PilotGo-plugins contains plugins for PilotGo.
PilotGo is a plugable operation platform written in go.
NestOS is an automatically updated minimal operating system developed based on openEuler
nestos-website is the source code repository for the NestOS website
nestos-installer is a program to assist with installing nestos
nestos-config provides base manifest configuration for building NestOS.
nestos-installer is a build environment used to build NestOS systems.
Safelease is a legacy cluster lock utility used by VDSM. It is based on the algorithm presented in the article "Light-Weight Leases for Storage-Centric Coordination" by G Chockler and D Malkhi.
Maven Plugin used to generate and attach an artifact containing JBoss modules.
ovirt-engine-extensions-api provides classes that define API for oVirt engine extensions
This is the specification of the API
This package contains the oVirt Engine Local Users Management Extension to manage users stored in PostgreSQL database.
This package contains the oVirt Engine Logger Log4j extensions to forward oVirt engine logs to remote syslog service.