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net_func_eval.cc 30.85 KB
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* Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
* This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "netlist.h"
# include "netmisc.h"
# include "compiler.h"
# include <typeinfo>
# include "ivl_assert.h"
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
#define unique_ptr auto_ptr
using namespace std;
* We only evaluate one function at a time, so to support the disable
* statement, we just need to record the target block and then early
* terminate each enclosing block or loop statement until we get back
* to the target block.
static const NetScope*disable = 0;
static NetExpr* fix_assign_value(const NetNet*lhs, NetExpr*rhs)
NetEConst*ce = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(rhs);
if (ce == 0) return rhs;
unsigned lhs_width = lhs->vector_width();
unsigned rhs_width = rhs->expr_width();
if (rhs_width < lhs_width) {
rhs = pad_to_width(rhs, lhs_width, *rhs);
} else if (rhs_width > lhs_width) {
verinum value(ce->value(), lhs_width);
ce = new NetEConst(value);
delete rhs;
rhs = ce;
return rhs;
NetExpr* NetFuncDef::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc, const std::vector<NetExpr*>&args) const
// Make the context map.
map<perm_string,LocalVar>::iterator ptr;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< "Evaluate function " << scope()->basename() << endl;
// Put the return value into the map...
LocalVar&return_var = context_map[scope()->basename()];
return_var.nwords = 0;
return_var.value = 0;
// Load the input ports into the map...
ivl_assert(loc, port_count() == args.size());
for (size_t idx = 0 ; idx < port_count() ; idx += 1) {
const NetNet*pnet = port(idx);
perm_string aname = pnet->name();
LocalVar&input_var = context_map[aname];
input_var.nwords = 0;
input_var.value = fix_assign_value(pnet, args[idx]);
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< " input " << aname << " = " << *args[idx] << endl;
// Ask the scope to collect definitions for local values. This
// fills in the context_map with local variables held by the scope.
scope()->evaluate_function_find_locals(loc, context_map);
// Execute any variable initialization statements.
if (const NetProc*init_proc = scope()->var_init())
init_proc->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (debug_eval_tree && proc_==0) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< "Function " << scope_path(scope())
<< " has no statement?" << endl;
// Perform the evaluation. Note that if there were errors
// when compiling the function definition, we may not have
// a valid statement.
bool flag = proc_ && proc_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (debug_eval_tree && !flag) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< "Cannot evaluate " << scope_path(scope()) << "." << endl;
// Extract the result...
ptr = context_map.find(scope()->basename());
NetExpr*res = ptr->second.value;
// Cleanup the rest of the context.
for (ptr = context_map.begin() ; ptr != context_map.end() ; ++ptr) {
unsigned nwords = ptr->second.nwords;
if (nwords > 0) {
NetExpr**array = ptr->second.array;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nwords ; idx += 1) {
delete array[idx];
delete [] ptr->second.array;
} else {
delete ptr->second.value;
if (disable) {
if (debug_eval_tree)
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< "disable of " << scope_path(disable)
<< " trapped in function " << scope_path(scope())
<< "." << endl;
ivl_assert(loc, disable==scope());
disable = 0;
// Done.
if (flag) {
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< "Evaluated to ";
if (res) cerr << *res;
else cerr << "<nil>";
cerr << endl;
return res;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": NetFuncDef::evaluate_function: "
<< "Evaluation failed." << endl;
delete res;
return 0;
void NetScope::evaluate_function_find_locals(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
for (map<perm_string,NetNet*>::const_iterator cur = signals_map_.begin()
; cur != signals_map_.end() ; ++cur) {
const NetNet*tmp = cur->second;
// Skip ports, which are handled elsewhere.
if (tmp->port_type() != NetNet::NOT_A_PORT)
unsigned nwords = 0;
if (tmp->unpacked_dimensions() > 0)
nwords = tmp->unpacked_count();
LocalVar&local_var = context_map[tmp->name()];
local_var.nwords = nwords;
if (nwords > 0) {
NetExpr**array = new NetExpr*[nwords];
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < nwords ; idx += 1) {
array[idx] = 0;
local_var.array = array;
} else {
local_var.value = 0;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << loc.get_fileline() << ": debug: "
<< " (local) " << tmp->name()
<< (nwords > 0 ? "[]" : "") << endl;
NetExpr* NetExpr::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&) const
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: I don't know how to evaluate this expression at compile time." << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": : Expression type:" << typeid(*this).name() << endl;
return 0;
bool NetProc::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&) const
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: I don't know how to evaluate this statement at compile time." << endl;
cerr << get_fileline() << ": : Statement type:" << typeid(*this).name() << endl;
return false;
void NetAssign::eval_func_lval_op_real_(const LineInfo&loc,
verireal&lv, verireal&rv) const
switch (op_) {
case '+':
lv = lv + rv;
case '-':
lv = lv - rv;
case '*':
lv = lv * rv;
case '/':
lv = lv / rv;
case '%':
lv = lv % rv;
cerr << "Illegal assignment operator: "
<< human_readable_op(op_) << endl;
ivl_assert(loc, 0);
void NetAssign::eval_func_lval_op_(const LineInfo&loc,
verinum&lv, verinum&rv) const
unsigned lv_width = lv.len();
bool lv_sign = lv.has_sign();
switch (op_) {
case 'l':
case 'R':
// The left operand is self-determined.
