# runs profiling with ncu, generates a `profile.ncu-rep` for viewing with NSight Compute, and prints out
# basic kernel stats.
# Note: If you run into errors because of missing access rights to performance counters, try
# https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-development-tools-solutions-err_nvgpuctrperm-permission-issue-performance-counters#SolnAdminTag
import subprocess
import csv
from collections import defaultdict
import shutil
# find ncu: Is it on PATH?
NCU = shutil.which("ncu")
# otherwise, guess a standard location
if NCU is None:
NCU = "/usr/local/cuda/bin/ncu"
# build the executable
subprocess.check_call(["make", "profile_gpt2cu", "NO_MULTI_GPU=1", "USE_CUDNN=1"])
# try to see if profiling is allowed for non-root:
options = subprocess.check_output(["modprobe", "-c", "nvidia"], text=True)
can_profile = len([l for l in options.splitlines() if "NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers=0" in l]) != 0
# record metrics
# --full and --import-source are entirely superfluous for this script, but you might want to
# manually inspect `profile.ncu-rep`, so we keep it here
cmd = [NCU, "--set", "full", "--import-source", "yes", "-o", "profile", "-f", "./profile_gpt2cu"]
# do we need to run under sudo
if not can_profile:
print("NVreg_RestrictProfilingToAdminUsers=1, running with sudo")
cmd = ["sudo"] + cmd
# generate csv
# https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/converting-nsys-rep-file-into-a-csv-file-with-formatting-like-the-summary-page-in-ncu-gui/231717/3
metrics = [
"gpu__time_duration.sum", # total time
"dram__bytes_read.sum", # DRAM reads
"dram__bytes_write.sum", # DRAM writes
"lts__t_sectors_srcunit_tex_op_read.sum", # L2 reads (sectors -- 32B)
"lts__t_sectors_srcunit_tex_op_write.sum", # L2 reads (sectors -- 32B)
"sm__pipe_tensor_op_hmma_cycles_active.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_active", # % of peak tensor core utilization
"smsp__inst_executed.sum", # instructions
cmd = [NCU, "-i", "profile.ncu-rep", "--csv", "--page", "raw", "--metrics", ",".join(metrics)]
result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, text=True).strip()
reader = csv.reader(result.splitlines(keepends=True))
# model config
summaries = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
passes = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
total = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)
no_cutlass = 0.0
CC = ""
phase = "fwd"
kernel_profile_data = list(enumerate(reader))
for rid, row in kernel_profile_data:
if rid <= 2:
kernel = row[4]
kid = rid - 2
if "fused_classifier" in kernel:
# classifier: layernorm -> matmul -> fused -> bw matmul (x2) -> bw layernorm
CLS_START = kid - 2
assert CLS_START != -1
# Check every kernel to find the maximum DRAM bandwidth and Tensor Core utilisation values
max_dram_bw = 0.0
max_tensor = 0.0
for rid, row in kernel_profile_data:
if rid <= 2:
time = float(row[13])
read = float(row[11])
write = float(row[12])
tensor = float(row[16])
dram_bw = (read + write) / (time / 1000.0)
max_dram_bw = max(max_dram_bw, dram_bw)
max_tensor = max(max_tensor, tensor)
# round the maximum tensor core utilisation to 50% or 100%
# consumer GPUs can only achieve 50% of peak tensor throughput on this counter
# and for GPUs without tensor cores, we set the value to 50% to avoid division by zero
max_tensor = (max_tensor > 50.0) and 100.0 or 50.0
print("Kernel calls:")
for rid, row in kernel_profile_data:
if rid == 0:
# headings
print( f"id pass {'name':<40} {'time':>8} {'RAM BW':>8} {'tensor':>8} {'RAM rd':>8} {'RAM wt':>8} {'L2 rd':>8} {'L2 wt':>8} {'inst':>8}")
if rid == 1:
# units
units = f" {'':<40} {'ms':>8} {'GB/s':>8} {'core %':>8} {'GiB':>8} {'GiB':>8} {'GiB':>8} {'GiB':>8} {'MInst':>8}"
print("." * len(units))
if rid == 2:
CC = row[10]
# actual data
kernel = row[4]
time = float(row[13])
read = float(row[11])
write = float(row[12])
l2_read = float(row[14])
l2_write = float(row[15])
tensor = float(row[16])
inst = float(row[17]) / 1e6
dram_bw = (read + write) / (time / 1000.0)
kid = rid - 2
multiplier = 1
if "encoder" in kernel:
pass_name = "enc"
if phase == "bwd":
phase = "bwd-enc"
elif CLS_START <= kid < CLS_START + CLS_NUM:
# the classifier part, counts only once
pass_name = "cls"
phase = "bwd"
elif "adamw" in kernel or "global_norm" in kernel or "copy_and_cast" in kernel:
# encoder layer or adam
pass_name = "opt"
