import numpy as np
import math
from scipy import signal
from HelpFunc import HelpFunc
from scipy import interpolate
from pyESN import ESN
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
Physical parameters
# Available Bandwidth
W = 2*1.024e6
# Doppler Frequency
f_D = 100
# Noise power spectral density
No = 0.00001
# Number of multipath components
IsiDuration = 8
# This flag is used to set the CIR c to a fixed value.
cFlag = False
# Signal-to-noise ratio
#EbNoDB = np.arange(0, 30+1, 5).astype(np.int32)
EbNoDB = np.arange(25, 30+1, 5).astype(np.int32)
MIMO Parameters
N_t = 2
N_r = 2
Design Parameters
# Number of Subcarriers
N = 512
# Subcarrier spacing of OFDM signals
Subcarrier_Spacing = W/N
# Data symbols QAM Modulation Order
m = 4
# Pilot Symbols Modulation Order
m_pilot = 4
# Number of OFDM symbols to simulate for the BER curve
NumOfdmSymbols = 4000
# Total power available for allocation to the subcarriers
Ptotal = 10**(EbNoDB/10)*No*N
Power Amplifier
p_smooth = 1
ClipLeveldB = 3
Secondary Parameters
# OFDM Symbol Duration
# OFDM symbol duration including the cyclic prefix.
T_OFDM_Total = (N + IsiDuration -1)/W
# Sampling Period
T_s = 1/W
# Channel Coherence Time
tau_c = 0.5/f_D
# Coherence time in terms of OFDM symbols
L = math.floor(tau_c/T_OFDM_Total)
# Equal power distribution over all subcarriers
Pi = Ptotal/N
# Number of bits for OFDM symbol
NumBitsPerSymbol = m*N
# The normalized signal constellation for data symbols
Const = HelpFunc.UnitQamConstellation(m)
# The normalized signal constellation for pilot symbols
ConstPilot = HelpFunc.UnitQamConstellation(m_pilot)
# This variable used for bit-symbol mapping
PowersOfTwo = np.power(2, np.arange(m)).reshape((1, -1))
# Number of cyclic prefix samples
CyclicPrefixLen = IsiDuration - 1
# Generate a one-sided exponential channel power profile, and normalize total power to 1
temp = CyclicPrefixLen/9 # This line guarantees that the last CIR tap has less power than 0.01 of the first path.
IsiMagnitude = np.exp(-(np.arange(CyclicPrefixLen+1))/temp)
IsiMagnitude = IsiMagnitude/sum(IsiMagnitude)
ESN Parameters
# This is the variance of the time-domain
var_x = np.float_power(10, (EbNoDB/10))*No*N
# channel input sequence
nInputUnits = N_t*2
nOutputUnits = N_t*2
# This is the number of neurons in the reservoir. We set this value as a
# function of the time-domain channel input length.
nInternalUnits = 64
inputScaler = 0.005
inputOffset = 0.0
feedbackScaler = 0.0
teacherScaling = 0.0000005*np.ones(N_t*2)
spectralRadius = 0.9
# during training.
# Secondary parameters
teacherShift = np.zeros(N_t*2) # No need to introduce a teacher shift
feedbackScaling = feedbackScaler*np.ones(N_t*2)
# Min_Delay and Max_Delay ar the min and max output delays considered in
# training the esn. When the DelayFlag is set more delay quadruplets are
# considered for training, which slows down the script.
Min_Delay = 0
Max_Delay = math.ceil(IsiDuration/2) + 2;
DelayFlag = 0
ESN_train_input = [ [None] * len(EbNoDB) for i in range(NumOfdmSymbols) ]
ESN_train_teacher = [ [None] * len(EbNoDB) for i in range(NumOfdmSymbols) ]
ESN_test_input = [ [None] * len(EbNoDB) for i in range(NumOfdmSymbols) ]
ESN_test_output = [ [None] * len(EbNoDB) for i in range(NumOfdmSymbols) ]
