constructor where appropriate
* Copyright (c) 2002-2022 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
* This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
# include "functor.h"
# include "netlist.h"
# include "netvector.h"
# include "netmisc.h"
# include "compiler.h"
# include "ivl_assert.h"
using namespace std;
/* General notes on enables and bitmasks.
* When synthesising an asynchronous process that contains conditional
* statements (if/case statements), we need to determine the conditions
* that cause each nexus driven by that process to be updated. If a
* nexus is not updated under all circumstances, we must infer a latch.
* To this end, we generate an enable signal for each output nexus. As
* we walk the statement tree for the process, for each substatement we
* pass the enable signals generated so far into the synth_async method,
* and on return from the synth_async method, the enable signals will be
* updated to reflect any conditions introduced by that substatement.
* Once we have synthesised all the statements for that process, if an
* enable signal is not tied high, we must infer a latch for that nexus.
* When synthesising a synchronous process, we use the synth_async method
* to synthesise the combinatorial inputs to the D pins of the flip-flops
* we infer for that process. In this case the enable signal can be used
* as a clock enable for the flip-flop. This saves us explicitly feeding
* back the flip-flop output to undriven inputs of any synthesised muxes.
* The strategy described above is not sufficient when not all bits in
* a nexus are treated identically (i.e. different conditional clauses
* drive differing parts of the same vector). To handle this properly,
* we would (potentially) need to generate a separate enable signal for
* each bit in the vector. This would be a lot of work, particularly if
* we wanted to eliminate duplicates. For now, the strategy employed is
* to maintain a bitmask for each output nexus that identifies which bits
* in the nexus are unconditionally driven (driven by every clause). When
* we finish synthesising an asynchronous process, if the bitmask is not
* all ones, we must infer a latch. This currently results in an error,
* because to safely synthesise such a latch we would need the bit-level
* gate enables. When we finish synthesising a synchronous process, if
* the bitmask is not all ones, we explicitly feed the flip-flop outputs
* back to undriven inputs of any synthesised muxes to ensure undriven
* parts of the vector retain their previous state when the flip-flop is
* clocked.
* The enable signals are passed as links to the current output nexus
* for each signal. If an enable signal is not linked, this is treated
* as if the signal was tied low.
* The bitmasks are passed as bool vectors. 'true' indicates a bit is
* unconditionally driven. An empty vector (size = 0) indicates that
* the current substatement doesn't drive any bits in the nexus.
static void qualify_enable(Design*des, NetScope*scope, NetNet*qualifier,
bool active_state, NetLogic::TYPE gate_type,
Link&enable_i, Link&enable_o)
if (enable_i.is_linked(scope->tie_lo())) {
connect(enable_o, scope->tie_lo());
if (active_state == false) {
NetLogic*gate = new NetLogic(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
2, NetLogic::NOT, 1);
connect(gate->pin(1), qualifier->pin(0));
NetNet*sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(), NetNet::WIRE,
connect(sig->pin(0), gate->pin(0));
qualifier = sig;
if (enable_i.is_linked(scope->tie_hi())) {
connect(enable_o, qualifier->pin(0));
NetLogic*gate = new NetLogic(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
3, gate_type, 1);
connect(gate->pin(1), qualifier->pin(0));
connect(gate->pin(2), enable_i);
connect(enable_o, gate->pin(0));
NetNet*sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(), NetNet::WIRE,
connect(sig->pin(0), gate->pin(0));
static void multiplex_enables(Design*des, NetScope*scope, NetNet*select,
Link&enable_1, Link&enable_0, Link&enable_o)
if (!enable_1.is_linked() &&
!enable_0.is_linked() )
if ( enable_1.is_linked(scope->tie_hi()) &&
enable_0.is_linked(scope->tie_hi()) ) {
connect(enable_o, scope->tie_hi());
if (enable_1.is_linked(scope->tie_lo()) || !enable_1.is_linked()) {
qualify_enable(des, scope, select, false, NetLogic::AND,
enable_0, enable_o);
if (enable_0.is_linked(scope->tie_lo()) || !enable_0.is_linked()) {
qualify_enable(des, scope, select, true, NetLogic::AND,
enable_1, enable_o);
if (enable_1.is_linked(scope->tie_hi())) {
qualify_enable(des, scope, select, true, NetLogic::OR,
enable_0, enable_o);
if (enable_0.is_linked(scope->tie_hi())) {
qualify_enable(des, scope, select, false, NetLogic::OR,
enable_1, enable_o);
NetMux*mux = new NetMux(scope, scope->local_symbol(), 1, 2, 1);
connect(mux->pin_Sel(), select->pin(0));
connect(mux->pin_Data(1), enable_1);
connect(mux->pin_Data(0), enable_0);
connect(enable_o, mux->pin_Result());
NetNet*sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(), NetNet::WIRE,
connect(sig->pin(0), mux->pin_Result());
static void merge_sequential_enables(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
Link&top_enable, Link&sub_enable)
if (!sub_enable.is_linked())
if (top_enable.is_linked(scope->tie_hi()))
if (sub_enable.is_linked(scope->tie_hi()))
if (top_enable.is_linked()) {
NetLogic*gate = new NetLogic(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
3, NetLogic::OR, 1);
connect(gate->pin(1), sub_enable);
connect(gate->pin(2), top_enable);
connect(top_enable, gate->pin(0));
NetNet*sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(), NetNet::WIRE,
connect(sig->pin(0), gate->pin(0));
} else {
connect(top_enable, sub_enable);
static void merge_sequential_masks(NetProc::mask_t&top_mask, const NetProc::mask_t&sub_mask)
if (sub_mask.size() == 0)
if (top_mask.size() == 0) {
top_mask = sub_mask;
assert(top_mask.size() == sub_mask.size());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < top_mask.size() ; idx += 1) {
if (sub_mask[idx] == true)
top_mask[idx] = true;
static void merge_parallel_masks(NetProc::mask_t&top_mask, const NetProc::mask_t&sub_mask)
if (sub_mask.size() == 0)
if (top_mask.size() == 0) {
top_mask = sub_mask;
assert(top_mask.size() == sub_mask.size());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < top_mask.size() ; idx += 1) {
if (sub_mask[idx] == false)
top_mask[idx] = false;
static bool all_bits_driven(const NetProc::mask_t&mask)
if (mask.size() == 0)
return false;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < mask.size() ; idx += 1) {
if (mask[idx] == false)
return false;
return true;
bool NetProcTop::tie_off_floating_inputs_(Design*des,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_in,
const vector<NetProc::mask_t>&bitmasks,
bool is_ff_input)
bool flag = true;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_in.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
if (nex_in.pin(idx).nexus()->has_floating_input()) {
if (all_bits_driven(bitmasks[idx])) {
// If all bits are unconditionally driven, we can
// use the enable signal to prevent the flip-flop/
// latch from updating when an undriven mux input
// is selected, so we can just tie off the input.
unsigned width = nex_map[idx].wid;
NetLogic*gate = new NetLogic(scope(), scope()->local_symbol(),
1, NetLogic::PULLDOWN, width);
connect(nex_in.pin(idx), gate->pin(0));
if (nex_in.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net())
ivl_variable_type_t data_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
netvector_t*tmp_vec = new netvector_t(data_type, width-1,0);
NetNet*sig = new NetNet(scope(), scope()->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_vec);
connect(sig->pin(0), gate->pin(0));
} else if (is_ff_input) {
// For a flip-flop, we can feed back the output
// to ensure undriven bits hold their last value.
connect(nex_in.pin(idx), nex_map[idx].lnk);
} else {
// This infers a latch, but without generating
// gate enable signals at the bit-level, we
// can't safely latch the undriven bits (we
// shouldn't generate combinatorial loops).
