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Fiber_SER_vs_quantization_bits.py 17.08 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Henk Wymeersch 提交于 2019-03-14 09:05 . Add files via upload
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This code simulates the impact of quantization on system performance measured with SER
This code can be used to compute SER that can be achieved when communication system
is trained with a finite number of bits
To visualized the impact of quantization bits, one can simply call the function 'compute_SER()'
The function input is number of bits that are used for quantization
import numpy as np
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.utils import to_categorical
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import math
import time
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
M = 16
P_in_dBm = -5 # dBw
P_in_W = 10 ** (P_in_dBm / 10) / 1000 # W
lr_receiver = 0.008
lr_transmitter = 0.001
sigma_pi = np.sqrt(0.001) # Variance for Gaussian policy
tx_layers = 3
rx_layers = 3
NN_T = 30 # Number of neurons in each hidden layer
NN_R = 50
epsilon = 0.000000001
# one hot encoding
messages = np.array(np.arange(1, M + 1))
one_hot_encoded = to_categorical(messages - 1)
one_hot_labels = np.transpose(one_hot_encoded)
with tf.variable_scope('Transmitter'):
WT = []
BT = []
for num_layer in range(1, tx_layers + 1):
w_name = 'WT' + str(num_layer)
b_name = 'BT' + str(num_layer)
if num_layer == 1:
weights = tf.get_variable(w_name, [NN_T, M], dtype='float64',
bias = tf.get_variable(b_name, [NN_T, 1], dtype='float64',
WT = np.append(WT, weights)
BT = np.append(BT, bias)
elif num_layer == tx_layers:
weights = tf.get_variable(w_name, [2, NN_T], dtype='float64',
bias = tf.get_variable(b_name, [2, 1], dtype='float64',
WT = np.append(WT, weights)
BT = np.append(BT, bias)
weights = tf.get_variable(w_name, [NN_T, NN_T], dtype='float64',
bias = tf.get_variable(b_name, [NN_T, 1], dtype='float64',
WT = np.append(WT, weights)
BT = np.append(BT, bias)
def transmitter(in_message):
layer = []
for n_tx in range(1, tx_layers + 1):
if n_tx == 1:
layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(WT[n_tx - 1], in_message), BT[n_tx - 1])) # input layer
elif n_tx < tx_layers:
layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(WT[n_tx - 1], layer), BT[n_tx - 1])) # input layer
layer = tf.add(tf.matmul(WT[n_tx - 1], layer), BT[n_tx - 1])
return layer
with tf.variable_scope('Receiver'):
WR = []
BR = []
for num_layer in range(1, rx_layers + 1):
w_name = 'WR' + str(num_layer)
b_name = 'BR' + str(num_layer)
if num_layer == 1:
weights = tf.get_variable(w_name, [NN_R, 2], dtype='float64',
bias = tf.get_variable(b_name, [NN_R, 1], dtype='float64',
WR = np.append(WR, weights)
BR = np.append(BR, bias)
elif num_layer == rx_layers:
weights = tf.get_variable(w_name, [M, NN_R], dtype='float64',
bias = tf.get_variable(b_name, [M, 1], dtype='float64',
WR = np.append(WR, weights)
BR = np.append(BR, bias)
weights = tf.get_variable(w_name, [NN_R, NN_R], dtype='float64',
bias = tf.get_variable(b_name, [NN_R, 1], dtype='float64',
WR = np.append(WR, weights)
BR = np.append(BR, bias)
def receiver(in_symbols):
layer = []
for n_rx in range(1, rx_layers + 1):
if n_rx == 1:
layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(WR[n_rx - 1], in_symbols), BR[n_rx - 1])) # input layer
elif n_rx < rx_layers:
layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(WR[n_rx - 1], layer), BR[n_rx - 1])) # input layer
layer = tf.nn.softmax(tf.add(tf.matmul(WR[n_rx - 1], layer), BR[n_rx - 1]), 0) # output layer
return layer
def normalization(in_message): # normalize average energy to 1
m = tf.size(in_message[0, :])
square = tf.square(in_message)
inverse_m = 1 / m
inverse_m = tf.cast(inverse_m, tf.float64)
E_abs = inverse_m * tf.reduce_sum(square)
power_norm = tf.sqrt(E_abs) # average power per message
y = in_message / power_norm # average power per message normalized to 1
return y
def power_constrain(in_message):
P_in = tf.cast(P_in_W, tf.float64)
out_put = tf.sqrt(P_in) * in_message
return out_put
def compute_loss(prob_distribution, labels):
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(prob_distribution + epsilon) * labels, 0))
return loss
def perturbation(input_signal):
rows = tf.shape(input_signal)[0]
columns = tf.shape(input_signal)[1]
noise = tf.random_normal([rows, columns], mean=0.0, stddev=sigma_pi, dtype=tf.float64, seed=None, name=None)
