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microWebSrv.py 35.35 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Egist 提交于 2020-11-27 11:03 . Add files via upload
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2018 Jean-Christophe Bos & HC² (www.hc2.fr)
from json import loads, dumps
from os import stat
from _thread import start_new_thread
import socket
import gc
import re
try :
from microWebTemplate import MicroWebTemplate
except :
try :
from microWebSocket import MicroWebSocket
except :
class MicroWebSrvRoute :
def __init__(self, route, method, func, routeArgNames, routeRegex) :
self.route = route
self.method = method
self.func = func
self.routeArgNames = routeArgNames
self.routeRegex = routeRegex
class MicroWebSrv :
# ============================================================================
# ===( Constants )============================================================
# ============================================================================
_indexPages = [
_mimeTypes = {
".txt" : "text/plain",
".htm" : "text/html",
".html" : "text/html",
".css" : "text/css",
".csv" : "text/csv",
".js" : "application/javascript",
".xml" : "application/xml",
".xhtml" : "application/xhtml+xml",
".json" : "application/json",
".zip" : "application/zip",
".pdf" : "application/pdf",
".ts" : "application/typescript",
".woff" : "font/woff",
".woff2" : "font/woff2",
".ttf" : "font/ttf",
".otf" : "font/otf",
".jpg" : "image/jpeg",
".jpeg" : "image/jpeg",
".png" : "image/png",
".gif" : "image/gif",
".svg" : "image/svg+xml",
".ico" : "image/x-icon"
_html_escape_chars = {
"&" : "&",
'"' : """,
"'" : "'",
">" : ">",
"<" : "&lt;"
_pyhtmlPagesExt = '.pyhtml'
# ============================================================================
# ===( Class globals )=======================================================
# ============================================================================
_docoratedRouteHandlers = []
# ============================================================================
# ===( Utils )===============================================================
# ============================================================================
def route(cls, url, method='GET'):
""" Adds a route handler function to the routing list """
def route_decorator(func):
item = (url, method, func)
return func
return route_decorator
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def HTMLEscape(s) :
return ''.join(MicroWebSrv._html_escape_chars.get(c, c) for c in s)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _startThread(func, args=()) :
try :
start_new_thread(func, args)
except :
global _mwsrv_thread_id
try :
_mwsrv_thread_id += 1
except :
_mwsrv_thread_id = 0
try :
start_new_thread('MWSRV_THREAD_%s' % _mwsrv_thread_id, func, args)
except :
return False
return True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _unquote(s) :
r = str(s).split('%')
try :
b = r[0].encode()
for i in range(1, len(r)) :
try :
b += bytes([int(r[i][:2], 16)]) + r[i][2:].encode()
except :
b += b'%' + r[i].encode()
return b.decode('UTF-8')
except :
return str(s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _unquote_plus(s) :
return MicroWebSrv._unquote(s.replace('+', ' '))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _fileExists(path) :
try :
return True
except :
return False
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _isPyHTMLFile(filename) :
return filename.lower().endswith(MicroWebSrv._pyhtmlPagesExt)
# ============================================================================
# ===( Constructor )==========================================================
# ============================================================================
def __init__( self,
routeHandlers = [],
port = 80,
bindIP = '',
webPath = "/flash/www" ) :
self._srvAddr = (bindIP, port)
self._webPath = webPath
self._notFoundUrl = None
self._started = False
self.MaxWebSocketRecvLen = 1024
self.WebSocketThreaded = True
self.AcceptWebSocketCallback = None
self.LetCacheStaticContentLevel = 2
self._routeHandlers = []
routeHandlers += self._docoratedRouteHandlers
for route, method, func in routeHandlers :
routeParts = route.split('/')
# -> ['', 'users', '<uID>', 'addresses', '<addrID>', 'test', '<anotherID>']
routeArgNames = []
routeRegex = ''
for s in routeParts :
if s.startswith('<') and s.endswith('>') :
routeRegex += '/(\\w*)'
elif s :
routeRegex += '/' + s
routeRegex += '$'
# -> '/users/(\w*)/addresses/(\w*)/test/(\w*)$'
routeRegex = re.compile(routeRegex)
self._routeHandlers.append(MicroWebSrvRoute(route, method, func, routeArgNames, routeRegex))
# ============================================================================
# ===( Server Process )=======================================================
# ============================================================================
def _serverProcess(self) :
self._started = True
while True :
try :
client, cliAddr = self._server.accept()
except Exception as ex :
if ex.args and ex.args[0] == 113 :
self._client(self, client, cliAddr)
self._started = False
# ============================================================================
# ===( Functions )============================================================
# ============================================================================
def Start(self, threaded=False) :
if not self._started :
self._server = socket.socket()
self._server.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET,
1 )
if threaded :
else :
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def Stop(self) :
if self._started :
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def IsStarted(self) :
return self._started
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def SetNotFoundPageUrl(self, url=None) :
self._notFoundUrl = url
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetMimeTypeFromFilename(self, filename) :
filename = filename.lower()
for ext in self._mimeTypes :
if filename.endswith(ext) :
return self._mimeTypes[ext]
return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRouteHandler(self, resUrl, method) :
if self._routeHandlers :
#resUrl = resUrl.upper()
if resUrl.endswith('/') :
resUrl = resUrl[:-1]
method = method.upper()
for rh in self._routeHandlers :
if rh.method == method :
m = rh.routeRegex.match(resUrl)
if m : # found matching route?