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: A latch "
<< "has been inferred for some bits of '"
<< nex_map[idx].lnk.nexus()->pick_any_net()->name()
<< "'." << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Bit-level "
"latch gate enables are not currently "
"supported in synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
flag = false;
return flag;
bool NetProc::synth_async(Design*, NetScope*, NexusSet&, NetBus&, NetBus&, vector<mask_t>&)
return false;
* Async synthesis of assignments is done by synthesizing the rvalue
* expression, then connecting the l-value directly to the output of
* the r-value.
* The nex_map is the O-set for the statement, and lists the positions
* of the outputs as the caller wants results linked up. The nex_out,
* however, is the set of nexa that are to actually get linked to the
* r-value.
bool NetAssignBase::synth_async(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
if (dynamic_cast<NetCAssign*>(this) || dynamic_cast<NetDeassign*>(this) ||
dynamic_cast<NetForce*>(this) || dynamic_cast<NetRelease*>(this)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Procedural continuous "
"assignment is not currently supported in synthesis."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
/* If the lval is a concatenation, synthesise each part
separately. */
if (lval_->more ) {
/* Temporarily set the lval_ and rval_ fields for each
part in turn and recurse. Restore them when done. */
NetAssign_*full_lval = lval_;
NetExpr*full_rval = rval_;
unsigned offset = 0;
bool flag = true;
while (lval_) {
unsigned width = lval_->lwidth();
NetEConst*base = new NetEConst(verinum(offset));
rval_ = new NetESelect(full_rval->dup_expr(), base, width);
eval_expr(rval_, width);
NetAssign_*more = lval_->more;
lval_->more = 0;
if (!synth_async(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out, enables, bitmasks))
flag = false;
lval_ = lval_->more = more;
offset += width;
lval_ = full_lval;
rval_ = full_rval;
return flag;
NetNet*rsig = rval_->synthesize(des, scope, rval_);
if (lval_->word() && ! dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(lval_->word())) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Assignment to variable "
"location in memory is not currently supported in "
"synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
NetNet*lsig = lval_->sig();
if (!lsig) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
"NetAssignBase::synth_async on unsupported lval ";
cerr << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< "l-value signal is " << lsig->vector_width() << " bits, "
<< "r-value signal is " << rsig->vector_width() << " bits." << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< "lval_->lwidth()=" << lval_->lwidth() << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< "lsig = " << scope_path(scope) << "." << lsig->name() << endl;
if (const NetExpr*base = lval_->get_base()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< "base_=" << *base << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< "nex_map.size()==" << nex_map.size()
<< ", nex_out.pin_count()==" << nex_out.pin_count() << endl;
unsigned ptr = 0;
if (nex_out.pin_count() > 1) {
NexusSet tmp_set;
ivl_assert(*this, tmp_set.size() == 1);
ptr = nex_map.find_nexus(tmp_set[0]);
ivl_assert(*this, nex_out.pin_count() > ptr);
ivl_assert(*this, enables.pin_count() > ptr);
ivl_assert(*this, bitmasks.size() > ptr);
} else {
ivl_assert(*this, nex_out.pin_count() == 1);
ivl_assert(*this, enables.pin_count() == 1);
ivl_assert(*this, bitmasks.size() == 1);
unsigned lval_width = lval_->lwidth();
unsigned lsig_width = lsig->vector_width();
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map[ptr].wid == lsig_width);
// Here we note if the l-value is actually a bit/part
// select. If so, generate a NetPartSelect to perform the select.
bool is_part_select = lval_width != lsig_width;
long base_off = 0;
if (is_part_select && !scope->loop_index_tmp.empty()) {
// If we are within a NetForLoop, there may be an index
// value. That is collected from the scope member
// loop_index_tmp, and the evaluate_function method
// knows how to apply it.
ivl_assert(*this, !scope->loop_index_tmp.empty());
ivl_assert(*this, lval_width < lsig_width);
// Evaluate the index expression to a constant.
const NetExpr*base_expr_raw = lval_->get_base();
ivl_assert(*this, base_expr_raw);
NetExpr*base_expr = base_expr_raw->evaluate_function(*this, scope->loop_index_tmp);
if (! eval_as_long(base_off, base_expr)) {
ivl_assert(*this, 0);
ivl_assert(*this, base_off >= 0);
ivl_variable_type_t tmp_data_type = rsig->data_type();
netvector_t*tmp_type = new netvector_t(tmp_data_type, lsig_width-1,0);
NetNet*tmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_type);
NetPartSelect*ps = new NetPartSelect(tmp, base_off, lval_width, NetPartSelect::PV);
connect(ps->pin(0), rsig->pin(0));
rsig = tmp;
} else if (is_part_select) {
// In this case, there is no loop_index_tmp, so we are
// not within a NetForLoop. Generate a NetSubstitute
// object to handle the bit/part-select in the l-value.
ivl_assert(*this, scope->loop_index_tmp.empty());
ivl_assert(*this, lval_width < lsig_width);
const NetExpr*base_expr_raw = lval_->get_base();
ivl_assert(*this, base_expr_raw);
NetExpr*base_expr = base_expr_raw->evaluate_function(*this, scope->loop_index_tmp);
if (! eval_as_long(base_off, base_expr)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: assignment to variable "
"bit location is not currently supported in "
"synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
ivl_assert(*this, base_off >= 0);
ivl_variable_type_t tmp_data_type = rsig->data_type();
netvector_t*tmp_type = new netvector_t(tmp_data_type, lsig_width-1,0);
NetNet*tmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_type);
NetNet*isig = nex_out.pin(ptr).nexus()->pick_any_net();
if (isig) {
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< " Found an isig:" << endl;
nex_out.pin(ptr).dump_link(cerr, 8);
} else {
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssignBase::synth_async: "
<< " Found no isig, resorting to lsig." << endl;
isig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_type);
connect(isig->pin(0), nex_out.pin(ptr));
ivl_assert(*this, isig);
NetSubstitute*ps = new NetSubstitute(isig, rsig, lsig_width, base_off);
connect(ps->pin(0), tmp->pin(0));
rsig = tmp;
rsig = crop_to_width(des, rsig, lsig_width);
ivl_assert(*this, rsig->pin_count()==1);
connect(nex_out.pin(ptr), rsig->pin(0));
connect(enables.pin(ptr), scope->tie_hi());
mask_t&bitmask = bitmasks[ptr];
if (is_part_select) {
if (bitmask.size() == 0) {
bitmask = mask_t (lsig_width, false);
ivl_assert(*this, bitmask.size() == lsig_width);
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < lval_width; idx += 1) {
bitmask[base_off + idx] = true;
} else if (bitmask.size() > 0) {
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < bitmask.size(); idx += 1) {
bitmask[idx] = true;
} else {
bitmask = mask_t (lsig_width, true);
/* This lval_ represents a reg that is a WIRE in the
synthesized results. This function signals the destructor
to change the REG that this l-value refers to into a
WIRE. It is done then, at the last minute, so that pending
synthesis can continue to work with it as a REG. */
return true;
bool NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == nex_out.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == enables.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == bitmasks.size());
// Create a temporary map of the output only from this statement.
NexusSet tmp_map;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: "
<< "tmp_map.size()==" << tmp_map.size()
<< " for statement at " << substmt->get_fileline()
<< endl;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: "
<< "incoming nex_out[" << idx << "] dump link" << endl;
nex_out.pin(idx).dump_link(cerr, 8);
// Create temporary variables to collect the output from the synthesis.
