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main.py 19.16 KB
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Shahruk Hossain 提交于 2019-04-13 09:52 . initial commit
import numpy as np
import cv2
from ofdm import OFDMTransmitter, OFDMReceiver
from channel import SISOFlatChannel, awgn
from papr import calcPAPR
from plot import plotBER, plotCCDF, plotImages
from utils import polar2rect, img2bits, bits2img
from keras.models import load_model
def N_vs_PAPR():
print("------ Running # of Sub Carrier vs PAPR Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 64
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
# nBits = 2**20
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
Nrange = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
for N in Nrange:
params['N'] = N
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) /(1.0 * len(bitStream))
print(" N = {:<3} Max PAPR (dB) = {:<5.3} BER = {:<5.3}".format(
N, np.max(paprDb[-1]), BER))
legend = ['N = {}'.format(val) for val in Nrange]
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='N_vs_PAPR.png', show=False, steps=0.25,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nRelationship with Number of Sub Carriers', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def L_vs_PAPR():
print("------ Running Upsampling Factor vs PAPR Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
# nBits = 2**16
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
upsampleFactorRange = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
for L in upsampleFactorRange:
params['upsampleFactor'] = L
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream))
print(" Upsampling factor = {:<3} Max PAPR (dB) = {:<5.3} BER = {:<5.3}".format(L, np.max(paprDb[-1]), BER))
legend = [ 'L = {}'.format(val) for val in upsampleFactorRange]
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='L_vs_PAPR.png', show=False, steps=0.25,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nRelationship with Upsampling Factor', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def N_vs_BER():
print("------ Running # of Sub Carrier vs BER Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 64
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
# nBits = 2**16
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
BERSets = []
Nrange = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048]
snrRange = np.arange(-10,40,1)
for N in Nrange:
params['N'] = N
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
BER = []
for snr in snrRange:
# applying channel with fading
avgOFDMSymbolPower = np.mean(np.mean(np.power(np.abs(sig), 2),axis=-1))
channel = SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=( polar2rect(0.9,15.0), 0.19))
channel.set_SNR_dB(snr, Es=avgOFDMSymbolPower)
noisySig = channel.propagate(sig.flatten())
# decoding
rbitStream = rx.receive(noisySig)
BER.append(np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream)))
print(" N = {:<6} SNR (dB) = {:<4} BER = {:<5.3}".format(N, snr, BER[-1]))
legend = ['N = {}'.format(val) for val in Nrange]
plotBER(BERSets, snrRange, xlabel='SNR (dB)', savePath='N_vs_BER.png', show=False, semilog=True,
title='Bit Error Rate in Rician Channel\nRelationship with Number of Sub Carriers', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def NCP_vs_BER():
print("------ Running Cyclic Prefix vs BER Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 16
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
# nBits = 2**16
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
BERSets = []
NCPrange = [0.10, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.75]
snrRange = np.arange(-10,40,1)
for NCP in NCPrange:
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(NCP * params['N'])
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
BER = []
for snr in snrRange:
# applying channel with fading
avgOFDMSymbolPower = np.mean(np.mean(np.power(np.abs(sig), 2),axis=-1))
channel = SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=( polar2rect(0.9,30.0), 0.19))
channel.set_SNR_dB(snr, Es=avgOFDMSymbolPower)
noisySig = channel.propagate(sig.flatten())
# decoding
rbitStream = rx.receive(noisySig)
BER.append(np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream)))
print(" NCP = {:<6} SNR (dB) = {:<4} BER = {:<5.3}".format(NCP, snr, BER[-1]))
legend = ['CP = {}'.format(val) for val in NCPrange]
plotBER(BERSets, snrRange, xlabel='SNR (dB)', savePath='NCP_vs_BER.png', show=False, semilog=True,
title='Bit Error Rate in Rician Channel\nRelationship with Cyclic Prefix', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def L_vs_BER():
print("------ Running Upsampling Factor vs BER Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