# before the first optimizer run, we create weight copies.
# they aren't part of regular processing, so they get a multiplier
# of zero
elif phase == "bwd-enc":
pass_name = "init"
multiplier = 0
pass_name = phase
multiplier = N_LAYERS
time *= N_LAYERS
read *= N_LAYERS
write *= N_LAYERS
l2_read *= N_LAYERS
l2_write *= N_LAYERS
inst *= N_LAYERS
# split at "(" -- argument list
fn_name = kernel.split("(")[0]
# some names include the return value, others don't?
if " " in fn_name:
fn_name = fn_name.split(" ")[1]
if "<" in fn_name:
fn_name = fn_name.split("<")[0]
# group together matmul kernels
if "cutlass" in fn_name:
elif fn_name.startswith("ampere_bf16"):
fn_name = "ampere_bf16"
elif fn_name.startswith("cudnn_generated_fort_native_sdpa"):
fn_name = "cudnn_generated_fort_native_sdpa"
no_cutlass += time
# convert L2 to GiB
l2_read = l2_read * 32 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
l2_write = l2_write * 32 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
efficiency = max(dram_bw / max_dram_bw, tensor / max_tensor)
summaries[fn_name] += time
counts[fn_name] += multiplier
passes[pass_name] += time
if pass_name != "init":
total['time'] += time
total['read'] += read
total['write'] += write
total['l2_read'] += l2_read
total['l2_write'] += l2_write
total['inst'] += inst
total['tensor'] += tensor * time # % so multiplied by time
total['efficiency'] += efficiency * time
pass_info = f"{pass_name}×{multiplier}"
print(f"{kid:02} {pass_info:7} {fn_name:<40} {time:8.2f} {dram_bw:8.1f} {tensor:8.1f} {read:8.2f} {write:8.2f} {l2_read:8.2f} {l2_write:8.2f} {inst:8.2f}")
total_time = total['time']
avg_dram_bw = (total['read'] + total['write']) / (total_time / 1000.0)
avg_tensor_util = total['tensor'] / total_time
print("." * len(units))
print(f" {'Total':<40} {total['time']:8.2f} {avg_dram_bw:8.1f} {avg_tensor_util:8.1f} {total['read']:8.2f} {total['write']:8.2f} {total['l2_read']:8.2f} {total['l2_write']:8.2f} {total['inst']:8.2f}")
print("Kernel type summaries:")
print(f" {'name':<40} {'time':>6} {'frac':>6} {'count':>6}")
ordered_time = sorted(summaries.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for entry, value in ordered_time:
# crop entry to be at most 40 characters
if len(entry) > 40:
entry_text = entry[:37] + "..."
entry_text = entry
print(f" {entry_text:<40} {value:6.2f} {100*value / total_time:6.2f}% {counts[entry]:>6d}")
ts = total_time / 1000
summary = f"""
In total, a training step takes {total_time:.1f}ms, distributed as:
{passes['enc']:.1f}ms ({100 * passes['enc'] / total_time:.1f}%) in the encoder,
{passes['fwd']:.1f}ms ({100 * passes['fwd'] / total_time:.1f}%) in forward blocks,
{passes['cls']:.1f}ms ({100 * passes['cls'] / total_time:.1f}%) in the classifier part,
{passes['bwd']:.1f}ms ({100 * passes['bwd'] / total_time:.1f}%) in backward blocks, and
{passes['opt']:.1f}ms ({100 * passes['opt'] / total_time:.1f}%) in the optimizer.
We read {total['read']:.1f}GiB ({total['read']/ts:.1f}GB/s) and write {total['write']:.1f}GiB ({total['write']/ts:.1f}GB/s) to DRAM,
read {total['l2_read']:.1f}GiB ({total['l2_read']/ts:.1f}GB/s) and write {total['l2_write']:.1f}GiB ({total['l2_write']/ts:.1f}GB/s) to L2,
and execute {total['inst'] / 1000:.1f} billion instructions ({total['inst'] / 1000 / ts:.1f} GInst/s).
Assuming that every kernel should be either fully DRAM bandwidth or tensor core limited,
with a peak DRAM bandwidth of {max_dram_bw:.1f}GB/s and a peak tensor throughput of {max_tensor:.1f}%,
our overall efficiency is {(total['efficiency'] * 100.0 / total_time):.1f}%.
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