#include "msg.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define INITIAL_BUF_SIZE 5120
* A buffer to store temporary tcp stream data
void *buff[2];
* the total size of the buffer
size_t buff_size[2];
* the size of the data currently in the buffer.
size_t content_length[2];
#define MAX_OFP_SIZE 10240
struct timeval last_pkt_ts;
struct pcap_event *ofp_msg;
msg_init() {
buff[0] = xmalloc(INITIAL_BUF_SIZE);
buff[1] = xmalloc(INITIAL_BUF_SIZE);
buff_size[0] = INITIAL_BUF_SIZE;
buff_size[1] = INITIAL_BUF_SIZE;
content_length[0] = 0;
content_length[1] = 0;
ofp_msg = (struct pcap_event *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct pcap_event));
ofp_msg->data = xmalloc(MAX_OFP_SIZE);
ofp_init(struct ofp_header *oh, int type, int len) {
oh->version = OFP_VERSION;
oh->type = type;
oh->length = htons(len);
oh->xid = 0;
make_ofp_hello(void **buferp) {
struct ofp_hello *p;
*buferp = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ofp_hello));
p = *(struct ofp_hello **)buferp;
ofp_init(&p->header, OFPT_HELLO, sizeof(struct ofp_hello));
return sizeof(struct ofp_hello);
make_ofp_feat_req(void **buferp) {
struct ofp_hello *p;
*buferp = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ofp_hello));
p = *(struct ofp_hello **)buferp;
ofp_init(&p->header, OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, sizeof(struct ofp_hello));
return sizeof(struct ofp_hello);
* A simple function to strip the ethernet/ip/tcp header from an
* openflow packet.
* @param b the data of the packet
* @param len the size of the packet
parse_ip_packet_header(const void *b, int len, struct flow *fl) {
// assume we have ethernet packets.
// skip first bytes of the ether because they are
// in the simple case of static length.
if (len < sizeof(struct ether_header))
return -1;
b = b + sizeof(struct ether_header);
len -= sizeof(struct ether_header);
if (len < sizeof(struct iphdr))
return -1;
struct iphdr *ip_p = (struct iphdr *) b;
if (len < 4*ip_p->ihl)
return -1;
b = b + 4*ip_p->ihl;
len -= 4*ip_p->ihl;
if(ip_p->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
return -1;
fl->nw_src = ip_p->saddr;
fl->nw_dst = ip_p->daddr;
if(len < sizeof(struct tcphdr))
return -1;
struct tcphdr *tcp_p = (struct tcphdr *)b;
if (len < 4*tcp_p->doff)
return -1;
b = b + 4*tcp_p->doff;
len -= 4*tcp_p->doff;
fl->tp_src = tcp_p->source;
fl->tp_dst = tcp_p->dest;
return sizeof(struct ether_header) + 4*ip_p->ihl + 4*tcp_p->doff;
* A simple function to print the message received for debugging purposes.
* @param b The data of the packet we are parsing
* @param len The size of the packet we received
/* void */
/* print_ofp_msg(const void *b, size_t len) { */
/* struct ofp_error_msg *err_p = NULL; */
/* struct flow fl; */
/* //printf("received %d bytes message\n", (int)len); */
/* //since this is a packet capture, strip packet from all the l1-l4 headers. */
/* int start = parse_ip_packet_header(b, len, &fl); */
/* //cast the data of the of packet to the header structure to parse the message */
/* //typr */
/* struct ofp_header *ofp = (struct ofp_header *)(b + start); */
/* //A bit of information about the packet. */
/* //printf("header_size : %d, version: %d, type: %d, xid:%d \n", */
/* // start, ofp->version, ofp->type, ofp->xid); */
/* //based on the message type perform the appropriate analysis. */
/* switch(ofp->type) { */
/* case OFPT_HELLO: */
/* printf("OFPT_HELLO\n"); */
/* break; */
/* case OFPT_ECHO_REPLY: */
/* printf("OFPT_ECHO_REPLY\n"); */
/* break; */
/* printf("OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST\n"); */
/* break; */
/* printf("OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY\n"); */
/* break; */
/* printf("OFPT_STATS_REQUEST\n"); */
/* break; */
/* case OFPT_STATS_REPLY: */
/* printf("OFPT_STATS_REPLY\n"); */
/* break; */
/* case OFPT_ERROR: */
/* err_p = (struct ofp_error_msg *)(b + start); */
/* printf("OFPT_ERROR(type: %d, code: %d)\n", */
/* ntohs(err_p->type), ntohs(err_p->code)); */
/* break; */
/* default: */
/* printf("Unimplemented message code: %d\n", ofp->type); */
/* } */
/* return; */
/* } */
* A function the creates a simple flow modification message
* based on the content of the flow structure and the mask details.
