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rlink.h 24.73 KB
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#ifndef __RLINK_H__
#define __RLINK_H__
#include "GArgs.h"
#include "GStr.h"
#include "gff.h"
#include "GSam.h"
#include "GBitVec.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "tablemaker.h"
#include "GHashMap.hh"
//#include "cds.h"
#define MAX_NODE 1000000
#define KMER 31
#define DROP 0.5
#define ERROR_PERC 0.1
#define DBL_ERROR 0.01
#define CHI_WIN 100
#define CHI_THR 50
#define SMALL_EXON 35 // exons smaller than this have a tendency to be missed by long read data
#define IS_FPKM_FLAG 1
#define IS_TPM_FLAG 2
#define IS_COV_FLAG 4
const double epsilon=0.000001; //-E
const float trthr=1.0; // transfrag pattern threshold
const float MIN_VAL=-100000.0;
const int MAX_MAXCOMP=200; // is 200 too much, or should I set it up to 150?
//const uint largeintron=20000; // don't trust introns longer than this unless there is higher evidence; less than 10% of all human annotated introns are longer than this
//const uint longintron=70000; // don't trust introns longer than this unless there is higher evidence; about 98% of all human annotated introns are shorter than this
const uint longintron=100000; // don't trust introns longer than this unless there is higher evidence; about 99% of all human annotated introns are shorter than this
const uint longintronanchor=25; // I need a higher anchor for long introns -> use a smaller value here? i.e. 20?
//const uint verylongintron=100000; // don't trust introns longer than this unless there is higher evidence; about 99% of all human annotated introns are shorter than this
//const uint verylongintronanchor=35; // I need a higher anchor for very long introns
const float mismatchfrac=0.02;
const float lowcov=1.5;
const float lowisofrac=0.02;
const int max_trf_number=40000; // maximum number of transfrag accepted so that the memory doesn't blow up
extern bool mergeMode;
extern bool forceBAM; //for stdin alignment data
extern bool verbose;
extern bool debugMode;
//collect all refguide transcripts for a single genomic sequence
struct GRefData {
GList<GffObj> rnas; //all transcripts on this genomic seq
int gseq_id;
const char* gseq_name;
GRefData(int gid=-1):rnas(false,true,false),gseq_id(gid),gseq_name(NULL) {
if (gseq_id>=0)
void add(GffReader* gffr, GffObj* t) {
if (gseq_id>=0) {
if (gseq_id!=t->gseq_id)
GError("Error: invalid call to GRefData::add() - different genomic sequence!\n");
else { //adding first transcript, initialize storage
if (gffr->gseqtable[gseq_id]==NULL)
GError("Error: invalid genomic sequence data (%s)!\n",gseq_name);
//setLocus(t); //use the GRefLocus::mexons to quickly find an overlap with existing loci, or create a new one
bool operator==(GRefData& d){
return gseq_id==d.gseq_id;
bool operator<(GRefData& d){
return (gseq_id<d.gseq_id);
struct CBundlenode:public GSeg {
float cov;
int bid; // bundle node id in bnode -> to easy retrieve it
CBundlenode *nextnode; // next node in the same bundle
CBundlenode(int rstart=0, int rend=0, float _cov=0, int _bid=-1, CBundlenode *_nextnode=NULL):GSeg(rstart, rend),
cov(_cov),bid(_bid),nextnode(_nextnode) {}
enum GPFType {
}; //on 4 bits: maximum 15 types
struct GPtFeature { //point feature (single coordinate)
GPFType ftype : 4;
int ref_id: 26; //index in a reftable[] with reference names, max 67,108,863
int strand: 2; //-1=-, 0=unstranded, +1=+
uint coord; //genomic coordinate for this feature
GPtFeature(GPFType ft=GPFT_NONE, int rid=-1, int _strand=0, uint loc=0):ftype(ft),
ref_id(rid), strand(_strand), coord(loc) {}
bool operator<(const GPtFeature &o) { return coord<o.coord; }
bool operator==(const GPtFeature &o) { return coord==o.coord; }
//-- should really match ftype and strand too,
// but we don't care, for bundle inclusion
