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Ji-Sung Linux 提交于 2016-07-18 12:49 . Minor updates to comments
Author: Ji-Sung Kim, Evan Chow
Project: jazzml / (used in) deepjazz
Purpose: Extract, manipulate, process musical grammar
Directly taken then cleaned up from Evan Chow's jazzml,
https://github.com/evancchow/jazzml,with permission.
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
from music21 import *
import copy, random, pdb
''' Helper function to determine if a note is a scale tone. '''
def __is_scale_tone(chord, note):
# Method: generate all scales that have the chord notes th check if note is
# in names
# Derive major or minor scales (minor if 'other') based on the quality
# of the chord.
scaleType = scale.DorianScale() # i.e. minor pentatonic
if chord.quality == 'major':
scaleType = scale.MajorScale()
# Can change later to deriveAll() for flexibility. If so then use list
# comprehension of form [x for a in b for x in a].
scales = scaleType.derive(chord) # use deriveAll() later for flexibility
allPitches = list(set([pitch for pitch in scales.getPitches()]))
allNoteNames = [i.name for i in allPitches] # octaves don't matter
# Get note name. Return true if in the list of note names.
noteName = note.name
return (noteName in allNoteNames)
''' Helper function to determine if a note is an approach tone. '''
def __is_approach_tone(chord, note):
# Method: see if note is +/- 1 a chord tone.
for chordPitch in chord.pitches:
stepUp = chordPitch.transpose(1)
stepDown = chordPitch.transpose(-1)
if (note.name == stepDown.name or
note.name == stepDown.getEnharmonic().name or
note.name == stepUp.name or
note.name == stepUp.getEnharmonic().name):
return True
return False
''' Helper function to determine if a note is a chord tone. '''
def __is_chord_tone(lastChord, note):
return (note.name in (p.name for p in lastChord.pitches))
''' Helper function to generate a chord tone. '''
def __generate_chord_tone(lastChord):
lastChordNoteNames = [p.nameWithOctave for p in lastChord.pitches]
return note.Note(random.choice(lastChordNoteNames))
''' Helper function to generate a scale tone. '''
def __generate_scale_tone(lastChord):
# Derive major or minor scales (minor if 'other') based on the quality
# of the lastChord.
scaleType = scale.WeightedHexatonicBlues() # minor pentatonic
if lastChord.quality == 'major':
scaleType = scale.MajorScale()
# Can change later to deriveAll() for flexibility. If so then use list
# comprehension of form [x for a in b for x in a].
scales = scaleType.derive(lastChord) # use deriveAll() later for flexibility
allPitches = list(set([pitch for pitch in scales.getPitches()]))
allNoteNames = [i.name for i in allPitches] # octaves don't matter
# Return a note (no octave here) in a scale that matches the lastChord.
sNoteName = random.choice(allNoteNames)
lastChordSort = lastChord.sortAscending()
sNoteOctave = random.choice([i.octave for i in lastChordSort.pitches])
sNote = note.Note(("%s%s" % (sNoteName, sNoteOctave)))
return sNote
''' Helper function to generate an approach tone. '''
def __generate_approach_tone(lastChord):
sNote = __generate_scale_tone(lastChord)
aNote = sNote.transpose(random.choice([1, -1]))
return aNote
''' Helper function to generate a random tone. '''
def __generate_arbitrary_tone(lastChord):
return __generate_scale_tone(lastChord) # fix later, make random note.
''' Given the notes in a measure ('measure') and the chords in that measure
('chords'), generate a list of abstract grammatical symbols to represent
that measure as described in GTK's "Learning Jazz Grammars" (2009).
1) "measure" : a stream.Voice object where each element is a
note.Note or note.Rest object.
>>> m1
<music21.stream.Voice 328482572>
>>> m1[0]
<music21.note.Rest rest>
>>> m1[1]
<music21.note.Note C>
Can have instruments and other elements, removes them here.
2) "chords" : a stream.Voice object where each element is a chord.Chord.
>>> c1
<music21.stream.Voice 328497548>
>>> c1[0]
<music21.chord.Chord E-4 G4 C4 B-3 G#2>
>>> c1[1]
<music21.chord.Chord B-3 F4 D4 A3>
Can have instruments and other elements, removes them here.
1) "fullGrammar" : a string that holds the abstract grammar for measure.
(Remember, these are DURATIONS not offsets!)