case 'r':
// The left operand is self-determined, but we need to
// cast it to unsigned to get a logical shift.
// The left operand must be cast to the expression type/size
lv = cast_to_width(lv, rv.len());
switch (op_) {
case '+':
lv = lv + rv;
case '-':
lv = lv - rv;
case '*':
lv = lv * rv;
case '/':
lv = lv / rv;
case '%':
lv = lv % rv;
case '&':
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < lv.len() ; idx += 1)
lv.set(idx, lv[idx] & rv[idx]);
case '|':
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < lv.len() ; idx += 1)
lv.set(idx, lv[idx] | rv[idx]);
case '^':
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < lv.len() ; idx += 1)
lv.set(idx, lv[idx] ^ rv[idx]);
case 'l':
lv = lv << rv.as_unsigned();
case 'r':
lv = lv >> rv.as_unsigned();
case 'R':
lv = lv >> rv.as_unsigned();
cerr << "Illegal assignment operator: "
<< human_readable_op(op_) << endl;
ivl_assert(loc, 0);
lv = cast_to_width(lv, lv_width);
bool NetAssign::eval_func_lval_(const LineInfo&loc,
const NetAssign_*lval, NetExpr*rval_result) const
map<perm_string,LocalVar>::iterator ptr = context_map.find(lval->name());
ivl_assert(*this, ptr != context_map.end());
LocalVar*var = & ptr->second;
while (var->nwords == -1) {
var = var->ref;
int word = 0;
if (var->nwords > 0) {
NetExpr*word_result = lval->word()->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (word_result == 0) {
delete rval_result;
return false;
NetEConst*word_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(word_result);
ivl_assert(loc, word_const);
if (!word_const->value().is_defined())
return true;
word = word_const->value().as_long();
if (word >= var->nwords)
return true;
old_lval = var->array[word];
} else {
assert(var->nwords == 0);
old_lval = var->value;
if (const NetExpr*base_expr = lval->get_base()) {
NetExpr*base_result = base_expr->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (base_result == 0) {
delete rval_result;
return false;
NetEConst*base_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(base_result);
ivl_assert(loc, base_const);
long base = base_const->value().as_long();
list<long>prefix (0);
base = lval->sig()->sb_to_idx(prefix, base);
if (old_lval == 0)
old_lval = make_const_x(lval->sig()->vector_width());
ivl_assert(loc, base + lval->lwidth() <= old_lval->expr_width());
NetEConst*lval_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(old_lval);
ivl_assert(loc, lval_const);
verinum lval_v = lval_const->value();
NetEConst*rval_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(rval_result);
ivl_assert(loc, rval_const);
verinum rval_v = rval_const->value();
verinum lpart(verinum::Vx, lval->lwidth());
if (op_) {
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < lpart.len() ; idx += 1)
lpart.set(idx, lval_v[base+idx]);
eval_func_lval_op_(loc, lpart, rval_v);
} else {
lpart = cast_to_width(rval_v, lval->lwidth());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < lpart.len() ; idx += 1)
lval_v.set(idx+base, lpart[idx]);
delete base_result;
delete rval_result;
rval_result = new NetEConst(lval_v);
} else {
if (op_ == 0) {
rval_result = fix_assign_value(lval->sig(), rval_result);
} else if (dynamic_cast<NetECReal*>(rval_result)) {
NetECReal*lval_const = dynamic_cast<NetECReal*>(old_lval);
ivl_assert(loc, lval_const);
verireal lval_r = lval_const->value();
NetECReal*rval_const = dynamic_cast<NetECReal*>(rval_result);
ivl_assert(loc, rval_const);
verireal rval_r = rval_const->value();
eval_func_lval_op_real_(loc, lval_r, rval_r);
delete rval_result;
rval_result = new NetECReal(lval_r);
} else {
NetEConst*lval_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(old_lval);
ivl_assert(loc, lval_const);
verinum lval_v = lval_const->value();
NetEConst*rval_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(rval_result);
ivl_assert(loc, rval_const);
verinum rval_v = rval_const->value();
eval_func_lval_op_(loc, lval_v, rval_v);
delete rval_result;
rval_result = new NetEConst(lval_v);
if (old_lval)
delete old_lval;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetAssign::evaluate_function: "
<< lval->name() << " = " << *rval_result << endl;
if (var->nwords > 0) {
var->array[word] = rval_result;
} else {
assert(var->nwords == 0);
var->value = rval_result;
return true;
bool NetAssign::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
// Evaluate the r-value expression.