struct GRefPtData {
int ref_id; //same with GPtFeature::ref_id, also in GffObj::names->gseqs
GList<GPtFeature> pfs; //all point feature on this genomic seq, sorted
GRefPtData(int gid=-1):ref_id(gid), pfs(true,false,false) { }
void add(GPtFeature* t) { //adds a fully formed GPtFeature record
if (ref_id!=t->ref_id || ref_id<0 || t->ref_id<0)
GError("Error: invalid call to GRefPtData::add() - cannot add feature with ref id %d to ref data id %d!\n",
t->ref_id, ref_id);
//sorting by unique ref_id
bool operator==(GRefPtData& d){
return ref_id==d.ref_id;
bool operator<(GRefPtData& d){
return (ref_id<d.ref_id);
// bundle data structure, holds all data needed for
// infering transcripts from a bundle
enum BundleStatus {
BUNDLE_STATUS_CLEAR=0, //available for loading/prepping
BUNDLE_STATUS_LOADING, //being prepared by the main thread (there can be only one)
BUNDLE_STATUS_READY //ready to be processed, or being processed
struct CBundle {
int len;
float cov;
float multi;
int startnode; // id of start node in bundle of same strand
int lastnodeid; // id of last node added to bundle
CBundle(int _len=0, float _cov=0, float _multi=0, int _start=-1, int _last=-1):
len(_len),cov(_cov),multi(_multi), startnode(_start),lastnodeid(_last) {}
struct CPath {
int node;
int contnode;
float abundance;
CPath(int n1=0,int n2=0,float abund=0):node(n1),contnode(n2),abundance(abund){}
struct CTransfrag {
GVec<int> nodes;
GBitVec pattern;
float abundance;
float srabund; // keeps abundance associated to srfrag
GVec<CPath> path; // stores all the possible paths that leave from a node to reach next node in a transfrag, and distributes the abundance of the transfrag between all possible continuations
float usepath;
int weak; // number of weak links
bool real:1;
bool longread:1; // there is at least a longread supporting transfrag
bool shortread:1; // there is at least one short read supporting transfrag
int guide;
uint longstart; // for long reads: min start of all longreads sharing transfrag
uint longend; // for long reads: max end of all longreads sharing transfrag
CTransfrag(GVec<int>& _nodes,GBitVec& bit, float abund=0, bool treal=false, int tguide=0,float sr=0):nodes(_nodes),pattern(bit),abundance(abund),srabund(sr),path(),usepath(-1),weak(-1),real(treal),longread(false),shortread(false),guide(tguide),longstart(false),longend(false) {}
CTransfrag(float abund=0, bool treal=false,int tguide=0):nodes(),pattern(),abundance(abund),srabund(0),path(),usepath(-1),weak(-1),real(treal),longread(false),shortread(false),guide(tguide),longstart(false),longend(false) {
struct CMTransfrag { // this is the super-class for transfrag -> to use in case of merging transcripts
CTransfrag *transfrag;
GVec<int> read; // all reads' indeces that are connected to this transfrag
int nf;
int nl;
uint len;
CMTransfrag(CTransfrag *t=NULL):transfrag(t),read(),nf(0),nl(0),len(0) {}
struct CGuide {
CTransfrag *trf;
//GffObj* t; // this is what I was using before but I need to store the guide index in guides instead
//CGuide(CTransfrag* _trf=NULL, GffObj* _t=NULL):trf(_trf),t(_t) {}
int g; // stores guide index in guides instead of the actual pointer
CGuide(CTransfrag* _trf=NULL, int _g=-1):trf(_trf),g(_g) {}
struct CPartGuide {
int idx;
int olen; // overlap with node
int allolen; // overlap with all nodes
int glen; // guide length
bool terminal_in;
bool terminal_out;
float gcount;
float cov; // assigned overall coverage so far
float ncov; // new coverage in node
CPartGuide(int _idx=0, int _olen=0, int _aolen=0, int _glen=0):idx(_idx),olen(_olen),allolen(_aolen),glen(_glen),
terminal_in(false),terminal_out(false),gcount(0),cov(0),ncov(0) {}
struct CTrGuidePat { // remember abundances based on node guide pattern
GBitVec pat;
float abund;
bool terminal;
GVec<int> g;
CTrGuidePat():pat(),abund(0),terminal(false),g() {} // default constructor