NetBus tmp_out (scope, tmp_map.size());
NetBus tmp_ena (scope, tmp_map.size());
vector<mask_t> tmp_masks (tmp_map.size());
// Map (and move) the accumulated nex_out for this block
// to the version that we can pass to the next statement.
// We will move the result back later.
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < tmp_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
unsigned ptr = nex_map.find_nexus(tmp_map[idx]);
ivl_assert(*this, ptr < nex_out.pin_count());
connect(tmp_out.pin(idx), nex_out.pin(ptr));
if (debug_synth2) {
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_map.size() ; idx += 1) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: nex_map[" << idx << "] dump link, base=" << nex_map[idx].base << ", wid=" << nex_map[idx].wid << endl;
nex_map[idx].lnk.dump_link(cerr, 8);
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < tmp_map.size() ; idx += 1) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: tmp_map[" << idx << "] dump link, base=" << tmp_map[idx].base << ", wid=" << tmp_map[idx].wid << endl;
tmp_map[idx].lnk.dump_link(cerr, 8);
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < tmp_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: tmp_out[" << idx << "] dump link" << endl;
tmp_out.pin(idx).dump_link(cerr, 8);
bool flag = substmt->synth_async(des, scope, tmp_map, tmp_out, tmp_ena, tmp_masks);
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: "
"substmt->synch_async(...) --> " << (flag? "true" : "false")
<< " for statement at " << substmt->get_fileline() << "." << endl;
if (!flag) return false;
// Now map the output from the substatement back to the
// outputs for this block.
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < tmp_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
unsigned ptr = nex_map.find_nexus(tmp_map[idx]);
ivl_assert(*this, ptr < nex_out.pin_count());
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_async_block_substatement_: "
<< "tmp_out.pin(" << idx << "):" << endl;
tmp_out.pin(idx).dump_link(cerr, 8);
connect(nex_out.pin(ptr), tmp_out.pin(idx));
merge_sequential_enables(des, scope, enables.pin(ptr), tmp_ena.pin(idx));
merge_sequential_masks(bitmasks[ptr], tmp_masks[idx]);
return true;
* Sequential blocks are translated to asynchronous logic by
* translating each statement of the block, in order, into gates.
* The nex_out for the block is the union of the nex_out for all
* the substatements.
bool NetBlock::synth_async(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
if (last_ == 0) {
return true;
bool flag = true;
NetProc*cur = last_;
do {
cur = cur->next_;
bool sub_flag = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out,
enables, bitmasks, cur);
flag = flag && sub_flag;
} while (cur != last_);
return flag;
* This function is used to fix up a MUX selector to be no longer than
* it needs to be. The general idea is that if the selector needs to
* be only N bits, but is actually M bits, we translate it to this:
* osig = { |esig[M-1:N-1], esig[N-2:0] }
* This obviously implies that (N >= 2) and (M >= N). In the code
* below, N is sel_need, and M is sel_got (= esig->vector_width()).
static NetNet* mux_selector_reduce_width(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
const LineInfo&loc,
NetNet*esig, unsigned sel_need)
const unsigned sel_got = esig->vector_width();
ivl_assert(*esig, sel_got >= sel_need);
// If the actual width matches the desired width (M==N) then
// osig is esig itself. We're done.
if (sel_got == sel_need)
return esig;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": mux_selector_reduce_width: "
<< "Reduce selector width=" << sel_got
<< " to " << sel_need << " bits." << endl;
ivl_assert(*esig, sel_need >= 2);
// This is the output signal, osig.
ivl_variable_type_t osig_data_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
netvector_t*osig_vec = new netvector_t(osig_data_type, sel_need-1, 0);
NetNet*osig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::TRI, osig_vec);
// Create the concat: osig = {...,...}
NetConcat*osig_cat = new NetConcat(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
sel_need, 2, !disable_concatz_generation);
connect(osig_cat->pin(0), osig->pin(0));
// Create the part select esig[N-2:0]...
NetPartSelect*ps0 = new NetPartSelect(esig, 0, sel_need-1,
connect(ps0->pin(1), esig->pin(0));
netvector_t*ps0_vec = new netvector_t(osig_data_type, sel_need-2, 0);
NetNet*ps0_sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::TRI, ps0_vec);
connect(ps0_sig->pin(0), ps0->pin(0));
// osig = {..., esig[N-2:0]}
connect(osig_cat->pin(1), ps0_sig->pin(0));
// Create the part select esig[M-1:N-1]
NetPartSelect*ps1 = new NetPartSelect(esig, sel_need-1,
connect(ps1->pin(1), esig->pin(0));
netvector_t*ps1_vec = new netvector_t(osig_data_type, sel_got-sel_need, 0);
NetNet*ps1_sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::TRI, ps1_vec);
connect(ps1_sig->pin(0), ps1->pin(0));
// Create the reduction OR: | esig[M-1:N-1]
NetUReduce*ered = new NetUReduce(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetUReduce::OR, sel_got-sel_need+1);
connect(ered->pin(1), ps1_sig->pin(0));
NetNet*ered_sig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::TRI, &netvector_t::scalar_logic);
connect(ered->pin(0), ered_sig->pin(0));
// osig = { |esig[M-1:N-1], esig[N-2:0] }
connect(osig_cat->pin(2), ered_sig->pin(0));
return osig;
bool NetCase::synth_async(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
if (type()==NetCase::EQZ || type()==NetCase::EQX)
return synth_async_casez_(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out,
enables, bitmasks);
// Special case: If the case expression is constant, then this
// is a pattern where the guards are non-constant and tested
// against a constant case. Handle this as chained conditions
// instead.
if (dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (expr_))
return synth_async_casez_(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out,
enables, bitmasks);
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == nex_out.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == enables.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == bitmasks.size());
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "Selector expression: " << *expr_ << endl;
/* Synthesize the select expression. */
NetNet*esig = expr_->synthesize(des, scope, expr_);
unsigned sel_width = esig->vector_width();
ivl_assert(*this, sel_width > 0);
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "selector width (sel_width) = " << sel_width << endl;
vector<unsigned> mux_width (nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
mux_width[idx] = nex_map[idx].wid;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "idx=" << idx
<< ", mux_width[idx]=" << mux_width[idx] << endl;
// The incoming nex_out is taken as the input for this
// statement. Since there are collection of statements
// that start at this same point, we save all these
// inputs and reuse them for each statement. Unlink the
// nex_out now, so we can hook up the mux outputs.
NetBus statement_input (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(statement_input.pin(idx), nex_out.pin(idx));
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "statement_input.pin(" << idx << "):" << endl;
statement_input.pin(idx).dump_link(cerr, 8);
/* Collect all the statements into a map of index to statement.
