty(bndObj)
bndCost = 0;
t0 = t(1);
tF = t(end);
x0 = x(:,1);
xF = x(:,end);
bndCost = bndObj(t0,x0,tF,xF);
cost = pathCost + bndCost;
% calculate gradient of cost function
if nargout > 1
nState = pack.nState;
nControl = pack.nControl;
nSegment = pack.nSegment;
nSubStep = pack.nSubStep;
nDecVar = 2+nState*(1+nSegment)+nControl*(1+nSegment*nSubStep*2);
% allocate gradient of cost
dcost_pth = zeros(nDecVar,1);
dcost_bnd = zeros(nDecVar,1);
% gradient assocated with bound objective
if ~isempty(bndObj)
% bound costs and gradients w.r.t. t0, x0, tF, xF
[~, d_bnd] = bndObj(t0,x0,tF,xF);
% gradients of t0, x0, tF, xF w.r.t. decision parameters (labeled alpha)
dt0_dalpha = zeros(1,nDecVar);
dt0_dalpha(1) = 1; % t0 is always the first decVar
dx0_dalpha = zeros(nState,nDecVar);
dx0_dalpha(1:nState,gradInfo.xIdx(:,end)) = eye(nState);
dtF_dalpha = zeros(1,nDecVar);
dtF_dalpha(2) = 1; % tF is always the second decVar
dxF_dalpha = zeros(nState,nDecVar);
dxF_dalpha(1:nState,gradInfo.xIdx(:,end)) = eye(nState);
% gradient of bound cost
dcost_bnd(:) = [dt0_dalpha; dx0_dalpha; dtF_dalpha; dxF_dalpha]' * d_bnd';
% gradient assocated with path objective
if ~isempty(pathObj)
dcost_pth = dJdalpha';
dcost = dcost_pth + dcost_bnd;
function [c, ceq, dc, dceq] = myCstGrad(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj, pathCst, bndCst, gradInfo)
% This function unpacks the decision variables, computes the defects along
% the trajectory, and then evaluates the user-defined constraint functions.
% decVars = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynamics = user-defined dynamics function handle
% pathObj = user-defined path-objective function
% pathCst = user-defined path-constraint function
% bndCst = user-defined boundary constraint function
% gradInfo =
% c = non-linear inequality constraint
% ceq = non-linear equatlity cosntraint
% dc = gradient of c w.r.t. decVars
% dceq = gradient of ceq w.r.t. decVars
% - path constraints are satisfied at the start and end of each sub-step
[t,x,u,defects,pathcost,dxdalpha] = simSysGrad(decVars, pack, dynamics, pathObj, gradInfo); %#ok<ASGLU>
%%%% Call user-defined constraints and pack up:
if nargout <= 2
[c, ceq] = collectConstraints(t,x,u,...
pathCst, bndCst);
[c, ceq, dc, dceq] = collectConstraintsGrad(t,x,u,...
pathCst, bndCst, pack, gradInfo, dxdalpha);
function [c, ceq, dc, dceq] = collectConstraintsGrad(t,x,u,defects, pathCst, bndCst, pack, gradInfo, dxdalpha)
% [c, ceq, dc, dceq] = collectConstraints(t,x,u,defects, pathCst, bndCst, pack, gradInfo, dxdalpha)
% OptimTraj utility function.
% Collects the defects, calls user-defined constraints, and then packs
% everything up into a form that is good for fmincon.