CTrGuidePat(GBitVec p, float a, bool _t): pat(p),abund(a),terminal(_t),g() {}
struct CNodeGuide {
GVec<CPartGuide> guide;
GVec<CTrGuidePat> trcount;
float sumtrcount; // sum of all used in guides transfrag abundances -> this is needed in order to see if a guide would explain all of them
CNodeGuide():guide(),trcount(),sumtrcount(0) {}
struct CGroup:public GSeg {
int color;
int grid;
float cov_sum;
float multi;
float neg_prop; // proportion of negative reads assigned to group out of all positives and negatives
CGroup *next_gr;
CGroup(int rstart=0, int rend=0, int _color=-1, int _grid=0, float _cov_sum=0,
float _multi=0,float _neg_prop=0, CGroup *_next_gr=NULL): GSeg(rstart, rend), color(_color), grid(_grid),cov_sum(_cov_sum),
multi(_multi), neg_prop(_neg_prop),next_gr(_next_gr) { }
struct CMerge {
GStr name;
GVec<int> fidx; // file indices for the transcripts in the merge
CMerge(const char* rname=NULL):name(rname),fidx() {}
struct CExon{
int predno;
int exonno;
float exoncov;
CExon(int p=0,int e=0,float c=0):predno(p),exonno(e),exoncov(c) {}
/*struct TwoFloat{
float start;
float end;
TwoFloat(float v1=0,float v2=0):start(v1),end(v2) {}
struct CPred{
int predno;
float cov;
CPred(int p=0,float c=0):predno(p),cov(c) {}
struct CLongTrf{
int t;
float cov;
GVec<int> group;
CLongTrf(int tno=0,float c=0):t(tno),cov(c),group() {}
struct CPrediction:public GSeg {
int geneno;
GffObj* t_eq; //equivalent reference transcript (guide)
//char *id;
float cov;
float longcov;
char strand;
//float frag; // counted number of fragments associated with prediction
int tlen;
bool flag;
GVec<GSeg> exons;
GVec<float> exoncov;
GStr mergename;
CPrediction(int _geneno=0, GffObj* guide=NULL, int gstart=0, int gend=0, float _cov=0, char _strand='.',
int _len=0,bool f=true):GSeg(gstart,gend), geneno(_geneno),t_eq(guide),cov(_cov),longcov(0),strand(_strand),
//CPrediction(int _geneno=0, char* _id=NULL,int gstart=0, int gend=0, float _cov=0, char _strand='.', float _frag=0,
// int _len=0,bool f=true):GSeg(gstart,gend), geneno(_geneno),id(_id),cov(_cov),strand(_strand),frag(_frag),
tlen(_len),flag(f),exons(),exoncov(),mergename() {}
void init(int _geneno=0, GffObj* guide=NULL, int gstart=0, int gend=0, float _cov=0, char _strand='.',
int _len=0) {
CPrediction(CPrediction& c):GSeg(c.start, c.end), geneno(c.geneno),
// id(Gstrdup(c.id)), cov(c.cov), strand(c.strand), frag(c.frag), tlen(c.tlen), flag(c.flag),
t_eq(c.t_eq), cov(c.cov), longcov(c.longcov),strand(c.strand), tlen(c.tlen), flag(c.flag),
exons(c.exons), exoncov(c.exoncov), mergename(c.mergename) {}
~CPrediction() { //GFREE(id);
struct CMPrediction {
CPrediction *p;
GVec<int> nodes;
GBitVec pat; // pattern of nodes and introns in prediction
GBitVec b; // not retained introns
CMPrediction(CPrediction* _p=NULL): p(_p),nodes(),pat(),b() {}
CMPrediction(CPrediction* _p,GVec<int>& _nodes,GBitVec& _pat, GBitVec& _b): p(_p),nodes(_nodes),pat(_pat),b(_b) {}
struct CNodeCapacity {
int id;
bool left;
float perc;
CNodeCapacity(int nid=0,bool leftnode=false,float p=0): id(nid),left(leftnode),perc(p) {}
// this class keeps the gene predictions (linked bundle nodes initially)
struct CGene:public GSeg { // I don't necessarily need to make this a GSeg since I can get the start&end from the exons
char strand;
char* geneID;
char* geneName;
float cov; // this is the actual gene coverage
float covsum; // this is a sum of transcripts coverages -> this is what we need for FPKM and TPM estimations
GVec<GSeg> exons; // all possible exons in gene (those are bnodes in bundle)
CGene(int gstart=0, int gend=0, char _strand='.',char *gid=NULL, char *gname=NULL):GSeg(gstart,gend),
strand(_strand), geneID(gid), geneName(gname), exons() { cov=0; covsum=0;}
