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add-common-script.patch 10.25 KB
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wangkerong 提交于 2021-10-13 11:02 . add commom script
From 4db504b19f6dd04a44e46b43b3aff4e6cab9214d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wangkerong <wangkerong@huawei.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 10:04:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add_commom_script
common.lua | 294 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 294 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 common.lua
diff --git a/common.lua b/common.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..884ee4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+-- Convenience Lua functions that can be used within rpm macros
+-- Reads an rpm variable. Unlike a basic rpm.expand("{?foo}"), returns nil if
+-- the variable is unset, which is convenient in lua tests and enables
+-- differentiating unset variables from variables set to ""
+local function read(rpmvar)
+ if not rpmvar or
+ (rpm.expand("%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") == "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. "}")
+ end
+-- Returns true if the macro that called this function had flag set
+-- – for example, hasflag("z") would give the following results:
+-- %foo -z bar → true
+-- %foo -z → true
+-- %foo → false
+local function hasflag(flag)
+ return (rpm.expand("%{-" .. flag .. "}") ~= "")
+-- Returns the argument passed to flag in the macro that called this function
+-- – for example, readflag("z") would give the following results:
+-- %foo -z bar → bar
+-- %foo → nil
+-- %foo -z "" → empty string
+-- %foo -z '' → empty string
+local function readflag(flag)
+ if not hasflag(flag) then
+ return nil
+ else
+ local a = rpm.expand("%{-" .. flag .. "*}")
+ -- Handle "" and '' as empty strings
+ if (a == '""') or (a == "''") then
+ a = ''
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+-- Sets a spec variable; echoes the result if verbose
+local function explicitset(rpmvar, value, verbose)
+ local value = value
+ if (value == nil) or (value == "") then
+ value = "%{nil}"
+ end
+ rpm.define(rpmvar .. " " .. value)
+ if verbose then
+ rpm.expand("%{warn:Setting %%{" .. rpmvar .. "} = " .. value .. "}")
+ end
+-- Unsets a spec variable if it is defined; echoes the result if verbose
+local function explicitunset(rpmvar, verbose)
+ if (rpm.expand("%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") ~= "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") then
+ rpm.define(rpmvar .. " %{nil}")
+ if verbose then
+ rpm.expand("%{warn:Unsetting %%{" .. rpmvar .. "}}")
+ end
+ end
+-- Sets a spec variable, if not already set; echoes the result if verbose
+local function safeset(rpmvar, value, verbose)
+ if (rpm.expand("%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") == "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}") then
+ explicitset(rpmvar,value,verbose)
+ end
+-- Aliases a list of rpm variables to the same variables suffixed with 0 (and
+-- vice versa); echoes the result if verbose
+local function zalias(rpmvars, verbose)
+ for _, sfx in ipairs({{"","0"},{"0",""}}) do
+ for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
+ local toalias = "%{?" .. rpmvar .. sfx[1] .. "}"
+ if (rpm.expand(toalias) ~= "") then
+ safeset(rpmvar .. sfx[2], toalias, verbose)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Takes a list of rpm variable roots and a suffix and alias current<root> to
+-- <root><suffix> if it resolves to something not empty
+local function setcurrent(rpmvars, suffix, verbose)
+ for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
+ if (rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. suffix .. "}") ~= "") then
+ explicitset( "current" .. rpmvar, "%{" .. rpmvar .. suffix .. "}", verbose)
+ else
+ explicitunset("current" .. rpmvar, verbose)
+ end
+ end
+-- Echo the list of rpm variables, with suffix, if set
+local function echovars(rpmvars, suffix)
+ for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
+ rpmvar = rpmvar .. suffix
+ local header = string.sub(" " .. rpmvar .. ": ",1,21)
+ rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. ":%{echo:" .. header .. "%{?" .. rpmvar .. "}}}")
+ end
+-- Returns an array, indexed by suffix, containing the non-empy values of
+-- <rpmvar><suffix>, with suffix an integer string or the empty string
+local function getsuffixed(rpmvar)
+ local suffixes = {}
+ zalias({rpmvar})
+ for suffix=0,9999 do
+ local value = rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. suffix .. "}")
+ if (value ~= "") then
+ suffixes[tostring(suffix)] = value
+ end
+ end
+ -- rpm convention is to alias no suffix to zero suffix
+ -- only add no suffix if zero suffix is different
+ local value = rpm.expand("%{?" .. rpmvar .. "}")
+ if (value ~= "") and (value ~= suffixes["0"]) then
+ suffixes[""] = value
+ end
+ return suffixes
+-- Returns the list of suffixes, including the empty string, for which
+-- <rpmvar><suffix> is set to a non empty value
+local function getsuffixes(rpmvar)
+ suffixes = {}
+ for suffix in pairs(getsuffixed(rpmvar)) do
+ table.insert(suffixes,suffix)
+ end
+ table.sort(suffixes,
+ function(a,b) return (tonumber(a) or 0) < (tonumber(b) or 0) end)
+ return suffixes
+-- Returns the suffix for which <rpmvar><suffix> has a non-empty value that
+-- matches best the beginning of the value string
+local function getbestsuffix(rpmvar, value)
+ local best = nil
+ local currentmatch = ""
+ for suffix, setvalue in pairs(getsuffixed(rpmvar)) do
+ if (string.len(setvalue) > string.len(currentmatch)) and
+ (string.find(value, "^" .. setvalue)) then
+ currentmatch = setvalue
+ best = suffix
+ end
+ end
+ return best
+-- %writevars core
+local function writevars(macrofile, rpmvars)
+ for _, rpmvar in ipairs(rpmvars) do
+ print("sed -i 's\029" .. string.upper("@@" .. rpmvar .. "@@") ..