* @param ofp The bufer where we create the packet.
* @param command the type of message we want to create.
* @param flow The flow structure from we create the match rule.
* @param mask T
make_flow_mod(void *ofp, uint16_t command, uint32_t len,
struct flow *flow) {
struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = ofp;
memset(ofp, 0, len);
ofm->header.version = OFP_VERSION;
ofm->header.type = OFPT_FLOW_MOD;
ofm->header.length = htons(len);
ofm->match.wildcards = htonl(flow->mask);
ofm->match.in_port = flow->in_port;
memcpy(ofm->match.dl_src, flow->dl_src, sizeof ofm->match.dl_src);
memcpy(ofm->match.dl_dst, flow->dl_dst, sizeof ofm->match.dl_dst);
ofm->match.dl_vlan = flow->dl_vlan;
ofm->match.dl_type = flow->dl_type;
ofm->match.nw_src = flow->nw_src;
ofm->match.nw_dst = flow->nw_dst;
ofm->match.nw_proto = flow->nw_proto;
ofm->match.tp_src = flow->tp_src;
ofm->match.tp_dst = flow->tp_dst;
ofm->command = htons(command);
return 0;
append_data_to_flow(const void *b, struct pcap_pkthdr hdr) {
size_t len = hdr.caplen;
//struct ofp_header *ofp = NULL;
struct flow fl;
int dir = 0;
//since this is a packet capture, strip packet from all the l1-l4 headers.
int start = parse_ip_packet_header(b, len, &fl);
if(ntohs(fl.tp_src) < ntohs(fl.tp_dst))
dir = 1; //switch to controller
if(len - start == 0)
return -1;
b += start;
len -= start;
while(buff_size[dir] < content_length[dir] + len) {
buff_size[dir] += INITIAL_BUF_SIZE;
buff[dir] = realloc(buff[dir], buff_size[dir]);
//append new packet to the buffer
memcpy(buff[dir] + content_length[dir], b, len);
content_length[dir] += len;
last_pkt_ts.tv_sec = hdr.ts.tv_sec;
last_pkt_ts.tv_usec = hdr.ts.tv_usec;
return dir;
contains_next_msg(int dir) {
if ((dir < 0) || (dir > 1))
return 0;
struct ofp_header *ofp = (struct ofp_header *)buff[dir];
if ((content_length[dir] >= sizeof(struct ofp_header))
&& (ntohs(ofp->length) <= content_length[dir]))
return 1;
return 0;
* @TODO : the function breaks if retransmition occur. A better approach should be used
* that takes under consideration the window.
get_next_msg(int dir, struct pcap_event **pe) {
int count = 0;
struct ofp_header *ofp = buff[dir];
if ((content_length[dir] < sizeof(struct ofp_header))
|| (ntohs(ofp->length) > content_length[dir]))
return -1;
count = ntohs(ofp->length);
*pe = ofp_msg;
memcpy(ofp_msg->data, buff[dir], count);
(*pe)->pcaphdr.len = count;
(*pe)->pcaphdr.caplen = count;
memcpy(&ofp_msg->pcaphdr.ts, &last_pkt_ts, sizeof(struct timeval));
content_length[dir] -= count;
memmove(buff[dir], buff[dir] + count, content_length[dir]);
return count;
ofp_msg_log(const void *b, struct pcap_pkthdr hdr) {
size_t len = hdr.caplen;
struct ofp_error_msg *err_p = NULL;
struct ofp_header *ofp = NULL;
int ret = GENERIC_MSG;
struct flow fl;
struct ofp_stats_request *reqp = NULL;
struct ofp_stats_reply *repp = NULL;
int count = 0;
//random inary value to distinguish wether the packet is from the larger
//port number to the lowest or vice versa.
int dir = 0; //client to server
//since this is a packet capture, strip packet from all the l1-l4 headers.