if rh.routeArgNames :
routeArgs = {}
for i, name in enumerate(rh.routeArgNames) :
value = m.group(i+1)
try :
value = int(value)
except :
routeArgs[name] = value
return (rh.func, routeArgs)
else :
return (rh.func, None)
return (None, None)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _physPathFromURLPath(self, urlPath) :
if urlPath == '/' :
for idxPage in self._indexPages :
physPath = self._webPath + '/' + idxPage
if MicroWebSrv._fileExists(physPath) :
return physPath
else :
physPath = self._webPath + urlPath.replace('../', '/')
if MicroWebSrv._fileExists(physPath) :
return physPath
return None
# ============================================================================
# ===( Class Client )========================================================
# ============================================================================
class _client :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, microWebSrv, socket, addr) :
self._microWebSrv = microWebSrv
self._socket = socket
self._addr = addr
self._method = None
self._path = None
self._httpVer = None
self._resPath = "/"
self._queryString = ""
self._queryParams = { }
self._headers = { }
self._contentType = None
self._contentLength = 0
if hasattr(socket, 'readline'): # MicroPython
self._socketfile = self._socket
else: # CPython
self._socketfile = self._socket.makefile('rwb')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _processRequest(self) :
try :
response = MicroWebSrv._response(self)
if self._parseFirstLine(response) :
if self._parseHeader(response) :
upg = self._getConnUpgrade()
if not upg :
routeHandler, routeArgs = self._microWebSrv.GetRouteHandler(self._resPath, self._method)
if routeHandler :
try :
if routeArgs is not None:
routeHandler(self, response, routeArgs)
else :
routeHandler(self, response)
except Exception as ex :
print('MicroWebSrv handler exception:\r\n - In route %s %s\r\n - %s' % (self._method, self._resPath, ex))
raise ex
elif self._method.upper() == "GET" :
filepath = self._microWebSrv._physPathFromURLPath(self._resPath)
if filepath :
if MicroWebSrv._isPyHTMLFile(filepath) :
else :
contentType = self._microWebSrv.GetMimeTypeFromFilename(filepath)
if contentType :
if self._microWebSrv.LetCacheStaticContentLevel > 0 :
if self._microWebSrv.LetCacheStaticContentLevel > 1 and \
'if-modified-since' in self._headers :
headers = { 'Last-Modified' : 'Fri, 1 Jan 2018 23:42:00 GMT', \
'Cache-Control' : 'max-age=315360000' }
response.WriteResponseFile(filepath, contentType, headers)
else :
response.WriteResponseFile(filepath, contentType)
else :
else :
else :
elif upg == 'websocket' and 'MicroWebSocket' in globals() \
and self._microWebSrv.AcceptWebSocketCallback :
MicroWebSocket( socket = self._socket,
httpClient = self,
httpResponse = response,
maxRecvLen = self._microWebSrv.MaxWebSocketRecvLen,
threaded = self._microWebSrv.WebSocketThreaded,
acceptCallback = self._microWebSrv.AcceptWebSocketCallback )
else :
else :
except :
try :
if self._socketfile is not self._socket:
except :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _parseFirstLine(self, response) :
try :
elements = self._socketfile.readline().decode().strip().split()
if len(elements) == 3 :
self._method = elements[0].upper()
self._path = elements[1]
self._httpVer = elements[2].upper()
elements = self._path.split('?', 1)
if len(elements) > 0 :
self._resPath = MicroWebSrv._unquote_plus(elements[0])
if len(elements) > 1 :
self._queryString = elements[1]
elements = self._queryString.split('&')
for s in elements :
param = s.split('=', 1)
if len(param) > 0 :
value = MicroWebSrv._unquote(param[1]) if len(param) > 1 else ''
self._queryParams[MicroWebSrv._unquote(param[0])] = value
return True
except :
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _parseHeader(self, response) :
while True :
elements = self._socketfile.readline().decode().strip().split(':', 1)
if len(elements) == 2 :
self._headers[elements[0].strip().lower()] = elements[1].strip()
elif len(elements) == 1 and len(elements[0]) == 0 :
if self._method == 'POST' or self._method == 'PUT' :
self._contentType = self._headers.get("content-type", None)
self._contentLength = int(self._headers.get("content-length", 0))
return True
else :
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _getConnUpgrade(self) :
if 'upgrade' in self._headers.get('connection', '').lower() :
return self._headers.get('upgrade', '').lower()
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetServer(self) :
return self._microWebSrv
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetAddr(self) :
return self._addr
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetIPAddr(self) :
return self._addr[0]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetPort(self) :
return self._addr[1]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestMethod(self) :
return self._method
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestTotalPath(self) :
return self._path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestPath(self) :
return self._resPath
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestQueryString(self) :
return self._queryString
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestQueryParams(self) :
