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What's new in Tornado 5.0.1 Apr 7, 2018 ----------- Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed a memory leak when `.IOLoop` objects are created and destroyed. - If `.AsyncTestCase.get_new_ioloop` returns a reference to a preexisting event loop (typically when it has been overridden to return `.IOLoop.current()`), the test's ``tearDown`` method will not close this loop. - Fixed a confusing error message when the synchronous `.HTTPClient` fails to initialize because an event loop is already running. - `.PeriodicCallback` no longer executes twice in a row due to backwards clock adjustments.
2018-04-08 08:30
What's new in Tornado 5.0.1 Mar 18, 2018 ------------ Bug fix ~~~~~~~ - This release restores support for versions of Python 3.4 prior to 3.4.4. This is important for compatibility with Debian Jessie which has 3.4.2 as its version of Python 3.
2018-03-18 23:39
What's new in Tornado 5.0 Mar 5, 2018 ----------- Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ - The focus of this release is improving integration with `asyncio`. On Python 3, the `.IOLoop` is always a wrapper around the `asyncio` event loop, and `asyncio.Future` and `asyncio.Task` are used instead of their Tornado counterparts. This means that libraries based on `asyncio` can be mixed relatively seamlessly with those using Tornado. While care has been taken to minimize the disruption from this change, code changes may be required for compatibility with Tornado 5.0, as detailed in the following section. - Tornado 5.0 supports Python 2.7.9+ and 3.4+. Python 2.7 and 3.4 are deprecated and support for them will be removed in Tornado 6.0, which will require Python 3.5+. Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Python 3.3 is no longer supported. - Versions of Python 2.7 that predate the `ssl` module update are no longer supported. (The `ssl` module was updated in version 2.7.9, although in some distributions the updates are present in builds with a lower version number. Tornado requires `ssl.SSLContext`, `ssl.create_default_context`, and `ssl.match_hostname`) - Versions of Python 3.5 prior to 3.5.2 are no longer supported due to a change in the async iterator protocol in that version. - The ``trollius`` project (`asyncio` backported to Python 2) is no longer supported. - `tornado.concurrent.Future` is now an alias for `asyncio.Future` when running on Python 3. This results in a number of minor behavioral changes: - `.Future` objects can only be created while there is a current `.IOLoop` - The timing of callbacks scheduled with ``Future.add_done_callback`` has changed. `tornado.concurrent.future_add_done_callback` can be used to make the behavior more like older versions of Tornado (but not identical). Some of these changes are also present in the Python 2 version of `tornado.concurrent.Future` to minimize the difference between Python 2 and 3. - Cancellation is now partially supported, via `asyncio.Future.cancel`. A canceled `.Future` can no longer have its result set. Applications that handle `~asyncio.Future` objects directly may want to use `tornado.concurrent.future_set_result_unless_cancelled`. In native coroutines, cancellation will cause an exception to be raised in the coroutine. - The ``exc_info`` and ``set_exc_info`` methods are no longer present. Use `tornado.concurrent.future_set_exc_info` to replace the latter, and raise the exception with `~asyncio.Future.result` to replace the former. - ``io_loop`` arguments to many Tornado functions have been removed. Use `.IOLoop.current()` instead of passing `.IOLoop` objects explicitly. - On Python 3, `.IOLoop` is always a wrapper around the `asyncio` event loop. ``IOLoop.configure`` is effectively removed on Python 3 (for compatibility, it may be called to redundantly specify the `asyncio`-backed `.IOLoop`) - `.IOLoop.instance` is now a deprecated alias for `.IOLoop.current`. Applications that need the cross-thread communication behavior facilitated by `.IOLoop.instance` should use their own global variable instead. Other notes ~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``futures`` (`concurrent.futures` backport) package is now required on Python 2.7. - The ``certifi`` and ``backports.ssl-match-hostname`` packages are no longer required on Python 2.7. - Python 3.6 or higher is recommended, because it features more efficient garbage collection of `asyncio.Future` objects. `tornado.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.GoogleOAuth2Mixin` now uses a newer set of URLs. `tornado.autoreload` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - On Python 3, uses ``__main__.__spec`` to more reliably reconstruct the original command line and avoid modifying ``PYTHONPATH``. - The ``io_loop`` argument to `tornado.autoreload.start` has been removed. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `tornado.concurrent.Future` is now an alias for `asyncio.Future` when running on Python 3. See "Backwards-compatibility notes" for more. - Setting the result of a ``Future`` no longer blocks while callbacks are being run. Instead, the callbacks are scheduled on the next `.IOLoop` iteration. - The deprecated alias ``tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture`` has been removed. - `tornado.concurrent.chain_future` now works with all three kinds of ``Futures`` (Tornado, `asyncio`, and `concurrent.futures`) - The ``io_loop`` argument to `tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor` has been removed. - New functions `.future_set_result_unless_cancelled`, `.future_set_exc_info`, and `.future_add_done_callback` help mask the difference between `asyncio.Future` and Tornado's previous ``Future`` implementation. `tornado.curl_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improved debug logging on Python 3. - The ``time_info`` response attribute now includes ``appconnect`` in addition to other measurements. - Closing a `.CurlAsyncHTTPClient` now breaks circular references that could delay garbage collection. - The ``io_loop`` argument to the `.CurlAsyncHTTPClient` constructor has been removed. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``tornado.gen.TimeoutError`` is now an alias for `tornado.util.TimeoutError`. - Leak detection for ``Futures`` created by this module now attributes them to their proper caller instead of the coroutine machinery. - Several circular references that could delay garbage collection have been broken up. - On Python 3, `asyncio.Task` is used instead of the Tornado coroutine runner. This improves compatibility with some `asyncio` libraries and adds support for cancellation. - The ``io_loop`` arguments to ``YieldFuture`` and `.with_timeout` have been removed. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to all `.AsyncHTTPClient` constructors has been removed. