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unusedDynamic.py 18.89 KB
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def tweakFace(mFace, workPart, tPlane):
# Move mFace (on workPart) to target plane
# All other faces remain in their original planes.
# Only works if all adjacent faces are planar.
The algorithm is to first find the four vertices of mFace (to be moved) then
at each vertex, identify the edge that is *not* contained in mFace. The
intersection of each of these edges with the target plane is a new vertex.
The mFace is replaced by a new face defined by the four new vertices.
The adjacent faces are stretched to the new vertices, remaining in their
initial planes. The part is then sewn back together.
topo = Topology.Topo(workPart)
edgeList = [] # edges of face to be moved
for edge in topo.edges_from_face(mFace):
wires = topo.wires_from_face(mFace)
for wire in wires: # assuming there is only one wire
oldVertices = topo.ordered_vertices_from_wire(wire)
oldVrtxList = [] # ordered list of vertices of mFace
for vrtx in oldVertices:
# Find new points (which will become the vertices of moved mFace)
newPntList = [] # also ordered to corespond with oldVrtxList
for vrtx in oldVrtxList: # for each vertex of mFace
edgs = topo.edges_from_vertex(vrtx)
for edg in edgs: # for each edge connected to vertex
edgeInFace = False # assume edge is not in face
for e in edgeList:
if (hash(edg) == hash(e)): # until discovered that it is
edgeInFace = True
if not edgeInFace: # edge between 2 adjacent faces
pList = [] # end points of edge
for vrtx in topo.vertices_from_edge(edg):
gpvec = gp_Vec(pList[0], pList[1])
gpdir = gp_Dir(gpvec)
line = gp_Lin(pList[0], gpdir)
newPntList.append(intersectPnt(line, tPlane))
print 'number of new points = ', len(newPntList)
for i in range(len(newPntList)):
P = newPntList[i]
pstring = "P%i" % i
display.DisplayMessage(P, pstring)
# sort through all the part's faces and stretch the adjacent ones
faces = topo.faces_from_solids(workPart) # all faces
adjFaces = [] # Adjacent faces (stretched)
otherFaces = [] # Other faces (to be reused unchanged)
for face in faces:
edges = topo.edges_from_face(face)
if face == mFace:
pass # This is the face to be moved
adjacentFace = False # assume face is not adjacent...
for e in edges:
for f in edgeList:
if (hash(e) == hash(f)): # common edge
adjacentFace = True # until discovered that it is
if adjacentFace:
wires = topo.wires_from_face(face)
wireList = []
for wire in wires:
outerWire = wireList.pop(0)
orderedVertices = topo.ordered_vertices_from_wire(outerWire)
orderedPtList = []
for vrtx in orderedVertices:
pnt = BRep_Tool().Pnt(vrtx)
for i in range(len(oldVrtxList)):
if (hash(vrtx) == hash(oldVrtxList[i])): # common vertex
pnt = newPntList[i]
orderedPtList.reverse() # need to do this for faces with holes
stretchedWire = pointsToWire(orderedPtList)
makeFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(stretchedWire)
for wire in wireList:
if makeFace.IsDone():
stretchedFace = makeFace.Face()
# make newFace to replace mFace
newWire = pointsToWire(newPntList)
makeFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(newWire)
if makeFace.IsDone():
newFace = makeFace.Face()
# sew all the faces together
tolerance = 1e-7
sew = BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing(tolerance)
print 'Number of other faces: ', len(otherFaces)
for f in otherFaces:
for f in adjFaces:
res = sew.SewedShape()
return res
def makeToolBody(mFace, tPlane):
# Make toolBody on mFace (of active part) to target surface.
# (target surface is ignored for now) Far face is parallel to mFace.
# All other faces remain in their original planes.
This algorithm follows the procedure of the 'intelligent local operation'
used by HP SolidDesigner, in which a toolbody is constructed so that its
'near' face mates against mFace and its 'far' face is aligned to the target
surface. The toolbody's 'side faces' align with the faces adjacent to mFace
on the workpart. The toolbody can then be fused to the workpart so mFace
gets effectively 'moved' out to the target surface. If the target surface is
'inside' the workpart, then the toolbody is subtracted from the workpart.
Here it is in detail, assuming mFace is planar and has only one wire (no
holes.) Target surface is assumed to be completely outside the workpart.
Use the underlying wire of mFace to create an identical tool face which can
then be extruded into a prism. The side faces of the prism will corespond
exactly with the edges of mFace. This prism becomes the toolbody.
