package Xposed;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(print_status print_error);
use Config::IniFiles;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::ReadBackwards;
use File::Tail;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Term::ANSIColor;
our $cfg;
sub print_status($$) {
my $text = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $color = ('black on_white', 'white on_blue')[$level];
print colored($text, $color), "\n";
sub print_error($) {
my $text = shift;
print STDERR colored("ERROR: $text", 'red'), "\n";
sub timestamp() {
return strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', localtime());
# Load and return a config file in .ini format
sub load_config($) {
my $cfgname = shift;
# Make sure that the file is readable
if (!-r $cfgname) {
print_error("$cfgname doesn't exist or isn't readable");
return undef;
# Load the file
my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $cfgname, -handle_trailing_comment => 1);
if (!$cfg) {
print_error("Could not read $cfgname:");
print STDERR " $_\n" foreach (@Config::IniFiles::errors);
return undef;
# Trim trailing spaces of each value
foreach my $section ($cfg->Sections()) {
foreach my $key ($cfg->Parameters($section)) {
my $value = $cfg->val($section, $key);
if ($value =~ s/\s+$//) {
$cfg->setval($section, $key, $value);
return $cfg;
# Makes sure that some important exist
sub check_requirements() {
my $outdir = $cfg->val('General', 'outdir');
if (!-d $outdir) {
print_error('[General][outdir] must point to a directory');
return 0;
my $version = $cfg->val('Build', 'version');
if (!$version || $version !~ m/^\d+/) {
print_error('[Build][version] must begin with an integer');
return 0;
if ($version =~ m/^\d+(?:\.\d+)*\s*$/ && !$cfg->val('Build', 'official')) {
print_error('[Build][version] should contain your custom suffix');
return 0;
return 1;
# Start a separate process to display the last line of the log
sub start_tail_process($) {
my $logfile = shift;
my $longest = 0;
local $SIG{'TERM'} = sub {
print "\r", ' ' x $longest, color('reset'), "\n" if $longest;
exit 0;
my $pid = fork();
return $pid if ($pid > 0);
my $file = File::Tail->new(name => $logfile, ignore_nonexistant => 1, interval => 5, tail => 1);
while (defined(my $line = $file->read())) {
$line = substr($line, 0, 80);
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my $len = length($line);
if ($len < $longest) {
$line .= ' ' x ($longest - $len);
} else {
$longest = $len;
print "\r", colored($line, 'yellow');
exit 0;
# Expands the list of targets and replaces the "all" wildcard
sub expand_targets($;$) {
my $spec = shift;
my $print = shift || 0;
my @result;
my %seen;
foreach (split(m/[\/ ]+/, $spec)) {
my ($pfspec, $sdkspec) = split(m/[: ]+/, $_, 2);
my @pflist = ($pfspec ne 'all' && $pfspec ne 'all+') ? split(m/[, ]/, $pfspec) : ('arm', 'x86', 'arm64', 'armv5');
if ($pfspec eq 'all+') {
push @pflist, 'host';
push @pflist, 'hostd';
$pfspec = 'all';
my @sdklist = ($sdkspec ne 'all') ? split(m/[, ]/, $sdkspec) : $cfg->Parameters('AospDir');
foreach my $sdk (@sdklist) {
foreach my $pf (@pflist) {
next if !check_target_sdk_platform($pf, $sdk, $pfspec eq 'all' || $sdkspec eq 'all');
next if $seen{"$pf/$sdk"}++;
push @result, { platform => $pf, sdk => $sdk };
print " SDK $sdk, platform $pf\n" if $print;
return @result;
# Check target SDK version and platform
sub check_target_sdk_platform($$;$) {
my $platform = shift;
my $sdk = shift;
my $wildcard = shift || 0;
if ($sdk < 15 || $sdk == 20 || $sdk > $MAX_SUPPORTED_SDK) {
print_error("Unsupported SDK version $sdk");
return 0;
if ($platform eq 'armv5') {
if ($sdk > 17) {
print_error('ARMv5 builds are only supported up to Android 4.2 (SDK 17)') unless $wildcard;
return 0;
} elsif ($platform eq 'arm64') {
if ($sdk < 21) {
print_error('arm64 builds are not supported prior to Android 5.0 (SDK 21)') unless $wildcard;
return 0;
} elsif ($platform eq 'host' || $platform eq 'hostd') {
if ($sdk < 21) {
print_error('host builds are not supported prior to Android 5.0 (SDK 21)') unless $wildcard;
return 0;
} elsif ($platform ne 'arm' && $platform ne 'x86') {
print_error("Unsupported target platform $platform");
return 0;
return 1;
# Returns the Xposed version
sub get_version() {
my $version = $Xposed::cfg->val('Build', 'version');
if ($version =~ m/%s/) {
$version = sprintf($version, strftime('%Y%m%d', localtime()));
return $version;
# Returns the Xposed version number and the suffix to be used in file names
sub get_version_for_filename(;$) {
my $version = shift || get_version();
$version =~ m/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(.*)/;
my ($version_num, $suffix) = ($1, $2);
if ($suffix) {
$suffix =~ s/[\s\/|*"?<:>%()]+/-/g;
$suffix =~ s/-{2,}/-/g;
$suffix =~ s/^-|-$//g;
$suffix = '-' . $suffix if $suffix;
return ($version_num, $suffix);