NetExpr*rval_result = rval()->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (rval_result == 0)
return false;
// Handle the easy case of a single variable on the LHS.
if (l_val_count() == 1)
return eval_func_lval_(loc, context_map, l_val(0), rval_result);
// If we get here, the LHS must be a concatenation, so we
// expect the RHS to be a vector value.
NetEConst*rval_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(rval_result);
ivl_assert(*this, rval_const);
if (op_) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Assignment operators "
"inside a constant function are not currently "
"supported if the LHS is a concatenation." << endl;
return false;
verinum rval_full = rval_const->value();
delete rval_result;
unsigned base = 0;
for (unsigned ldx = 0 ; ldx < l_val_count() ; ldx += 1) {
const NetAssign_*lval = l_val(ldx);
verinum rval_part(verinum::Vx, lval->lwidth());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < rval_part.len() ; idx += 1)
rval_part.set(idx, rval_full[base+idx]);
bool flag = eval_func_lval_(loc, context_map, lval,
new NetEConst(rval_part));
if (!flag) return false;
base += lval->lwidth();
return true;
* Evaluating a NetBlock in a function is a simple matter of
* evaluating the statements in order.
bool NetBlock::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
if (last_ == 0) return true;
// If we need to make a local scope, then this context map
// will be filled in and used for statements within this block.
bool use_local_context_map = false;
if (subscope_!=0) {
// First, copy the containing scope symbols into the new
// scope as references.
for (map<perm_string,LocalVar>::iterator cur = context_map.begin()
; cur != context_map.end() ; ++cur) {
LocalVar&cur_var = local_context_map[cur->first];
cur_var.nwords = -1;
if (cur->second.nwords == -1)
cur_var.ref = cur->second.ref;
cur_var.ref = &cur->second;
// Now collect the new locals.
subscope_->evaluate_function_find_locals(loc, local_context_map);
use_local_context_map = true;
// Execute any variable initialization statements.
if (const NetProc*init_proc = subscope_->var_init())
init_proc->evaluate_function(loc, local_context_map);
// Now use the local context map if there is any local
// context, or the containing context map.
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&use_context_map = use_local_context_map? local_context_map : context_map;
bool flag = true;
NetProc*cur = last_;
do {
cur = cur->next_;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetBlock::evaluate_function: "
<< "Execute statement (" << typeid(*cur).name()
<< ") at " << cur->get_fileline() << "." << endl;
bool cur_flag = cur->evaluate_function(loc, use_context_map);
flag = flag && cur_flag;
} while (cur != last_ && !disable);
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetBlock::evaluate_function: "
<< "subscope_=" << subscope_
<< ", disable=" << disable
<< ", flag=" << (flag?"true":"false") << endl;
if (disable == subscope_) disable = 0;
return flag;
bool NetCase::evaluate_function_vect_(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetExpr*case_expr = expr_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (case_expr == 0)
return false;
NetEConst*case_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (case_expr);
ivl_assert(loc, case_const);
verinum case_val = case_const->value();
delete case_expr;
NetProc*default_statement = 0;
for (unsigned cnt = 0 ; cnt < items_.size() ; cnt += 1) {
const Item*item = &items_[cnt];
if (item->guard == 0) {
default_statement = item->statement;
NetExpr*item_expr = item->guard->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (item_expr == 0)
return false;
NetEConst*item_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (item_expr);
ivl_assert(loc, item_const);
verinum item_val = item_const->value();
delete item_expr;
ivl_assert(loc, item_val.len() == case_val.len());
bool match = true;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < item_val.len() ; idx += 1) {
verinum::V bit_a = case_val.get(idx);
verinum::V bit_b = item_val.get(idx);
if (bit_a == verinum::Vx && type_ == EQX) continue;
if (bit_b == verinum::Vx && type_ == EQX) continue;
if (bit_a == verinum::Vz && type_ != EQ) continue;
if (bit_b == verinum::Vz && type_ != EQ) continue;
if (bit_a != bit_b) {
match = false;
if (!match) continue;
return item->statement->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (default_statement)
return default_statement->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
return true;
bool NetCase::evaluate_function_real_(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetExpr*case_expr = expr_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (case_expr == 0)
return false;
NetECReal*case_const = dynamic_cast<NetECReal*> (case_expr);
ivl_assert(loc, case_const);