% t = time vector (time at each substep) nTime = 1+nSegment*nSubStep
% x = state matrix (states at each time in t)
% u = control matrix (control at each time in t)
% defects = defects matrix
% pathCst = user-defined path constraint function
% bndCst = user-defined boundary constraint function
% pack =
% gradInfo =
% dxdalpha = partial derivative of state at each substep w.r.t. decVars
% c = inequality constraint for fmincon
% ceq = equality constraint for fmincon
% dc = gradient of c w.r.t. decVars
% dceq = gradient of ceq w.r.t. decVars
% problem dimensions
nState = pack.nState;
nControl = pack.nControl;
nSegment = pack.nSegment;
nSubStep = pack.nSubStep;
nDecVar = 2+nState*(1+nSegment)+nControl*(1+nSegment*nSubStep*2);
%%%% defect constraints
ceq_dyn = reshape(defects,numel(defects),1);
dceq_dyn = zeros(nDecVar,length(ceq_dyn));
Inx = eye(nState);
for j = 1:nSegment
rows = gradInfo.xIdx(:,j+1);
cols = (j-1)*nState+(1:nState);
dceq_dyn(:,cols) = dxdalpha{j}(:,:,end)'; % gradient w.r.t. to x_i(+)
dceq_dyn(rows,cols) = -Inx; % gradient w.r.t. to x_i
%%%% Compute the user-defined constraints:
%%%% path constraints
if isempty(pathCst)
c_path = [];
ceq_path = [];
dc_path = [];
dceq_path = [];
[c_pathRaw, ceq_pathRaw, c_pathGradRaw, ceq_pathGradRaw] = pathCst(t,x,u);
c_path = reshape(c_pathRaw,numel(c_pathRaw),1);
ceq_path = reshape(ceq_pathRaw,numel(ceq_pathRaw),1);
dc_path = zeros(nDecVar,length(c_path));
dceq_path = zeros(nDecVar,length(ceq_path));
% dt/dalpha : gradient of time w.r.t. decVars
dt_dalpha = zeros(1,nDecVar);
nTime = 1+nSegment*nSubStep;
n_time = 0:nTime-1;
% gradients of path constraints
nc = size(c_pathRaw,1); % number path constraints at each time
nceq = size(ceq_pathRaw,1);
for j = 1:(nSegment+1)
for i = 1:nSubStep
% d(t[n])/dalpha
n_time0 = n_time((j-1)*nSubStep+i);
dt_dalpha(1) = (1 - n_time0/(nTime-1));
dt_dalpha(2) = (n_time0/(nTime-1));
if j < nSegment+1
dxi_dalpha = dxdalpha{j}(:,:,i);
dxi_dalpha = zeros(nState,nDecVar);
cols = gradInfo.xIdx(:,j);
dxi_dalpha(:,cols) = eye(nState);
dui_dalpha = zeros(nControl,nDecVar);
cols = gradInfo.indu(:,(j-1)*nSubStep+i);
dui_dalpha(:,cols) = eye(nControl);
% inequality path constraints
if nc > 0
cols = (1:nc) + nc*((j-1)*nSubStep+i-1);
dc_path(:,cols) = [dt_dalpha; dxi_dalpha; dui_dalpha]' * c_pathGradRaw(:,:,nSubStep*(j-1)+i)';
% equality path constraints
if nceq > 0
cols = (1:nceq) + nceq*((j-1)*nSubStep+i-1);
dceq_path(:,cols) = [dt_dalpha; dxi_dalpha; dui_dalpha]' * ceq_pathGradRaw(:,:,nSubStep*(j-1)+i)';
% no need to continue with inner loop.
if j == nSegment+1
%%%% bound constraints
if isempty(bndCst)
c_bnd = [];
ceq_bnd = [];
dc_bnd = [];
dceq_bnd = [];
t0 = t(1);
tF = t(end);
x0 = x(:,1);
xF = x(:,end);
% bound constraints and gradients w.r.t. t0, x0, tF, xF
[c_bnd, ceq_bnd, d_bnd, deq_bnd] = bndCst(t0,x0,tF,xF);
% gradients of t0, x0, tF, xF w.r.t. decision parameters (labeled alpha)
dt0_dalpha = zeros(1,nDecVar);
dt0_dalpha(1) = 1; % t0 is always the first decVar
dx0_dalpha = zeros(nState,nDecVar);
cols = gradInfo.xIdx(:,1);
dx0_dalpha(1:nState,cols) = eye(nState);
dtF_dalpha = zeros(1,nDecVar);
dtF_dalpha(2) = 1; % tF is always the second decVar
dxF_dalpha = zeros(nState,nDecVar);
cols = gradInfo.xIdx(:,end);
dxF_dalpha(1:nState,cols) = eye(nState);
% inequality bound constraints
dc_bnd = [dt0_dalpha; dx0_dalpha; dtF_dalpha; dxF_dalpha]' * d_bnd';
% equality bound constraints
dceq_bnd = [dt0_dalpha; dx0_dalpha; dtF_dalpha; dxF_dalpha]' * deq_bnd';
%%%% Pack everything up:
c = [c_path;c_bnd];
ceq = [ceq_dyn; ceq_path; ceq_bnd];
dc = [dc_path, dc_bnd];
dceq = [dceq_dyn, dceq_path, dceq_bnd];
function [t,x,u,defects,pathCost,dxdalpha,dJdalpha] = simSysGrad(decVars, pack, dynFun, pathObj, gradInfo)
% This function does the real work of the transcription method. It
% simulates the system forward in time across each segment of the
% trajectory, computes the integral of the cost function, and then matches
% up the defects between the end of each segment and the start of the next.