One by one, tweak the adjacent faces of the toolbody into alignment with the
adjacent faces of the workpart, and align the 'far' face of the prism to the
target surface. To correlate the toolbody side faces with the sidefaces of
the workPart to which they will become aligned, keep track of their common
workPart = win.activePart
wrkPrtUID = win.activePartUID
topo = Topology.Topo(workPart)
mF_wires = topo.wires_from_face(mFace)
if topo.number_of_wires_from_face(mFace) > 1:
print 'Not yet implemented for faces with holes.'
else: # Only one wire in mFace
mF_wire = next(mF_wires)
mF_vrtxList = [] # ordered list of vertices of mFace
for vrtx in topo.ordered_vertices_from_wire(mF_wire):
mF_edgeList = [] # ordered list of edges of mFace
nEdges = 0
for edge in topo.ordered_edges_from_wire(mF_wire):
nEdges += 1
# make an ordered list of faces adjacent to mFace
faces = topo.faces_from_solids(win.activePart) # all faces
adjFacesDict = {} # key=seq : value=face
for face in faces:
edges = topo.edges_from_face(face)
if face.IsSame(mFace):
pass # This is mFace
adjacentFace = False # assume face is not adjacent...
for e in edges:
seq = 0 # keep track of which edge in ordered list is matched
for f in mF_edgeList:
seq += 1
if (hash(e) == hash(f)): # common edge
adjacentFace = True # until discovered that it is
if adjacentFace:
if adjacentFace:
adjFacesDict[seq] = face
mF_adjFaceList = adjFacesDict.values() # ordered list of adjacent faces
# create a toolBody that mates against mFace
faceNormal = Construct.face_normal(mFace) # type: gp_Dir
vctr = gp_Vec(faceNormal).Multiplied(10)
toolBody = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(mFace, vctr).Shape()
# find toolBody face sharing an edge with workpart adjacent face
# compare face normals to see if toolBody face needs to be tweaked
# keep track by index of wp ordered list
facesToTweak = {} # key = edge index ; value = toolBody faceNormal
tb_topo = Topology.Topo(toolBody)
tb_faces = tb_topo.faces_from_solids(toolBody) # all faces of toolBody
for i in range(len(mF_edgeList)):
print i
we = mF_edgeList[i] # workpart edge
for tb_face in tb_faces:
adjacentFace = False # assume face is not adjacent...
if tb_face.IsSame(mFace):
print 'found mated face'
tb_edges = tb_topo.edges_from_face(tb_face)
for tb_e in tb_edges:
if tb_e.IsSame(we): # common edge
adjacentFace = True # until discovered that it is
if adjacentFace:
print 'found TB face matching workPart adjFace %i:' % i
# check coplanarity between tb_face and wp_face
wp_face = mF_adjFaceList[i]
wpFaceNormal = Construct.face_normal(wp_face) # type: gp_Dir
tbFaceNormal = Construct.face_normal(tb_face) # type: gp_Dir
angle = wpFaceNormal.Angle(tbFaceNormal)
if angle > 1e-10:
print 'face needs to be tweaked'
facesToTweak[i] = tbFaceNormal
print 'no need to tweak face'
print 'found other face'
# Tweak toolBody faces that need to be aligned to workPart faces
for k,v in facesToTweak.items():
print 'Tweaking face ', k
tb_topo = Topology.Topo(toolBody)
tb_faces = tb_topo.faces_from_solids(toolBody) # all faces of toolBody
targetFace = mF_adjFaceList[k]
targetPlane = planeOfFace(targetFace)
for tb_face in tb_faces:
tbFaceNormal = Construct.face_normal(tb_face)
angle = tbFaceNormal.Angle(v)
if angle < 1e-10:
sharedEdge = edgeOnFaceP(mF_edgeList[k], tb_face)
if sharedEdge:
print 'Common edge test: ', sharedEdge
toolBody = tweakFace(tb_face, toolBody, targetPlane)
def alignFace(initial=True):
Align a selected face on the active part to some other face.
This involves 'stretching' adjacent faces to reach the new aligned face.
All the faces (of the active part) are then sewn back together.
# This only works if all adjacent faces are planar.
if initial:
statusText = "Select face to move (on active part)."
elif len(win.faceStack) == 2:
workPart = win.activePart
wrkPrtUID = win.activePartUID
tFace = win.faceStack.pop() # target face (to be aligned to)
tPlane = planeOfFace(tFace)
mFace = win.faceStack.pop() # face to be moved
res = tweakFace(mFace, workPart, tPlane)
win.getNewPartUID(res, ancestor=wrkPrtUID)
win.statusBar().showMessage('Align Face operation complete')
def offsetEndFace(initial=True):
Offset one end face of a simple cylinder (the active part) by a dist value.
This involves 'stretching' the cylindrical face to reach the new end face.
The faces are then sewn back together.
if initial:
statusText = "Select face to move (on active part)."
elif (win.lineEditStack and win.faceStack):
text = win.lineEditStack.pop()
value = float(text) * win.unitscale
mFace = win.faceStack.pop() # face to be moved
workPart = win.activePart
wrkPrtUID = win.activePartUID
topo = Topology.Topo(workPart)
faces = topo.faces_from_solids(workPart) # all faces
for face in faces:
This is tricky.
Below, I decide a face is cylindrical if it has three edges.
But that is only true if the cylinder is one 360-deg face.
As I discovered in the 'plate' part of the step file,
those cylindrical holes were comprised of two 180-deg faces,
each with 4 edges. So this is not going to be reliable.
Maybe it would be smarter to first decide whether a face
is the end face of a cylinder, then look for adjacent faces.