The guard expression it evaluated to be the index of the mux
value, and the statement is bound to that index. */
unsigned long max_guard_value = 0;
map<unsigned long,NetProc*>statement_map;
NetProc*default_statement = 0;
for (size_t item = 0 ; item < items_.size() ; item += 1) {
if (items_[item].guard == 0) {
default_statement = items_[item].statement;
NetEConst*ge = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(items_[item].guard);
if (ge == 0) {
cerr << items_[item].guard->get_fileline() << ": sorry: "
<< "variable case item expressions with a variable "
<< "case select expression are not supported in "
<< "synthesis. " << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
ivl_assert(*this, ge);
verinum gval = ge->value();
unsigned long sel_idx = gval.as_ulong();
if (statement_map[sel_idx]) {
cerr << ge->get_fileline() << ": warning: duplicate case "
<< "value '" << sel_idx << "' detected. This case is "
<< "unreachable." << endl;
delete items_[item].statement;
items_[item].statement = 0;
if (sel_idx > max_guard_value)
max_guard_value = sel_idx;
if (items_[item].statement) {
statement_map[sel_idx] = items_[item].statement;
// Handle the special case of an empty statement.
statement_map[sel_idx] = this;
// The minimum selector width is the number of inputs that
// are selected, rounded up to the nearest power of 2.
unsigned sel_need = max(ceil(log2(max_guard_value + 1)), 1.0);
// If the sel_width can select more than just the explicit
// guard values, and there is a default statement, then adjust
// the sel_need to allow for the implicit selections.
if (default_statement && (sel_width > sel_need))
sel_need += 1;
// The mux size is always an exact power of 2.
if (sel_need >= 8*sizeof(unsigned)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: mux select width of "
<< sel_need << " bits is too large for synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
unsigned mux_size = 1U << sel_need;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "Adjusted mux_size is " << mux_size
<< " (max_guard_value=" << max_guard_value
<< ", sel_need=" << sel_need
<< ", sel_width=" << sel_width << ")." << endl;
if (sel_width > sel_need) {
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "Selector is " << sel_width << " bits, "
<< "need only " << sel_need << " bits." << endl;
esig = mux_selector_reduce_width(des, scope, *this, esig, sel_need);
/* If there is a default clause, synthesize it once and we'll
link it in wherever it is needed. If there isn't, create
a dummy default to pass on the accumulated nex_out from
preceding statements. */
NetBus default_out (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
NetBus default_ena (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
vector<mask_t> default_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(default_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
connect(default_ena.pin(idx), scope->tie_lo());
if (default_statement) {
bool flag = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, default_out,
default_ena, default_masks,
if (!flag) return false;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async: "
<< "synthesize default clause at " << default_statement->get_fileline()
<< " is done." << endl;
vector<NetMux*> out_mux (nex_out.pin_count());
vector<NetMux*> ena_mux (nex_out.pin_count());
vector<bool> full_case (nex_out.pin_count());
for (size_t mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
out_mux[mdx] = new NetMux(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
mux_width[mdx], mux_size, sel_need);
// The select signal is already synthesized, and is
// common for every mux of this case statement. Simply
// hook it up.
connect(out_mux[mdx]->pin_Sel(), esig->pin(0));
// The outputs are in the nex_out, and connected to the
// mux Result pins.
connect(out_mux[mdx]->pin_Result(), nex_out.pin(mdx));
// Make sure the output is now connected to a net. If
// not, then create a fake one to carry the net-ness of
// the pin.
if (out_mux[mdx]->pin_Result().nexus()->pick_any_net() == 0) {
ivl_variable_type_t mux_data_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
netvector_t*tmp_vec = new netvector_t(mux_data_type, mux_width[mdx]-1,0);
NetNet*tmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_vec);
ivl_assert(*this, tmp->vector_width() != 0);
connect(out_mux[mdx]->pin_Result(), tmp->pin(0));
// Create a mux for the enables, but don't hook it up
// until we know we need it.
ena_mux[mdx] = new NetMux(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
1, mux_size, sel_need);
// Assume a full case to start with. We'll check this as
// we synthesise each clause.
full_case[mdx] = true;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < mux_size ; idx += 1) {
NetProc*stmt = statement_map[idx];
if (stmt==0) {
ivl_assert(*this, default_out.pin_count() == out_mux.size());
for (unsigned mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
connect(out_mux[mdx]->pin_Data(idx), default_out.pin(mdx));
connect(ena_mux[mdx]->pin_Data(idx), default_ena.pin(mdx));
merge_parallel_masks(bitmasks[mdx], default_masks[mdx]);
if (!default_ena.pin(mdx).is_linked(scope->tie_hi()))
full_case[mdx] = false;
ivl_assert(*this, stmt);
if (stmt == this) {
// Handle the special case of an empty statement.
ivl_assert(*this, statement_input.pin_count() == out_mux.size());
for (unsigned mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
connect(out_mux[mdx]->pin_Data(idx), statement_input.pin(mdx));
connect(ena_mux[mdx]->pin_Data(idx), scope->tie_lo());
bitmasks[mdx] = mask_t (mux_width[mdx], false);
full_case[mdx] = false;
NetBus tmp_out (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
NetBus tmp_ena (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
connect(tmp_out.pin(mdx), statement_input.pin(mdx));
connect(tmp_ena.pin(mdx), scope->tie_lo());
vector<mask_t> tmp_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
bool flag = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, tmp_out,
tmp_ena, tmp_masks, stmt);
if (!flag) return false;
for (size_t mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
connect(out_mux[mdx]->pin_Data(idx), tmp_out.pin(mdx));
connect(ena_mux[mdx]->pin_Data(idx), tmp_ena.pin(mdx));
merge_parallel_masks(bitmasks[mdx], tmp_masks[mdx]);
if (!tmp_ena.pin(mdx).is_linked(scope->tie_hi()))
full_case[mdx] = false;
for (unsigned mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
// Optimize away the enable mux if we have a full case,
// otherwise hook it up.
if (full_case[mdx]) {
connect(enables.pin(mdx), scope->tie_hi());
delete ena_mux[mdx];
connect(ena_mux[mdx]->pin_Sel(), esig->pin(0));
connect(enables.pin(mdx), ena_mux[mdx]->pin_Result());
NetNet*tmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, &netvector_t::scalar_logic);
connect(ena_mux[mdx]->pin_Result(), tmp->pin(0));
return true;
* casez statements are hard to implement as a single wide mux because
* the test doesn't really map to a select input. Instead, implement
* it as a chain of binary muxes. This gives the synthesizer more
* flexibility, and is more typically what is desired from a casez anyhow.
bool NetCase::synth_async_casez_(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == nex_out.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == enables.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == bitmasks.size());
/* Synthesize the select expression. */
NetNet*esig = expr_->synthesize(des, scope, expr_);
unsigned sel_width = esig->vector_width();
ivl_assert(*this, sel_width > 0);
vector<unsigned>mux_width (nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
mux_width[idx] = nex_map[idx].wid;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async_casez_: "
<< "idx=" << idx
<< ", mux_width[idx]=" << mux_width[idx] << endl;
// The incoming nex_out is taken as the input for this
// statement. Since there are collection of statements
// that start at this same point, we save all these
// inputs and reuse them for each statement. Unlink the
// nex_out now, so we can hook up the mux outputs.
NetBus statement_input (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(statement_input.pin(idx), nex_out.pin(idx));
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async_casez_: "
<< "statement_input.pin(" << idx << "):" << endl;
statement_input.pin(idx).dump_link(cerr, 8);
// Look for a default statement.
NetProc*default_statement = 0;
for (size_t item = 0 ; item < items_.size() ; item += 1) {
if (items_[item].guard != 0)
ivl_assert(*this, default_statement==0);
default_statement = items_[item].statement;
/* If there is a default clause, synthesize it once and we'll
link it in wherever it is needed. If there isn't, create
a dummy default to pass on the accumulated nex_out from
preceding statements. */
NetBus default_out (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < default_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1)
connect(default_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
if (default_statement) {
bool flag = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, default_out,
enables, bitmasks, default_statement);
if (!flag) return false;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCase::synth_async_casez_: "
<< "synthesize default clause at " << default_statement->get_fileline()
<< " is done." << endl;
netvector_t*condit_type = new netvector_t(IVL_VT_LOGIC, 0, 0);
NetCaseCmp::kind_t case_kind = NetCaseCmp::EEQ;
switch (type()) {
case NetCase::EQ:
case_kind = NetCaseCmp::EEQ;
case NetCase::EQX:
case_kind = NetCaseCmp::XEQ;
case NetCase::EQZ:
case_kind = NetCaseCmp::ZEQ;
// Process the items from last to first. We generate a
// true/false mux, with the select being the comparison of
// the case select with the guard expression. The true input
// (data1) is the current statement, and the false input is
// the result of a later statement.
vector<NetMux*>prev_mux (nex_out.pin_count());
for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < items_.size() ; idx += 1) {
size_t item = items_.size()-idx-1;
if (items_[item].guard == 0)
NetProc*stmt = items_[item].statement;
ivl_assert(*this, stmt);
NetExpr*guard_expr = items_[item].guard;
NetNet*guard = guard_expr->synthesize(des, scope, guard_expr);
NetCaseCmp*condit_dev = new NetCaseCmp(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
sel_width, case_kind);
// Note that the expression that may have wildcards must
// go in the pin(2) input. This is the definition of the
// NetCaseCmp statement.
connect(condit_dev->pin(1), esig->pin(0));
connect(condit_dev->pin(2), guard->pin(0));
NetNet*condit = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::TRI, condit_type);
connect(condit_dev->pin(0), condit->pin(0));
// Synthesize the guarded statement.
