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channel.py 16.07 KB
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Shahruk Hossain 提交于 2019-04-13 09:52 . initial commit
# Authors: Veeresh Taranalli <veeresht@gmail.com> & Bastien Trotobas <bastien.trotobas@gmail.com>
# License: BSD 3-Clause
Channel Models (:mod:`commpy.channels`)
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
SISOFlatChannel -- SISO Channel with Rayleigh or Rician fading.
MIMOFlatChannel -- MIMO Channel with Rayleigh or Rician fading.
bec -- Binary Erasure Channel.
bsc -- Binary Symmetric Channel.
awgn -- Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel.
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility
from numpy import complex, abs, sqrt, sum, zeros, identity, hstack, einsum, trace, kron, absolute
from numpy.random import randn, random, standard_normal
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
__all__ = ['SISOFlatChannel', 'MIMOFlatChannel', 'bec', 'bsc', 'awgn']
class _FlatChannel(object):
def __init__(self):
self.noises = None
self.channel_gains = None
self.unnoisy_output = None
def generate_noises(self, dims):
Generates the white gaussian noise with the right standard deviation and saves it.
dims : int or tuple of ints
Shape of the generated noise.
# Check channel state
assert self.noise_std is not None, "Noise standard deviation must be set before propagation."
# Generate noises
if self.isComplex:
self.noises = (standard_normal(dims) + 1j * standard_normal(dims)) * self.noise_std * 0.5
self.noises = standard_normal(dims) * self.noise_std
def set_SNR_dB(self, SNR_dB, code_rate=1, Es=1):
Sets the the noise standard deviation based on SNR expressed in dB.
SNR_dB : float
Signal to Noise Ratio expressed in dB.
code_rate : float in (0,1]
Rate of the used code.
Es : positive float
Average symbol energy
self.noise_std = sqrt((self.isComplex + 1) * self.nb_tx * Es / (code_rate * 10**(SNR_dB/10)))
def set_SNR_lin(self, SNR_lin, code_rate=1, Es=1):
Sets the the noise standard deviation based on SNR expressed in its linear form.
SNR_lin : float
Signal to Noise Ratio as a linear ratio.
code_rate : float in (0,1]
Rate of the used code.
Es : positive float
Average symbol energy
self.noise_std = sqrt((self.isComplex + 1) * self.nb_tx * Es / (code_rate * SNR_lin))
def isComplex(self):
""" Read-only - True if the channel is complex, False if not."""
return self._isComplex
class SISOFlatChannel(_FlatChannel):
Constructs a SISO channel with a flat fading.
The channel coefficient are normalized i.e. the mean magnitude is 1.
noise_std : float, optional
Noise standard deviation.
Default value is None and then the value must set later.
fading_param : tuple of 2 floats, optional
Parameters of the fading (see attribute for details). Default value is (1,0) i.e. no fading.
fading_param : tuple of 2 floats
Parameters of the fading. The complete tuple must be set each time.
Raise ValueError when sets with value that would lead to a non-normalized channel.
* fading_param[0] refers to the mean of the channel gain (Line Of Sight component).
* fading_param[1] refers to the variance of the channel gain (Non Line Of Sight component).
Classical fadings:
* (1, 0): no fading.
* (0, 1): Rayleigh fading.
* Others: rician fading.
noise_std : float
Noise standard deviation. None is the value has not been set yet.
isComplex : Boolean, Read-only
True if the channel is complex, False if not.
The value is set together with fading_param based on the type of fading_param[0].
k_factor : positive float, Read-only
Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS.
nb_tx : int = 1, Read-only
Number of Tx antennas.
nb_rx : int = 1, Read-only
Number of Rx antennas.
noises : 1D ndarray
Last noise generated. None if no noise has been generated yet.
channel_gains : 1D ndarray
Last channels gains generated. None if no channels has been generated yet.
unnoisy_output : 1D ndarray
Last transmitted message without noise. None if no message has been propagated yet.
If the fading parameters would lead to a non-normalized channel.