# The BER and the NMSE matrices to store the simulation results.
BER_ESN = np.zeros(len(EbNoDB))
BER_Perfect = np.zeros(len(EbNoDB))
BER_LS = np.zeros(len(EbNoDB))
BER_MMSE = np.zeros(len(EbNoDB))
NMSE_ESN_Testing = np.zeros(len(EbNoDB))
NMSE_ESN_Training = np.zeros(len(EbNoDB))
c = [[None] * N_t for i in range(N_r)] # This cell array will store all channel impulse
# responses (CIRs) from the transmit antennas to the receive antennas.
Ci = [[None] * N_t for i in range(N_r)] # This cell array will store the channel frequency
# responses from the transmit antennas to the receive antennas.
Ci_LS = [[None] * N_t for i in range(N_r)]
Ci_MMSE = [[None] * N_t for i in range(N_r)]
Ci_LS_Pilots = [[None] * N_t for i in range(N_r)]
# This is the 1/SNR constant that scales the identity matrix in MMSE channel estimation.
MMSEScaler = (No/Pi)
# Construct the time-domain channel correlation matrix
R_h = np.zeros((IsiDuration, IsiDuration))
for ii in range(IsiDuration):
R_h[ii, ii] = IsiMagnitude[ii]
for jj in range(len(EbNoDB)):
print('EbNoDB = %d' % EbNoDB[jj])
A_Clip = np.sqrt(var_x[jj])* np.float_power(10, ClipLeveldB/20)
# The ESN parameters that depend on the current SNR
inputScaling = inputScaler/(var_x[jj]**0.5)*np.ones(N_t*2)
inputShift = inputOffset/inputScaler*np.ones(N_t * 2)
# Reset the accumulated number of bit errors for each new SNR value.
TotalBerNum_ESN = 0
TotalBerNum_LS = 0
TotalBerNum_MMSE = 0
TotalBerNum_Perfect = 0
TotalBerDen = 0
# This is just some random last C
x_ISI = np.zeros(CyclicPrefixLen).astype('complex128')
NMSE_count = 0
MMSE_bold_TD = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(R_h), MMSEScaler[jj]/(N/2)) + np.eye(IsiDuration)
for kk in range(1, NumOfdmSymbols+1):
# Check if the current OFDM symbol is for training, or data transmission.
if (np.remainder(kk, L) == 1):
# Randomly generate a channel impulse response.
for nnn in range(N_r):
for mmm in range(N_t):
# Randomly generate a channel impulse response.
c[nnn][mmm] = np.random.normal(size=IsiDuration)/(2**0.5) + 1j * np.random.normal(size=IsiDuration)/(2 ** 0.5)
c[nnn][mmm] = c[nnn][mmm]*(IsiMagnitude**0.5)
Ci[nnn][mmm] = np.fft.fft( np.append(c[nnn][mmm], np.zeros(N - len(c[nnn][mmm]))) )
ISI channel + AWGN
# The data symbols are M-ary where M = 2^m. We have N_t independent
# data streams, both of which use the same modulation scheme.
TxBits = (np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(N*m_pilot,N_t)) > 0.5).astype(np.int32)
X = np.zeros((N, N_t)).astype('complex128')
x_CP = np.zeros((N+CyclicPrefixLen, N_t)).astype('complex128')
# Modulate the bits with M - ary QAM.
for ii in range(N):
for iii in range(N_t):
ThisQamIdx = np.matmul(PowersOfTwo[:m_pilot], TxBits[m_pilot * ii + np.arange(m_pilot), iii])
X[ii, iii] = ConstPilot[ThisQamIdx[0]]