double case_val = case_const->value().as_double();
delete case_expr;
NetProc*default_statement = 0;
for (unsigned cnt = 0 ; cnt < items_.size() ; cnt += 1) {
const Item*item = &items_[cnt];
if (item->guard == 0) {
default_statement = item->statement;
NetExpr*item_expr = item->guard->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (item_expr == 0)
return false;
NetECReal*item_const = dynamic_cast<NetECReal*> (item_expr);
ivl_assert(loc, item_const);
double item_val = item_const->value().as_double();
delete item_expr;
if (item_val != case_val) continue;
return item->statement->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (default_statement)
return default_statement->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
return true;
bool NetCase::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
if (expr_->expr_type() == IVL_VT_REAL)
return evaluate_function_real_(loc, context_map);
return evaluate_function_vect_(loc, context_map);
bool NetCondit::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetExpr*cond = expr_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (cond == 0) {
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::evaluate_function: "
<< "Unable to evaluate condition (" << *expr_ <<")" << endl;
return false;
NetEConst*cond_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (cond);
ivl_assert(loc, cond_const);
long val = cond_const->value().as_long();
delete cond;
bool flag;
if (val)
// The condition is true, so evaluate the if clause
flag = (if_ == 0) || if_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
// The condition is false, so evaluate the else clause
flag = (else_ == 0) || else_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetCondit::evaluate_function: "
<< "Finished, flag=" << (flag?"true":"false") << endl;
return flag;
bool NetDisable::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&) const
disable = target_;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetDisable::evaluate_function: "
<< "disable " << scope_path(disable) << endl;
return true;
bool NetDoWhile::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
bool flag = true;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetDoWhile::evaluate_function: "
<< "Start loop" << endl;
while (!disable) {
// Evaluate the statement.
flag = proc_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (! flag)
// Evaluate the condition expression to try and get the
// condition for the loop.
NetExpr*cond = cond_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (cond == 0) {
flag = false;
NetEConst*cond_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (cond);
ivl_assert(loc, cond_const);
long val = cond_const->value().as_long();
delete cond;
// If the condition is false, then the loop is done.
if (val == 0)
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetDoWhile::evaluate_function: "
<< "Done loop, flag=" << (flag?"true":"false") << endl;
return flag;
bool NetForever::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
bool flag = true;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: NetForever::evaluate_function: "
<< "Start loop" << endl;
while (flag && !disable) {
flag = flag && statement_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: NetForever::evaluate_function: "
<< "Done loop" << endl;
return flag;
* For now, resort to the block form of the statement until we learn
* to do this directly.
bool NetForLoop::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
return as_block_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
bool NetRepeat::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
bool flag = true;
// Evaluate the condition expression to try and get the
// condition for the loop.
NetExpr*count_expr = expr_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (count_expr == 0) return false;
NetEConst*count_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (count_expr);
ivl_assert(loc, count_const);
long count = count_const->value().as_long();
delete count_expr;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: NetRepeat::evaluate_function: "
<< "Repeating " << count << " times." << endl;
while ((count > 0) && flag && !disable) {
flag = flag && statement_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
count -= 1;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: NetRepeat::evaluate_function: "
<< "Finished loop" << endl;
return flag;
bool NetSTask::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&) const
// system tasks within a constant function are ignored
return true;
bool NetWhile::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
bool flag = true;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetWhile::evaluate_function: "
<< "Start loop" << endl;
while (flag && !disable) {
// Evaluate the condition expression to try and get the
// condition for the loop.