The condition is :math:`|param[1]| + |param[0]|^2 = 1`
def nb_tx(self):
""" Read-only - Number of Tx antennas, set to 1 for SISO channel."""
return 1
def nb_rx(self):
""" Read-only - Number of Rx antennas, set to 1 for SISO channel."""
return 1
def __init__(self, noise_std=None, fading_param=(1, 0)):
super(SISOFlatChannel, self).__init__()
self.noise_std = noise_std
self.fading_param = fading_param
def propagate(self, msg):
Propagates a message through the channel.
msg : 1D ndarray
Message to propagate.
channel_output : 1D ndarray
Message after application of the fading and addition of noise.
If the input message is complex but the channel is real.
If the noise standard deviation as not been set yet.
if isinstance(msg[0], complex) and not self.isComplex:
raise TypeError('Trying to propagate a complex message in a real channel.')
nb_symb = len(msg)
# Generate noise
# Generate channel
self.channel_gains = self.fading_param[0]
if self.isComplex:
self.channel_gains += (standard_normal(nb_symb) + 1j * standard_normal(nb_symb)) * sqrt(0.5 * self.fading_param[1])
self.channel_gains += standard_normal(nb_symb) * sqrt(self.fading_param[1])
# Generate outputs
self.unnoisy_output = self.channel_gains * msg
return self.unnoisy_output + self.noises
def fading_param(self):
""" Parameters of the fading (see class attribute for details). """
return self._fading_param
def fading_param(self, fading_param):
if fading_param[1] + absolute(fading_param[0]) ** 2 != 1:
raise ValueError("With this parameters, the channel would add or remove energy.")
self._fading_param = fading_param
self._isComplex = isinstance(fading_param[0], complex)
def k_factor(self):
""" Read-only - Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS """
return absolute(self.fading_param[0]) ** 2 / absolute(self.fading_param[1])
class MIMOFlatChannel(_FlatChannel):
Constructs a MIMO channel with a flat fading based on the Kronecker model.
The channel coefficient are normalized i.e. the mean magnitude is 1.
nb_tx : int >= 1
Number of Tx antennas.
nb_rx : int >= 1
Number of Rx antennas.
noise_std : float, optional
Noise standard deviation.
Default value is None and then the value must set later.
fading_param : tuple of 3 floats, optional
Parameters of the fading. The complete tuple must be set each time.
Default value is (zeros((nb_rx, nb_tx)), identity(nb_tx), identity(nb_rx)) i.e. Rayleigh fading.
fading_param : tuple of 2 floats
Parameters of the fading.
Raise ValueError when sets with value that would lead to a non-normalized channel.
* fading_param[0] refers to the mean of the channel gain (Line Of Sight component).
* fading_param[1] refers to the transmit-side spatial correlation matrix of the channel.
* fading_param[2] refers to the receive-side spatial correlation matrix of the channel.
Classical fadings:
* (zeros((nb_rx, nb_tx)), identity(nb_tx), identity(nb_rx)): Rayleigh fading.
* Others: rician fading.
noise_std : float
Noise standard deviation. None is the value has not been set yet.
isComplex : Boolean, Read-only
True if the channel is complex, False if not.
The value is set together with fading_param based on the type of fading_param[0].
k_factor : positive float, Read-only
Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS.
nb_tx : int
Number of Tx antennas.
nb_rx : int
Number of Rx antennas.
noises : 2D ndarray
Last noise generated. None if no noise has been generated yet.
noises[i] is the noise vector of size nb_rx for the i-th message vector.
channel_gains : 2D ndarray
Last channels gains generated. None if no channels has been generated yet.
channel_gains[i] is the channel matrix of size (nb_rx x nb_tx) for the i-th message vector.
unnoisy_output : 1D ndarray
Last transmitted message without noise. None if no message has been propageted yet.
unnoisy_output[i] is the transmitted message without noise of size nb_rx for the i-th message vector.
If the fading parameters would lead to a non-normalized channel.
The condition is :math:`NLOS + LOS = nb_{tx} * nb_{rx}` where
* :math:`NLOS = tr(param[1]^T \otimes param[2])`
* :math:`LOS = \sum|param[0]|^2`
def __init__(self, nb_tx, nb_rx, noise_std=None, fading_param=None):
super(MIMOFlatChannel, self).__init__()
self.nb_tx = nb_tx
self.nb_rx = nb_rx
self.noise_std = noise_std
if fading_param is None:
self.fading_param = (zeros((nb_rx, nb_tx)), identity(nb_tx), identity(nb_rx))
self.fading_param = fading_param
def propagate(self, msg):
Propagates a message through the channel.
msg : 1D ndarray
Message to propagate.
channel_output : 2D ndarray
Message after application of the fading and addition of noise.
channel_output[i] is th i-th received symbol of size nb_rx.