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - It is now possible for a client to reuse a connection after sending a chunked request. - If a client sends a malformed request, the server now responds with a 400 error instead of simply closing the connection. - ``Content-Length`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` headers are no longer sent with 1xx or 204 responses (this was already true of 304 responses). - When closing a connection to a HTTP/1.1 client, the ``Connection: close`` header is sent with the response. - The ``io_loop`` argument to the `.HTTPServer` constructor has been removed. - If more than one ``X-Scheme`` or ``X-Forwarded-Proto`` header is present, only the last is used. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The string representation of `.HTTPServerRequest` objects (which are sometimes used in log messages) no longer includes the request headers. - New function `.qs_to_qsl` converts the result of `urllib.parse.parse_qs` to name-value pairs. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``tornado.ioloop.TimeoutError`` is now an alias for `tornado.util.TimeoutError`. - `.IOLoop.instance` is now a deprecated alias for `.IOLoop.current`. - `.IOLoop.install` and `.IOLoop.clear_instance` are deprecated. - ``IOLoop.initialized`` has been removed. - On Python 3, the `asyncio`-backed `.IOLoop` is always used and alternative `.IOLoop` implementations cannot be configured. `.IOLoop.current` and related methods pass through to `asyncio.get_event_loop`. - `~.IOLoop.run_sync` cancels its argument on a timeout. This results in better stack traces (and avoids log messages about leaks) in native coroutines. - New methods `.IOLoop.run_in_executor` and `.IOLoop.set_default_executor` make it easier to run functions in other threads from native coroutines (since `concurrent.futures.Future` does not support ``await``). - ``PollIOLoop`` (the default on Python 2) attempts to detect misuse of `.IOLoop` instances across `os.fork`. - The ``io_loop`` argument to `.PeriodicCallback` has been removed. - It is now possible to create a `.PeriodicCallback` in one thread and start it in another without passing an explicit event loop. - The `.IOLoop.set_blocking_signal_threshold` and `.IOLoop.set_blocking_log_threshold` methods are deprecated because they are not implemented for the `asyncio` event loop`. Use the ``PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG=1`` environment variable instead. - `.IOLoop.clear_current` now works if it is called before any current loop is established. - The ``IOLoop.initialized`` method has been removed. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to the `.IOStream` constructor has been removed. - New method `.BaseIOStream.read_into` provides a minimal-copy alternative to `.BaseIOStream.read_bytes`. - `.BaseIOStream.write` is now much more efficient for very large amounts of data. - Fixed some cases in which ``IOStream.error`` could be inaccurate. - Writing a `memoryview` can no longer result in "BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized". `tornado.locks` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - As a side effect of the ``Future`` changes, waiters are always notified asynchronously with respect to `.Condition.notify`. `tornado.netutil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The default `.Resolver` now uses `.IOLoop.run_in_executor`. `.ExecutorResolver`, `.BlockingResolver`, and `.ThreadedResolver` are deprecated. - The ``io_loop`` arguments to `.add_accept_handler`, `.ExecutorResolver`, and `.ThreadedResolver` have been removed. - `.add_accept_handler` returns a callable which can be used to remove all handlers that were added. - `.OverrideResolver` now accepts per-family overrides. `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Duplicate option names are now detected properly whether they use hyphens or underscores. `tornado.platform.asyncio` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.AsyncIOLoop` and `.AsyncIOMainLoop` are now used automatically when appropriate; referencing them explicitly is no longer recommended. - Starting an `.IOLoop` or making it current now also sets the `asyncio` event loop for the current thread. Closing an `.IOLoop` closes the corresponding `asyncio` event loop. - `.to_tornado_future` and `.to_asyncio_future` are deprecated since they are now no-ops. - `~.AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy` can now be used to easily allow the creation of event loops on any thread (similar to Tornado's prior policy). `tornado.platform.caresresolver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to `.CaresResolver` has been removed. `tornado.platform.twisted` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` arguments to `.TornadoReactor`, `.TwistedResolver`, and `tornado.platform.twisted.install` have been removed. `tornado.process` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to the `.Subprocess` constructor and `.Subprocess.initialize` has been removed. `tornado.routing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - A default 404 response is now generated if no delegate is found for a request. `tornado.simple_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to `.SimpleAsyncHTTPClient` has been removed. - TLS is now configured according to `ssl.create_default_context` by default. `tornado.tcpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to the `.TCPClient` constructor has been removed. - `.TCPClient.connect` has a new ``timeout`` argument. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``io_loop`` argument to the `.TCPServer` constructor has been removed. - `.TCPServer` no longer logs ``EBADF`` errors during shutdown. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The deprecated ``tornado.testing.get_unused_port`` and ``tornado.testing.LogTrapTestCase`` have been removed. - `.AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch` now supports absolute URLs. - `.AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch` now connects to ```` instead of ``localhost`` to be more robust against faulty ipv6 configurations. `tornado.util` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `tornado.util.TimeoutError` replaces ``tornado.gen.TimeoutError`` and ``tornado.ioloop.TimeoutError``. - `.Configurable` now supports configuration at multiple levels of an inheritance hierarchy. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.RequestHandler.set_status` no longer requires that the given status code appear in `http.client.responses`. - It is no longer allowed to send a body with 1xx or 204 responses. - Exception handling now breaks up reference cycles that could delay garbage collection. - `.RedirectHandler` now copies any query arguments from the request to the redirect location. - If both ``If-None-Match`` and ``If-Modified-Since`` headers are present in a request to `.StaticFileHandler`, the latter is now ignored. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The C accelerator now operates on multiple bytes at a time to improve performance. - Requests with invalid websocket headers now get a response with status code 400 instead of a closed connection. - `.WebSocketHandler.write_message` now raises `.WebSocketClosedError` if the connection closes while the write is in progress. - The ``io_loop`` argument to `.websocket_connect` has been removed.