# Create the time - domain signal for each transmit antennas and prepend the cyclic prefix.
for iii in range(N_t):
x_temp = N * np.fft.ifft(X[:, iii])
x_CP[:, iii] = np.append(x_temp[(-1 - CyclicPrefixLen + 1): len(x_temp)], x_temp)
x_CP[:, iii] = x_CP[:, iii] * (Pi[jj]**0.5)
Y = np.zeros((N, N_r)).astype('complex128')
y_CP = np.zeros((N + CyclicPrefixLen, N_r)).astype('complex128')
noise = np.zeros(y_CP.shape).astype('complex128')
for nnn in range(N_r):
# Superimpose all transmitted and filtered streams to form
# the received time domain signal in each receive antenna.
for mmm in range(N_t):
y_CP[:,nnn] = y_CP[:,nnn] + signal.lfilter(c[nnn][mmm], np.array([1]), x_CP[:,mmm])
# Add noise to the signal at each receive antenna.
noise[:,nnn] = math.sqrt(y_CP.shape[0]*No/2) * np.matmul(np.random.normal(size=(y_CP.shape[0], 2)),
np.array([[1], [1j]])).reshape(-1)
y_CP[:,nnn] = y_CP[:,nnn] + noise[:,nnn]
# Get the frequency domain samples at each receive antenna.
Y[:, nnn] = 1 / N * np.fft.fft(y_CP[IsiDuration-1:len(y_CP),nnn])
# Insert zeros at the subcarriers that are pilot locations for the other antenna.
X_LS = X
X_LS[np.arange(1, len(X_LS), 2), 0] = 0
X_LS[np.arange(0, len(X_LS), 2), 1] = 0
x_LS_CP = np.zeros(x_CP.shape).astype('complex128')
for iii in range(N_t):
x_temp = N*np.fft.ifft(X_LS[:,iii])
x_LS_CP[:,iii] = np.append(x_temp[(-1 - CyclicPrefixLen + 1): len(x_temp)], x_temp)
x_LS_CP[:,iii] = x_LS_CP[:,iii] * (Pi[jj] ** 0.5)
Y_LS = np.zeros((N,N_r)).astype('complex128')
y_LS_CP = np.zeros((N+CyclicPrefixLen, N_r)).astype('complex128')
for nnn in range(N_r):
for mmm in range(N_t):
y_LS_CP[:,nnn] = y_LS_CP[:,nnn] + signal.lfilter(c[nnn][mmm], np.array([1]), x_LS_CP[:, mmm])
y_LS_CP[:, nnn] = y_LS_CP[:,nnn] + noise[:,nnn]
# Get the frequency domain samples at each receive antenna.
Y_LS[:,nnn] = 1/N*np.fft.fft(y_LS_CP[IsiDuration-1:,nnn])
Y_LS = Y_LS/(Pi[jj]**0.5)
LS Channel Estimation
for nnn in range(N_r):
for mmm in range(N_t):
Ci_LS_Pilots[nnn][mmm] = Y_LS[np.arange(mmm, len(Y_LS), 2), nnn]/ X_LS[np.arange(mmm, len(X_LS), 2), mmm]
# MMSE Channel Estimation
# H_MMSE = MMSE_bold_FD * H_LS
c_LS = np.fft.ifft(Ci_LS_Pilots[nnn][mmm])
# Get time - domain LS estimates at the known CIR locations.
c_LS = np.delete(c_LS, np.arange(IsiDuration, len(c_LS)))
# Get the MMSE estimate from the LS estimate
c_MMSE = np.linalg.solve(MMSE_bold_TD, c_LS)
Ci_MMSE[nnn][mmm] = np.fft.fft(np.append(c_MMSE, np.zeros(N-IsiDuration)))
if (mmm == 0):
tmpf = interpolate.interp1d(np.append(np.arange(mmm, N-1, N_t), N-1),
np.append(Ci_LS_Pilots[nnn][mmm], Ci_LS_Pilots[nnn][mmm][-1]))
Ci_LS[nnn][mmm] = tmpf(np.arange(N))
tmpf = interpolate.interp1d(np.append(0, np.arange(mmm, N, N_t)),
np.append(Ci_LS_Pilots[nnn][mmm][0], Ci_LS_Pilots[nnn][mmm]))
Ci_LS[nnn][mmm] = tmpf(np.arange(N))
ESN Receiver
# Pass the time-domain samples through the nonlinear PA
x_CP_NLD = x_CP/( ( 1 + (np.absolute(x_CP)/A_Clip)**(2*p_smooth) )**(1/(2*p_smooth)) )
y_CP_NLD = np.zeros((N+CyclicPrefixLen,N_r)).astype('complex128')
for nnn in range(N_r):