NetBus tmp_out (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
NetBus tmp_ena (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
vector<mask_t> tmp_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned pdx = 0 ; pdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; pdx += 1)
connect(tmp_out.pin(pdx), statement_input.pin(pdx));
synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, tmp_out,
tmp_ena, tmp_masks, stmt);
NetBus prev_ena (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned mdx = 0 ; mdx < nex_out.pin_count() ; mdx += 1) {
NetMux*mux = new NetMux(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
mux_width[mdx], 2, 1);
connect(mux->pin_Sel(), condit->pin(0));
connect(mux->pin_Data(1), tmp_out.pin(mdx));
// If there is a previous mux, then use that as the
// false clause input. Otherwise, use the default.
if (prev_mux[mdx])
connect(mux->pin_Data(0), prev_mux[mdx]->pin_Result());
connect(mux->pin_Data(0), default_out.pin(mdx));
// Make a NetNet for the result.
ivl_variable_type_t mux_data_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
netvector_t*tmp_vec = new netvector_t(mux_data_type, mux_width[mdx]-1,0);
NetNet*tmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_vec);
ivl_assert(*this, tmp->vector_width() != 0);
connect(mux->pin_Result(), tmp->pin(0));
// This mux becomes the "false" input to the next mux.
prev_mux[mdx] = mux;
connect(prev_ena.pin(mdx), enables.pin(mdx));
multiplex_enables(des, scope, condit, tmp_ena.pin(mdx),
prev_ena.pin(mdx), enables.pin(mdx));
merge_parallel_masks(bitmasks[mdx], tmp_masks[mdx]);
// Connect the last mux to the output.
for (size_t mdx = 0 ; mdx < prev_mux.size() ; mdx += 1)
connect(prev_mux[mdx]->pin_Result(), nex_out.pin(mdx));
return true;
* A condit statement (if (cond) ... else ... ;) infers an A-B mux,
* with the cond expression acting as a select input. If the cond
* expression is true, the if_ clause is selected, and if false, the
* else_ clause is selected.
bool NetCondit::synth_async(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
// Handle the unlikely case that both clauses are empty.
if ((if_ == 0) && (else_ == 0))
return true;
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == nex_out.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == enables.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, nex_map.size() == bitmasks.size());
// Synthesize the condition. This will act as a select signal
// for a binary mux.
NetNet*ssig = expr_->synthesize(des, scope, expr_);
ivl_assert(*this, ssig);
// The incoming nex_out is taken as the input for this
// statement. Since there are two statements that start
// at this same point, we save all these inputs and reuse
// them for both statements. Unlink the nex_out now, so
// we can hook up the mux outputs.
NetBus statement_input (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(statement_input.pin(idx), nex_out.pin(idx));
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::synth_async: "
<< "statement_input.pin(" << idx << "):" << endl;
statement_input.pin(idx).dump_link(cerr, 8);
NetBus a_out (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
NetBus a_ena (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
vector<mask_t> a_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
if (if_) {
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::synth_async: "
<< "Synthesize if clause at " << if_->get_fileline()
<< endl;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < a_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(a_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
bool flag = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, a_out,
a_ena, a_masks, if_);
if (!flag) return false;
} else {
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < a_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(a_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
connect(a_ena.pin(idx), scope->tie_lo());
NetBus b_out(scope, nex_out.pin_count());
NetBus b_ena(scope, nex_out.pin_count());
vector<mask_t> b_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
if (else_) {
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::synth_async: "
<< "Synthesize else clause at " << else_->get_fileline()
<< endl;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < b_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(b_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
bool flag = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, b_out,
b_ena, b_masks, else_);
if (!flag) return false;
} else {
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < b_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
connect(b_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
connect(b_ena.pin(idx), scope->tie_lo());
/* The nex_out output, a_out input, and b_out input all have the
same pin count (usually, but not always 1) because they are
net arrays of the same dimension. The for loop below creates
a NetMux for each pin of the output. (Note that pins may
be, in fact usually are, vectors.) */
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
bool a_driven = a_out.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net();
bool b_driven = b_out.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net();
if (!a_driven && !b_driven) {
connect(nex_out.pin(idx), statement_input.pin(idx));
merge_parallel_masks(bitmasks[idx], a_masks[idx]);
merge_parallel_masks(bitmasks[idx], b_masks[idx]);
// If one clause is empty and the other clause unconditionally
// drives all bits of the vector, we can rely on the enable
// to prevent the flip-flop or latch updating when the empty
// clause is selected, and hence don't need a mux.
if (!a_driven && all_bits_driven(b_masks[idx])) {
connect(nex_out.pin(idx), b_out.pin(idx));
if (!b_driven && all_bits_driven(a_masks[idx])) {
connect(nex_out.pin(idx), a_out.pin(idx));
// Guess the mux type from the type of the output.
ivl_variable_type_t mux_data_type = IVL_VT_LOGIC;
if (NetNet*tmp = nex_out.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net()) {
mux_data_type = tmp->data_type();
unsigned mux_off = 0;
unsigned mux_width = nex_map[idx].wid;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::synth_async: "
<< "Calculated mux_width=" << mux_width
<< endl;
NetPartSelect*apv = detect_partselect_lval(a_out.pin(idx));
if (debug_synth2 && apv) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::synth_async: "
<< "Assign-to-part apv base=" << apv->base()
<< ", width=" << apv->width() << endl;
NetPartSelect*bpv = detect_partselect_lval(b_out.pin(idx));
if (debug_synth2 && bpv) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::synth_async: "
<< "Assign-to-part bpv base=" << bpv->base()
<< ", width=" << bpv->width() << endl;
unsigned mux_lwidth = mux_width;
ivl_assert(*this, mux_width != 0);
if (apv && bpv && apv->width()==bpv->width() && apv->base()==bpv->base()) {
// The a and b sides are both assigning to the
// same bits of the output, so we can use that to
// create a much narrower mux that only
// manipulates the width of the part.
mux_width = apv->width();
mux_off = apv->base();
connect(a_out.pin(idx), apv->pin(0));
connect(b_out.pin(idx), bpv->pin(0));
delete apv;
delete bpv;
} else {
// The part selects are of no use. Forget them.
if (apv) delete apv;
if (bpv) delete bpv;
NetMux*mux = new NetMux(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
mux_width, 2, 1);
netvector_t*tmp_type = 0;
if (mux_width==1)
tmp_type = new netvector_t(mux_data_type);
tmp_type = new netvector_t(mux_data_type, mux_width-1,0);
// Bind some temporary signals to carry pin type.
