

大漠帝国 暂无简介


    Watch 大漠帝国/nni

    An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.

    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/leetcode-in-out

    leetcode一些热门题型的python代码,包括输入输出。leetcode of hot, which Includes input and output.

    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/Pytorch-NLU

    Pytorch-NLU,一个中文文本分类、序列标注工具包,支持中文长文本、短文本的多类、多标签分类任务,支持中文命名实体识别、词性标注、分词等序列标注任务。 Ptorch NLU, a Chinese text classification and sequence annotation toolkit, supports multi class and multi label classification tasks of Chinese long text and short text, and supports sequence annotation tasks such as Chinese named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and word segmentation.

    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/Macropodus

    自然语言处理工具Macropodus,基于Albert+BiLSTM+CRF深度学习网络架构,中文分词,词性标注,命名实体识别,新词发现,关键词,文本摘要,文本相似度,科学计算器,中文数字阿拉伯数字(罗马数字)转换,中文繁简转换,拼音转换。tookit(tool) of NLP,CWS(chinese word segnment),POS(Part-Of-Speech Tagging),NER(name entity recognition),Find(new words discovery),Keyword(keyword extraction),Summarize(text summarization),Sim(text similarity),Calculate(scientific calculator),Chi2num(chinese number to arabic number)

    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/bert

    bert分类, classify, classifier. TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT

    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/ComplexEventExtraction

    A concept and obvious expression pattern collection of Chinese compound event extraction which then be evolved into ComplexEventGraph,本项目提出了中文复合事件的概念与显式模式,包括条件事件、因果事件、顺承事件、反转事件等事件抽取,并形成事理图谱。

    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/char_CNN_text_classification_Chinese2Pinyin


    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/yongzhuo_spider


    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/nlp_pre_train_model_learning


    最近更新: 3年前

    Watch 大漠帝国/Kashgari

    Kashgari is a production-level NLP Transfer learning framework built on top of tf.keras for text-labeling and text-classification, includes Word2Vec, BERT, and GPT2 Language Embedding.

    最近更新: 3年前