// getGeneID() and getGeneName() functions of gffobj return pointers to this attributes in gffobj so I don't need to clean them up here
//holding transcript info for --merge mode
struct TAlnInfo {
GStr name; //transcript name
int fileidx; //index of transcript file in the TInputFiles.files array
double cov;
double fpkm;
double tpm;
int g;
TAlnInfo(const char* rname=NULL, int fidx=0):name(rname), fileidx(fidx),
cov(-1),fpkm(-1),tpm(-1),g(-1) { }
struct CJunction;
struct CReadAln:public GSeg {
// GStr name;
char strand; // 1, 0 (unkown), -1 (reverse)
short int nh;
uint len;
float read_count; // keeps count for all reads (including paired and unpaired)
bool unitig:1; // set if read come from an unitig
bool longread:1; // set if read comes from long read data
GVec<float> pair_count; // keeps count for all paired reads
GVec<int> pair_idx; // keeps indeces for all pairs in assembly mode, or all reads that were collapsed in merge mode
GVec<GSeg> segs; //"exons"
GPVec<CJunction> juncs;
union {
TAlnInfo* tinfo;
bool in_guide;
CReadAln(char _strand=0, short int _nh=0,
int rstart=0, int rend=0, TAlnInfo* tif=NULL): GSeg(rstart, rend), //name(rname),
strand(_strand),nh(_nh), len(0), read_count(0), unitig(false),longread(false),pair_count(),pair_idx(),
segs(), juncs(false), tinfo(tif) { }
CReadAln(CReadAln &rd):GSeg(rd.start,rd.end) { // copy contructor
int overlapSegLen(CReadAln* r) {
if (r->start>end || start>r->end) return 0;
int i=0;
int j=0;
int len=0;
while(i<segs.Count()) {
if(segs[i].end<r->segs[j].start) i++;
else if(r->segs[j].end<segs[i].start) j++;
else { // there is overlap
if(segs[i].end<r->segs[j].end) i++;
else j++;
if(j==r->segs.Count()) break;
return len;
~CReadAln() { if(mergeMode) {delete tinfo;} }
struct CGraphinfo {
int ngraph;
int nodeno;
CGraphinfo(int ng=-1,int nnode=-1):ngraph(ng),nodeno(nnode){}
struct CGJunc {
int leftnode;
int rightnode;
double cov; // ngood
double goodcov; // ngood_reads
CGJunc(int n1=0,int n2=0,double _cov=0,double _goodcov=0):leftnode(n1),rightnode(n2),cov(_cov),goodcov(_goodcov){}
struct CGNode {
int id; // initial id in graphno
bool last; // if this is last node (to be linked to sink later)
bool keep; // if I keep it in the final count (true by default)
bool merge; // if this node needs to be merged to its adjacent node
bool future;
CGNode(int _id=0,bool _last=false,bool _keep=true, bool _merge=false, bool _future=false):id(_id),last(_last),keep(_keep),merge(_merge),future(_future){}
struct CTreePat {
int nodeno;
int childno;
CTransfrag *tr;
CTreePat **nextpat;
CTreePat(int n=0,int cno=0):nodeno(n),childno(cno),tr(NULL),nextpat(NULL){
if(cno) {
GCALLOC(nextpat,cno*sizeof(CTreePat *));
for(int i=0;i<cno;i++) nextpat[i]=NULL;
void setchilds(int cno) {
if(cno && !nextpat) {
GCALLOC(nextpat,cno*sizeof(CTreePat *));
for(int i=0;i<cno;i++) nextpat[i]=NULL;
void settree(int i, CTreePat *t) {
if(i<childno) nextpat[i]=t;
CTreePat *settree(int nextpos,int n,int cno) {
if(nextpos<childno) {
if(!nextpat[nextpos]) nextpat[nextpos]=new CTreePat(n,cno);
struct CTrimPoint { // this can work as a guide keeper too, where pos is the guideidx, abundance is the flow, and start is the included status
uint pos;
float abundance;
bool start:1;
CTrimPoint(uint _pos=0,float abund=0.0,bool _start=true):pos(_pos),abundance(abund),start(_start) {}
struct CInterval {
uint pos; // interval start position
float val; // interval value or interval last position depending on use
CInterval *next; // next interval;
CInterval(uint _pos=0,float _val=0,CInterval *_next=NULL):pos(_pos),val(_val),next(_next) {}
struct CSegCov:public GSeg {
bool spliced:1;
GVec<GStr> rname;
CSegCov *next; // next interval;
CSegCov(uint start=0,uint end=0):GSeg(start,end),spliced(false),rname(),next(NULL) {}
struct CMaxIntv:public GSeg {
GVec<CExon> node;
CMaxIntv *next; // next interval;