2018-03-05 21:39
What's new in Tornado 4.5.3 Jan 6, 2018 ------------ `tornado.curl_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improved debug logging on Python 3. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``Content-Length`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` headers are no longer sent with 1xx or 204 responses (this was already true of 304 responses). - Reading chunked requests no longer leaves the connection in a broken state. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Writing a `memoryview` can no longer result in "BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized". `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Duplicate option names are now detected properly whether they use hyphens or underscores. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch` now uses ```` instead of ``localhost``, improving compatibility with systems that have partially-working ipv6 stacks. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - It is no longer allowed to send a body with 1xx or 204 responses. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Requests with invalid websocket headers now get a response with status code 400 instead of a closed connection.
2018-01-07 01:48
What's new in Tornado 4.5.2 Aug 27, 2017 ------------ Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Tornado now sets the ``FD_CLOEXEC`` flag on all file descriptors it creates. This prevents hanging client connections and resource leaks when the `tornado.autoreload` module (or ``Application(debug=True)``) is used.
2017-08-28 02:50
What's new in Tornado 4.5 Apr 16, 2017 ------------ `tornado.log` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improved detection of libraries for colorized logging. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.url_concat` once again treats None as equivalent to an empty sequence.
2017-04-20 21:32
What's new in Tornado 4.5 Apr 16, 2017 ------------ Backwards-compatibility warning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The `tornado.websocket` module now imposes a limit on the size of incoming messages, which defaults to 10MiB. New module ~~~~~~~~~~ - `tornado.routing` provides a more flexible routing system than the one built in to `.Application`. General changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Reduced the number of circular references, reducing memory usage and improving performance. `tornado.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `tornado.auth` module has been updated for compatibility with `a change to Facebook's access_token endpoint <https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/pull/1977>`_. This includes both the changes initially released in Tornado 4.4.3 and an additional change to support the ```session_expires`` field in the new format. The ``session_expires`` field is currently a string; it should be accessed as ``int(user['session_expires'])`` because it will change from a string to an int in Tornado 5.0. `tornado.autoreload` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Autoreload is now compatible with the `asyncio` event loop. - Autoreload no longer attempts to close the `.IOLoop` and all registered file descriptors before restarting; it relies on the ``CLOEXEC`` flag being set instead. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Suppressed some "'NoneType' object not callback" messages that could be logged at shutdown. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``yield None`` is now equivalent to ``yield gen.moment``. `~tornado.gen.moment` is deprecated. This improves compatibility with `asyncio`. - Fixed an issue in which a generator object could be garbage collected prematurely (most often when weak references are used. - New function `.is_coroutine_function` identifies functions wrapped by `.coroutine` or `.engine`. ``tornado.http1connection`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``Transfer-Encoding`` header is now parsed case-insensitively. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``SimpleAsyncHTTPClient`` now follows 308 redirects. - ``CurlAsyncHTTPClient`` will no longer accept protocols other than ``http`` and ``https``. To override this, set ``pycurl.PROTOCOLS`` and ``pycurl.REDIR_PROTOCOLS`` in a ``prepare_curl_callback``. - ``CurlAsyncHTTPClient`` now supports digest authentication for proxies (in addition to basic auth) via the new ``proxy_auth_mode`` argument. - The minimum supported version of ``libcurl`` is now ``7.22.0``. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.HTTPServer` now accepts the keyword argument ``trusted_downstream`` which controls the parsing of ``X-Forwarded-For`` headers. This header may be a list or set of IP addresses of trusted proxies which will be skipped in the ``X-Forwarded-For`` list. - The ``no_keep_alive`` argument works again. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.url_concat` correctly handles fragments and existing query arguments. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed 100% CPU usage after a callback returns an empty list or dict. - `.IOLoop.add_callback` now uses a lockless implementation which makes it safe for use from ``__del__`` methods. This improves performance of calls to `~.IOLoop.add_callback` from the `.IOLoop` thread, and slightly decreases it for calls from other threads. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `memoryview` objects are now permitted as arguments to `~.BaseIOStream.write`. - The internal memory buffers used by `.IOStream` now use `bytearray` instead of a list of `bytes`, improving performance. - Futures returned by `~.BaseIOStream.write` are no longer orphaned if a second call to ``write`` occurs before the previous one is finished. `tornado.log` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Colored log output is now supported on Windows if the `colorama <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/colorama>`_ library is installed and the application calls ``colorama.init()`` at startup. - The signature of the `.LogFormatter` constructor has been changed to make it compatible with `logging.config.dictConfig`. `tornado.netutil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Worked around an issue that caused "LookupError: unknown encoding: latin1" errors on Solaris. `tornado.process` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.Subprocess` no longer causes "subprocess still running" warnings on Python 3.6. - Improved error handling in `.cpu_count`. `tornado.tcpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.TCPClient` now supports a ``source_ip`` and ``source_port`` argument. - Improved error handling for environments where IPv6 support is incomplete. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.TCPServer.handle_stream` implementations may now be native coroutines. - Stopping a `.TCPServer` twice no longer raises an exception. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.RedirectHandler` now supports substituting parts of the matched URL into the redirect location using `str.format` syntax. - New methods `.RequestHandler.render_linked_js`, `.RequestHandler.render_embed_js`, `.RequestHandler.render_linked_css`, and `.RequestHandler.render_embed_css` can be overridden to customize the output of `.UIModule`. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `.WebSocketHandler.on_message` implementations may now be coroutines. New messages will not be processed until the previous ``on_message`` coroutine has finished. - The ``websocket_ping_interval`` and ``websocket_ping_timeout`` application settings can now be used to enable a periodic ping of the websocket connection, allowing dropped connections to be detected and closed. - The new ``websocket_max_message_size`` setting defaults to 10MiB. The connection will be closed if messages larger than this are received. - Headers set by `.RequestHandler.prepare` or `.RequestHandler.set_default_headers` are now sent as a part of the websocket handshake. - Return values from `.WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options` may now include the keys ``compression_level`` and ``mem_level`` to set gzip parameters. The default compression level is now 6 instead of 9. Demos ~~~~~ - A new file upload demo is available in the `file_upload <https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/tree/master/demos/file_upload>`_ directory. - A new `.TCPClient` and `.TCPServer` demo is available in the `tcpecho <https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/tree/master/demos/tcpecho>`_ directory. - Minor updates have been made to several existing demos, including updates to more recent versions of jquery. Credits ~~~~~~~ The following people contributed commits to this release: - A\. Jesse Jiryu Davis - Aaron Opfer - Akihiro Yamazaki - Alexander - Andreas Røsdal - Andrew Rabert - Andrew Sumin - Antoine Pietri - Antoine Pitrou - Artur Stawiarski - Ben Darnell - Brian Mego - Dario - Doug Vargas - Eugene Dubovoy - Iver Jordal - JZQT - James Maier - Jeff Hunter - Leynos - Mark Henderson - Michael V. DePalatis - Min RK - Mircea Ulinic - Ping - Ping Yang - Riccardo Magliocchetti - Samuel Chen - Samuel Dion-Girardeau - Scott Meisburger - Shawn Ding - TaoBeier - Thomas Kluyver - Vadim Semenov - matee - mike820324 - stiletto - zhimin - 依云
2017-04-17 07:46
What's new in Tornado 4.4.3 Mar 30, 2017 ------------ Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * The `tornado.auth` module has been updated for compatibility with `a change to Facebook's access_token endpoint. <https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/pull/1977>`_
2017-03-30 21:17
What's new in Tornado 4.4.2 =========================== Oct 1, 2016 ------------ Security fixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A difference in cookie parsing between Tornado and web browsers (especially when combined with Google Analytics) could allow an attacker to set arbitrary cookies and bypass XSRF protection. The cookie parser has been rewritten to fix this attack. Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Cookies containing certain special characters (in particular semicolon and square brackets) are now parsed differently. * If the cookie header contains a combination of valid and invalid cookies, the valid ones will be returned (older versions of Tornado would reject the entire header for a single invalid cookie).
2016-10-01 06:38
What's new in Tornado 4.4.1 =========================== Jul 23, 2016 ------------ `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a regression in Tornado 4.4 which caused URL regexes containing backslash escapes outside capturing groups to be rejected.