If the input message is complex but the channel is real.
If the noise standard deviation noise_std as not been set yet.
if isinstance(msg[0], complex) and not self.isComplex:
raise TypeError('Trying to propagate a complex message in a real channel.')
(nb_vect, mod) = divmod(len(msg), self.nb_tx)
# Add padding if required
if mod:
msg = hstack((msg, zeros(self.nb_tx - mod)))
nb_vect += 1
# Reshape msg as vectors sent on each antennas
msg = msg.reshape(nb_vect, -1)
# Generate noises
self.generate_noises((nb_vect, self.nb_rx))
# Generate channel uncorrelated channel
dims = (nb_vect, self.nb_rx, self.nb_tx)
if self.isComplex:
self.channel_gains = (standard_normal(dims) + 1j * standard_normal(dims)) * sqrt(0.5)
self.channel_gains = standard_normal(dims)
# Add correlation and mean
einsum('ij,ajk,lk->ail', sqrtm(self.fading_param[2]), self.channel_gains, sqrtm(self.fading_param[1]),
out=self.channel_gains, optimize='greedy')
self.channel_gains += self.fading_param[0]
# Generate outputs
self.unnoisy_output = einsum('ijk,ik->ij', self.channel_gains, msg)
return self.unnoisy_output + self.noises
def fading_param(self):
""" Parameters of the fading (see class attribute for details). """
return self._fading_param
def fading_param(self, fading_param):
NLOS_gain = trace(kron(fading_param[1].T, fading_param[2]))
LOS_gain = einsum('ij,ij->', absolute(fading_param[0]), absolute(fading_param[0]))
if absolute(NLOS_gain + LOS_gain - self.nb_tx * self.nb_rx) > 1e-3:
raise ValueError("With this parameters, the channel would add or remove energy.")
self._fading_param = fading_param
self._isComplex = isinstance(fading_param[0][0, 0], complex)
def k_factor(self):
""" Read-only - Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS """
NLOS_gain = trace(kron(self.fading_param[1].T, self.fading_param[2]))
LOS_gain = einsum('ij,ij->', absolute(self.fading_param[0]), absolute(self.fading_param[0]))
return LOS_gain / NLOS_gain
def bec(input_bits, p_e):
Binary Erasure Channel.
input_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1}
Input arrary of bits to the channel.
p_e : float in [0, 1]
Erasure probability of the channel.
output_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1}
Output bits from the channel.
output_bits = input_bits.copy()
output_bits[random(len(output_bits)) <= p_e] = -1
return output_bits
def bsc(input_bits, p_t):
Binary Symmetric Channel.
input_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1}
Input arrary of bits to the channel.
p_t : float in [0, 1]
Transition/Error probability of the channel.
output_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1}
Output bits from the channel.
output_bits = input_bits.copy()
flip_locs = (random(len(output_bits)) <= p_t)
output_bits[flip_locs] = 1 ^ output_bits[flip_locs]
return output_bits
# Kept for retro-compatibility. Use FlatChannel for new programs.
def awgn(input_signal, snr_dB, rate=1.0):
Addditive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Channel.
input_signal : 1D ndarray of floats
Input signal to the channel.
snr_dB : float
Output SNR required in dB.
rate : float
Rate of the a FEC code used if any, otherwise 1.
output_signal : 1D ndarray of floats
Output signal from the channel with the specified SNR.
avg_energy = sum(abs(input_signal) * abs(input_signal))/len(input_signal)
snr_linear = 10**(snr_dB/10.0)
noise_variance = avg_energy/(2*rate*snr_linear)
if isinstance(input_signal[0], complex):
noise = (sqrt(noise_variance) * randn(len(input_signal))) + (sqrt(noise_variance) * randn(len(input_signal))*1j)
noise = sqrt(2*noise_variance) * randn(len(input_signal))
output_signal = input_signal + noise
return output_signal
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