NetExpr*cond = cond_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (cond == 0) {
flag = false;
NetEConst*cond_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (cond);
ivl_assert(loc, cond_const);
long val = cond_const->value().as_long();
delete cond;
// If the condition is false, then break.
if (val == 0)
// The condition is true, so evaluate the statement
// another time.
bool tmp_flag = proc_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (! tmp_flag)
flag = false;
if (debug_eval_tree) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": NetWhile::evaluate_function: "
<< "Done loop, flag=" << (flag?"true":"false") << endl;
return flag;
NetExpr* NetEBinary::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetExpr*lval = left_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
NetExpr*rval = right_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (lval == 0 || rval == 0) {
delete lval;
delete rval;
return 0;
NetExpr*res = eval_arguments_(lval, rval);
delete lval;
delete rval;
return res;
NetExpr* NetEConcat::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
unsigned gap = 0;
unsigned valid_vals = 0;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < parms_.size() ; idx += 1) {
ivl_assert(*this, parms_[idx]);
vals[idx] = parms_[idx]->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (vals[idx] == 0) continue;
gap += vals[idx]->expr_width();
valid_vals += 1;
NetExpr*res = 0;
if (valid_vals == parms_.size()) {
res = eval_arguments_(vals, gap);
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < vals.size() ; idx += 1) {
delete vals[idx];
return res;
NetExpr* NetEConst::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&) const
NetEConst*res = new NetEConst(value_);
return res;
NetExpr* NetECReal::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&) const
NetECReal*res = new NetECReal(value_);
return res;
NetExpr* NetESelect::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetExpr*sub_exp = expr_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
ivl_assert(loc, sub_exp);
NetEConst*sub_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (sub_exp);
ivl_assert(loc, sub_exp);
verinum sub = sub_const->value();
delete sub_exp;
long base = 0;
if (base_) {
NetExpr*base_val = base_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
ivl_assert(loc, base_val);
NetEConst*base_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(base_val);
ivl_assert(loc, base_const);
base = base_const->value().as_long();
delete base_val;
} else {
sub = pad_to_width(sub, expr_width());
verinum res (verinum::Vx, expr_width());
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < res.len() ; idx += 1)
res.set(idx, sub[base+idx]);
NetEConst*res_const = new NetEConst(res);
return res_const;
NetExpr* NetESignal::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
map<perm_string,LocalVar>::iterator ptr = context_map.find(name());
if (ptr == context_map.end()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Cannot evaluate " << name()
<< " in this context." << endl;
return 0;
// Follow indirect references to the actual variable.
LocalVar*var = & ptr->second;
while (var->nwords == -1) {
var = var->ref;
NetExpr*value = 0;
if (var->nwords > 0) {
ivl_assert(loc, word_);
NetExpr*word_result = word_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (word_result == 0)
return 0;
NetEConst*word_const = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*>(word_result);
ivl_assert(loc, word_const);
int word = word_const->value().as_long();
if (word_const->value().is_defined() && (word < var->nwords))
value = var->array[word];
} else {
value = var->value;
if (value == 0) {
switch (expr_type()) {
return new NetECReal( verireal(0.0) );
return make_const_0(expr_width());
return make_const_x(expr_width());
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: I don't know how to initialize " << *this << endl;
return 0;
return value->dup_expr();
NetExpr* NetETernary::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
unique_ptr<NetExpr> cval (cond_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map));
switch (const_logical(cval.get())) {
case C_0:
return false_val_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
case C_1:
return true_val_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
case C_X:
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Condition expression is not constant here." << endl;
return 0;
NetExpr*tval = true_val_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
NetExpr*fval = false_val_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
NetExpr*res = blended_arguments_(tval, fval);
delete tval;
delete fval;
return res;
NetExpr* NetEUnary::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetExpr*val = expr_->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (val == 0) return 0;
NetExpr*res = eval_arguments_(val);
delete val;
return res;
NetExpr* NetESFunc::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
ID id = built_in_id_();
ivl_assert(*this, id != NOT_BUILT_IN);
NetExpr*val0 = 0;
NetExpr*val1 = 0;
NetExpr*res = 0;
switch (parms_.size()) {
case 1:
val0 = parms_[0]->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (val0 == 0) break;
res = evaluate_one_arg_(id, val0);
case 2:
val0 = parms_[0]->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
val1 = parms_[1]->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
if (val0 == 0 || val1 == 0) break;
res = evaluate_two_arg_(id, val0, val1);
ivl_assert(*this, 0);
delete val0;
delete val1;
return res;
NetExpr* NetEUFunc::evaluate_function(const LineInfo&loc,
map<perm_string,LocalVar>&context_map) const
NetFuncDef*def = func_->func_def();
ivl_assert(*this, def);
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < parms_.size() ; idx += 1)
args[idx] = parms_[idx]->evaluate_function(loc, context_map);
NetExpr*res = def->evaluate_function(*this, args);
return res;
马建仓 AI 助手
