MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsNotebook"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private m_dicTotal As Dictionary '保存全部的属性,包括默认值
Private m_Base As clsBaseControl '基础控件类
Private m_TabTitles() As String '选项卡标题,下1开始,0,实际没用
Private m_Tabs() As Object '选项卡对象,下标从1开始的,0实际没用
Private m_nTabs As Long '选项卡数目
Private m_CanbeOutByMainForm As Boolean
'sCmdFunc: 输出参数,事件处理回调代码;
Public Sub toString(ByRef sOut As cStrBuilder, ByRef sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, rel As Boolean, oop As Boolean, usettk As Boolean)
m_Base.toString sOut, sCmdFunc, rel, oop, usettk
CreateTabWidgets sOut, sCmdFunc, rel, oop, usettk
End Sub
Private Sub CreateTabWidgets(ByRef sOut As cStrBuilder, ByRef sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, rel As Boolean, oop As Boolean, usettk As Boolean)
Dim i As Long, nTabs As Long, s As String
Dim bTabExisted As Boolean, sCaption As String
nTabs = IIf(m_nTabs > UBound(m_Tabs), m_nTabs, UBound(m_Tabs))
For i = 1 To nTabs 'TAB下标从1开始
If i > UBound(m_Tabs) Then
bTabExisted = False
ElseIf m_Tabs(i) Is Nothing Then
bTabExisted = False
bTabExisted = True
End If
If bTabExisted Then
If i > m_nTabs Then
sCaption = m_Tabs(i).Caption
ElseIf Len(m_TabTitles(i)) = 0 Then
sCaption = m_Tabs(i).Caption
ElseIf i <= m_nTabs Then
sCaption = m_TabTitles(i)
End If
ElseIf i <= m_nTabs Then
sCaption = m_TabTitles(i)
End If
If Len(sCaption) = 0 Then sCaption = "Tab" & i
CreateSingleTabWidget sOut, sCmdFunc, rel, oop, usettk, i, bTabExisted, sCaption
End Sub
Private Sub CreateSingleTabWidget(ByRef sOut As cStrBuilder, ByRef sCmdFunc As cStrBuilder, rel As Boolean, oop As Boolean, usettk As Boolean, _
nTabIdx As Long, bUseTabObj As Boolean, sCaption As String)
Dim s As String
If oop Then
If bUseTabObj Then
s = "self." & m_Tabs(nTabIdx).Name
sOut.Append vbCrLf & Space(8) & s & " = Frame(self." & m_Base.Name & ")"
m_Tabs(nTabIdx).toString sOut, sCmdFunc, rel, oop, usettk
s = "self." & m_Base.Name & "__Tab" & nTabIdx
sOut.Append vbCrLf & Space(8) & s & " = Frame(self." & m_Base.Name & ")"
sOut.Append Space(8) & s & "Lbl = Label(" & s & ", text='Please add widgets in code.')"
sOut.Append Space(8) & s & "Lbl.place(relx=0.1,rely=0.5)"
End If
sOut.Append Space(8) & "self." & m_Base.Name & ".add(" & s & ", text=" & U(sCaption) & ")"
If bUseTabObj Then
s = m_Tabs(nTabIdx).Name
sOut.Append vbCrLf & Space(4) & s & " = Frame(" & m_Base.Name & ")"
m_Tabs(nTabIdx).toString sOut, sCmdFunc, rel, oop, usettk
s = m_Base.Name & "__Tab" & nTabIdx
sOut.Append vbCrLf & Space(4) & s & " = Frame(" & m_Base.Name & ")"
sOut.Append Space(4) & s & "Lbl = Label(" & s & ", text='Please add widgets in code.')"
