MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsScrollbar"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
Option Explicit
Private m_dicTotal As Dictionary '保存全部的属性,包括默认值
Private m_Base As clsBaseControl '基础控件类
Private m_CanbeOutByMainForm As Boolean
'sCmdFunc: 输出参数,事件处理回调代码;
Public Sub toString(ByRef sOut As cStrBuilder, ByRef sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, rel As Boolean, oop As Boolean, usettk As Boolean)
Dim sCmd As String
sCmd = m_Base("command")
If oop Then
If Len(sCmd) Then
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDefOOP(sCmd, "method, dir, jump=None")
End If
ElseIf Len(sCmd) Then
sCmdFunc.Append m_Base.CreateFuncDef(sCmd, "method, dir, jump=None")
End If
m_Base("command") = ""
m_Base.toString sOut, sCmdFunc, rel, oop, usettk
m_Base("command") = sCmd
End Sub
Public Sub InitConfig(o As Object, parentWidth As Long, parentHeight As Long, dMethods As Dictionary)
Dim s As String, sa() As String, i As Long, idx As Long
m_Base.SetVbWidgetInstance o
m_Base.Name = o.Properties("Name")
m_Base.StyleName = IIf(o.ClassName = "HScrollBar", "Horizontal", "Vertical") & ".TScrollbar"
m_dicTotal("x") = m_Base.toPixelX(o.Properties("Left"))
m_dicTotal("y") = m_Base.toPixelY(o.Properties("Top"))
m_dicTotal("width") = m_Base.toPixelX(o.Properties("Width"))
m_dicTotal("height") = m_Base.toPixelY(o.Properties("Height"))
m_dicTotal("relx") = Format(o.Properties("Left") / parentWidth, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("rely") = Format(o.Properties("Top") / parentHeight, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("relwidth") = Format(o.Properties("Width") / parentWidth, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("relheight") = Format(o.Properties("Height") / parentHeight, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("orient") = IIf(o.ClassName = "HScrollBar", "'horizontal'", "'vertical'")
m_dicTotal("bg") = ""
m_dicTotal("bd") = ""
m_dicTotal("jump") = 0
m_dicTotal("relief") = "SUNKEN"
m_dicTotal("activerelief") = "SUNKEN"
m_dicTotal("takefocus") = IIf(o.Properties("TabStop"), 1, 0)
m_dicTotal("cursor") = m_Base.GetCursorName(o.Properties("MousePointer"))
m_dicTotal("command") = "" 'o.Properties("Name") & "_Cmd"
m_dicTotal("bindcommand") = m_Base.GetBindCommandStr(dMethods)
m_Base("x") = m_dicTotal("x")
m_Base("y") = m_dicTotal("y")
m_Base("width") = m_dicTotal("width")
m_Base("height") = m_dicTotal("height")
m_Base("relx") = m_dicTotal("relx")
m_Base("rely") = m_dicTotal("rely")
m_Base("relwidth") = m_dicTotal("relwidth")
m_Base("relheight") = m_dicTotal("relheight")
'm_Base("command") = m_dicTotal("command")
m_Base("orient") = m_dicTotal("orient")
If m_dicTotal("takefocus") = 0 Then m_Base("takefocus") = m_dicTotal("takefocus")
If m_dicTotal("cursor") <> "" Then m_Base("cursor") = m_dicTotal("cursor")
If m_dicTotal("bindcommand") <> "" Then m_Base("bindcommand") = m_dicTotal("bindcommand")
s = Trim(o.Properties("Tag"))
If Len(s) Then
sa = Split(s, "@")
If sa(0) = "p" Or sa(0) = "P" Then
For i = 1 To UBound(sa)
s = sa(i)
idx = InStr(2, s, "=")
If idx > 0 Then '有值
m_dicTotal(Left$(s, idx - 1)) = Mid$(s, idx + 1)
m_Base(Left$(s, idx - 1)) = m_dicTotal(Left$(s, idx - 1))
ElseIf Len(s) > 0 And Len(m_dicTotal(s)) > 0 Then '仅有属性,则判断属性是否合法
m_Base(s) = m_dicTotal(s)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetAttrValueList(sAttr As String, ByRef sa() As String) As Long
GetAttrValueList = 1
If sAttr = "jump" Then
sa = Split("1,0", ",")
ElseIf sAttr = "activerelief" Then
GetAttrValueList = m_Base.GetAttrValueList(sAttr, sa)
End If
End Function
Public Function hasAttribute(sAttr As String) As Boolean
hasAttribute = m_Base.hasAttribute(sAttr)
End Function
Public Function GetAttrCurrentValue(sAttr As String) As String
GetAttrCurrentValue = m_Base.GetAttrCurrentValue(sAttr)
End Function
Public Function Tips(sAttr As String) As String
Tips = sAttr & vbCrLf
Select Case sAttr:
Case "jump"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipJump", "Set to 1, the callback isn't called until the user releases the mouse button.")