"R,0.125" : a rest element of (1/32) length, or 1/8 quarter note.
"C,0.125<M-2,m-6>" : chord note of (1/32) length, generated
anywhere from minor 6th down to major 2nd down.
(interval <a,b> is not ordered). '''
def parse_melody(fullMeasureNotes, fullMeasureChords):
# Remove extraneous elements.x
measure = copy.deepcopy(fullMeasureNotes)
chords = copy.deepcopy(fullMeasureChords)
measure.removeByNotOfClass([note.Note, note.Rest])
# Information for the start of the measure.
# 1) measureStartTime: the offset for measure's start, e.g. 476.0.
# 2) measureStartOffset: how long from the measure start to the first element.
measureStartTime = measure[0].offset - (measure[0].offset % 4)
measureStartOffset = measure[0].offset - measureStartTime
# Iterate over the notes and rests in measure, finding the grammar for each
# note in the measure and adding an abstract grammatical string for it.
fullGrammar = ""
prevNote = None # Store previous note. Need for interval.
numNonRests = 0 # Number of non-rest elements. Need for updating prevNote.
for ix, nr in enumerate(measure):
# Get the last chord. If no last chord, then (assuming chords is of length
# >0) shift first chord in chords to the beginning of the measure.
lastChord = [n for n in chords if n.offset <= nr.offset][-1]
except IndexError:
chords[0].offset = measureStartTime
lastChord = [n for n in chords if n.offset <= nr.offset][-1]
# FIRST, get type of note, e.g. R for Rest, C for Chord, etc.
# Dealing with solo notes here. If unexpected chord: still call 'C'.
elementType = ' '
# R: First, check if it's a rest. Clearly a rest --> only one possibility.
if isinstance(nr, note.Rest):
elementType = 'R'
# C: Next, check to see if note pitch is in the last chord.
elif nr.name in lastChord.pitchNames or isinstance(nr, chord.Chord):
elementType = 'C'
# L: (Complement tone) Skip this for now.
# S: Check if it's a scale tone.
elif __is_scale_tone(lastChord, nr):
elementType = 'S'
# A: Check if it's an approach tone, i.e. +-1 halfstep chord tone.
elif __is_approach_tone(lastChord, nr):
elementType = 'A'
# X: Otherwise, it's an arbitrary tone. Generate random note.
elementType = 'X'
# SECOND, get the length for each element. e.g. 8th note = R8, but
# to simplify things you'll use the direct num, e.g. R,0.125
if (ix == (len(measure)-1)):
# formula for a in "a - b": start of measure (e.g. 476) + 4
diff = measureStartTime + 4.0 - nr.offset
diff = measure[ix + 1].offset - nr.offset
# Combine into the note info.
noteInfo = "%s,%.3f" % (elementType, nr.quarterLength) # back to diff
# THIRD, get the deltas (max range up, max range down) based on where
# the previous note was, +- minor 3. Skip rests (don't affect deltas).
intervalInfo = ""
if isinstance(nr, note.Note):
numNonRests += 1
if numNonRests == 1:
prevNote = nr
noteDist = interval.Interval(noteStart=prevNote, noteEnd=nr)
noteDistUpper = interval.add([noteDist, "m3"])
noteDistLower = interval.subtract([noteDist, "m3"])
intervalInfo = ",<%s,%s>" % (noteDistUpper.directedName,
# print "Upper, lower: %s, %s" % (noteDistUpper,
# noteDistLower)
# print "Upper, lower dnames: %s, %s" % (
# noteDistUpper.directedName,
# noteDistLower.directedName)
# print "The interval: %s" % (intervalInfo)
prevNote = nr
# Return. Do lazy evaluation for real-time performance.
grammarTerm = noteInfo + intervalInfo
fullGrammar += (grammarTerm + " ")
return fullGrammar.rstrip()
''' Given a grammar string and chords for a measure, returns measure notes. '''
def unparse_grammar(m1_grammar, m1_chords):
m1_elements = stream.Voice()
currOffset = 0.0 # for recalculate last chord.