int start = parse_ip_packet_header(b, len, &fl);
if(ntohs(fl.tp_src) < ntohs(fl.tp_dst))
dir = 1; //server to client
if(len - start == 0) {
//printf("no data in tcp packet\n");
return -1;
//printf("initial length: %d, packet length = %d, direction: %d\n", content_length[dir], len - start, dir);
b += start;
len -= start;
while(buff_size[dir] < content_length[dir] + len) {
buff_size[dir] += INITIAL_BUF_SIZE;
buff[dir] = realloc(buff[dir], buff_size[dir]);
//append new packet to the buffer
memcpy(buff[dir] + content_length[dir], b, len);
content_length[dir] += len;
ofp = (struct ofp_header *)buff[dir];
while((content_length[dir] - count >= sizeof(struct ofp_header))
&& (ntohs(ofp->length) <= (content_length[dir] - count))) {
//printf("start length: %d, count: %d, length: %d\n", ntohs(ofp->length), count, (content_length[dir] - count));
// exit(1);
switch(ofp->type) {
//printf("ofp hello\n");
oflops_log(hdr.ts, OFPT_HELLO_MSG, "hello message");
reqp = (struct ofp_stats_request *) ofp;
//printf("stats request\n");
if (ntohs(reqp->type) == OFPST_FLOW) {
oflops_log(hdr.ts, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST_FLOW, "stats request send");
repp = (struct ofp_stats_reply *) ofp;
printf("stats reply\n");
if (ntohs(repp->type) == OFPST_FLOW) {
oflops_log(hdr.ts, OFPT_STATS_REPLY_FLOW, "flow stats reply received");
} else if (ntohs(repp->type) == OFPST_PORT) {
oflops_log(hdr.ts, OFPT_STATS_REPLY_PORT, "port stats reply received");
err_p = (struct ofp_error_msg *)ofp;
char *msg = xmalloc(sizeof("OFPT_ERROR(type: XXXXXXXXXX, code: XXXXXXXXXX)"));
sprintf(msg, "OFPT_ERROR(type: %d, code: %d)", ntohs(err_p->type), ntohs(err_p->code));
oflops_log(hdr.ts, OFPT_ERROR_MSG, msg);
// printf("msg type: %d, length: %d, code: %d\n", ofp->type, ntohs(ofp->length), count);
count += ntohs(ofp->length);
ofp = (struct ofp_header *)(buff[dir] + count);
//printf("end length: %d, count: %d, length: %d\n", ntohs(ofp->length), count, (content_length[dir]- count));
//need to rearrange buffer
if(count < content_length[dir]) {
memmove(buff[dir], buff[dir] + count, (content_length[dir] - count));
content_length[dir] -= count;
} else
content_length[dir] = 0;
return ret;
* This function can be used to create a flow modification message that creates
* a match regarding the source and destination i pgiven as parameters. The packet
* matched is forwarded to the out_port.
* @param buferp a pointer to the location of the memory on which the new packet can be found.
* @param dst_ip a string of the destination ip to which the rule will reference.
make_ofp_flow_add(void **buferp, struct flow *fl, uint32_t out_port,
uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t idle_timeout) {
//size of the packet we are sending .
size_t len = sizeof(struct ofp_flow_mod) + sizeof(struct ofp_action_output);
struct ofp_action_output *p = NULL;
*buferp = xmalloc(len);
if(make_flow_mod(*buferp, OFPFC_ADD, len, fl) < 0 )
fail("Error: falied to create flow modification packet.");
struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = *buferp;
p = (struct ofp_action_output *)ofm->actions;
ofm->idle_timeout = htons(idle_timeout);
ofm->hard_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
ofm->buffer_id = htonl(-1); //buffer_id);
ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_ADD);
p->type = htons(OFPAT_OUTPUT);
p->len = htons(8);
p->port = htons(out_port);
p->max_len = htons(0);
return len;
make_ofp_flow_modify(void **buferp, struct flow *fl, char *actions, uint16_t action_len,
uint32_t buffer_id, uint16_t idle_timeout) {
//size of the packet we are sending .
size_t len = sizeof(struct ofp_flow_mod) + action_len;
*buferp = xmalloc(len);
if(make_flow_mod(*buferp, OFPFC_ADD, len, fl) < 0 )
fail("Error: falied to create flow modification packet.");
struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = *buferp;
memcpy(ofm->actions, actions, action_len);
ofm->idle_timeout = htons(idle_timeout);
ofm->hard_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
ofm->buffer_id = htonl(-1); //buffer_id);
//add is the approach to this problem
ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_ADD);
// p->type = htons(OFPAT_OUTPUT);
// p->len = htons(8);
// p->port = htons(out_port);
// p->max_len = htons(0);
return len;
* This function can be used to create a flow modification message that creates
* a match regarding the source and destination i pgiven as parameters. The packet
* matched is forwarded to the out_port.
* @param buferp a pointer to the location of the memory on which the new packet can be found.