2016-07-24 00:27
What's new in Tornado 4.4 ========================= Jul 15, 2016 ------------ General ~~~~~~~ * Tornado now requires Python 2.7 or 3.3+; versions 2.6 and 3.2 are no longer supported. Pypy3 is still supported even though its latest release is mainly based on Python 3.2. * The `monotonic <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/monotonic>`_ package is now supported as an alternative to `Monotime <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Monotime>`_ for monotonic clock support on Python 2. ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Failures in ``_curl_setup_request`` no longer cause the ``max_clients`` pool to be exhausted. * Non-ascii header values are now handled correctly. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.with_timeout` now accepts any yieldable object (except `.YieldPoint`), not just `tornado.concurrent.Future`. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The errors raised by timeouts now indicate what state the request was in; the error message is no longer simply "599 Timeout". * Calling `repr` on a `tornado.httpclient.HTTPError` no longer raises an error. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Int-like enums (including `http.HTTPStatus`) can now be used as status codes. * Responses with status code ``204 No Content`` no longer emit a ``Content-Length: 0`` header. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved performance when there are large numbers of active timeouts. `tornado.netutil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * All included `.Resolver` implementations raise `IOError` (or a subclass) for any resolution failure. `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Options can now be modified with subscript syntax in addition to attribute syntax. * The special variable ``__file__`` is now available inside config files. ``tornado.simple_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * HTTP/1.0 (not 1.1) responses without a ``Content-Length`` header now work correctly. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPServer.bind` now accepts a ``reuse_port`` argument. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Test sockets now always use ```` instead of ``localhost``. This avoids conflicts when the automatically-assigned port is available on IPv4 but not IPv6, or in unusual network configurations when ``localhost`` has multiple IP addresses. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``image/svg+xml`` is now on the list of compressible mime types. * Fixed an error on Python 3 when compression is used with multiple ``Vary`` headers. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``WebSocketHandler.__init__`` now uses `super`, which improves support for multiple inheritance.
2016-07-15 22:53
2016-07-09 02:16
Tornado 4.3 Nov 6, 2015 ----------- Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ * The new async/await keywords in Python 3.5 are supported. In most cases, ``async def`` can be used in place of the ``@gen.coroutine`` decorator. Inside a function defined with ``async def``, use ``await`` instead of ``yield`` to wait on an asynchronous operation. Coroutines defined with async/await will be faster than those defined with ``@gen.coroutine`` and ``yield``, but do not support some features including `.Callback`/`.Wait` or the ability to yield a Twisted ``Deferred``. See :ref:`the users' guide <native_coroutines>` for more. * The async/await keywords are also available when compiling with Cython in older versions of Python. Deprecation notice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This will be the last release of Tornado to support Python 2.6 or 3.2. Note that PyPy3 will continue to be supported even though it implements a mix of Python 3.2 and 3.3 features. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Tornado has several new dependencies: ``ordereddict`` on Python 2.6, ``singledispatch`` on all Python versions prior to 3.4 (This was an optional dependency in prior versions of Tornado, and is now mandatory), and ``backports_abc>=0.4`` on all versions prior to 3.5. These dependencies will be installed automatically when installing with ``pip`` or ``setup.py install``. These dependencies will not be required when running on Google App Engine. * Binary wheels are provided for Python 3.5 on Windows (32 and 64 bit). `tornado.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.OAuth2Mixin.oauth2_request` can be used to make authenticated requests with an access token. * Now compatible with callbacks that have been compiled with Cython. `tornado.autoreload` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed an issue with the autoreload command-line wrapper in which imports would be incorrectly interpreted as relative. `tornado.curl_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed parsing of multi-line headers. * ``allow_nonstandard_methods=True`` now bypasses body sanity checks, in the same way as in ``simple_httpclient``. * The ``PATCH`` method now allows a body without ``allow_nonstandard_methods=True``. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.WaitIterator` now supports the ``async for`` statement on Python 3.5. * ``@gen.coroutine`` can be applied to functions compiled with Cython. On python versions prior to 3.5, the ``backports_abc`` package must be installed for this functionality. * ``Multi`` and `.multi_future` are deprecated and replaced by a unified function `.multi`. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.httpclient.HTTPError` is now copyable with the `copy` module. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Requests containing both ``Content-Length`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` will be treated as an error. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPHeaders` can now be pickled and unpickled. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``IOLoop(make_current=True)`` now works as intended instead of raising an exception. * The Twisted and asyncio IOLoop implementations now clear ``current()`` when they exit, like the standard IOLoops. * `.IOLoop.add_callback` is faster in the single-threaded case. * `.IOLoop.add_callback` no longer raises an error when called on a closed IOLoop, but the callback will not be invoked. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Coroutine-style usage of `.IOStream` now converts most errors into `.StreamClosedError`, which has the effect of reducing log noise from exceptions that are outside the application's control (especially SSL errors). * `.StreamClosedError` now has a ``real_error`` attribute which indicates why the stream was closed. It is the same as the ``error`` attribute of `.IOStream` but may be more easily accessible than the `.IOStream` itself. * Improved error handling in `~.BaseIOStream.read_until_close`. * Logging is less noisy when an SSL server is port scanned. * ``EINTR`` is now handled on all reads. `tornado.locale` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.locale.load_translations` now accepts encodings other than UTF-8. UTF-16 and UTF-8 will be detected automatically if a BOM is present; for other encodings `.load_translations` has an ``encoding`` parameter. `tornado.locks` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.Lock` and `.Semaphore` now support the ``async with`` statement on Python 3.5. `tornado.log` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A new time-based log rotation mode is available with ``--log_rotate_mode=time``, ``--log-rotate-when``, and ``log-rotate-interval``. `tornado.netutil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.bind_sockets` now supports ``SO_REUSEPORT`` with the ``reuse_port=True`` argument. `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Dashes and underscores are now fully interchangeable in option names. `tornado.queues` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.Queue` now supports the ``async for`` statement on Python 3.5. `tornado.simple_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * When following redirects, ``streaming_callback`` and ``header_callback`` will no longer be run on the redirect responses (only the final non-redirect). * Responses containing both ``Content-Length`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` will be treated as an error. `tornado.template` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.template.ParseError` now includes the filename in addition to line number. * Whitespace handling has become more configurable. The `.Loader` constructor now has a ``whitespace`` argument, there is a new ``template_whitespace`` `.Application` setting, and there is a new ``{% whitespace %}`` template directive. All of these options take a mode name defined in the `tornado.template.filter_whitespace` function. The default mode is ``single``, which is the same behavior as prior versions of Tornado. * Non-ASCII filenames are now supported. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.ExpectLog` objects now have a boolean ``logged_stack`` attribute to make it easier to test whether an exception stack trace was logged. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The hard limit of 4000 bytes per outgoing header has been removed. * `.StaticFileHandler` returns the correct ``Content-Type`` for files with ``.gz``, ``.bz2``, and ``.xz`` extensions. * Responses smaller than 1000 bytes will no longer be compressed. * The default gzip compression level is now 6 (was 9). * Fixed a regression in Tornado 4.2.1 that broke `.StaticFileHandler` with a ``path`` of ``/``. * `tornado.web.HTTPError` is now copyable with the `copy` module. * The exception `.Finish` now accepts an argument which will be passed to the method `.RequestHandler.finish`. * New `.Application` setting ``xsrf_cookie_kwargs`` can be used to set additional attributes such as ``secure`` or ``httponly`` on the XSRF cookie. * `.Application.listen` now returns the `.HTTPServer` it created. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed handling of continuation frames when compression is enabled.
2015-11-07 04:08
2015-10-25 06:03
2015-10-19 06:11
Tornado 4.2.1 Jul 17, 2015 ------------ Security fix ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This release fixes a path traversal vulnerability in `.StaticFileHandler`, in which files whose names *started with* the ``static_path`` directory but were not actually *in* that directory could be accessed.
2015-07-17 23:48
What's new in Tornado 4.2 ========================= May 26, 2015 ------------ Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``SSLIOStream.connect`` and `.IOStream.start_tls` now validate certificates by default. * Certificate validation will now use the system CA root certificates instead of ``certifi`` when possible (i.e. Python 2.7.9+ or 3.4+). This includes `.IOStream` and ``simple_httpclient``, but not ``curl_httpclient``. * The default SSL configuration has become stricter, using `ssl.create_default_context` where available on the client side. (On the server side, applications are encouraged to migrate from the ``ssl_options`` dict-based API to pass an `ssl.SSLContext` instead). * The deprecated classes in the `tornado.auth` module, ``GoogleMixin``, ``FacebookMixin``, and ``FriendFeedMixin`` have been removed. New modules: `tornado.locks` and `tornado.queues` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These modules provide classes for coordinating coroutines, merged from `Toro <http://toro.readthedocs.org>`_. To port your code from Toro's queues to Tornado 4.2, import `.Queue`, `.PriorityQueue`, or `.LifoQueue` from `tornado.queues` instead of from ``toro``. Use `.Queue` instead of Toro's ``JoinableQueue``. In Tornado the methods `~.Queue.join` and `~.Queue.task_done` are available on all queues, not on a special ``JoinableQueue``. Tornado queues raise exceptions specific to Tornado instead of reusing exceptions from the Python standard library. Therefore instead of catching the standard `queue.Empty` exception from `.Queue.get_nowait`, catch the special `tornado.queues.QueueEmpty` exception, and instead of catching the standard `queue.Full` from `.Queue.get_nowait`, catch `tornado.queues.QueueFull`. To port from Toro's locks to Tornado 4.2, import `.Condition`, `.Event`, `.Semaphore`, `.BoundedSemaphore`, or `.Lock` from `tornado.locks` instead of from ``toro``. Toro's ``Semaphore.wait`` allowed a coroutine to wait for the semaphore to be unlocked *without* acquiring it. This encouraged unorthodox patterns; in Tornado, just use `~.Semaphore.acquire`. Toro's ``Event.wait`` raised a ``Timeout`` exception after a timeout. In Tornado, `.Event.wait` raises `tornado.gen.TimeoutError`. Toro's ``Condition.wait`` also raised ``Timeout``, but in Tornado, the `.Future` returned by `.Condition.wait` resolves to False after a timeout:: @gen.coroutine def await_notification(): if not (yield condition.