# Returns the root of the AOSP tree for the specified SDK
sub get_rootdir($) {
my $sdk = shift;
my $dir = $cfg->val('AospDir', $sdk);
if (!$dir) {
print_error("No root directory has been configured for SDK $sdk");
return undef;
} elsif ($dir !~ m/^/) {
print_error("Root directory $dir must be an absolute path");
return undef;
} elsif (!-d $dir) {
print_error("$dir is not a directory");
return undef;
} else {
# Trim trailing slashes
$dir =~ s|/+$||;
return $dir;
# Determines the root directory where compiled files are put
sub get_outdir($) {
my $platform = shift;
if ($platform eq 'arm') {
return 'out/target/product/generic';
} elsif ($platform eq 'armv5') {
return 'out_armv5/target/product/generic';
} elsif ($platform eq 'x86' || $platform eq 'arm64') {
return 'out/target/product/generic_' . $platform;
} else {
print_error("Could not determine output directory for $platform");
return undef;
# Determines the directory where compiled files etc. are collected
sub get_collection_dir($$) {
my $platform = shift;
my $sdk = shift;
return sprintf('%s/sdk%d/%s', $cfg->val('General', 'outdir'), $sdk, $platform);
# Returns the directory to store symlinks to the ZIPs per versions
sub get_version_dir(;$) {
my ($version, $suffix) = get_version_for_filename(shift);
return sprintf('%s/versions/v%s%s', $cfg->val('General', 'outdir'), $version, $suffix);
# Determines the mode that has to be passed to the "lunch" command
sub get_lunch_mode($$) {
my $platform = shift;
my $sdk = shift;
if ($platform eq 'arm' || $platform eq 'armv5' || $platform eq 'host' || $platform eq 'hostd') {
return ($sdk <= 17) ? 'full-eng' : 'aosp_arm-eng';
} elsif ($platform eq 'x86') {
return ($sdk <= 17) ? 'full_x86-eng' : 'aosp_x86-eng';
} elsif ($platform eq 'arm64' && $sdk >= 21) {
return 'aosp_arm64-eng';
} else {
print_error("Could not determine lunch mode for SDK $sdk, platform $platform");
return undef;
# Get default make parameters
sub get_make_parameters($$) {
my $platform = shift;
my $sdk = shift;
my @params = split(m/\s+/, $cfg->val('Build', 'makeflags', '-j4'));
# ARMv5 build need some special parameters
if ($platform eq 'armv5') {
push @params, 'OUT_DIR=out_armv5';
push @params, 'TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=armv5te';
push @params, 'ARCH_ARM_HAVE_TLS_REGISTER=false';
push @params, 'TARGET_CPU_SMP=false';
} elsif ($sdk < 23) {
push @params, 'TARGET_CPU_SMP=true';
return @params;
sub compile($$$$$;$$$) {
my $platform = shift;
my $sdk = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $targets = shift;
my $makefiles = shift;
my $incremental = shift || 0;
my $silent = shift && $sdk < 24 || 0;
my $logprefix = shift || 'build';
# Initialize some general build parameters
my $rootdir = get_rootdir($sdk) || return 0;
my $lunch_mode = get_lunch_mode($platform, $sdk) || return 0;
# Build the command string
my $cdcmd = 'cd ' . $rootdir;
my $envsetupcmd = '. build/envsetup.sh >/dev/null';
my $lunchcmd = 'lunch ' . $lunch_mode . ' >/dev/null';
my $makecmd = $incremental ? "ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE='" . join(' ', @$makefiles) . "' make -C $rootdir -f build/core/main.mk " : 'make ';
$makecmd .= join(' ', @$params, @$targets);
my $cmd = join(' && ', $cdcmd, $envsetupcmd, $lunchcmd, $makecmd);
print colored('Executing: ', 'magenta'), $cmd, "\n";
my ($logfile, $tailpid);
if ($silent) {
my $logdir = get_collection_dir($platform, $sdk) . '/logs';
$logfile = sprintf('%s/%s_%s.log', $logdir, $logprefix, timestamp());
print colored('Log: ', 'magenta'), $logfile, "\n";
$cmd = "{ $cmd ;} &> $logfile";
$tailpid = start_tail_process($logfile);
# Execute the command
my $rc = system("bash -c \"$cmd\"");
# Stop progress indicator process
if ($tailpid) {
kill('TERM', $tailpid);
waitpid($tailpid, 0);
# Return the result
if ($rc == 0) {
print colored('Build was successful!', 'green'), "\n\n" if $sdk < 21;
return 1;
} else {
print colored('Build failed!', 'red'), "\n" if $sdk < 21;
if ($silent) {
print "Last 10 lines from the log:\n";
my $tail = File::ReadBackwards->new($logfile);
my @lines;
for (1..10) {
last if $tail->eof();
unshift @lines, $tail->readline();
print " $_" foreach (@lines);
print "\n" if $silent || $sdk < 21;
return 0;
sub sign_zip($) {
my $file = shift;
my $signed = $file . '.signed';
my $cmd = "java -jar $Bin/signapk.jar -w $Bin/signkey.x509.pem $Bin/signkey.pk8 $file $signed";
system("bash -c \"$cmd\"") == 0 || return 0;
rename($signed, $file);
return 1;
sub should_gpg_sign(;$) {
my $release_build = shift // 1;
my $sign = $cfg->val('GPG', 'sign');
return $sign && ($sign eq 'all' || $release_build && $sign eq 'release');
sub gpg_sign($) {
my $file = shift;
unlink($file . '.asc');
my $cmd = 'gpg -ab ';
my $user = $cfg->val('GPG', 'user');
$cmd .= "-u '$user' " if $user;
$cmd .= $file;
return system($cmd) == 0;
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