NetNet*otmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_type);
connect(mux->pin_Sel(), ssig->pin(0));
connect(mux->pin_Data(1), a_out.pin(idx));
connect(mux->pin_Data(0), b_out.pin(idx));
// If we are only muxing a part of the output vector, make a
// NetSubstitute to blend the mux output with the accumulated
// output from previous statements.
if (mux_width < mux_lwidth) {
tmp_type = new netvector_t(mux_data_type, mux_lwidth-1,0);
NetNet*itmp = statement_input.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net();
if (itmp == 0) {
itmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_type);
connect(itmp->pin(0), statement_input.pin(idx));
NetNet*tmp = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, tmp_type);
NetSubstitute*ps = new NetSubstitute(itmp, otmp, mux_lwidth, mux_off);
connect(ps->pin(0), tmp->pin(0));
otmp = tmp;
connect(nex_out.pin(idx), otmp->pin(0));
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
multiplex_enables(des, scope, ssig, a_ena.pin(idx), b_ena.pin(idx), enables.pin(idx));
return true;
bool NetEvWait::synth_async(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
bool flag = statement_->synth_async(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out, enables, bitmasks);
return flag;
bool NetForLoop::synth_async(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
NetBus&enables, vector<mask_t>&bitmasks)
if (!index_) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Unable to synthesize for-loop without explicit index variable." << endl;
return false;
if (!step_statement_) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Unable to synthesize for-loop without for_step statement." << endl;
return false;
ivl_assert(*this, index_ && init_expr_);
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetForLoop::synth_async: "
<< "Index variable is " << index_->name() << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetForLoop::synth_async: "
<< "Initialization expression: " << *init_expr_ << endl;
// Get the step assignment statement and break it into the
// l-value (should be the index) and the r-value, which is the
// step expressions.
NetAssign*step_assign = dynamic_cast<NetAssign*> (step_statement_);
char assign_operator = step_assign->assign_operator();
ivl_assert(*this, step_assign);
NetExpr*step_expr = step_assign->rval();
// Tell the scope that this index value is like a genvar.
LocalVar index_var;
index_var.nwords = 0;
map<perm_string,LocalVar> index_args;
// Calculate the initial value for the index.
index_var.value = init_expr_->evaluate_function(*this, index_args);
ivl_assert(*this, index_var.value);
index_args[index_->name()] = index_var;
for (;;) {
// Evaluate the condition expression. If it is false,
// then we are going to break out of this synthesis loop.
NetExpr*tmp = condition_->evaluate_function(*this, index_args);
ivl_assert(*this, tmp);
long cond_value;
bool rc = eval_as_long(cond_value, tmp);
ivl_assert(*this, rc);
delete tmp;
if (!cond_value) break;
scope->genvar_tmp = index_->name();
rc = eval_as_long(scope->genvar_tmp_val, index_var.value);
ivl_assert(*this, rc);
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetForLoop::synth_async: "
<< "Synthesis iteration with " << index_->name()
<< "=" << *index_var.value << endl;
// Synthesize the iterated expression. Stash the loop
// index value so that the substatements can see this
// value and use it during its own synthesis.
ivl_assert(*this, scope->loop_index_tmp.empty());
scope->loop_index_tmp = index_args;
NetBus tmp_ena (scope, nex_out.pin_count());
vector<mask_t> tmp_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
rc = synth_async_block_substatement_(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out,
tmp_ena, tmp_masks, statement_);
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
merge_sequential_enables(des, scope, enables.pin(idx), tmp_ena.pin(idx));
merge_sequential_masks(bitmasks[idx], tmp_masks[idx]);
// Evaluate the step_expr to generate the next index value.
tmp = step_expr->evaluate_function(*this, index_args);
ivl_assert(*this, tmp);
// If there is an assign_operator, then replace the
// index_var.value with (value <op> tmp) and evaluate
// that to get the next value. "value" is the existing
// value, and "tmp" is the step value. We are replacing
// (value += tmp) with (value = value + tmp) and
// evaluating it.
switch (assign_operator) {
case 0:
case '+':
case '-':
index_var.value = new NetEBAdd(assign_operator, tmp, index_var.value, 32, true);
tmp = index_var.value->evaluate_function(*this, index_args);
cerr << get_fileline() << ": internal error: "
<< "NetForLoop::synth_async: What to do with assign_operator=" << assign_operator << endl;
ivl_assert(*this, 0);
delete index_var.value;
index_var.value = tmp;
index_args[index_->name()] = index_var;
delete index_var.value;
return true;
* This method is called when the process is shown to be
* asynchronous. Figure out the nexus set of outputs from this
* process, and pass that to the synth_async method for the statement
* of the process. The statement will connect its output to the
* nex_out set, using the nex_map as a guide. Starting from the top,
* the nex_map is the same as the nex_map.
bool NetProcTop::synth_async(Design*des)
NexusSet nex_set;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProcTop::synth_async: "
<< "Process has " << nex_set.size() << " outputs." << endl;
NetBus nex_out (scope(), nex_set.size());
NetBus enables (scope(), nex_set.size());
vector<NetProc::mask_t> bitmasks (nex_set.size());
// Save links to the initial nex_out. These will be used later
// to detect floating part-substitute and mux inputs that need
// to be tied off.
NetBus nex_in (scope(), nex_out.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1)
connect(nex_in.pin(idx), nex_out.pin(idx));
bool flag = statement_->synth_async(des, scope(), nex_set, nex_out, enables, bitmasks);
if (!flag) return false;
flag = tie_off_floating_inputs_(des, nex_set, nex_in, bitmasks, false);
if (!flag) return false;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_set.size() ; idx += 1) {
if (enables.pin(idx).is_linked(scope()->tie_hi())) {
connect(nex_set[idx].lnk, nex_out.pin(idx));
} else {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: "
<< "A latch has been inferred for '"
<< nex_set[idx].lnk.nexus()->pick_any_net()->name()
<< "'." << endl;
if (enables.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net()->local_flag()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: The latch "
"enable is connected to a synthesized "
"expression. The latch may be sensitive "
"to glitches." << endl;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: "
<< "Top level making a "
<< nex_set[idx].wid << "-wide "
<< "NetLatch device." << endl;
NetLatch*latch = new NetLatch(scope(), scope()->local_symbol(),
NetNet*tmp = nex_out.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net();
tmp = crop_to_width(des, tmp, latch->width());
connect(nex_set[idx].lnk, latch->pin_Q());
connect(tmp->pin(0), latch->pin_Data());
assert (enables.pin(idx).is_linked());
connect(enables.pin(idx), latch->pin_Enable());
synthesized_design_ = des;
return true;
bool NetProc::synth_sync(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
bool& /* ff_negedge */,
NetNet* /* ff_clk */, NetBus&ff_ce,
NetBus& /* ff_aclr*/, NetBus& /* ff_aset*/,
vector<verinum>& /*ff_aset_value*/,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
const vector<NetEvProbe*>&events)
if (events.size() > 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Events are unaccounted"
<< " for in process synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProc::synth_sync: "
<< "This statement is an async input to a sync process." << endl;
/* Synthesize the input to the DFF. */
return synth_async(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out, ff_ce, bitmasks);
* This method is called when a block is encountered near the surface
* of a synchronous always statement. For example, this code will be
* invoked for input like this:
* always @(posedge clk...) begin
* <statement1>
* <statement2>
* ...
* end
* This needs to be split into a DFF bank for each statement, because
* the statements may each infer different reset and enables signals.
bool NetBlock::synth_sync(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NetNet*ff_clk, NetBus&ff_ce,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
const vector<NetEvProbe*>&events_in)
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetBlock::synth_sync: "
<< "Examine this block for synchronous logic." << endl;
if (last_ == 0) {
return true;
bool flag = true;
NetProc*cur = last_;
do {
cur = cur->next_;
// Create a temporary nex_map for the substatement.