# Superimpose all transmitted and filtered streams to form
# the received time domain signal in each receive antenna.
for mmm in range(N_t):
y_CP_NLD[:, nnn] = y_CP_NLD[:,nnn] + signal.lfilter(c[nnn][mmm], np.array([1]), x_CP_NLD[:, mmm])
y_CP_NLD[:, nnn] = y_CP_NLD[:,nnn] + noise[:,nnn]
# Set-up the ESN
esn = ESN(n_inputs=nInputUnits, n_outputs=nOutputUnits, n_reservoir=nInternalUnits,
spectral_radius=spectralRadius, sparsity= 1 - min(0.2*nInternalUnits, 1),
input_shift=inputShift, input_scaling=inputScaling,
teacher_scaling=teacherScaling, teacher_shift=teacherShift,
# Train the ESN
[ESN_input, ESN_output, trainedEsn, Delay, Delay_Idx, Delay_Min, Delay_Max, nForgetPoints, NMSE_ESN] = \
HelpFunc.trainMIMOESN(esn, DelayFlag, Min_Delay, Max_Delay, CyclicPrefixLen, N, N_t, N_r, IsiDuration, y_CP_NLD, x_CP)
# Data For AFRL
#ESN_train_input[kk, jj] = ESN_input
#ESN_train_teacher[kk, jj] = ESN_output
NMSE_ESN_Training[jj] = NMSE_ESN + NMSE_ESN_Training[jj]
TxBits = (np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(N*m, N_t)) > 0.5).astype(np.int32)
X = np.zeros((N, N_t)).astype('complex128')
x_CP = np.zeros((N + CyclicPrefixLen, N_t)).astype('complex128')
# Modulate the bits with M - ary QAM.
for ii in range(N):
for iii in range(N_t):
ThisQamIdx = np.matmul(PowersOfTwo[:m], TxBits[m * ii + np.arange(m), iii])
X[ii, iii] = Const[ThisQamIdx[0]]
for iii in range(N_t):
x_temp = N * np.fft.ifft(X[:, iii])
x_CP[:, iii] = np.append(x_temp[(-1 - CyclicPrefixLen + 1): len(x_temp)], x_temp)
x_CP[:, iii] = x_CP[:, iii] * (Pi[jj] ** 0.5)
# nonlinear Amplifier
x_CP_NLD = x_CP / ((1 + (np.absolute(x_CP)/A_Clip) ** (2*p_smooth)) ** (1/(2*p_smooth)))
Y_NLD = np.zeros((N, N_r)).astype('complex128')
y_CP_NLD = np.zeros((N + CyclicPrefixLen, N_r)).astype('complex128')
for nnn in range(N_r):
