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generator.py 6.72 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Ji-Sung Linux 提交于 2016-04-22 13:40 . Clarifications on running on GPU
Author: Ji-Sung Kim
Project: deepjazz
Purpose: Generate jazz using a deep learning model (LSTM in deepjazz).
Some code adapted from Evan Chow's jazzml, https://github.com/evancchow/jazzml
with express permission.
Code was built while significantly referencing public examples from the
Keras documentation on GitHub:
GPU run command:
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32 python generator.py [# of epochs]
Note: running Keras/Theano on GPU is formally supported for only NVIDIA cards (CUDA backend).
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from music21 import *
import numpy as np
from grammar import *
from preprocess import *
from qa import *
import lstm
#----------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS----------------------------------#
''' Helper function to sample an index from a probability array '''
def __sample(a, temperature=1.0):
a = np.log(a) / temperature
a = np.exp(a) / np.sum(np.exp(a))
return np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, a, 1))
''' Helper function to generate a predicted value from a given matrix '''
def __predict(model, x, indices_val, diversity):
preds = model.predict(x, verbose=0)[0]
next_index = __sample(preds, diversity)
next_val = indices_val[next_index]
return next_val
''' Helper function which uses the given model to generate a grammar sequence
from a given corpus, indices_val (mapping), abstract_grammars (list),
and diversity floating point value. '''
def __generate_grammar(model, corpus, abstract_grammars, values, val_indices,
indices_val, max_len, max_tries, diversity):
curr_grammar = ''
# np.random.randint is exclusive to high
start_index = np.random.randint(0, len(corpus) - max_len)
sentence = corpus[start_index: start_index + max_len] # seed
running_length = 0.0
while running_length <= 4.1: # arbitrary, from avg in input file
# transform sentence (previous sequence) to matrix
x = np.zeros((1, max_len, len(values)))
for t, val in enumerate(sentence):
if (not val in val_indices): print(val)
x[0, t, val_indices[val]] = 1.
next_val = __predict(model, x, indices_val, diversity)
# fix first note: must not have < > and not be a rest
if (running_length < 0.00001):
tries = 0
while (next_val.split(',')[0] == 'R' or
len(next_val.split(',')) != 2):
# give up after 1000 tries; random from input's first notes
if tries >= max_tries:
print('Gave up on first note generation after', max_tries,
# np.random is exclusive to high
rand = np.random.randint(0, len(abstract_grammars))
next_val = abstract_grammars[rand].split(' ')[0]
next_val = __predict(model, x, indices_val, diversity)
tries += 1
# shift sentence over with new value
sentence = sentence[1:]
# except for first case, add a ' ' separator
if (running_length > 0.00001): curr_grammar += ' '
curr_grammar += next_val
length = float(next_val.split(',')[1])
running_length += length
return curr_grammar
#----------------------------PUBLIC FUNCTIONS----------------------------------#
''' Generates musical sequence based on the given data filename and settings.
Plays then stores (MIDI file) the generated output. '''
def generate(data_fn, out_fn, N_epochs):
# model settings
max_len = 20
max_tries = 1000
diversity = 0.5
# musical settings
bpm = 130
# get data
chords, abstract_grammars = get_musical_data(data_fn)
corpus, values, val_indices, indices_val = get_corpus_data(abstract_grammars)
print('corpus length:', len(corpus))
print('total # of values:', len(values))
# build model
model = lstm.build_model(corpus=corpus, val_indices=val_indices,
max_len=max_len, N_epochs=N_epochs)
# set up audio stream
out_stream = stream.Stream()
# generation loop
curr_offset = 0.0
loopEnd = len(chords)
for loopIndex in range(1, loopEnd):
# get chords from file
curr_chords = stream.Voice()
for j in chords[loopIndex]:
curr_chords.insert((j.offset % 4), j)
# generate grammar
curr_grammar = __generate_grammar(model=model, corpus=corpus,
values=values, val_indices=val_indices,
max_len=max_len, max_tries=max_tries,
curr_grammar = curr_grammar.replace(' A',' C').replace(' X',' C')
# Pruning #1: smoothing measure
curr_grammar = prune_grammar(curr_grammar)
# Get notes from grammar and chords
curr_notes = unparse_grammar(curr_grammar, curr_chords)
# Pruning #2: removing repeated and too close together notes
curr_notes = prune_notes(curr_notes)
# quality assurance: clean up notes
curr_notes = clean_up_notes(curr_notes)
# print # of notes in curr_notes
print('After pruning: %s notes' % (len([i for i in curr_notes
if isinstance(i, note.Note)])))
# insert into the output stream
for m in curr_notes:
out_stream.insert(curr_offset + m.offset, m)
for mc in curr_chords:
out_stream.insert(curr_offset + mc.offset, mc)
curr_offset += 4.0
out_stream.insert(0.0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=bpm))
# Play the final stream through output (see 'play' lambda function above)
play = lambda x: midi.realtime.StreamPlayer(x).play()
# save stream
mf = midi.translate.streamToMidiFile(out_stream)
mf.open(out_fn, 'wb')
''' Runs generate() -- generating, playing, then storing a musical sequence --
with the default Metheny file. '''
def main(args):
N_epochs = int(args[1])
N_epochs = 128 # default
# i/o settings
data_fn = 'midi/' + 'original_metheny.mid' # 'And Then I Knew' by Pat Metheny
out_fn = 'midi/' 'deepjazz_on_metheny...' + str(N_epochs)
if (N_epochs == 1): out_fn += '_epoch.midi'
else: out_fn += '_epochs.midi'
generate(data_fn, out_fn, N_epochs)
''' If run as script, execute main '''
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
马建仓 AI 助手