+ "\029" .. rpm.expand( "%{" .. rpmvar .. "}" ) ..
+ "\029g' " .. macrofile .. "\n")
+ end
+-- https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/566
+-- Reformat a text intended to be used used in a package description, removing
+-- rpm macro generation artefacts.
+-- – remove leading and ending empty lines
+-- – trim intermediary empty lines to a single line
+-- – fold on spaces
+-- Should really be a %%{wordwrap:…} verb
+local function wordwrap(text)
+ text = rpm.expand(text .. "\n")
+ text = string.gsub(text, "\t", " ")
+ text = string.gsub(text, "\r", "\n")
+ text = string.gsub(text, " +\n", "\n")
+ text = string.gsub(text, "\n+\n", "\n\n")
+ text = string.gsub(text, "^\n", "")
+ text = string.gsub(text, "\n( *)[-*—][ ]+", "\n%1– ")
+ output = ""
+ for line in string.gmatch(text, "[^\n]*\n") do
+ local pos = 0
+ local advance = ""
+ for word in string.gmatch(line, "%s*[^%s]*\n?") do
+ local wl, bad = utf8.len(word)
+ if not wl then
+ print("%{warn:Invalid UTF-8 sequence detected in:}" ..
+ "%{warn:" .. word .. "}" ..
+ "%{warn:It may produce unexpected results.}")
+ wl = bad
+ end
+ if (pos == 0) then
+ advance, n = string.gsub(word, "^(%s*– ).*", "%1")
+ if (n == 0) then
+ advance = string.gsub(word, "^(%s*).*", "%1")
+ end
+ advance = string.gsub(advance, "– ", " ")
+ pos = pos + wl
+ elseif (pos + wl < 81) or
+ ((pos + wl == 81) and string.match(word, "\n$")) then
+ pos = pos + wl
+ else
+ word = advance .. string.gsub(word, "^%s*", "")
+ output = output .. "\n"
+ pos = utf8.len(word)
+ end
+ output = output .. word
+ if pos > 80 then
+ pos = 0
+ if not string.match(word, "\n$") then
+ output = output .. "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ output = string.gsub(output, "\n*$", "\n")
+ return output
+-- Because rpmbuild will fail if a subpackage is declared before the source
+-- package itself, provide a source package declaration shell as fallback.
+local function srcpkg(verbose)
+ if verbose then
+ rpm.expand([[
+%{echo:Creating a header for the SRPM from %%{source_name}, %%{source_summary} and}
+%{echo:%%{source_description}. If that is not the intended result, please declare the}
+%{echo:SRPM header and set %%{source_name} in your spec file before calling a macro}
+%{echo:that creates other package headers.}
+ end
+ print(rpm.expand([[
+Name: %{source_name}
+Summary: %{source_summary}
+%wordwrap -v source_description
+ explicitset("currentname", "%{source_name}", verbose)
+-- %new_package core
+local function new_package(source_name, pkg_name, name_suffix, first, verbose)
+ -- Safety net when the wrapper is used in conjunction with traditional syntax
+ if (not first) and (not source_name) then
+ rpm.expand([[
+%{warn:Something already set a package name. However, %%{source_name} is not set.}
+%{warn:Please set %%{source_name} to the SRPM name to ensure reliable processing.}
+ if name_suffix then
+ print(rpm.expand("%package " .. name_suffix))
+ else
+ print(rpm.expand("%package -n " .. pkg_name))
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ -- New processing
+ if not (pkg_name or name_suffix or source_name) then
+ rpm.expand([[
+%{error:You need to set %%{source_name} or provide explicit package naming!}
+ end
+ if name_suffix then
+ print(rpm.expand("%package " .. name_suffix))
+ explicitset("currentname", "%{source_name}-" .. name_suffix, verbose)
+ else
+ if not source_name then
+ source_name = pkg_name
+ end
+ if (pkg_name == source_name) then
+ safeset("source_name", source_name, verbose)
+ print(rpm.expand("Name: %{source_name}"))
+ else
+ if source_name and first then
+ srcpkg(verbose)
+ end
+ print(rpm.expand("%package -n " .. pkg_name))
+ end
+ explicitset("currentname", pkg_name, verbose)
+ end
+return {
+ read = read,
+ hasflag = hasflag,
+ readflag = readflag,
+ explicitset = explicitset,
+ explicitunset = explicitunset,
+ safeset = safeset,
+ zalias = zalias,
+ setcurrent = setcurrent,
+ echovars = echovars,
+ getsuffixed = getsuffixed,
+ getsuffixes = getsuffixes,
+ getbestsuffix = getbestsuffix,
+ writevars = writevars,
+ wordwrap = wordwrap,
+ new_package = new_package,
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