return self._queryParams
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestHeaders(self) :
return self._headers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestContentType(self) :
return self._contentType
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetRequestContentLength(self) :
return self._contentLength
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ReadRequestContent(self, size=None) :
if size is None :
size = self._contentLength
if size > 0 :
try :
return self._socketfile.read(size)
except :
return b''
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ReadRequestPostedFormData(self) :
res = { }
data = self.ReadRequestContent()
if data :
elements = data.decode().split('&')
for s in elements :
param = s.split('=', 1)
if len(param) > 0 :
value = MicroWebSrv._unquote_plus(param[1]) if len(param) > 1 else ''
res[MicroWebSrv._unquote_plus(param[0])] = value
return res
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ReadRequestContentAsJSON(self) :
data = self.ReadRequestContent()
if data :
try :
return loads(data.decode())
except :
return None
# ============================================================================
# ===( Class Response )======================================================
# ============================================================================
class _response :
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, client) :
self._client = client
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _write(self, data, strEncoding='ISO-8859-1') :
if data :
if type(data) == str :
data = data.encode(strEncoding)
data = memoryview(data)
while data :
n = self._client._socketfile.write(data)
if n is None :
return False
data = data[n:]
return True
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _writeFirstLine(self, code) :
reason = self._responseCodes.get(code, ('Unknown reason', ))[0]
return self._write("HTTP/1.1 %s %s\r\n" % (code, reason))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _writeHeader(self, name, value) :
return self._write("%s: %s\r\n" % (name, value))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _writeContentTypeHeader(self, contentType, charset=None) :
if contentType :
ct = contentType \
+ (("; charset=%s" % charset) if charset else "")
else :
ct = "application/octet-stream"
self._writeHeader("Content-Type", ct)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _writeServerHeader(self) :
self._writeHeader("Server", "MicroWebSrv by JC`zic")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _writeEndHeader(self) :
return self._write("\r\n")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _writeBeforeContent(self, code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, contentLength) :
if isinstance(headers, dict) :
for header in headers :
self._writeHeader(header, headers[header])
if contentLength > 0 :
self._writeContentTypeHeader(contentType, contentCharset)
self._writeHeader("Content-Length", contentLength)
self._writeHeader("Connection", "close")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteSwitchProto(self, upgrade, headers=None) :
self._writeHeader("Connection", "Upgrade")
self._writeHeader("Upgrade", upgrade)
if isinstance(headers, dict) :
for header in headers :
self._writeHeader(header, headers[header])
if self._client._socketfile is not self._client._socket :
self._client._socketfile.flush() # CPython needs flush to continue protocol
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponse(self, code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, content) :
try :
if content :
if type(content) == str :
content = content.encode(contentCharset)
contentLength = len(content)
else :
contentLength = 0
self._writeBeforeContent(code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, contentLength)
if content :
return self._write(content)
return True
except :
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponsePyHTMLFile(self, filepath, headers=None, vars=None) :
if 'MicroWebTemplate' in globals() :
with open(filepath, 'r') as file :
code = file.read()
mWebTmpl = MicroWebTemplate(code, escapeStrFunc=MicroWebSrv.HTMLEscape, filepath=filepath)
try :
tmplResult = mWebTmpl.Execute(None, vars)
return self.WriteResponse(200, headers, "text/html", "UTF-8", tmplResult)
except Exception as ex :
return self.WriteResponse( 500,
self._execErrCtnTmpl % {
'module' : 'PyHTML',
'message' : str(ex)
} )
return self.WriteResponseNotImplemented()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseFile(self, filepath, contentType=None, headers=None) :
try :
size = stat(filepath)[6]
if size > 0 :
with open(filepath, 'rb') as file :
self._writeBeforeContent(200, headers, contentType, None, size)
try :
buf = bytearray(1024)
while size > 0 :
x = file.readinto(buf)
if x < len(buf) :
buf = memoryview(buf)[:x]
if not self._write(buf) :
return False
size -= x
return True
except :
return False
except :
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseFileAttachment(self, filepath, attachmentName, headers=None) :
if not isinstance(headers, dict) :
headers = { }
headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"%s\"" % attachmentName