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=1))): print('timed out') else: print('condition is true') In lock and queue methods, wherever Toro accepted ``deadline`` as a keyword argument, Tornado names the argument ``timeout`` instead. Toro's ``AsyncResult`` is not merged into Tornado, nor its exceptions ``NotReady`` and ``AlreadySet``. Use a `.Future` instead. If you wrote code like this:: from tornado import gen import toro result = toro.AsyncResult() @gen.coroutine def setter(): result.set(1) @gen.coroutine def getter(): value = yield result.get() print(value) # Prints "1". Then the Tornado equivalent is:: from tornado import gen from tornado.concurrent import Future result = Future() @gen.coroutine def setter(): result.set_result(1) @gen.coroutine def getter(): value = yield result print(value) # Prints "1". `tornado.autoreload` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved compatibility with Windows. * Fixed a bug in Python 3 if a module was imported during a reload check. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.run_on_executor` now accepts arguments to control which attributes it uses to find the `.IOLoop` and executor. `tornado.curl_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed a bug that would cause the client to stop processing requests if an exception occurred in certain places while there is a queue. `tornado.escape` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.xhtml_escape` now supports numeric character references in hex format (`` ``) `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.WaitIterator` no longer uses weak references, which fixes several garbage-collection-related bugs. * `tornado.gen.Multi` and `tornado.gen.multi_future` (which are used when yielding a list or dict in a coroutine) now log any exceptions after the first if more than one `.Future` fails (previously they would be logged when the `.Future` was garbage-collected, but this is more reliable). Both have a new keyword argument ``quiet_exceptions`` to suppress logging of certain exception types; to use this argument you must call ``Multi`` or ``multi_future`` directly instead of simply yielding a list. * `.multi_future` now works when given multiple copies of the same `.Future`. * On Python 3, catching an exception in a coroutine no longer leads to leaks via ``Exception.__context__``. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``raise_error`` argument now works correctly with the synchronous `.HTTPClient`. * The synchronous `.HTTPClient` no longer interferes with `.IOLoop.current()`. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` is now a subclass of `tornado.util.Configurable`. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPHeaders` can now be copied with `copy.copy` and `copy.deepcopy`. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `.IOLoop` constructor now has a ``make_current`` keyword argument to control whether the new `.IOLoop` becomes `.IOLoop.current()`. * Third-party implementations of `.IOLoop` should accept ``**kwargs`` in their `~.IOLoop.initialize` methods and pass them to the superclass implementation. * `.PeriodicCallback` is now more efficient when the clock jumps forward by a large amount. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``SSLIOStream.connect`` and `.IOStream.start_tls` now validate certificates by default. * New method `.SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake` allows server-side applications to wait for the handshake to complete in order to verify client certificates or use NPN/ALPN. * The `.Future` returned by ``SSLIOStream.connect`` now resolves after the handshake is complete instead of as soon as the TCP connection is established. * Reduced logging of SSL errors. * `.BaseIOStream.read_until_close` now works correctly when a ``streaming_callback`` is given but ``callback`` is None (i.e. when it returns a `.Future`) `tornado.locale` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.GettextLocale.pgettext` allows additional context to be supplied for gettext translations. `tornado.log` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.define_logging_options` now works correctly when given a non-default ``options`` object. `tornado.process` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New method `.Subprocess.wait_for_exit` is a coroutine-friendly version of `.Subprocess.set_exit_callback`. `tornado.simple_httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved performance on Python 3 by reusing a single `ssl.SSLContext`. * New constructor argument ``max_body_size`` controls the maximum response size the client is willing to accept. It may be bigger than ``max_buffer_size`` if ``streaming_callback`` is used. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPServer.handle_stream` may be a coroutine (so that any exceptions it raises will be logged). `tornado.util` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.import_object` now supports unicode strings on Python 2. * `.Configurable.initialize` now supports positional arguments. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Key versioning support for cookie signing. ``cookie_secret`` application setting can now contain a dict of valid keys with version as key. The current signing key then must be specified via ``key_version`` setting. * Parsing of the ``If-None-Match`` header now follows the RFC and supports weak validators. * Passing ``secure=False`` or ``httponly=False`` to `.RequestHandler.set_cookie` now works as expected (previously only the presence of the argument was considered and its value was ignored). * `.RequestHandler.get_arguments` now requires that its ``strip`` argument be of type bool. This helps prevent errors caused by the slightly dissimilar interfaces between the singular and plural methods. * Errors raised in ``_handle_request_exception`` are now logged more reliably. * `.RequestHandler.redirect` now works correctly when called from a handler whose path begins with two slashes. * Passing messages containing ``%`` characters to `tornado.web.HTTPError` no longer causes broken error messages. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``on_close`` method will no longer be called more than once. * When the other side closes a connection, we now echo the received close code back instead of sending an empty close frame.
