同步操作将从 庄为/agv_localization 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H
#include "usb.h"
#include "math.h"
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
struct position
int col; //col=x
int row; //row=y
struct position_f
float x; //col=x
float y; //row=y
struct Hposition
int x;
int y;
int scale;
struct Hposition_f
double x;
double y;
double scale;
struct pose
float x;
float y;
float theta;
struct line_template
position s; //起点
position e; //终点
float dir;
int pixNum;
struct ver_pair
position_f CrossP_f;
position_f leftP_f;
position_f bottomP_f;
Hposition_f Lparam;
Hposition_f Bparam;
line_template L;
line_template B;
uchar LquadC;
uchar BquadC;
#define imgSize 307200
#define imgRgbSize 921600
#define imgHeight 480
#define imgWidth 640
#define sampleInterval 2
#define sampledImgSize 76800
#define sampledHeight 240
#define sampledWidth 320
#define PI 3.1416
extern uchar imgData[imgSize]; //image A buff
extern uchar imgDataB[imgSize]; //image B buff
extern uchar imgRgb[imgRgbSize];
extern uchar imagePtr[sampledImgSize];
extern uchar imgMirriorSeam[sampledImgSize];
extern uchar imgMirriorSeam_copy[sampledImgSize];
extern uint imgMirriorSeam_copy_copy[sampledImgSize];
extern uint preComput[imgHeight]; //unsampled image's aided computing matrix
extern uint preComput_sampled[sampledHeight]; //sampled image's aided computing matrix
extern uint preSampleLocat[sampledImgSize]; // down sampling aided computing matrix
#define segNumLimit 1000 //line detection result bufff size
extern line_template line_seg[segNumLimit];
extern line_template line_seg_mat[60][segNumLimit/2]; //line detection result bufff
extern int line_seg_cnt[60]; //line detection number buff
extern line_template line_cell[1];
extern line_template line_sub_cell[1];
extern int seg_cnt;
extern signed char coor[8][2]; //3X3 template
extern signed char coor5X5[16][2]; //5X5 template
extern const position locP[19];
extern const position DatP[64];
extern position drawPs[19];
extern position drawDPs[64];
extern position location_point, test_point;
extern float L_lth; //side length of L of DM in image
extern uchar grayThres; //gray binary threshold of image
extern pose agvPoseFromDM; //calculated robot(agv)'s pose from DM
extern pose agvPoseFromOdometry;//calculated robot(agv)'s pose from odometry
extern int samImgCnt;
extern int decodeCnt;
extern struct timeval tvNow,tvNowNow;
extern bool m_isThreadWorkBusy; //flag of work thread busy,true is busy
extern bool currentIsAorB; //true is A,false is B
extern bool openOdometryByVelocity;//true means open
extern bool openOdometryByDisplacement;//true means open
extern bool openLocaterByDMbar;//true means open
extern position samPS[100];
void calcPreComput();
void calcPreComput_sampled();
void calcPreSampleLocat();
void initVar();
void initLineSeg();
Hposition_f cross_fhp_fhp(Hposition_f A, Hposition_f B);
position_f cross_fhp_fp(Hposition_f A, Hposition_f B);
position cross_fhp_ip(Hposition_f A, Hposition_f B);
Hposition_f cross_ip_fhp(position A, position B);
Hposition cross_ip_hp(position A, position B);
position cross_hp_ip(Hposition A, Hposition B);
position_f cross_hp_fp(Hposition A, Hposition B);
int manhattan(position A, position B);
typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER
unsigned short int bfType;//文件类型,ASCII字符BM;
unsigned long bfSize;//文件大小
unsigned short int bfReserved1;//备用
unsigned short int bfReserved2;//备用
unsigned long bfOffBits;//图像开始处的字节偏移
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER
unsigned long biSize;//信息头大小
long biWidth;//图像宽度,以像素为单位
long biHeight;//图像高度,以像素为单位
unsigned short int biPlanes;//位平面数,为1;
unsigned short int biBitCount;//每像素位数,1,4,8,24
unsigned long biCompression;//压缩类型,0为非压缩
unsigned long biSizeImage;//压缩图像大小
long biXPelsPerMeter;//水平分辨率
long biYPelsPerMeter;//垂直分辨率
unsigned long biClrUsed;//使用的色彩数
unsigned long biClrImportant;//重要色彩数
typedef struct tagRGBQUAD{
unsigned char rgbBlue; //该颜色的蓝色分量
unsigned char rgbGreen; //该颜色的绿色分量
unsigned char rgbRed; //该颜色的红色分量
unsigned char rgbReserved; //保留值
void bayer2rgb24_ccjt(unsigned char *dst, unsigned char *src, long width, long height);
int save_to_bmp(char *szFile, uchar* pBmp, int width, int height, int bitCount);
int read_from_bmp(char *szFile, uchar* pBmp, int width, int height);
#endif // COMMON_H
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