# Superimpose all transmitted and filtered streams to form
# the received time domain signal in each receive antenna.
for mmm in range(N_t):
y_CP_NLD[:, nnn] = y_CP_NLD[:, nnn] + signal.lfilter(c[nnn][mmm], np.array([1]), x_CP_NLD[:, mmm])
# add noise
y_CP_NLD[:, nnn] = y_CP_NLD[:, nnn] + math.sqrt(y_CP.shape[0] * No / 2) \
* np.matmul(np.random.normal(size=(y_CP.shape[0], 2)), np.array([[1], [1j]])).reshape(-1)
Y_NLD[:, nnn] = 1 / N * np.fft.fft(y_CP_NLD[IsiDuration-1:, nnn])
# ESN Detector
ESN_input = np.zeros((N + Delay_Max + CyclicPrefixLen, N_t * 2))
ESN_output = np.zeros((N + Delay_Max + CyclicPrefixLen, N_t * 2))
ESN_input[:, 0] = np.append(y_CP_NLD[:, 0].real, np.zeros(Delay_Max))
ESN_input[:, 1] = np.append(y_CP_NLD[:, 0].imag, np.zeros(Delay_Max))
ESN_input[:, 2] = np.append(y_CP_NLD[:, 1].real, np.zeros(Delay_Max))
ESN_input[:, 3] = np.append(y_CP_NLD[:, 1].imag, np.zeros(Delay_Max))
# Get the ESN output corresponding to the training input
# Train the ESN
nForgetPoints = Delay_Min + CyclicPrefixLen
x_hat_ESN_temp = trainedEsn.predict(ESN_input, nForgetPoints, continuation=False)
x_hat_ESN_0 = x_hat_ESN_temp[Delay[0] - Delay_Min: Delay[0] - Delay_Min + N + 1, 0] \
+ 1j * x_hat_ESN_temp[Delay[1] - Delay_Min: Delay[1] - Delay_Min + N + 1, 1]
x_hat_ESN_1 = x_hat_ESN_temp[Delay[2] - Delay_Min: Delay[2] - Delay_Min + N + 1, 2] \
+ 1j * x_hat_ESN_temp[Delay[3] - Delay_Min: Delay[3] - Delay_Min + N + 1, 3]
x_hat_ESN_0 = x_hat_ESN_0.reshape(-1, 1)
x_hat_ESN_1 = x_hat_ESN_1.reshape(-1, 1)
x_hat_ESN = np.hstack((x_hat_ESN_0, x_hat_ESN_1))
x = x_CP[IsiDuration - 1:, :]
NMSE_ESN_Testing[jj] = NMSE_ESN_Testing[jj] \
+ np.linalg.norm(x_hat_ESN[:, 0] - x[:, 0], axis=0) ** 2 / np.linalg.norm(x[:, 0], axis=0) ** 2 \
+ np.linalg.norm(x_hat_ESN[:, 1] - x[:, 1], axis=0) ** 2 / np.linalg.norm(x[:, 1], axis=0) ** 2
NMSE_count = NMSE_count + 1
X_hat_ESN = np.zeros(X.shape).astype('complex128')
for ii in range(N_t):
X_hat_ESN[:, ii] = 1 / N * np.fft.fft(x_hat_ESN[:, ii]) / math.sqrt(Pi[jj])
# Data For AFRL
#ESN_test_input[kk, jj] = ESN_input
#ESN_test_output[kk, jj] = x_hat_ESN
Channel Estimation
H_temp = np.zeros((N_r, N_t)).astype('complex128')
H_temp_LS = np.zeros((N_r, N_t)).astype('complex128')
H_temp_MMSE = np.zeros((N_r, N_t)).astype('complex128')
X_hat_Perfect = np.zeros(X.shape).astype('complex128')
X_hat_LS = np.zeros(X.shape).astype('complex128')
X_hat_MMSE = np.zeros(X.shape).astype('complex128')
for ii in range(N):
Y_temp = np.transpose(Y_NLD[ii,:])
for nnn in range(N_r):
for mmm in range(N_t):
H_temp[nnn, mmm] = Ci[nnn][mmm][ii]
H_temp_LS[nnn, mmm] = Ci_LS[nnn][mmm][ii]
H_temp_MMSE[nnn, mmm] = Ci_MMSE[nnn][mmm][ii]
X_hat_Perfect[ii,:] = np.linalg.solve(H_temp, Y_temp) / math.sqrt(Pi[jj])
X_hat_LS[ii,:] = np.linalg.solve(H_temp_LS, Y_temp) / math.sqrt(Pi[jj])
X_hat_MMSE[ii,:] = np.linalg.solve(H_temp_MMSE, Y_temp) / math.sqrt(Pi[jj])
RxBits_ESN = np.zeros(TxBits.shape)
RxBits_LS = np.zeros(TxBits.shape)
RxBits_MMSE = np.zeros(TxBits.shape)
RxBits_Perfect = np.zeros(TxBits.shape)
