#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0 et pm=:
# Parses .bits files and displays the distribution
# of the length of received frames
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import getopt
import bitutils
options, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:c:eo', [
bin_size = 1
minimum_confidence = 0
lead_out_required = False
show_errors = False
for opt, arg in options:
if opt in ('-b', '--bin'):
bin_size = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-c', '--minimum_confidence'):
minimum_confidence = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-o', '--lead_out_required'):
lead_out_required = True
elif opt in ('-e', '--errors'):
show_errors = True
print opt
raise Exception("unknown argument?")
messages = bitutils.read_file(remainder)
lens = [s['length'] for s in messages if s['length'] > 100 and s['confidence'] > minimum_confidence and (s['lead_out'] or not lead_out_required) and (s['error'] == show_errors) and s['freq'] < 1.626e9]
bins = (max(lens) - min(lens))/bin_size
filename=["<stdin>",",".join(remainder)][remainder is None]
title = "File: %s : Distribution of message length. Bin Size: %d, Minimum Confidence: %d" % (filename, bin_size, minimum_confidence)
if lead_out_required:
title += ', lead out needs to be present'
title += ', lead out does not need to be present'
if show_errors:
title += " and having decoding errors"
plt.hist(lens, bins)
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