NexusSet tmp_map;
// Create temporary variables to collect the output from the synthesis.
NetBus tmp_out (scope, tmp_map.size());
NetBus tmp_ce (scope, tmp_map.size());
vector<mask_t> tmp_masks (tmp_map.size());
// Map (and move) the accumulated nex_out for this block
// to the version that we can pass to the next statement.
// We will move the result back later.
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < tmp_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
unsigned ptr = nex_map.find_nexus(tmp_map[idx]);
ivl_assert(*this, ptr < nex_out.pin_count());
connect(tmp_out.pin(idx), nex_out.pin(ptr));
/* Now go on with the synchronous synthesis for this
subset of the statement. The tmp_map is the output
nexa that we expect, and the tmp_out is where we want
those outputs connected. */
bool ok_flag = cur->synth_sync(des, scope,
ff_negedge, ff_clk, tmp_ce,
ff_aclr, ff_aset, ff_aset_value,
tmp_map, tmp_out, tmp_masks,
flag = flag && ok_flag;
if (ok_flag == false)
// Now map the output from the substatement back to the
// outputs for this block.
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < tmp_out.pin_count() ; idx += 1) {
unsigned ptr = nex_map.find_nexus(tmp_map[idx]);
ivl_assert(*this, ptr < nex_out.pin_count());
connect(nex_out.pin(ptr), tmp_out.pin(idx));
merge_sequential_enables(des, scope, ff_ce.pin(ptr), tmp_ce.pin(idx));
merge_sequential_masks(bitmasks[ptr], tmp_masks[idx]);
} while (cur != last_);
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetBlock::synth_sync: "
<< "Done Examining this block for synchronous logic." << endl;
return flag;
* This method handles the case where I find a conditional near the
* surface of a synchronous thread. This conditional can be a CE or an
* asynchronous set/reset, depending on whether the pin of the
* expression is connected to an event, or not.
bool NetCondit::synth_sync(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NetNet*ff_clk, NetBus&ff_ce,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
const vector<NetEvProbe*>&events_in)
/* First try to turn the condition expression into an
asynchronous set/reset. If the condition expression has
inputs that are included in the sensitivity list, then it
is likely intended as an asynchronous input. */
NexusSet*expr_input = expr_->nex_input();
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < events_in.size() ; idx += 1) {
NetEvProbe*ev = events_in[idx];
NexusSet pin_set;
pin_set.add(ev->pin(0).nexus(), 0, 0);
if (! expr_input->contains(pin_set))
// Synthesize the set/reset input expression.
NetNet*rst = expr_->synthesize(des, scope, expr_);
ivl_assert(*this, rst->pin_count() == 1);
// Check that the edge used on the set/reset input is correct.
switch (ev->edge()) {
case NetEvProbe::POSEDGE:
if (ev->pin(0).nexus() != rst->pin(0).nexus()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Condition for posedge asynchronous set/reset "
<< "must exactly match the event expression." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
case NetEvProbe::NEGEDGE: {
bool is_inverter = false;
NetNode*node = rst->pin(0).nexus()->pick_any_node();
if (NetLogic*gate = dynamic_cast<NetLogic*>(node)) {
if (gate->type() == NetLogic::NOT)
is_inverter = true;
if (NetUReduce*gate = dynamic_cast<NetUReduce*>(node)) {
if (gate->type() == NetUReduce::NOR)
is_inverter = true;
if (!is_inverter || ev->pin(0).nexus() != node->pin(1).nexus()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Condition for negedge asynchronous set/reset must be "
<< "a simple inversion of the event expression." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Asynchronous set/reset event must be "
<< "edge triggered." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
// Synthesize the true clause to figure out what kind of
// set/reset we have. This should synthesize down to a
// constant. If not, we have an asynchronous LOAD, a
// very different beast.
ivl_assert(*this, if_);
NetBus tmp_out(scope, nex_out.pin_count());
NetBus tmp_ena(scope, nex_out.pin_count());
vector<mask_t> tmp_masks (nex_out.pin_count());
bool flag = if_->synth_async(des, scope, nex_map, tmp_out, tmp_ena, tmp_masks);
if (!flag) return false;
ivl_assert(*this, tmp_out.pin_count() == ff_aclr.pin_count());
ivl_assert(*this, tmp_out.pin_count() == ff_aset.pin_count());
for (unsigned pin = 0 ; pin < tmp_out.pin_count() ; pin += 1) {
Nexus*rst_nex = tmp_out.pin(pin).nexus();
if (!all_bits_driven(tmp_masks[pin])) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Not all bits of '"
<< nex_map[pin].lnk.nexus()->pick_any_net()->name()
<< "' are asynchronously set or reset. This is "
<< "not currently supported in synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
if (! rst_nex->drivers_constant() ||
! tmp_ena.pin(pin).is_linked(scope->tie_hi()) ) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Asynchronous load "
<< "is not currently supported in synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
if (ff_aclr.pin(pin).is_linked() ||
ff_aset.pin(pin).is_linked()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: More than "
"one asynchronous set/reset clause is "
"not currently supported in synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
verinum rst_drv = rst_nex->driven_vector();
verinum zero (verinum::V0, rst_drv.len());
verinum ones (verinum::V1, rst_drv.len());
if (rst_drv==zero) {
// Don't yet support multiple asynchronous reset inputs.
ivl_assert(*this, ! ff_aclr.pin(pin).is_linked());
ivl_assert(*this, rst->pin_count()==1);
connect(ff_aclr.pin(pin), rst->pin(0));
} else {
// Don't yet support multiple asynchronous set inputs.
ivl_assert(*this, ! ff_aset.pin(pin).is_linked());
ivl_assert(*this, rst->pin_count()==1);
connect(ff_aset.pin(pin), rst->pin(0));
if (rst_drv!=ones)
ff_aset_value[pin] = rst_drv;
if (else_ == 0)
return true;
vector<NetEvProbe*> events;
for (unsigned jdx = 0 ; jdx < events_in.size() ; jdx += 1) {
if (jdx != idx)
return else_->synth_sync(des, scope,
ff_negedge, ff_clk, ff_ce,
ff_aclr, ff_aset, ff_aset_value,
nex_map, nex_out, bitmasks, events);
delete expr_input;
#if 0
/* Detect the case that this is a *synchronous* set/reset. It
is not asynchronous because we know the condition is not
included in the sensitivity list, but if the if_ case is
constant (has no inputs) then we can model this as a
synchronous set/reset.
