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metrics.py 9.06 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
TropComplique 提交于 2018-09-30 14:00 . :snail:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
For evaluation during the training I use average precision @ iou=0.5
like in PASCAL VOC Challenge (detection task):
But after the training I test trained models
using the official evaluation scripts.
class Evaluator:
"""It creates ops like in tf.metrics API."""
def __init__(self, num_classes):
num_classes: an integer.
assert num_classes > 0
self.num_classes = num_classes
def evaluate(self, iou_threshold=0.5):
self.metrics = {}
for label in range(self.num_classes):
self.metrics[label] = evaluate_detector(
if self.num_classes > 1:
APs = [
for label in range(self.num_classes)
self.metrics['mAP'] = np.mean(APs)
def get_metric_ops(self, groundtruth, predictions):
groundtruth: a dict with the following keys
'boxes': a float tensor with shape [1, N, 4].
'labels': an int tensor with shape [1, N].
predictions: a dict with the following keys
'boxes': a float tensor with shape [1, M, 4].
'labels': an int tensor with shape [1, M].
'scores': a float tensor with shape [1, M].
'num_boxes': a float tensor with shape [1].
def update_op_func(gt_boxes, gt_labels, boxes, labels, scores):
image_name = '{}'.format(self.unique_image_id)
self.unique_image_id += 1
self.add_groundtruth(image_name, gt_boxes, gt_labels)
self.add_detections(image_name, boxes, labels, scores)
num_boxes = predictions['num_boxes'][0]
tensors = [
groundtruth['boxes'][0], groundtruth['labels'][0],
update_op = tf.py_func(update_op_func, tensors, [])
def evaluate_func():
evaluate_op = tf.py_func(evaluate_func, [], [])
def get_value_func(label, measure):
def value_func():
return np.float32(self.metrics[label][measure])
return value_func
with tf.control_dependencies([evaluate_op]):
metric_names = [
'AP', 'precision', 'recall', 'mean_iou_for_TP',
'best_threshold', 'total_FP', 'total_FN'
eval_metric_ops = {}
if self.num_classes == 1:
for measure in metric_names:
name = 'metrics/' + measure
value_op = tf.py_func(get_value_func(0, measure), [], tf.float32)
eval_metric_ops[name] = (value_op, update_op)
if self.num_classes > 1:
get_map = lambda: np.float32(self.metrics['mAP'])
value_op = tf.py_func(get_map, [], tf.float32)
eval_metric_ops['metrics/mAP'] = (value_op, update_op)
return eval_metric_ops
def initialize(self):
# detections are separated by label
self.detections = {label: [] for label in range(self.num_classes)}
# groundtruth boxes are separated by label and by image
self.groundtruth = {label: {} for label in range(self.num_classes)}
# i will use this counter as an unique image identifier
self.unique_image_id = 0
def add_detections(self, image_name, boxes, labels, scores):
image_name: a numpy string array with shape [].
boxes: a numpy float array with shape [M, 4].
labels: a numpy int array with shape [M].
scores: a numpy float array with shape [M].
for box, label, score in zip(boxes, labels, scores):
self.detections[label].append(get_box(box, image_name, score))
def add_groundtruth(self, image_name, boxes, labels):
for box, label in zip(boxes, labels):
g = self.groundtruth[label]
if image_name in g:
g[image_name] += [get_box(box)]
g[image_name] = [get_box(box)]
def get_box(box, image_name=None, score=None):
ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = box
dictionary = {
'ymin': ymin, 'xmin': xmin,
'ymax': ymax, 'xmax': xmax,
# groundtruth and predicted boxes
# have different format
is_prediction = (score is not None)\
and (image_name is not None)
is_groundtruth = not is_prediction
if is_prediction:
dictionary['image_name'] = image_name
dictionary['confidence'] = score
elif is_groundtruth:
dictionary['is_matched'] = False
return dictionary
def evaluate_detector(groundtruth, detections, iou_threshold=0.5):
groundtruth: a dict of lists with boxes,
image -> list of groundtruth boxes on the image.
detections: a list of boxes.
iou_threshold: a float number.
a dict with seven values.
# each ground truth box is either TP or FN
num_groundtruth_boxes = 0
for boxes in groundtruth.values():
num_groundtruth_boxes += len(boxes)
num_groundtruth_boxes = max(num_groundtruth_boxes, 1)
# sort by confidence in decreasing order
detections.sort(key=lambda box: box['confidence'], reverse=True)
num_correct_detections = 0
num_detections = 0
mean_iou = 0.0
precision = [0.0]*len(detections)
recall = [0.0]*len(detections)
confidences = [box['confidence'] for box in detections]
for k, detection in enumerate(detections):
# each detection is either TP or FP
num_detections += 1
groundtruth_boxes = groundtruth.get(detection['image_name'], [])
best_groundtruth_i, max_iou = match(detection, groundtruth_boxes)
if best_groundtruth_i >= 0 and max_iou >= iou_threshold:
box = groundtruth_boxes[best_groundtruth_i]
if not box['is_matched']:
box['is_matched'] = True
num_correct_detections += 1 # increase number of TP
mean_iou += max_iou
precision[k] = num_correct_detections/num_detections # TP/(TP + FP)
recall[k] = num_correct_detections/num_groundtruth_boxes # TP/(TP + FN)
ap = compute_ap(precision, recall)
best_threshold, best_precision, best_recall = compute_best_threshold(
precision, recall, confidences
mean_iou /= max(num_correct_detections, 1)
return {
'AP': ap, 'precision': best_precision,
'recall': best_recall, 'best_threshold': best_threshold,
'mean_iou_for_TP': mean_iou, 'total_FP': num_detections - num_correct_detections,
'total_FN': num_groundtruth_boxes - num_correct_detections
def compute_best_threshold(precision, recall, confidences):
precision, recall, confidences: lists of floats of the same length.
1. a float number, best confidence threshold.
2. a float number, precision at the threshold.
3. a float number, recall at the threshold.
if len(confidences) == 0:
return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
precision = np.array(precision)
recall = np.array(recall)
confidences = np.array(confidences)
diff = np.abs(precision - recall)
prod = precision*recall
best_i = np.argmax(prod*(1.0 - diff))
best_threshold = confidences[best_i]
return best_threshold, precision[best_i], recall[best_i]
def compute_iou(box1, box2):
w = min(box1['xmax'], box2['xmax']) - max(box1['xmin'], box2['xmin'])
if w > 0:
h = min(box1['ymax'], box2['ymax']) - max(box1['ymin'], box2['ymin'])
if h > 0:
intersection = w*h
w1 = box1['xmax'] - box1['xmin']
h1 = box1['ymax'] - box1['ymin']
w2 = box2['xmax'] - box2['xmin']
h2 = box2['ymax'] - box2['ymin']
union = (w1*h1 + w2*h2) - intersection
return float(intersection)/float(union)
return 0.0
def match(detection, groundtruth_boxes):
detection: a box.
groundtruth_boxes: a list of boxes.
best_i: an integer, index of the best groundtruth box.
max_iou: a float number.
best_i = -1
max_iou = 0.0
for i, box in enumerate(groundtruth_boxes):
iou = compute_iou(detection, box)
if iou > max_iou:
best_i = i
max_iou = iou
return best_i, max_iou
def compute_ap(precision, recall):
previous_recall_value = 0.0
ap = 0.0
# recall is in increasing order
for p, r in zip(precision, recall):
delta = r - previous_recall_value
ap += p*delta
previous_recall_value = r
return ap
马建仓 AI 助手