perturbed_signal = input_signal + noise # add perturbation so as to do exploration
return perturbed_signal
def compute_per_sample_loss(prob_distribution, labels):
# this is actually the receiver, use the same training set as receiver, so that it knows what message is transmitted
sample_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(prob_distribution + epsilon) * labels, 0)
return sample_loss
def policy_function(X_p, transmitter_output): # problem occurs in this function
gaussian_norm = tf.add(tf.square(X_p[0] - transmitter_output[0]), tf.square(X_p[1] - transmitter_output[1]))
sigma_pi_square = tf.cast(tf.square(sigma_pi), 'float64')
pi_theta = tf.multiply(tf.divide(1, np.multiply(np.pi, sigma_pi_square)),
tf.exp(-tf.divide(gaussian_norm, sigma_pi_square)))
return pi_theta
# Parameters for fiber channel:
gamma = 1.27 # non-linearity parameter
L = 2000 # total link length
K = 20 #
P_noise_dBm = -21.3 # dBw
P_noise_W = 10 ** (P_noise_dBm / 10) / 1000
sigma = np.sqrt(P_noise_W / K) / np.sqrt(2)
def fiber_channel(noise_variance, channel_input):
num_inputs = tf.shape(channel_input)[1]
channel_output = channel_input
sigma_n = tf.cast(noise_variance, tf.float64)
for k in range(1, K + 1):
xr = channel_output[0, :]
xi = channel_output[1, :]
xr = tf.reshape(xr, [1, num_inputs])
xi = tf.reshape(xi, [1, num_inputs])
theta0 = gamma * L * (xr ** 2 + xi ** 2) / K
theta = tf.cast(theta0, tf.float64)
r1 = xr * tf.cos(theta) - xi * tf.sin(theta)
r2 = xr * tf.sin(theta) + xi * tf.cos(theta)
r = tf.concat([r1, r2], 0)
noise = tf.random_normal([2, num_inputs], mean=0.0, stddev=sigma_n, dtype=tf.float64)
channel_output = r + noise
return channel_output
def uniform_quantizer(in_samples, in_partition):
temp = np.zeros(in_samples.shape)
for i in range(0, in_partition.size):
temp = temp + (in_samples > in_partition[i])
temp = temp.astype(int)
return temp
def uniform_de_quantizer(in_indexes, in_codebook):
in_indexes = in_indexes.astype(int)
quantized_value = in_codebook[in_indexes]
return quantized_value
def int2bin(in_array, n_bits):
temp_rep = ((in_array[:, None] & (1 << np.arange(n_bits))) > 0).astype(int)
return temp_rep
def bin2int(in_array):
[rows, columns] = in_array.shape
temp_int = np.zeros(rows)
for column in np.arange(columns):
temp_int += in_array[:, column] * 2**column
return temp_int.astype(int)
MESSAGES = tf.placeholder('float64', [M, None])
LABELS = tf.placeholder('float64', [M, None])
encoded_signals = transmitter(MESSAGES)
normalized_signals = normalization(encoded_signals)
# Train receiver:
R_power_cons_signals = power_constrain(normalized_signals)
R_received_signals = fiber_channel(sigma, R_power_cons_signals)
RECEIVED_SIGNALS = tf.placeholder('float64', [2, None])
R_probability_distribution = receiver(RECEIVED_SIGNALS)
cross_entropy = compute_loss(R_probability_distribution, LABELS)
Rec_Var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='Receiver')
receiver_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr_receiver).minimize(cross_entropy, var_list=Rec_Var_list)
# Train Transmitter
perturbed_signals = perturbation(normalized_signals) # action taken by the agent (transmitter)
PERTURBED_SIGNALS = tf.placeholder('float64', [2, None])
T_power_cons_signals = power_constrain(PERTURBED_SIGNALS)
T_received_signals = fiber_channel(sigma, T_power_cons_signals)
T_probability_distribution = receiver(T_received_signals)
per_sample_loss = compute_per_sample_loss(T_probability_distribution, LABELS) # constant per_sample_loss
SAMPLE_LOSS = tf.placeholder('float64', [1, None])
policy = policy_function(PERTURBED_SIGNALS, normalized_signals)
reward_function = tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(SAMPLE_LOSS, tf.log(policy)))
Tran_Var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='Transmitter')
transmitter_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr_transmitter).minimize(reward_function,
print('M=', M)
print('Input power: ', P_in_dBm, ' dBm')
print('Noise power: ', P_noise_dBm, 'dBm')
print('SNR = ', P_in_dBm - P_noise_dBm, 'dB')
Main_loops = 4000
batch_R = 64
batch_T = 64
tran_loops = 20
rec_loops = 30
def compute_SER(num_bits):
temp_SER = 0
print('num_bits =', num_bits)
uniform_partition = np.arange(1, 2 ** num_bits) / 2 ** num_bits
uniform_codebook = np.arange(0, 2 ** num_bits) / 2 ** num_bits + 0.5 / 2 ** num_bits
with tf.Session() as sess:
for loop in range(0, Main_loops):
if loop % 1000 == 0:
print('num of iterations=', loop)
train_samples = np.copy(one_hot_labels)
train_samples = np.tile(train_samples, rec_loops * batch_R)