# nBits = 2**16
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
BERSets = []
snrRange = np.arange(-10,40,1)
upsampleFactorRange = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
for L in upsampleFactorRange:
params['upsampleFactor'] = L
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
BER = []
for snr in snrRange:
# applying channel with fading
avgOFDMSymbolPower = np.mean(np.mean(np.power(np.abs(sig), 2),axis=-1))
channel = SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=( polar2rect(0.9,10.0), 0.19))
channel.set_SNR_dB(snr, Es=avgOFDMSymbolPower)
noisySig = channel.propagate(sig.flatten())
# decoding
rbitStream = rx.receive(noisySig)
BER.append(np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream)))
print(" L = {:<6} SNR (dB) = {:<4} BER = {:<5.3}".format(L, snr, BER[-1]))
legend = ['L = {}'.format(val) for val in upsampleFactorRange]
plotBER(BERSets, snrRange, xlabel='SNR (dB)', savePath='L_vs_BER.png', show=False, semilog=True,
title='Bit Error Rate in Rician Channel\nRelationship with Upsampling Factor', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def SLM_vs_PAPR():
print("------ Running SLM Candidates vs PAPR Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
params['useSLM'] = True
# nBits = 2**20
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
phaseCandidates = [0, 8, 16, 32, 64]
for C in phaseCandidates:
params['SLMCandidates'] = C
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx = tx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) /(1.0 * len(bitStream))
print(" C = {:<3} Max PAPR (dB) = {:<5.3} BER = {:<5.3}".format(
C, np.max(paprDb[-1]), BER))
legend = ['Candidates = {}'.format(val) for val in phaseCandidates]
legend[0] = 'No SLM'
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='SLM-C_vs_PAPR_L-{}.png'.format(params['upsampleFactor']), show=False,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nApplying Selective Mapping for N = {} and L = {}'.format(params['N'], params['upsampleFactor']))
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def Clipping_vs_PAPR():
print("------ Running Clipping vs PAPR Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
params['useClipping'] = True
# nBits = 2**20
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
BERSets = []
snrRange = np.arange(-10, 20, 1)
clippingFactor = [1.0, 0.9, 0.75, 0.5]
for C in clippingFactor:
params['clippingPercent'] = C
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
BER = []
for snr in snrRange:
# applying channel with fading
avgOFDMSymbolPower = np.mean(np.mean(np.power(np.abs(sig), 2),axis=-1))
channel = SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=( polar2rect(0.9,10.0), 0.19))
channel.set_SNR_dB(snr, Es=avgOFDMSymbolPower)
noisySig = channel.propagate(sig.flatten())
# decoding
rbitStream = rx.receive(noisySig)
BER.append(np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) /(1.0 * len(bitStream)))
print(" C = {:<3.1f} Max PAPR (dB) = {:<5.3} SNR(db) = {:<4} BER = {:<5.3}".format(float(C*100.0), np.max(paprDb[-1]), snr, BER[-1]))
legend = ['Clipping = {:3.1f} %% of Max'.format(float(val*100.0)) for val in clippingFactor]
legend[0] = 'No Clipping'
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='Clipping_vs_PAPR_L-{}.png'.format(params['upsampleFactor']), show=False,
steps=0.25, legend=legend,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nApplying Clipping for N = {} and L = {}'.format(params['N'], params['upsampleFactor']))
plotBER(BERSets, snrRange, xlabel='SNR (dB)', savePath='Clipping_vs_BER_L-{}.png'.format(params['upsampleFactor']), show=False, semilog=True,
title='Bit Error Rate in Rician Channel\nRelationship with Clipping OFDM Signal', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def ClippingSLM_vs_PAPR():
print("------ Running Clipping vs PAPR Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
params['useClipping'] = True
params['clippingPercent'] = 0.75
params['useSLM'] = True
params['SLMCandidates'] = 32
# nBits = 2**20
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
BERSets = []
legend = []
snrRange = np.arange(-10, 40, 1)
for useClipping, useSLM in zip([False, True, False, True], [False, False, True, True]) :
params['useSLM'] = useSLM
params['useClipping'] = useClipping
legend.append('Clipping = {} SLM = {}'.format(useClipping, useSLM))
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx = tx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx
BER = []
for snr in snrRange:
# applying channel with fading
avgOFDMSymbolPower = np.mean(np.mean(np.power(np.abs(sig), 2),axis=-1))
channel = SISOFlatChannel(fading_param=( polar2rect(0.9,10.0), 0.19))