return self.WriteResponseFile(filepath, None, headers)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseOk(self, headers=None, contentType=None, contentCharset=None, content=None) :
return self.WriteResponse(200, headers, contentType, contentCharset, content)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseJSONOk(self, obj=None, headers=None) :
return self.WriteResponse(200, headers, "application/json", "UTF-8", dumps(obj))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseRedirect(self, location) :
headers = { "Location" : location }
return self.WriteResponse(302, headers, None, None, None)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseError(self, code) :
responseCode = self._responseCodes.get(code, ('Unknown reason', ''))
return self.WriteResponse( code,
self._errCtnTmpl % {
'code' : code,
'reason' : responseCode[0],
'message' : responseCode[1]
} )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseJSONError(self, code, obj=None) :
return self.WriteResponse( code,
dumps(obj if obj else { }) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseNotModified(self) :
return self.WriteResponseError(304)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseBadRequest(self) :
return self.WriteResponseError(400)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseForbidden(self) :
return self.WriteResponseError(403)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseNotFound(self) :
if self._client._microWebSrv._notFoundUrl :
else :
return self.WriteResponseError(404)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseMethodNotAllowed(self) :
return self.WriteResponseError(405)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseInternalServerError(self) :
return self.WriteResponseError(500)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def WriteResponseNotImplemented(self) :
return self.WriteResponseError(501)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def FlashMessage(self, messageText, messageStyle='') :
if 'MicroWebTemplate' in globals() :
MicroWebTemplate.MESSAGE_TEXT = messageText
MicroWebTemplate.MESSAGE_STYLE = messageStyle
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
_errCtnTmpl = """\
<h1>%(code)d %(reason)s</h1>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
_execErrCtnTmpl = """\
<title>Page execution error</title>
<h1>%(module)s page execution error</h1>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
_responseCodes = {
100: ('Continue', 'Request received, please continue'),
101: ('Switching Protocols',
'Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header'),
200: ('OK', 'Request fulfilled, document follows'),
201: ('Created', 'Document created, URL follows'),
202: ('Accepted',
'Request accepted, processing continues off-line'),
203: ('Non-Authoritative Information', 'Request fulfilled from cache'),
204: ('No Content', 'Request fulfilled, nothing follows'),
205: ('Reset Content', 'Clear input form for further input.'),
206: ('Partial Content', 'Partial content follows.'),
300: ('Multiple Choices',
'Object has several resources -- see URI list'),
301: ('Moved Permanently', 'Object moved permanently -- see URI list'),
302: ('Found', 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'),
303: ('See Other', 'Object moved -- see Method and URL list'),
304: ('Not Modified',
'Document has not changed since given time'),
305: ('Use Proxy',
'You must use proxy specified in Location to access this '
307: ('Temporary Redirect',
'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'),
400: ('Bad Request',
'Bad request syntax or unsupported method'),
401: ('Unauthorized',
'No permission -- see authorization schemes'),
402: ('Payment Required',
'No payment -- see charging schemes'),
403: ('Forbidden',
'Request forbidden -- authorization will not help'),
404: ('Not Found', 'Nothing matches the given URI'),
405: ('Method Not Allowed',
'Specified method is invalid for this resource.'),
406: ('Not Acceptable', 'URI not available in preferred format.'),
407: ('Proxy Authentication Required', 'You must authenticate with '
'this proxy before proceeding.'),
408: ('Request Timeout', 'Request timed out; try again later.'),
409: ('Conflict', 'Request conflict.'),
410: ('Gone',
'URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed.'),
411: ('Length Required', 'Client must specify Content-Length.'),
412: ('Precondition Failed', 'Precondition in headers is false.'),
413: ('Request Entity Too Large', 'Entity is too large.'),
414: ('Request-URI Too Long', 'URI is too long.'),
415: ('Unsupported Media Type', 'Entity body in unsupported format.'),
416: ('Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
'Cannot satisfy request range.'),
417: ('Expectation Failed',
'Expect condition could not be satisfied.'),
500: ('Internal Server Error', 'Server got itself in trouble'),
501: ('Not Implemented',
'Server does not support this operation'),
502: ('Bad Gateway', 'Invalid responses from another server/proxy.'),
503: ('Service Unavailable',
'The server cannot process the request due to a high load'),
504: ('Gateway Timeout',
'The gateway server did not receive a timely response'),
505: ('HTTP Version Not Supported', 'Cannot fulfill request.'),
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
马建仓 AI 助手