That gives me two problems that need reliable solutions:
1- How to test whether a face is the end face of a cylinder
2- How to find adjacent cylinder faces
I recall a short utility function for testing 'IsPlanar'...
nbrEdges = topo.number_of_edges_from_face(face)
print nbrEdges
edges = topo.edges_from_face(face)
if face == mFace: # This is the face to be moved
elif nbrEdges == 3:
cylFace = face
othrEndFace = face
print '\n'
print 'Topology Info for mFace:'
face = mFace
print 'Number of Edges of mFace = ', topo.number_of_edges_from_face(face)
print '\n'
faceEdges = topo.edges_from_face(face)
for faceEdge in faceEdges:
hCurve, umin, umax = BRep_Tool.Curve(faceEdge)
curve = hCurve.GetObject()
vectr = curve.DN(0.0, 2)
print 'curvature at u=0: ', vectr.Magnitude()
print 'first: ', curve.FirstParameter()
print 'last: ', curve.LastParameter()
print '\n'
print 'Number of Vertices of mFace = ', topo.number_of_vertices_from_face(face)
print '\n'
print 'Topology Info for cylFace:'
face = cylFace
print 'Number of Edges of cylFace = ', topo.number_of_edges_from_face(face)
print '\n'
faceEdges = topo.edges_from_face(face)
for faceEdge in faceEdges:
hCurve, umin, umax = BRep_Tool.Curve(faceEdge)
curve = hCurve.GetObject()
vectr = curve.DN(0.0, 2)
print 'curvature at u=0: ', vectr.Magnitude()
print 'first: ', curve.FirstParameter()
print 'last: ', curve.LastParameter()
print '\n'
print 'Number of Vertices of cylFace = ', topo.number_of_vertices_from_face(face)
brlSurf = BRepLib_FindSurface(face) # type: BRepLib_FindSurface
print type(brlSurf)
isPlanarSurf = GeomLib_IsPlanarSurface(brlSurf.Surface(), TOLERANCE).IsPlanar()
print 'Planar: ', isPlanarSurf
mFaceVertices = topo.vertices_from_face(mFace)
win.statusBar().showMessage('Offset Face operation complete')
def offsetEndFaceC(shapeList, *kwargs): # callback (collector) for offsetEndFace
print shapeList
print kwargs
for shape in shapeList:
face = topods_Face(shape)
if (win.faceStack and win.lineEditStack):
elif len(win.faceStack) == 1:
statusText = "Enter distance value."
def alignEndFace(initial=True):
Align one end face of a simple cylinder (the active part) to a target face.
This involves 'stretching' the cylindrical face to reach the new end face.
The faces are then sewn back together.
if initial:
statusText = "Select face to move (on active part)."
elif len(win.faceStack) == 2:
tFace = win.faceStack.pop() # target face
tSurf = BRep_Tool_Surface(tFace)
mFace = win.faceStack.pop() # face to be moved
workPart = win.activePart
wrkPrtUID = win.activePartUID
topo = Topology.Topo(workPart)
faces = topo.faces_from_solids(workPart) # all faces
for face in faces:
isPlanar = face_is_plane(face)
print 'Planar: ', isPlanar
if face == mFace:
print 'found mFace'
elif isPlanar:
otherEndFace = face
print 'found other end face'
cylFace = face
print 'found cylFace'
cylSurf = BRep_Tool_Surface(cylFace)
cylEdges = [] # edges of new cylindrical face
for face in (tFace, otherEndFace):
planeSurf = BRep_Tool_Surface(face)
inters = GeomAPI_IntSS()
inters.Perform(cylSurf, planeSurf, 1.0e-7)
if inters.IsDone():
nbLines = inters.NbLines()
print nbLines
curve = inters.Line(nbLines) # type: Handle_Geom_curve
edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve).Edge()
newCylFace = brepfill.Face(cylEdges[0], cylEdges[1])
newWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(cylEdges[0]).Wire()
newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(newWire).Face()
# sew all the faces together
tolerance = 1e-7
sew = BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing(tolerance)
res = sew.SewedShape()
win.getNewPartUID(res, ancestor=wrkPrtUID)
win.statusBar().showMessage('Offset Face operation complete')
def alignEndFaceC(shapeList, *kwargs): # callback (collector) for alignEndFace
print shapeList
print kwargs
for shape in shapeList:
face = topods_Face(shape)
if len(win.faceStack) == 1:
statusText = "Select target face."
elif len(win.faceStack) == 2:
def testFace(initial=True):
Test makeToolBody
if initial:
statusText = "Select face to move (on active part)."
elif len(win.faceStack) == 2:
tFace = win.faceStack.pop() # target face (to be aligned to)
tPlane = planeOfFace(tFace)
mFace = win.faceStack.pop() # face to be moved
makeToolBody(mFace, tPlane)
win.statusBar().showMessage('Align Face operation complete')
def testFaceC(shapeList, *kwargs): # callback (collector) for testFace
print shapeList
print kwargs
for shape in shapeList:
face = topods_Face(shape)
if len(win.faceStack) == 1:
statusText = "Select face to align to."
if len(win.faceStack) == 2:
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