Case "activerelief"
Tips = Tips & L("l_TipActiveRelief", "To display the slider with a different relief style when the mouse is over the slider.")
Case Else:
Tips = m_Base.Tips(sAttr)
End Select
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_dicTotal = New Dictionary
Set m_Base = New clsBaseControl
m_Base.ctlType = "Scrollbar"
m_Base.StyleName = "TScrollbar"
m_CanbeOutByMainForm = True
End Sub
Public Function Allitems() As Collection
Dim re As Collection, k As Variant, ks As Collection
Set re = New Collection
Set ks = m_dicTotal.Keys
For Each k In ks
If Len(m_Base(k)) Then
re.Add k & "|" & m_Base(k) & "|1"
re.Add k & "|" & m_dicTotal(k) & "|0"
End If
Set ks = m_Base.Keys
For Each k In ks
If Not m_dicTotal.Exists(k) Then
re.Add k & "|" & m_Base(k) & "|1"
End If
Set Allitems = re
End Function
Public Sub SetConfig(sAttrs As String)
m_Base.SetConfig sAttrs
End Sub
Public Sub SetSingleConfig(sAttr As String)
m_Base.SetSingleConfig sAttr
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_dicTotal = Nothing
Set m_Base = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Let Parent(s As String)
m_Base.Parent = s
End Property
Public Property Get Parent() As String
Parent = m_Base.Parent
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = m_Base.Name
End Property
Public Function SetWidgetType(sType As String, sStyleName As String)
m_Base.ctlType = sType
m_Base.StyleName = sStyleName
End Function
Public Property Get EnableOutByMainForm() As Boolean
EnableOutByMainForm = m_CanbeOutByMainForm
End Property
Public Property Let EnableOutByMainForm(bEnable As Boolean)
m_CanbeOutByMainForm = bEnable
End Property
Public Function Serializer(vSer As clsSerialization)
vSer.Serializer m_Base
End Function
Public Function Deserializer(vSer As clsSerialization)
vSer.Deserializer m_Base
End Function
Public Property Get Description() As String
Description = L("l_DescScrollbar", "Scrollbar widget.")
End Property
Public Property Let ScaleMode(nV As Long)
m_Base.ScaleMode = nV
End Property
Public Function Compare(ByRef Obj As Object) As Long
Dim tObj As String
tObj = TypeName(Obj)
If tObj = "clsListbox" Or tObj = "clsText" Or tObj = "clsCanvas" Or tObj = "clsTreeview" Then
Compare = Obj.Compare(Me)
Compare = Switch(Compare > 0, -1, Compare < 0, 1, Compare = 0, 0) '比较结果要反个个
Exit Function
End If
If Parent = Obj.Name Then '父控件先输出代码
Compare = 1
ElseIf Obj.Parent = Name Then
Compare = -1
ElseIf Parent = WTOP And Obj.Parent <> WTOP Then '顶层控件先输出
Compare = -1
ElseIf Parent <> WTOP And Obj.Parent = WTOP Then
Compare = 1
Compare = 0
End If
End Function
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