CMaxIntv(uint start=0,uint end=0):GSeg(start,end),node(),next(NULL) {}
CMaxIntv(GVec<CExon>& _node,uint start,uint end,CMaxIntv *_next=NULL):GSeg(start,end),node(_node),next(_next) {}
struct GInterval {
uint start;
uint end;
GInterval *next;
GInterval(uint _start, uint _end,GInterval *_next=NULL):start(_start),end(_end),next(_next) {}
struct CTrInfo {
int trno;
float abundance;
float penalty;
CTrInfo(int tr=-1,float _abund=0.0, float _pen=0.0):trno(tr),abundance(_abund),penalty(_pen) {}
struct CNetEdge {
int link;
float rate;
bool fake;
CNetEdge(int lnk=0.0,float r=0.0, bool f=false):link(lnk),rate(r),fake(f){}
struct CComponent {
float size;
GVec<int> *set;
CComponent(float _size=0.0,GVec<int> *_set=NULL):size(_size),set(_set) {}
~CComponent() { if(set) delete set;}
struct GEdge { // guide edge
// if val < endval then this is start; otherwise it is end
uint val; // value of the boundary
uint endval; // value of the other exon boundary shared with val
int strand;
bool operator<(const GEdge& o) const {
return(val<o.val || (val==o.val && strand<o.strand));
bool operator==(const GEdge& o) const {
return(val==o.val && strand==o.strand);
GEdge(uint _val=0,uint _endval=0,int _strand=0):val(_val),endval(_endval),strand(_strand) {}
struct CGraphnode:public GSeg {
int nodeid;
float cov;
float capacity; // sum of all transcripts abundances exiting and through node
float rate; // conversion rate between in and out transfrags of node
//float frag; // number of fragments included in node
GVec<int> child;
GVec<int> parent;
GBitVec childpat;
GBitVec parentpat;
GVec<int> trf; // transfrags that pass the node
bool hardstart:1; // verified/strong start
bool hardend:1; // verified/strong end
//CGraphnode(int s=0,int e=0,unsigned int id=MAX_NODE,float nodecov=0,float cap=0,float r=0,float f=0):GSeg(s,e),nodeid(id),cov(nodecov),capacity(cap),rate(r),frag(f),child(),parent(),childpat(),parentpat(),trf(){}
CGraphnode(int s=0,int e=0,unsigned int id=MAX_NODE,float nodecov=0,float cap=0,float r=0):GSeg(s,e),
// # 0: strand; 1: start; 2: end; 3: nreads; 4: nreads_good;
struct CJunction:public GSeg {
char strand; //-1,0,1
char guide_match; //exact match of a ref intron?
char consleft; // -1,0,1 -1 is not set up, 0 is non consensus, 1 is consensus
char consright; // -1,0,1 -1 is not set up, 0 is non consensus, 1 is consensus
double nreads;
double nreads_good;
double leftsupport;
double rightsupport;
double nm; // number of reads with a high nm (high mismatch)
double mm; // number of reads that support a junction with both anchors bigger than longintronanchor
CJunction(int s=0,int e=0, char _strand=0):GSeg(s,e),
strand(_strand), guide_match(0), consleft(-1), consright(-1),nreads(0),nreads_good(0),
leftsupport(0),rightsupport(0),nm(0),mm(0) {}
bool operator<(CJunction& b) {
if (start<b.start) return true;
if (start>b.start) return false;
if (end<b.end) return true;
if (end>b.end) return false;
if (strand>b.strand) return true;
return false;
bool operator==(CJunction& b) {
return (start==b.start && end==b.end && strand==b.strand);
struct GReadAlnData {
GSamRecord* brec;
char strand; //-1, 0, 1
int nh;
int hi;
GPVec<CJunction> juncs;
union {
TAlnInfo* tinfo;
bool in_guide;
//GPVec< GVec<RC_ExonOvl> > g_exonovls; //>5bp overlaps with guide exons, for each read "exon"
GReadAlnData(GSamRecord* bamrec=NULL, char nstrand=0, int num_hits=0,
int hit_idx=0, TAlnInfo* tif=NULL):brec(bamrec), strand(nstrand),
nh(num_hits), hi(hit_idx), juncs(true), tinfo(tif) { } //, g_exonovls(true)
~GReadAlnData() { if(mergeMode) delete tinfo; }
struct CTCov { //covered transcript info
int first_cov_exon;
int last_cov_exon;
int numt;
GffObj* guide;
bool whole;
CTCov(GffObj* t, int fex=-1, int lex=0, int ntr=0):first_cov_exon(fex), last_cov_exon(lex),
numt(ntr), guide(t), whole(false) {
whole = (first_cov_exon<0);
void print(FILE* f) {