# Loop through the subcarriers and detect the QAM symbols and bits.
for ii in range(N):
for iii in range(N_t):
# Bit and symbol detection with the "exact" equalizer
ThisQamIdx = np.argmin(np.absolute(Const - X_hat_Perfect[ii,iii]))
ThisBits = list(format(ThisQamIdx, 'b').zfill(m))
ThisBits = np.array([int(i) for i in ThisBits])
RxBits_Perfect[m * ii: m * (ii + 1), iii] = ThisBits[::-1]
# Bit and symbol detection with ESN Receiver
ThisQamIdx = np.argmin(np.absolute(Const - X_hat_ESN[ii, iii]))
ThisBits = list(format(ThisQamIdx, 'b').zfill(m))
ThisBits = np.array([int(i) for i in ThisBits])
RxBits_ESN[m * ii: m * (ii + 1), iii] = ThisBits[::-1]
# Bit and symbol detection with LS equalizer
ThisQamIdx = np.argmin(np.absolute(Const - X_hat_LS[ii, iii]))
ThisBits = list(format(ThisQamIdx, 'b').zfill(m))
ThisBits = np.array([int(i) for i in ThisBits])
RxBits_LS[m * ii: m * (ii + 1), iii] = ThisBits[::-1]
# Bit and symbol detection with MMSE equalizer
ThisQamIdx = np.argmin(np.absolute(Const - X_hat_MMSE[ii, iii]))
ThisBits = list(format(ThisQamIdx, 'b').zfill(m))
ThisBits = np.array([int(i) for i in ThisBits])
RxBits_MMSE[m * ii: m * (ii + 1), iii] = ThisBits[::-1]
# Accumulate the bit errors for all three receivers
TotalBerNum_ESN = TotalBerNum_ESN + np.sum(TxBits != RxBits_ESN)
TotalBerNum_LS = TotalBerNum_LS + np.sum(TxBits != RxBits_LS)
TotalBerNum_MMSE = TotalBerNum_MMSE + np.sum(TxBits != RxBits_MMSE)
TotalBerNum_Perfect = TotalBerNum_Perfect + np.sum(TxBits != RxBits_Perfect)
TotalBerDen = TotalBerDen + NumBitsPerSymbol
# Compute and store the bit error rate(BER) values for the current signal to noise ratio.
BER_ESN[jj] = TotalBerNum_ESN / TotalBerDen
BER_LS[jj] = TotalBerNum_LS / TotalBerDen
BER_MMSE[jj] = TotalBerNum_MMSE / TotalBerDen
BER_Perfect[jj] = TotalBerNum_Perfect / TotalBerDen
NMSE_ESN_Testing = NMSE_ESN_Testing / NMSE_count
NMSE_ESN_Training = NMSE_ESN_Training / (NumOfdmSymbols - NMSE_count)
# Plot the BER of all three approaches.
BERvsEBNo = {
f = open('./BERvsEBNo_esn.pkl','wb')
plt.semilogy(EbNoDB, BER_LS, 'o-', label='LS', linewidth=1.5)
plt.semilogy(EbNoDB, BER_ESN, 'gd--', label='ESN', linewidth=1.5)
plt.semilogy(EbNoDB, BER_MMSE, 'rs-.', label='MMSE', linewidth=1.5)
plt.title('64 Neurons in the Reservoir')
plt.xlabel('Signal-to-Noise Ratio[dB]')
plt.ylabel('Bit Error Rate')
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