* @param dst_ip a string of the destination ip to which the rule will reference.
make_ofp_flow_del(void **buferp) {
// the field I am interested to check on the TCAM
uint32_t mask = OFPFW_ALL;
//size of the packet we are sending .
size_t len = sizeof(struct ofp_flow_mod);
*buferp = xmalloc(len);
struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm = *buferp;
memset(ofm, 0, len);
ofm->header.version = OFP_VERSION;
ofm->header.type = OFPT_FLOW_MOD;
ofm->header.length = htons(len);
ofm->match.wildcards = htonl(mask);
ofm->idle_timeout = 0;
ofm->hard_timeout = htons(OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT);
ofm->buffer_id = htonl(-1);
ofm->priority = htons(32768);
ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_DELETE);
ofm->out_port = htons(OFPP_NONE); //htons(OFPP_NONE); //
return len;
make_ofp_flow_get_stat(void **buferp, int trans_id) {
struct ofp_flow_stats_request *reqp = NULL;
struct ofp_stats_request *headp = NULL;
int len = sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request) + sizeof(struct ofp_flow_stats_request);
//allocate memory
*buferp = xmalloc(len);
memset(*buferp, 0, len);
headp = (struct ofp_stats_request *)*buferp;
headp->header.version = OFP_VERSION;
headp->header.type = OFPT_STATS_REQUEST;
headp->header.length = htons(len);
headp->header.xid = htonl(trans_id);
headp->type = htons(OFPST_FLOW);
reqp = (struct ofp_flow_stats_request *)(*(buferp)+sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request));
reqp->match.wildcards = htonl(OFPFW_ALL);
reqp->table_id = 0xFF;
reqp->out_port = OFPP_NONE;
return len;
make_ofp_port_get_stat(void **buferp) {
#if OFP_VERSION == 0x97
struct ofp_stats_request *headp = NULL;
*buferp = xmalloc(sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request));
headp = (struct ofp_stats_request *)*buferp;
headp->header.version = OFP_VERSION;
headp->header.type = OFPT_STATS_REQUEST;
headp->header.length = htons(sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request));
headp->type = htons(OFPST_PORT);
return sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request);
#elif OFP_VERSION == 0x01
struct ofp_stats_request *headp = NULL;
struct ofp_port_stats_request *port = NULL;
int len = sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request) + sizeof(struct ofp_port_stats_request);
*buferp = xmalloc(len);
headp = (struct ofp_stats_request *)*buferp;
headp->header.version = OFP_VERSION;
headp->header.type = OFPT_STATS_REQUEST;
headp->header.length = htons(len);
headp->type = htons(OFPST_PORT);
port = (struct ofp_port_stats_request *)(*buferp+sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request));
port->port_no = htons(OFPP_NONE);
return len;
char *
generate_packet(struct flow test, size_t len) {
char *buf = (char *)xmalloc(len);
printf("flow:%x\n", test.dl_dst[5]);
bzero((void *)buf, len);
if(len < sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header) + sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) {
printf("packet size is too small\n");
return NULL;
//ethernet header with default values
struct ether_vlan_header * eth = (struct ether_vlan_header * ) buf;
memcpy(eth->ether_dhost, test.dl_dst, OFP_ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(eth->ether_shost, test.dl_src, OFP_ETH_ALEN);
eth->tpid = htons(0x8100);
eth->vid = test.dl_vlan>>4;
eth->ether_type = test.dl_type;
//ip header with default values
struct iphdr * ip = (struct iphdr *) (buf + sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header));
ip->check = htons(0x9a97);
//total packet size without ethernet header
ip->tot_len=htons(len - sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header));
ip->ttl = 10;
ip->protocol = test.nw_proto; //udp protocol
ip->saddr = test.nw_src;
ip->daddr = test.nw_dst;
if(test.nw_proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
// case IPPROTO_UDP:
//udp header with default values
struct udphdr *udp = (struct udphdr *)
(buf + sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header) + sizeof(struct iphdr));
udp->source = test.tp_src;
udp->dest = test.tp_dst;
udp->len = htons(len - sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header) - sizeof(struct iphdr));
// break;
} else {
printf("unimplemented protocol %x\n", test.nw_proto);
return NULL;
return buf;
extract_pkt_id(const char *b, int len) {
struct ether_header *ether = (struct ether_header *)b;
struct ether_vlan_header *ether_vlan = (struct ether_vlan_header *)b;
// printf("%x %x\n",ntohl(ether->ether_type),ntohl(ether_vlan->ether_type));
if( (ntohs(ether->ether_type) == 0x8100) && (ntohs(ether_vlan->ether_type) == 0x0800)) {
b = b + sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header);
len -= sizeof(struct ether_vlan_header);
} else if(ntohs(ether->ether_type) == 0x0800) {
b = b + sizeof(struct ether_header);
len -= sizeof(struct ether_header);
} else {
return 0;
struct iphdr *ip_p = (struct iphdr *) b;
if (len < 4*ip_p->ihl)
return 0;
b = b + 4*ip_p->ihl;
len -= 4*ip_p->ihl;
b += sizeof(struct udphdr);
uint32_t ret = *((uint32_t *)b);
return ret;
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