if (whole) { //from get_covered()
else { //from get_partial_covered()
bool partial=true;
if (last_cov_exon<0) {
if (guide->exons.Count()==1) partial=false;
} else {
if(last_cov_exon-first_cov_exon+1==guide->exons.Count()) partial=false;
for(int i=first_cov_exon;i<=last_cov_exon;i++) {
if(partial) fprintf(f, "%s\tpartial\texon\t%u\t%u\t.\t%c\t.\ttranscript_id \"%s_part%d\";\n",guide->getGSeqName(),
guide->exons[i]->start,guide->exons[i]->end,guide->strand,guide->getID(), numt);
else fprintf(f, "%s\tcomplete\texon\t%u\t%u\t.\t%c\t.\ttranscript_id \"%s\";\n",guide->getGSeqName(),
// bundle data structure, holds all input data parsed from BAM file
// - r216 regression
struct BundleData {
BundleStatus status;
//int64_t bamStart; //start of bundle in BAM file
int idx; //index in the main bundles array
int start;
int end;
unsigned long numreads; // number of reads in this bundle
float wnumreads; // NEW: weighted numreads; a multi-mapped read mapped in 2 places will contribute only 0.5
double sumreads; // sum of all reads' lengths in bundle
double sumfrag; // sum of all fragment lengths (this includes the insertion so it is an estimate)
float num_reads; // number of all reads in bundle that we considered (weighted)
float num_cov; // how many coverages we added (weighted) to obtain sumcov
float num_frag; // how many fragments we added to obtain sumfrag
double num_fragments3;
double sum_fragments3;
double num_fragments; //aligned read/pairs
double frag_len;
double sum_cov; // sum of all transcripts coverages --> needed to compute TPMs
char covflags;
GStr refseq; //reference sequence name
char* gseq; //actual genomic sequence for the bundle
GList<CReadAln> readlist;
GVec<float> bpcov[3]; // this needs to be changed to a more inteligent way of storing the data
GList<CJunction> junction;
GPVec<GffObj> keepguides;
GPVec<GPtFeature> ptfs; //point features for this bundle
GList<CPrediction> pred;
RC_BundleData* rc_data;
BundleData():status(BUNDLE_STATUS_CLEAR), idx(0), start(0), end(0),
num_fragments(0), frag_len(0),sum_cov(0),covflags(0),
refseq(), gseq(NULL), readlist(false,true), //bpcov(1024),
junction(true, true, true),
keepguides(false), ptfs(false), pred(false), rc_data(NULL) {
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) bpcov[i].setCapacity(4096);
void getReady(int currentstart, int currentend) {
//this is only called when the bundle is valid and ready to be processed
//tag all these guides
for (int i=0;i<this->keepguides.Count();++i) {
RC_TData* tdata=(RC_TData*)(keepguides[i]->uptr);
void rc_init(GffObj* t, GPVec<RC_TData>* rc_tdata,
GPVec<RC_Feature>* rc_edata, GPVec<RC_Feature>* rc_idata) {
if (rc_data==NULL) {
rc_data = new RC_BundleData(t->start, t->end,
rc_tdata, rc_edata, rc_idata);
/* after reference annotation was loaded
void rc_finalize_refs() {
if (rc_data==NULL) return;
Not needed here, we update the coverage span as each transcript is added
void keepGuide(GffObj* scaff, GPVec<RC_TData>* rc_tdata=NULL,
GPVec<RC_Feature>* rc_edata=NULL, GPVec<RC_Feature>* rc_idata=NULL);
//bool evalReadAln(GSamRecord& brec, char& strand, int nh); //, int hi);
bool evalReadAln(GReadAlnData& alndata, char& strand);
void Clear() {
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
delete rc_data;
~BundleData() {
void processRead(int currentstart, int currentend, BundleData& bdata,
GHash<int>& hashread, GReadAlnData& alndata);
//GSamRecord& brec, char strand, int nh, int hi);
void countFragment(BundleData& bdata, GSamRecord& brec, int hi,int nh);
int printResults(BundleData* bundleData, int geneno, GStr& refname);
int printMergeResults(BundleData* bundleData, int geneno, GStr& refname);
int infer_transcripts(BundleData* bundle);
// --- utility functions
void printGff3Header(FILE* f, GArgs& args);
void printTime(FILE* f);
马建仓 AI 助手
