# YModemForAndroid
YModem For Android is a library that easy to transmit file data with some terminal devices like BloothLE using [ymodem protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YMODEM).
## Notice
Though suitable, this library doesn't supply a ble component for transmitting data with terminal, it's your responsibility to encapsulate your own.
## Get Started
Supported URI formats:
"file:///storage/emulated/0/filename.bin" // from SD card
"assets://image.png" // from assets
### Initiation
``` java
ymodem = new YModem.Builder()
.callback(new YModemListener() {
public void onDataReady(byte[] data) {
//send this data[] to your ble component here...
public void onProgress(int currentSent, int total) {
//the progress of the file data has transmitted
public void onSuccess() {
//we are well done with md5 checked
public void onFailed(String reason) {
//the task has failed for several times of trying
### Start transmission
``` java
### Received data from terminal
When you received response from the ble terminal, tell ymodem to handle it:
``` java
The param data should be byte array.
### Stop
``` java
Just enjoy it!
## About
The concrete ymodem protocol implemented in this library:
* *SENDER: ANDROID APP *------------------------------------------* RECEIVER: BLE DEVICE*
* HELLO BOOTLOADER ---------------------------------------------->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* C
* SOH 00 FF filename0fileSizeInByte0MD5[90] ZERO[38] CRC CRC----->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* ACK C
* STX 01 FE data[1024] CRC CRC ---------------------------------->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* ACK
* STX 02 FF data[1024] CRC CRC ---------------------------------->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* ACK
* ...
* ...
* <p>
* STX 08 F7 data[1000] CPMEOF[24] CRC CRC ----------------------->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* ACK
* EOT ----------------------------------------------------------->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* ACK
* SOH 00 FF ZERO[128] ------------------------------------------->*
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* ACK
* <---------------------------------------------------------------* MD5_OK
## Reference
[Wikipedia YMODEM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YMODEM)
[aesirot ymodem on github](https://github.com/aesirot/ymodem)
## License