sOut.Append Space(4) & s & "Lbl.place(relx=0.1,rely=0.5)"
End If
sOut.Append Space(4) & m_Base.Name & ".add(" & s & ", text=" & U(sCaption) & ")"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub InitConfig(o As Object, parentWidth As Long, parentHeight As Long, dMethods As Dictionary)
Dim i As Long, oiTabs As ITabs, s As String, sa() As String, idx As Long
m_Base.SetVbWidgetInstance o
m_Base.Name = o.Properties("Name")
Set oiTabs = o.Properties("Tabs").object
m_nTabs = oiTabs.Count
ReDim m_TabTitles(m_nTabs) As String
For i = 1 To m_nTabs
m_TabTitles(i) = oiTabs.Item(i).Caption 'TAB下标从1开始
m_dicTotal("x") = m_Base.toPixelX(o.Properties("Left"))
m_dicTotal("y") = m_Base.toPixelY(o.Properties("Top"))
m_dicTotal("width") = m_Base.toPixelX(o.Properties("Width"))
m_dicTotal("height") = m_Base.toPixelY(o.Properties("Height"))
m_dicTotal("relx") = Format(o.Properties("Left") / parentWidth, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("rely") = Format(o.Properties("Top") / parentHeight, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("relwidth") = Format(o.Properties("Width") / parentWidth, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("relheight") = Format(o.Properties("Height") / parentHeight, "0.###")
m_dicTotal("relief") = "FLAT"
m_dicTotal("tooltip") = o.Properties("ToolTipText")
m_dicTotal("takefocus") = IIf(o.Properties("TabStop"), 1, 0)
m_dicTotal("cursor") = m_Base.GetCursorName(o.Properties("MousePointer"))
m_dicTotal("bindcommand") = m_Base.GetBindCommandStr(dMethods)
m_Base("x") = m_dicTotal("x")
m_Base("y") = m_dicTotal("y")
m_Base("width") = m_dicTotal("width")
m_Base("height") = m_dicTotal("height")
m_Base("relx") = m_dicTotal("relx")
m_Base("rely") = m_dicTotal("rely")
m_Base("relwidth") = m_dicTotal("relwidth")
m_Base("relheight") = m_dicTotal("relheight")
If m_dicTotal("tooltip") <> "" Then m_Base("tooltip") = m_dicTotal("tooltip")
If m_dicTotal("takefocus") = 0 Then m_Base("takefocus") = m_dicTotal("takefocus")
If m_dicTotal("cursor") <> "" Then m_Base("cursor") = m_dicTotal("cursor")
If m_dicTotal("bindcommand") <> "" Then m_Base("bindcommand") = m_dicTotal("bindcommand")
s = Trim(o.Properties("Tag"))
If Len(s) Then
sa = Split(s, "@")
If sa(0) = "p" Or sa(0) = "P" Then
For i = 1 To UBound(sa)
s = sa(i)
idx = InStr(2, s, "=")
If idx > 0 Then '有值
m_dicTotal(Left$(s, idx - 1)) = Mid$(s, idx + 1)
m_Base(Left$(s, idx - 1)) = m_dicTotal(Left$(s, idx - 1))
ElseIf Len(s) > 0 And Len(m_dicTotal(s)) > 0 Then '仅有属性,则判断属性是否合法
m_Base(s) = m_dicTotal(s)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddTab(oTab As Object, nTabIdx As Long)
If nTabIdx > UBound(m_Tabs) Then
ReDim Preserve m_Tabs(nTabIdx) As Object
End If
Set m_Tabs(nTabIdx) = oTab
End Sub
Public Function GetAttrValueList(sAttr As String, ByRef sa() As String) As Long
GetAttrValueList = m_Base.GetAttrValueList(sAttr, sa)
End Function
Public Function hasAttribute(sAttr As String) As Boolean
hasAttribute = m_Base.hasAttribute(sAttr)
End Function
Public Function GetAttrCurrentValue(sAttr As String) As String
GetAttrCurrentValue = m_Base.GetAttrCurrentValue(sAttr)
End Function
Public Function Tips(sAttr As String) As String
Tips = m_Base.Tips(sAttr)
End Function
Public Sub SetConfig(sAttrs As String)
m_Base.SetConfig sAttrs
End Sub
Public Sub SetSingleConfig(sAttr As String)
m_Base.SetSingleConfig sAttr
End Sub
Public Function Allitems() As Collection
Dim re As Collection, k As Variant, ks As Collection
Set re = New Collection
Set ks = m_dicTotal.Keys
For Each k In ks
If Len(m_Base(k)) Then
re.Add k & "|" & m_Base(k) & "|1"
re.Add k & "|" & m_dicTotal(k) & "|0"
End If
Set ks = m_Base.Keys
For Each k In ks
If Not m_dicTotal.Exists(k) Then
re.Add k & "|" & m_Base(k) & "|1"
End If
Set Allitems = re
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_dicTotal = New Dictionary
Set m_Base = New clsBaseControl
m_Base.ctlType = "Notebook"
m_Base.StyleName = "TNotebook"
ReDim m_TabTitles(0) As String
ReDim m_Tabs(0) As Object
m_CanbeOutByMainForm = True
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_dicTotal = Nothing
Set m_Base = Nothing
Erase m_Tabs
Erase m_TabTitles
End Sub
Public Property Let Parent(s As String)
m_Base.Parent = s
End Property
Public Property Get Parent() As String
Parent = m_Base.Parent
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = m_Base.Name
End Property
Public Function SetWidgetType(sType As String, sStyleName As String)
m_Base.ctlType = sType
m_Base.StyleName = sStyleName
End Function
Public Property Get EnableOutByMainForm() As Boolean
EnableOutByMainForm = m_CanbeOutByMainForm
End Property
Public Property Let EnableOutByMainForm(bEnable As Boolean)
m_CanbeOutByMainForm = bEnable
End Property
Public Function Serializer(vSer As clsSerialization)
vSer.Serializer m_Base
End Function
Public Function Deserializer(vSer As clsSerialization)
vSer.Deserializer m_Base
End Function
Public Property Get Description() As String
Description = L("l_DescNotebook", "Notebook widget. TTK needed.")
End Property
Public Property Let ScaleMode(nV As Long)
m_Base.ScaleMode = nV
End Property
Public Function Compare(ByRef Obj As Object) As Long
If Parent = Obj.Name Then '父控件先输出代码
Compare = 1
ElseIf Obj.Parent = Name Then
Compare = -1
ElseIf Parent = WTOP And Obj.Parent <> WTOP Then '顶层控件先输出
Compare = -1
ElseIf Parent <> WTOP And Obj.Parent = WTOP Then
Compare = 1
Compare = 0
End If
End Function
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