channel.set_SNR_dB(snr, Es=avgOFDMSymbolPower)
noisySig = channel.propagate(sig.flatten())
# decoding
rbitStream = rx.receive(noisySig)
BER.append(np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) /(1.0 * len(bitStream)))
print(" SLM = {} Clipping = {} Max PAPR (dB) = {:<5.3} SNR(db) = {:<4} BER = {:<5.3}".format(useSLM, useClipping, np.max(paprDb[-1]), snr, BER[-1]))
legend[0] = 'No SLM or Clipping'
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='ClippingSLM_vs_PAPR.png', show=False,
steps=0.25, legend=legend,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nUsing Clipping and SLM')
plotBER(BERSets, snrRange, xlabel='SNR (dB)', savePath='ClippingSLM_vs_BER.png', show=False, semilog=True,
title='Bit Error Rate in Rician Channel\nRelationship with Clipping OFDM Signal', legend=legend)
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def ConvCoding_vs_PAPR():
print("------ Running Conv Coding vs PAPR Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['useConvCode'] = True
# nBits = 2**14
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/ece.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
legend = []
ConvCodeGenerators = [[], [0o5, 0o7], [0o5, 0o7, 0o3], [0o5, 0o7, 0o3, 0o06]] # generator polynomial connections
for G in ConvCodeGenerators:
params['convCodeGMatrix'] = np.array(G)
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.trellis = tx.trellis
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) /(1.0 * len(bitStream))
legend.append('Rate = {}'.format(tx.codeRate))
print(" CodeRate = {} Max PAPR (dB) = {:<5.3} BER = {:<5.3}".format(tx.codeRate, np.max(paprDb[-1]), BER))
legend[0] = 'No Conv Coding'
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='ConvCoding_vs_PAPR.png', show=False, steps=0.25,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nApplying Convolutional Coding')
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
def SLM_vs_NN():
print("------ Running SLM vs NN Simulation -------")
params = {}
params['N'] = 512
params['cyclicPrefix'] = int(0.25 * params['N'])
params['modType'] = 'qam'
params['M'] = 4
params['upsampleFactor'] = 1
# nBits = 2**20
# bitStream = np.random.randint(0, 2, nBits, dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imread('sample_data/wild.jpg')
bitStream, imgShape = img2bits(img)
paprDb = []
legend = []
# Normal OFDM ------------------------------------------
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream))
legend.append("Normal OFDM")
# OFDM with SLM 32 ------------------------------------------
params['useSLM'] = True
params['SLMCandidates'] = 32
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx = tx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream))
print("SLM 32 : BER = {:<5.2}".format(BER))
legend.append("OFDM + SLM-32")
# OFDM with SLM 64 ------------------------------------------
params['useSLM'] = True
params['SLMCandidates'] = 64
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx = tx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream))
print("SLM 64 : BER = {:<5.2}".format(BER))
legend.append("OFDM + SLM-64")
# OFDM with SLM 64 and Clipping ------------------------------------------
params['useSLM'] = True
params['SLMCandidates'] = 64
params['useClipping'] = True
params['clippingPercent'] = 0.75
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx = tx.SLMPhaseVectorIdx
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream))
print("SLM 64 and Clipping : BER = {:<5.2}".format(BER))
legend.append("OFDM + SLM-64 + Clipping")
# OFDM with PAPRnet ------------------------------------------
params['useSLM'] = False
params['useClipping'] = False
params['usePAPRnet'] = True
params['PAPRnetEncoder'] = load_model('./trained_models/PAPRnet01/encoder.hdf5')
params['PAPRnetDecoder'] = load_model('./trained_models/PAPRnet01/decoder.hdf5')
tx = OFDMTransmitter(**params)
sig = tx.transmit(bitStream)
rx = OFDMReceiver(**params)
rx.padBits = tx.padBits
rbitStream = rx.receive(sig.flatten())
BER = np.sum(np.logical_xor(rbitStream, bitStream)) / (1.0 * len(bitStream))
print("PARPnet : BER = {:<5.2}".format(BER))
legend.append("OFDM + PAPRnet")
plotCCDF(paprDb, savePath='SLM_vs_PAPRnet.png', show=True, legend=legend,
title='Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for PAPR\nComparision between PAPRnet and Conventional techniques')
print("".join(["-"]*60), "\n\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# L_vs_PAPR()
# N_vs_PAPR()
# N_vs_BER()
# NCP_vs_BER()
# L_vs_BER()
# SLM_vs_PAPR()
# Clipping_vs_PAPR()
# ClippingSLM_vs_PAPR()
# ConvCoding_vs_PAPR()
马建仓 AI 助手


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