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W-yt 提交于 2022-02-14 16:03 . 2022.2.14 home-first time finish
This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 2021/W32TeX) (preloaded format=xelatex 2021.10.4) 14 FEB 2022 16:02
entering extended mode
restricted \write18 enabled.
file:line:error style messages enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
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Package: bm 2019/07/24 v1.2d Bold Symbol Support (DPC/FMi)
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Package: url 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
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Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 6090.
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LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 6145.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 6149.
Package: atbegshi-ltx 2020/08/17 v1.0a Emulation of the original atbegshi package
with kernel methods
Package hyperref Info: Driver (autodetected): hxetex.
File: hxetex.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref driver for XeTeX
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with kernel methods
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Package: uniquecounter 2019/12/15 v1.4 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
Package uniquecounter Info: New unique counter `rerunfilecheck' on input line 286.
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Package: mathrsfs 1996/01/01 Math RSFS package v1.0 (jk)
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Package: geometry 2020/01/02 v5.9 Page Geometry
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Package: multirow 2021/03/15 v2.8 Span multiple rows of a table
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Package: color 2020/02/24 v1.2b Standard LaTeX Color (DPC)
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File: upzd.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for U/pzd.
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File: upsy.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for U/psy.
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Package: pgfsys 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfsys-common-pdf.def 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfsyssoftpath.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfsysprotocol.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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Package: xcolor 2016/05/11 v2.12 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
File: color.cfg 2016/01/02 v1.6 sample color configuration
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LaTeX Info: Redefining \color on input line 709.
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Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1364.
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Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1370.
Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1371.
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)) (e:/Software/Latex/install/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/math/pgfint.code.tex) (e:/Software/Latex/install/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorepoints.code.tex
File: pgfcorepoints.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorepathconstruct.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorepathusage.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorescopes.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcoregraphicstate.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcoretransformations.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorequick.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcoreobjects.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorearrows.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcoreshade.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcoreimage.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
File: pgfcoreexternal.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcorelayers.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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File: pgfcoretransparency.code.tex 2020/12/27 v3.1.8b (3.1.8b)
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Chapter 1.
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\TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 此 系 统 要 测 量 飞 机 的 位 置 和 姿 态 相 对 于 惯 性 坐 标 系 的 变 换\TU/lmr/m/n/10 . \TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 惯 性 感 测 元 件 有 陀 螺 仪 \TU/lmr/m/n/10 ($\OML/cmm/m/it/10 gyro$\TU/lmr/m/n/10 ) \TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 和 加 速 度 计 \TU/lmr/m/n/10 ($\OML/cmm/m/it/10 accelerometer$\TU/lmr/m/n/10 ).
[2] [3]
Chapter 2.
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Missing character: There is no 等 (U+7B49) in font [lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-text;!
Missing character: There is no 等 (U+7B49) in font [lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-text;!
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Chapter 3.
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Chapter 4.
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] [45]
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Chapter 5.
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Chapter 6.
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Chapter 7.
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Chapter 8.
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Chapter 9.
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[]\TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 其 中 下 标 $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 I$ \TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 是 指 惯 性 系 统 \TU/lmr/m/n/10 (\TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 加 速 度 仪\TU/lmr/m/n/10 ) \TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 所 测 量 到 的 速 度\TU/lmr/m/n/10 . \TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 这 样 我 们 得 到 了 两 组 速 度 测 量 值 $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 U[]; V[]; W[]$ \TU/FandolSong-Regular(0)/m/n/10 和 $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 U[]; V[]; W[]$\TU/lmr/m/n/10 .
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Chapter 10.
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Chapter 11.
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Output written on Notebook.pdf (107 pages).
马建仓 AI 助手
