MACH-ETH SDK - an STM32CubeIDE project for the MACH-ETH automotive network interface.
受组委会及英飞凌委托,逐飞科技针对第十七届智能汽车竞赛平衡单车组的BLDC应用需求,精心设计了符合赛事需求的TC264 BLDC驱动开源方案供大家参考,该方案使用TC264,使用CCU6单元输出电机所需的PWM信号。电机为内转子、2860Kv、电压为12V。开源项目具有的功能,目前支持电机正反转、内部速度闭环、支持刹车、支持堵转保护。
VESC – Open Source ESC This the Hardware for my open source custom ESC. Schematic top level alt tag Layout -made with KiCad!- alt tag 3D views alt tag alt tag Update: The BOM is no longer available on google docs, it is included in the design folder as an .ods file. Have a look at this post for a tutorial on how to get started: VESC Hardware is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy
Hardware Design Files and Documentation for the ROHM BD9A100MUV-EVK-001 DCDC Evaluation Kit
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