prevElement = None
for ix, grammarElement in enumerate(m1_grammar.split(' ')):
terms = grammarElement.split(',')
currOffset += float(terms[1]) # works just fine
# Case 1: it's a rest. Just append
if terms[0] == 'R':
rNote = note.Rest(quarterLength = float(terms[1]))
m1_elements.insert(currOffset, rNote)
# Get the last chord first so you can find chord note, scale note, etc.
lastChord = [n for n in m1_chords if n.offset <= currOffset][-1]
except IndexError:
m1_chords[0].offset = 0.0
lastChord = [n for n in m1_chords if n.offset <= currOffset][-1]
# Case: no < > (should just be the first note) so generate from range
# of lowest chord note to highest chord note (if not a chord note, else
# just generate one of the actual chord notes).
# Case #1: if no < > to indicate next note range. Usually this lack of < >
# is for the first note (no precedent), or for rests.
if (len(terms) == 2): # Case 1: if no < >.
insertNote = note.Note() # default is C
# Case C: chord note.
if terms[0] == 'C':
insertNote = __generate_chord_tone(lastChord)
# Case S: scale note.
elif terms[0] == 'S':
insertNote = __generate_scale_tone(lastChord)
# Case A: approach note.
# Handle both A and X notes here for now.
insertNote = __generate_approach_tone(lastChord)
# Update the stream of generated notes
insertNote.quarterLength = float(terms[1])
if insertNote.octave < 4:
insertNote.octave = 4
m1_elements.insert(currOffset, insertNote)
prevElement = insertNote
# Case #2: if < > for the increment. Usually for notes after the first one.
# Get lower, upper intervals and notes.
interval1 = interval.Interval(terms[2].replace("<",''))
interval2 = interval.Interval(terms[3].replace(">",''))
if interval1.cents > interval2.cents:
upperInterval, lowerInterval = interval1, interval2
upperInterval, lowerInterval = interval2, interval1
lowPitch = interval.transposePitch(prevElement.pitch, lowerInterval)
highPitch = interval.transposePitch(prevElement.pitch, upperInterval)
numNotes = int(highPitch.ps - lowPitch.ps + 1) # for range(s, e)
# Case C: chord note, must be within increment (terms[2]).
# First, transpose note with lowerInterval to get note that is
# the lower bound. Then iterate over, and find valid notes. Then
# choose randomly from those.
if terms[0] == 'C':
relevantChordTones = []
for i in xrange(0, numNotes):
currNote = note.Note(lowPitch.transpose(i).simplifyEnharmonic())
if __is_chord_tone(lastChord, currNote):
if len(relevantChordTones) > 1:
insertNote = random.choice([i for i in relevantChordTones
if i.nameWithOctave != prevElement.nameWithOctave])
elif len(relevantChordTones) == 1:
insertNote = relevantChordTones[0]
else: # if no choices, set to prev element +-1 whole step
insertNote = prevElement.transpose(random.choice([-2,2]))
if insertNote.octave < 3:
insertNote.octave = 3
insertNote.quarterLength = float(terms[1])
m1_elements.insert(currOffset, insertNote)
# Case S: scale note, must be within increment.
elif terms[0] == 'S':
relevantScaleTones = []
for i in xrange(0, numNotes):
currNote = note.Note(lowPitch.transpose(i).simplifyEnharmonic())
if __is_scale_tone(lastChord, currNote):
if len(relevantScaleTones) > 1:
insertNote = random.choice([i for i in relevantScaleTones
if i.nameWithOctave != prevElement.nameWithOctave])
elif len(relevantScaleTones) == 1:
insertNote = relevantScaleTones[0]
else: # if no choices, set to prev element +-1 whole step
insertNote = prevElement.transpose(random.choice([-2,2]))
if insertNote.octave < 3:
insertNote.octave = 3
insertNote.quarterLength = float(terms[1])
m1_elements.insert(currOffset, insertNote)
# Case A: approach tone, must be within increment.
# For now: handle both A and X cases.
relevantApproachTones = []
for i in xrange(0, numNotes):
currNote = note.Note(lowPitch.transpose(i).simplifyEnharmonic())
if __is_approach_tone(lastChord, currNote):
if len(relevantApproachTones) > 1:
insertNote = random.choice([i for i in relevantApproachTones
if i.nameWithOctave != prevElement.nameWithOctave])
elif len(relevantApproachTones) == 1:
insertNote = relevantApproachTones[0]
else: # if no choices, set to prev element +-1 whole step
insertNote = prevElement.transpose(random.choice([-2,2]))
if insertNote.octave < 3:
insertNote.octave = 3
insertNote.quarterLength = float(terms[1])
m1_elements.insert(currOffset, insertNote)
# update the previous element.
prevElement = insertNote
return m1_elements
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