% decVars = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynamics = user-defined dynamics function handle
% pathObj = user-defined path-objective function
% t = [1 x nGrid] = time vector for the edges of the sub-step grid
% x = [nState x nGrid] = state vector
% u = [nControl x nGrid] = control vector
% defects = [nState x nSegment] = defect matrix
% pathCost = scalar cost for the path integral
% - nGrid = nSegment*nSubStep+1
% - This function is usually called twice for each combination of
% decision variables: once by the objective function and once by the
% constraint function. To keep the code fast I cache the old values and
% only recompute when the inputs change.
% Prevents the same exact code from being called twice by caching the
% solution and reusing it when appropriate.
global RUNGE_KUTTA_defects RUNGE_KUTTA_pathCost
global RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars RUNGE_KUTTA_dxdalpha RUNGE_KUTTA_dJdalpha
usePreviousValues = false;
if ~isempty(RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars)
if length(RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars) == length(decVars)
if ~any(RUNGE_KUTTA_decVars ~= decVars)
usePreviousValues = true;
if usePreviousValues
defects = RUNGE_KUTTA_defects;
pathCost = RUNGE_KUTTA_pathCost;
dxdalpha = RUNGE_KUTTA_dxdalpha;
dJdalpha = RUNGE_KUTTA_dJdalpha;
[tSpan, state, control] = unPackDecVar(decVars,pack);
nState = pack.nState;
nControl = pack.nControl;
nSegment = pack.nSegment;
nSubStep = pack.nSubStep;
% The following bit of code is a bit confusing, mostly due to the
% need for vectorization to make things run at a reasonable speed in
% Matlab. Part of the confusion comes because the decision variables
% include the state at the beginning of each segment, but the control
% at the beginning and middle of each substep - thus there are more
% control grid-points than state grid points. The calculations are
% vectorized over segments, but not sub-steps, since the result of
% one sub-step is required for the next.
% time, state, and control at the ends of each substep
nTime = 1+nSegment*nSubStep;
t = linspace(tSpan(1), tSpan(2), nTime);
x = zeros(nState, nTime);
u = control(:,1:2:end); % Control a the endpoints of each segment
uMid = control(:,2:2:end); %Control at the mid-points of each segment
c = zeros(1, nTime-1); %Integral cost for each segment
dt = (t(end)-t(1))/(nTime-1);
idx = 1:nSubStep:(nTime-1); %Indicies for the start of each segment
x(:,[idx,end]) = state; %Fill in the states that we already know
% VARIABLES for analytic gradient evaluations.
% size of decicion parameters (2 for time), nstate*(nSegment+1), ...
% dxdalpha = partial derivative of state w.r.t. decVars (alpha)
nalpha = 2 + nState*(1+nSegment) + nControl*(1+2*nSubStep*nSegment);
dxdalpha = cell(1,nSegment);
for i = 1:nSegment
dxdalpha{i} = zeros(nState,nalpha,nSubStep+1);
cols = gradInfo.xIdx(:,i);
dxdalpha{i}(:,cols,1) = eye(nState);
dTdalpha = zeros(1,nalpha); dTdalpha(1:2) = [-1,1];
dt_dalpha = zeros(1,nalpha);
n_time = 0:nTime-1;
% gradient of path cost
dJdalpha = zeros(1,nalpha);
for iSubStep = 1:nSubStep
% March forward Runge-Kutta step
t0 = t(idx);
x0 = x(:,idx);
% Code for calculating dxdalpha (partial derivative of state w.r.t.
% the descision parameters): dxdalpha = nstate x nalpha
% assume nargout <=5 when using finite difference calculation for
% gradients in which case dxdalpha is unnecessary.