2015-05-27 09:46
2015-05-11 01:16
What's new in Tornado 4.1 ========================= Feb 7, 2015 ----------- Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ * If a `.Future` contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the `.Future`), a stack trace will be logged when the `.Future` is garbage-collected. * New class `tornado.gen.WaitIterator` provides a way to iterate over ``Futures`` in the order they resolve. * The `tornado.websocket` module now supports compression via the "permessage-deflate" extension. Override `.WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options` to enable on the server side, and use the ``compression_options`` keyword argument to `.websocket_connect` on the client side. * When the appropriate packages are installed, it is possible to yield `asyncio.Future` or Twisted ``Defered`` objects in Tornado coroutines. Backwards-compatibility notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` now calls ``start_request`` with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible, afffecting any application which implemented `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate` by following the example of `.Application` instead of the documented method signatures. `tornado.concurrent` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * If a `.Future` contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the `.Future`), a stack trace will be logged when the `.Future` is garbage-collected. * `.Future` now catches and logs exceptions in its callbacks. ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` now supports request bodies for ``PATCH`` and custom methods. * ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` now supports resubmitting bodies after following redirects for methods other than ``POST``. * ``curl_httpclient`` now runs the streaming and header callbacks on the IOLoop. * ``tornado.curl_httpclient`` now uses its own logger for debug output so it can be filtered more easily. `tornado.gen` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New class `tornado.gen.WaitIterator` provides a way to iterate over ``Futures`` in the order they resolve. * When the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available (standard on Python 3.4, available via ``pip install singledispatch`` on older versions), the `.convert_yielded` function can be used to make other kinds of objects yieldable in coroutines. * New function `tornado.gen.sleep` is a coroutine-friendly analogue to `time.sleep`. * `.gen.engine` now correctly captures the stack context for its callbacks. `tornado.httpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest` accepts a new argument ``raise_error=False`` to suppress the default behavior of raising an error for non-200 response codes. `tornado.httpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.HTTPServer` now calls ``start_request`` with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible, afffecting any application which implemented `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate` by following the example of `.Application` instead of the documented method signatures. * `.HTTPServer` now tolerates extra newlines which are sometimes inserted between requests on keep-alive connections. * `.HTTPServer` can now use keep-alive connections after a request with a chunked body. * `.HTTPServer` now always reports ``HTTP/1.1`` instead of echoing the request version. `tornado.httputil` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New function `tornado.httputil.split_host_and_port` for parsing the ``netloc`` portion of URLs. * The ``context`` argument to `.HTTPServerRequest` is now optional, and if a context is supplied the ``remote_ip`` attribute is also optional. * `.HTTPServerRequest.body` is now always a byte string (previously the default empty body would be a unicode string on python 3). * Header parsing now works correctly when newline-like unicode characters are present. * Header parsing again supports both CRLF and bare LF line separators. * Malformed ``multipart/form-data`` bodies will always be logged quietly instead of raising an unhandled exception; previously the behavior was inconsistent depending on the exact error. `tornado.ioloop` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``kqueue`` and ``select`` IOLoop implementations now report writeability correctly, fixing flow control in IOStream. * When a new `.IOLoop` is created, it automatically becomes "current" for the thread if there is not already a current instance. * New method `.PeriodicCallback.is_running` can be used to see whether the `.PeriodicCallback` has been started. `tornado.iostream` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.IOStream.start_tls` now uses the ``server_hostname`` parameter for certificate validation. * `.SSLIOStream` will no longer consume 100% CPU after certain error conditions. * `.SSLIOStream` no longer logs ``EBADF`` errors during the handshake as they can result from nmap scans in certain modes. `tornado.options` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `~tornado.options.parse_config_file` now always decodes the config file as utf8 on Python 3. * `tornado.options.define` more accurately finds the module defining the option. ``tornado.platform.asyncio`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * It is now possible to yield ``asyncio.Future`` objects in coroutines when the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available and ``tornado.platform.asyncio`` has been imported. * New methods `tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future` and `~tornado.platform.asyncio.to_asyncio_future` convert between the two libraries' `.Future` classes. ``tornado.platform.twisted`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * It is now possible to yield ``Deferred`` objects in coroutines when the `~functools.singledispatch` library is available and ``tornado.platform.twisted`` has been imported. `tornado.tcpclient` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPClient` will no longer raise an exception due to an ill-timed timeout. `tornado.tcpserver` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.TCPServer` no longer ignores its ``read_chunk_size`` argument. `tornado.testing` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `.AsyncTestCase` has better support for multiple exceptions. Previously it would silently swallow all but the last; now it raises the first and logs all the rest. * `.AsyncTestCase` now cleans up `.Subprocess` state on ``tearDown`` when necessary. `tornado.web` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `.asynchronous` decorator now understands `concurrent.futures.Future` in addition to `tornado.concurrent.Future`. * `.StaticFileHandler` no longer logs a stack trace if the connection is closed while sending the file. * `.RequestHandler.send_error` now supports a ``reason`` keyword argument, similar to `tornado.web.HTTPError`. * `.RequestHandler.locale` now has a property setter. * `.Application.add_handlers` hostname matching now works correctly with IPv6 literals. * Redirects for the `.Application` ``default_host`` setting now match the request protocol instead of redirecting HTTPS to HTTP. * Malformed ``_xsrf`` cookies are now ignored instead of causing uncaught exceptions. * ``Application.start_request`` now has the same signature as `.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate.start_request`. `tornado.websocket` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The `tornado.websocket` module now supports compression via the "permessage-deflate" extension. Override `.WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options` to enable on the server side, and use the ``compression_options`` keyword argument to `.websocket_connect` on the client side. * `.WebSocketHandler` no longer logs stack traces when the connection is closed. * `.WebSocketHandler.open` now accepts ``*args, **kw`` for consistency with ``RequestHandler.get`` and related methods. * The ``Sec-WebSocket-Version`` header now includes all supported versions. * `.websocket_connect` now has a ``on_message_callback`` keyword argument for callback-style use without ``read_message()``.
2015-02-08 01:47
2015-02-02 03:27
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