rec_sig = sess.run(R_received_signals,
feed_dict={MESSAGES: train_samples}) # constant samples to train receiver
for train_receiver_iteration in range(0, rec_loops):
indexes = np.arange(train_receiver_iteration * batch_R * M,
(train_receiver_iteration + 1) * batch_R * M)
label_batch = np.copy(train_samples[:, indexes])
message_batch = np.copy(rec_sig[:, indexes])
Cross_entropy, _ = sess.run([cross_entropy, receiver_optimizer],
feed_dict={RECEIVED_SIGNALS: message_batch, LABELS: label_batch})
for train_transmitter_iteration in range(0, tran_loops):
label_batch = np.copy(one_hot_labels)
label_batch = np.tile(label_batch, batch_T)
perturbed_sig = sess.run(perturbed_signals, feed_dict={MESSAGES: label_batch}) # action is constant
sample_loss_constant = sess.run(per_sample_loss,
feed_dict={PERTURBED_SIGNALS: perturbed_sig, LABELS: label_batch})
new_sample_loss = np.sort(sample_loss_constant)
boundary_indx = int(0.95 * new_sample_loss.size)
sample_loss_constant[sample_loss_constant > new_sample_loss[boundary_indx]] = new_sample_loss[boundary_indx]
scaled_sample_loss = (sample_loss_constant - np.min(sample_loss_constant)) / np.max(
sample_loss_constant - np.min(sample_loss_constant))
indexes_quantized_sample_loss = uniform_quantizer(scaled_sample_loss,
bin_indexes = int2bin(indexes_quantized_sample_loss, num_bits)
int_indexes = bin2int(bin_indexes)
rec_quantized_sample_loss = uniform_de_quantizer(int_indexes, uniform_codebook)
rec_quantized_sample_loss.shape = [1, rec_quantized_sample_loss.size]
Reward_function, _ = sess.run([reward_function, transmitter_optimizer],
feed_dict={MESSAGES: label_batch,
PERTURBED_SIGNALS: perturbed_sig,
SAMPLE_LOSS: rec_quantized_sample_loss})
# run some more iterations for optimization, batch_size are increased to decrease variance
if loop == Main_loops - 1:
for i in np.arange(0, 10):
for train_transmitter_iteration in range(0, tran_loops):
label_batch = np.copy(one_hot_labels)
label_batch = np.tile(label_batch, 640)
perturbed_sig = sess.run(perturbed_signals, feed_dict={MESSAGES: label_batch}) # action is constant
sample_loss_constant = sess.run(per_sample_loss,
feed_dict={PERTURBED_SIGNALS: perturbed_sig, LABELS: label_batch})
new_sample_loss = np.sort(sample_loss_constant)
boundary_indx = int(0.95 * new_sample_loss.size)
sample_loss_constant[sample_loss_constant > new_sample_loss[boundary_indx]] = new_sample_loss[
scaled_sample_loss = (sample_loss_constant - np.min(sample_loss_constant)) / np.max(
sample_loss_constant - np.min(sample_loss_constant))
indexes_quantized_sample_loss = uniform_quantizer(scaled_sample_loss,
bin_indexes = int2bin(indexes_quantized_sample_loss, num_bits)
int_indexes = bin2int(bin_indexes)
rec_quantized_sample_loss = uniform_de_quantizer(int_indexes, uniform_codebook)
rec_quantized_sample_loss.shape = [1, rec_quantized_sample_loss.size]
Reward_function, _ = sess.run([reward_function, transmitter_optimizer],
feed_dict={MESSAGES: label_batch,
PERTURBED_SIGNALS: perturbed_sig,
SAMPLE_LOSS: rec_quantized_sample_loss})
train_samples = np.copy(one_hot_labels)
train_samples = np.tile(train_samples, rec_loops * 640)
rec_sig = sess.run(R_received_signals,
feed_dict={MESSAGES: train_samples}) # constant samples to train receiver
for train_receiver_iteration in range(0, rec_loops):
indexes = np.arange(train_receiver_iteration * 640 * M,
(train_receiver_iteration + 1) * 640 * M)
label_batch = np.copy(train_samples[:, indexes])
message_batch = np.copy(rec_sig[:, indexes])
Cross_entropy, _ = sess.run([cross_entropy, receiver_optimizer],
feed_dict={RECEIVED_SIGNALS: message_batch, LABELS: label_batch})
message = np.copy(messages)
message = np.tile(message, 100000)
one_hot_message = np.tile(one_hot_labels, 100000)
received_signals = sess.run(R_received_signals, feed_dict={MESSAGES: one_hot_message})
probability_distribution = sess.run(R_probability_distribution, feed_dict={RECEIVED_SIGNALS: received_signals})
classification = np.argmax(probability_distribution, axis=0)
correct = np.equal(classification + 1, message)
temp_SER = 1 - np.mean(correct)
return temp_SER
SER = []
for i in np.arange(0, 10):
print('number of realizations =', i)
ser = compute_SER(num_bits=3)
BLER = np.append(SER, ser)
np.savetxt('SER.txt', SER)
To draw a similar figure shown in the paper, the function ' compute_BLER_vs_num_bits ' should be called for a few times,
then we compute the average and variance of several realizations
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