% Gradient of time w.r.t. decVars
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% dt = (tF-t0)/(nTime-1)
% t = t0 + n*dt
% t = t0 + n*(tF-t0)/(nTime-1)
% t = t0*(1-n/(nTime-1)) + tF*(n/(nTime-1))
% alpha = [t0, tF, x0, x1, ..., xN, u0, uM0, u1, ..., uN]
% dt/dalpha = [1 - n/(nTime-1), n/(nTime-1), 0, 0, ... 0]
% ------------------------------------------------------------
n_time0 = n_time(idx);
[k0, dk0] = combinedDynGrad(t0, x0, u(:,idx), dynFun,pathObj);
[k1, dk1] = combinedDynGrad(t0+0.5*dt, x0 + 0.5*dt*k0(1:nState,:), uMid(:,idx), dynFun,pathObj);
[k2, dk2] = combinedDynGrad(t0+0.5*dt, x0 + 0.5*dt*k1(1:nState,:), uMid(:,idx), dynFun,pathObj);
[k3, dk3] = combinedDynGrad(t0+dt, x0 + dt*k2(1:nState,:), u(:,idx+1), dynFun,pathObj);
z = (dt/6)*(k0 + 2*k1 + 2*k2 + k3); %Change over the sub-step
for j = 1:nSegment
% d(t[n])/dalpha
dt_dalpha(1) = (1 - n_time0(j)/(nTime-1));
dt_dalpha(2) = (n_time0(j)/(nTime-1));
% du[n]/dalpha
du_dalpha = zeros(nControl,nalpha);
du_dalpha(:,gradInfo.indu(:,idx(j))) = eye(nControl);
% duMid[n]/dalpha
duMid_dalpha = zeros(nControl,nalpha);
duMid_dalpha(:,gradInfo.indumid(:,idx(j))) = eye(nControl);
% du[n+1]/dalpha
du1_dalpha = zeros(nControl,nalpha);
du1_dalpha(:,gradInfo.indu(:,idx(j)+1)) = eye(nControl);
% dk0/dalpha
dk0da = dk0(:,:,j) * [dt_dalpha; dxdalpha{j}(:,:,iSubStep); du_dalpha];
% dk1/dalpha
dk1da = dk1(:,:,j) * [dt_dalpha + 0.5/(nTime-1)*dTdalpha; dxdalpha{j}(:,:,iSubStep) + 0.5*dt*dk0da(1:nState,:) + 0.5/(nTime-1)*k0(1:nState,j)*dTdalpha; duMid_dalpha];
% dk2/dalpha
dk2da = dk2(:,:,j) * [dt_dalpha + 0.5/(nTime-1)*dTdalpha; dxdalpha{j}(:,:,iSubStep) + 0.5*dt*dk1da(1:nState,:) + 0.5/(nTime-1)*k1(1:nState,j)*dTdalpha; duMid_dalpha];
% dk3/dalpha
dk3da = dk3(:,:,j) * [dt_dalpha + 1/(nTime-1)*dTdalpha; dxdalpha{j}(:,:,iSubStep) + dt*dk2da(1:nState,:) + 1/(nTime-1)*k2(1:nState,j)*dTdalpha; du1_dalpha];
dz = (dt/6)*(dk0da + 2*dk1da + 2*dk2da + dk3da)...
+ 1/(6*(nTime-1))*(k0(:,j)+2*k1(:,j)+2*k2(:,j)+k3(:,j))*dTdalpha;
% update dxdalpha
dxdalpha{j}(:,:,iSubStep+1) = dxdalpha{j}(:,:,iSubStep) + dz(1:nState,:);
% update dJdalpha
dJdalpha = dJdalpha + dz(nState+1,:);
xNext = x0 + z(1:nState,:); %Next state
c(idx) = z(end,:); %Integral of the cost function over this step
if iSubStep == nSubStep %We've reached the end of the interval
% Compute the defect vector:
defects = xNext - x(:,idx+1);
% Store the state for next step in time
idx = idx+1; % <-- This is important!!
x(:,idx) = xNext;
pathCost = sum(c); %Sum up the integral cost over each segment
%%%% Cache results to use on the next call to this function.
RUNGE_KUTTA_defects = defects;
RUNGE_KUTTA_pathCost = pathCost;
RUNGE_KUTTA_dxdalpha = dxdalpha;
RUNGE_KUTTA_dJdalpha = dJdalpha;
function [dz, J] = combinedDynGrad(t,x,u,dynFun,pathObj)
% [dz, dJ] = combinedDynGrad(t,x,u,dynFun,pathObj)
% This function packages the dynamics and the cost function together so
% that they can be integrated at the same time.
% t = [1, nTime] = time vector (grid points)
% x = [nState, nTime] = state vector at each grid point
% u = [nControl, nTime] = control vector at each grid point
% dynamics(t,x,u) = dynamics function handle
% dx = [nState, nTime] = dx/dt = derivative of state wrt time
% pathObj(t,x,u) = integral cost function handle
% dObj = [1, nTime] = integrand from the cost function
% dz = [dx; dObj] = combined dynamics of state and cost
% dJ = [JAC(dynamics), JAC(objective)] = combined jacobian of dynamics
% and objective w.r.t. (t,x,u)
nState = size(x,1);
nControl = size(u,1);
[dx,Jx] = dynFun(t,x,u);
if isempty(pathObj)
dc = zeros(size(t));
Jc = zeros(1,1+nState+nControl,length(t));
[dc,Jc] = pathObj(t,x,u);
Jc = reshape(Jc,1,1+nState+nControl,length(t));
dz = [dx;dc];
J = cat(1,Jx,Jc);
马建仓 AI 助手


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