This is only synchronous set/reset if there is a true and a
false clause, and no inputs. The "no inputs" requirement is
met if the assignments are of all constant values. */
assert(if_ != 0);
NexusSet*a_set = if_->nex_input();
if ((a_set->count() == 0) && if_ && else_) {
NetNet*rst = expr_->synthesize(des);
assert(rst->pin_count() == 1);
/* Synthesize the true clause to figure out what
kind of set/reset we have. */
NetNet*asig = new NetNet(scope, scope->local_symbol(),
NetNet::WIRE, nex_map->pin_count());
bool flag = if_->synth_async(des, scope, nex_map, asig);
if (!flag) {
/* This path leads nowhere */
delete asig;
} else {
assert(asig->pin_count() == ff->width());
/* Collect the set/reset value into a verinum. If
this turns out to be entirely 0 values, then
use the Sclr input. Otherwise, use the Aset
input and save the set value. */
verinum tmp (verinum::V0, ff->width());
for (unsigned bit = 0 ; bit < ff->width() ; bit += 1) {
tmp.set(bit, asig->pin(bit).nexus()->driven_value());
if (tmp.is_zero()) {
connect(ff->pin_Sclr(), rst->pin(0));
} else {
connect(ff->pin_Sset(), rst->pin(0));
delete a_set;
assert(else_ != 0);
flag = else_->synth_sync(des, scope, ff, nex_map,
nex_out, std::vector<NetEvProbe*>())
&& flag;
return flag;
delete a_set;
#if 0
/* This gives a false positive for strange coding styles,
such as ivltests/conditsynth3.v. */
/* Failed to find an asynchronous set/reset, so any events
input are probably in error. */
if (events_in.size() > 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Events are unaccounted"
<< " for in process synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return synth_async(des, scope, nex_map, nex_out, ff_ce, bitmasks);
bool NetEvWait::synth_sync(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NetNet*ff_clk, NetBus&ff_ce,
NexusSet&nex_map, NetBus&nex_out,
const vector<NetEvProbe*>&events_in)
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetEvWait::synth_sync: "
<< "Synchronous process an event statement." << endl;
if (events_in.size() > 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Events are unaccounted"
<< " for in process synthesis." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
assert(events_in.size() == 0);
/* This can't be other than one unless there are named events,
which I cannot synthesize. */
ivl_assert(*this, events_.size() == 1);
NetEvent*ev = events_[0];
assert(ev->nprobe() >= 1);
vector<NetEvProbe*>events (ev->nprobe() - 1);
/* Get the input set from the substatement. This will be used
to figure out which of the probes is the clock. */
NexusSet*statement_input = statement_ -> nex_input();
/* Search for a clock input. The clock input is the edge event
that is not also an input to the substatement. */
NetEvProbe*pclk = 0;
unsigned event_idx = 0;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < ev->nprobe() ; idx += 1) {
NetEvProbe*tmp = ev->probe(idx);
assert(tmp->pin_count() == 1);
NexusSet tmp_nex;
tmp_nex .add( tmp->pin(0).nexus(), 0, 0 );
if (! statement_input ->contains(tmp_nex)) {
if (pclk != 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Too many "
<< "clocks for synchronous logic." << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": : Perhaps an"
<< " asynchronous set/reset is misused?" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
pclk = tmp;
} else {
events[event_idx++] = tmp;
if (pclk == 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: None of the edges"
<< " are valid clock inputs." << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": : Perhaps the clock"
<< " is read by a statement or expression?" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetEvWait::synth_sync: "
<< "Found and synthesized the FF clock." << endl;
connect(ff_clk->pin(0), pclk->pin(0));
if (pclk->edge() == NetEvProbe::NEGEDGE) {
ff_negedge = true;
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: "
<< "Detected a NEGEDGE clock for the synthesized ff."
<< endl;
/* Synthesize the input to the DFF. */
return statement_->synth_sync(des, scope,
ff_negedge, ff_clk, ff_ce,
ff_aclr, ff_aset, ff_aset_value,
nex_map, nex_out, bitmasks, events);
* This method is called for a process that is determined to be
* synchronous. Create a NetFF device to hold the output from the
* statement, and synthesize that statement in place.
bool NetProcTop::synth_sync(Design*des)
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetProcTop::synth_sync: "
<< "Process is apparently synchronous. Making NetFFs."
<< endl;
NexusSet nex_set;
vector<verinum> aset_value(nex_set.size());
/* Make a model FF that will connect to the first item in the
set, and will also take the initial connection of clocks
and resets. */
// Create a net to carry the clock for the synthesized FFs.
NetNet*clock = new NetNet(scope(), scope()->local_symbol(),
NetNet::TRI, &netvector_t::scalar_logic);
NetBus ce (scope(), nex_set.size());
NetBus nex_d (scope(), nex_set.size());
NetBus nex_q (scope(), nex_set.size());
NetBus aclr (scope(), nex_set.size());
NetBus aset (scope(), nex_set.size());
vector<NetProc::mask_t> bitmasks (nex_set.size());
// Save links to the initial nex_d. These will be used later
// to detect floating part-substitute and mux inputs that need
// to be tied off.
NetBus nex_in (scope(), nex_d.pin_count());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_in.pin_count() ; idx += 1)
connect(nex_in.pin(idx), nex_d.pin(idx));
// The Q of the NetFF devices is connected to the output that
// we are. The nex_q is a bundle of the outputs.
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_q.pin_count() ; idx += 1)
connect(nex_q.pin(idx), nex_set[idx].lnk);
// Connect the D of the NetFF devices later.
/* Synthesize the input to the DFF. */
bool negedge = false;
bool flag = statement_->synth_sync(des, scope(),
negedge, clock, ce,
aclr, aset, aset_value,
nex_set, nex_d, bitmasks,
if (! flag) {
delete clock;
return false;
flag = tie_off_floating_inputs_(des, nex_set, nex_in, bitmasks, true);
if (!flag) return false;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nex_set.size() ; idx += 1) {
//ivl_assert(*this, nex_set[idx].nex);
if (debug_synth2) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: "
<< "Top level making a "
<< nex_set[idx].wid << "-wide "
<< "NetFF device." << endl;
NetFF*ff2 = new NetFF(scope(), scope()->local_symbol(),
negedge, nex_set[idx].wid);
NetNet*tmp = nex_d.pin(idx).nexus()->pick_any_net();
tmp = crop_to_width(des, tmp, ff2->width());
connect(nex_q.pin(idx), ff2->pin_Q());
connect(tmp->pin(0), ff2->pin_Data());
connect(clock->pin(0), ff2->pin_Clock());
if (ce.pin(idx).is_linked())
connect(ce.pin(idx), ff2->pin_Enable());
if (aclr.pin(idx).is_linked())
connect(aclr.pin(idx), ff2->pin_Aclr());
if (aset.pin(idx).is_linked())
connect(aset.pin(idx), ff2->pin_Aset());
#if 0
if (ff->pin_Sset().is_linked())
connect(ff->pin_Sset(), ff2->pin_Sset());
if (ff->pin_Sclr().is_linked())
connect(ff->pin_Sclr(), ff2->pin_Sclr());
// The "clock" net was just to carry the connection back
// to the flip-flop. Delete it now. The connection will
// persist.
delete clock;
synthesized_design_ = des;
return true;
class synth2_f : public functor_t {
void process(Design*, NetProcTop*);
* Look at a process. If it is asynchronous, then synthesize it as an
* asynchronous process and delete the process itself for its gates.
void synth2_f::process(Design*des, NetProcTop*top)
if (top->attribute(perm_string::literal("ivl_synthesis_off")).as_ulong() != 0)
/* If the scope that contains this process as a cell attribute
attached to it, then skip synthesis. */
if (top->scope()->attribute(perm_string::literal("ivl_synthesis_cell")).len() > 0)
/* Create shared pullup and pulldown nodes (if they don't already
exist) for use when creating clock/gate enables. */
if (top->is_synchronous()) {
bool flag = top->synth_sync(des);
if (! flag) {
cerr << top->get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Unable to synthesize synchronous process."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
if (! top->is_asynchronous()) {
bool synth_error_flag = false;
if (top->attribute(perm_string::literal("ivl_combinational")).as_ulong() != 0) {
cerr << top->get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Process is marked combinational,"
<< " but isn't really." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
synth_error_flag = true;
if (top->attribute(perm_string::literal("ivl_synthesis_on")).as_ulong() != 0) {
cerr << top->get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Process is marked for synthesis,"
<< " but I can't do it." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
synth_error_flag = true;
if (! synth_error_flag)
cerr << top->get_fileline() << ": warning: "
<< "Process not synthesized." << endl;
if (! top->synth_async(des)) {
cerr << top->get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Unable to synthesize asynchronous process."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
void synth2(Design*des)
synth2_f synth_obj;
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