Machine Learning Applications in Wireless Communications - Project work
IMToolkit: An open-source index modulation toolkit for reproducible research based on massively parallel algorithms
Implementation of research paper: End-to-End Learning of Communications Systems Without a Channel Model
This repository includes the FPGA implementation of a GFDM based transceiver running on National Instruments USRP.
Tensorflow implementation for the paper of "Deep Learning-Based Detector for OFDM-IM"
Deep learning to predict and improve satellite channel characteristics
TensorFlow 2.0 implementation of the paper: Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission
Classifier based mutual information, conditional mutual information estimation; conditional independence testing
D2D communication as a multi-agents system, and power control is achieved by maximizing system capacity while maintaining the requirement of quality of service(QoS) from cellular users.
Compilation of the different MATLAB codes that were used for the experimental part of the research work presented in the article "Next Generation 5G OFDM-Based Modulations for Intensity Modulation-Direct Detection (IM-DD) Optical Fronthauling".