

zhixue89 暂无简介


    Watch zhixue89/HslCommunication forked from xuzhenglim/HslCommunication

    一个工业物联网的底层架构框架,专注于底层的技术通信及跨平台,跨语言通信功能,实现各种主流的PLC数据读写,实现modbus的各种协议读写等等,支持快速搭建工业上位机软件,组态软件,SCADA软件,工厂MES系统,助力企业工业4.0腾飞,实现智能制造,智慧工厂的目标。主要PLC包含 siemens, mitsubishi, omron, panasonic, modbus, ab-plc, redis

    最近更新: 4天前

    Watch zhixue89/SunnyUI forked from Sunny/SunnyUI

    SunnyUI.NET 是基于.NET Framework 4.0+、.NET6、.NET8、.NET9 框架的 C# WinForm UI、开源控件库、工具类库、扩展类库、多页面开发框架。

    最近更新: 4天前

    Watch dathlin/HslCommunication

    A very popular industrial Internet of Things communication plug-in. Using this dll can be very convenient, stable, and fast to obtain data from PLC equipment of multiple brands, and also supports redis, mqtt, websocket, etc., which can let your data on the network Free transmission, reducing enterprise development costs.

    最近更新: 14天前
