* Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
* Copyright CERN 2012-2013 / Stephen Williams (steve@icarus.com)
* This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
# include "PExpr.h"
# include "PPackage.h"
# include "netlist.h"
# include "netmisc.h"
# include "netstruct.h"
# include "netclass.h"
# include "netdarray.h"
# include "netparray.h"
# include "netvector.h"
# include "compiler.h"
# include <cstdlib>
# include <iostream>
# include <climits>
# include "ivl_assert.h"
* These methods generate a NetAssign_ object for the l-value of the
* assignment. This is common code for the = and <= statements.
* What gets generated depends on the structure of the l-value. If the
* l-value is a simple name (i.e., foo <= <value>) then the NetAssign_
* is created the width of the foo reg and connected to all the
* bits.
* If there is a part select (i.e., foo[3:1] <= <value>) the NetAssign_
* is made only as wide as it needs to be (3 bits in this example) and
* connected to the correct bits of foo. A constant bit select is a
* special case of the part select.
* If the bit-select is non-constant (i.e., foo[<expr>] = <value>) the
* NetAssign_ is made wide enough to connect to all the bits of foo,
* then the mux expression is elaborated and attached to the
* NetAssign_ node as a b_mux value. The target must interpret the
* presence of a bmux value as taking a single bit and assigning it to
* the bit selected by the bmux expression.
* If the l-value expression is non-trivial, but can be fully
* evaluated at compile time (meaning any bit selects are constant)
* then elaboration will make a single NetAssign_ that connects to a
* synthetic reg that in turn connects to all the proper pins of the
* l-value.
* This last case can turn up in statements like: {a, b[1]} = c;
* rather than create a NetAssign_ for each item in the concatenation,
* elaboration makes a single NetAssign_ and connects it up properly.
* The default interpretation of an l-value to a procedural assignment
* is to try to make a net elaboration, and see if the result is
* suitable for assignment.
NetAssign_* PExpr::elaborate_lval(Design*, NetScope*, bool, bool) const
cerr << get_fileline() << ": Assignment l-value too complex." << endl;
return 0;
* Concatenation expressions can appear as l-values. Handle them here.
* If adjacent l-values in the concatenation are not bit selects, then
* merge them into a single NetAssign_ object. This can happen is code
* like ``{ ...a, b, ...}''. As long as "a" and "b" do not have bit
* selects (or the bit selects are constant) we can merge the
* NetAssign_ objects.
* Be careful to get the bit order right. In the expression ``{a, b}''
* a is the MSB and b the LSB. Connect the LSB to the low pins of the
* NetAssign_ object.
NetAssign_* PEConcat::elaborate_lval(Design*des,
bool is_cassign,
bool is_force) const
if (repeat_) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Repeat concatenations make "
"no sense in l-value expressions. I refuse." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
NetAssign_*res = 0;
for (unsigned idx = 0 ; idx < parms_.size() ; idx += 1) {
if (parms_[idx] == 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Empty expressions "
<< "not allowed in concatenations." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
NetAssign_*tmp = parms_[idx]->elaborate_lval(des, scope,
is_cassign, is_force);
/* If the l-value doesn't elaborate, the error was
already detected and printed. We just skip it and let
the compiler catch more errors. */
if (tmp == 0) continue;
if (tmp->expr_type() == IVL_VT_REAL) {
cerr << parms_[idx]->get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "concatenation operand can not be real: "
<< *parms_[idx] << endl;
des->errors += 1;
/* A concatenation is always unsigned. */
/* Link the new l-value to the previous one. */
NetAssign_*last = tmp;
while (last->more)
last = last->more;
last->more = res;
res = tmp;
return res;
NetAssign_*PEIdent::scan_lname_for_nested_members_(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
const pform_name_t&cur_path) const
if (cur_path.size() == 1)
return 0;
pform_name_t use_path = cur_path;
name_component_t tail = use_path.back();
NetNet* reg = 0;
const NetExpr*par = 0;
NetEvent* eve = 0;
symbol_search(this, des, scope, use_path, reg, par, eve);
if (reg == 0) {
NetAssign_*tmp = scan_lname_for_nested_members_(des, scope, use_path);
if (tmp == 0)
return 0;
tmp = new NetAssign_(tmp);
return tmp;
if (reg->struct_type() && reg->struct_type()->packed()) {
NetAssign_*tmp = new NetAssign_(reg);
elaborate_lval_net_packed_member_(des, scope, tmp, tail);
return tmp;
#if 0
if (reg->struct_type() && reg->struct_type()->packed()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: "
<< "I don't know what to do with packed struct " << use_path
<< " with member " << tail << "." << endl;
return 0;
if (reg->struct_type() && !reg->struct_type()->packed()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: "
<< "I don't know what to do with unpacked struct " << use_path
<< " with member " << tail << "." << endl;
return 0;
if (reg->class_type()) {
return elaborate_lval_net_class_member_(des, scope, reg, tail.name);
return 0;
* Handle the ident as an l-value. This includes bit and part selects
* of that ident.
NetAssign_* PEIdent::elaborate_lval(Design*des,
bool is_cassign,
bool is_force) const
NetNet* reg = 0;
const NetExpr*par = 0;
NetEvent* eve = 0;
perm_string method_name;
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval: "
<< "Elaborate l-value ident expression: " << *this << endl;
/* Try to detect the special case that we are in a method and
the identifier is a member of the class. */
if (NetAssign_*tmp = elaborate_lval_method_class_member_(des, scope))
return tmp;
/* Normally find the name in the passed scope. But if this is
imported from a package, then located the variable from the
package scope. */
NetScope*use_scope = scope;
if (package_) {
use_scope = des->find_package(package_->pscope_name());
ivl_assert(*this, use_scope);
symbol_search(this, des, use_scope, path_, reg, par, eve);
/* If the signal is not found, check to see if this is a
member of a struct. Take the name of the form "a.b.member",
remove the member and store it into method_name, and retry
the search with "a.b". */
if (reg == 0 && path_.size() >= 2) {
pform_name_t use_path = path_;
perm_string tmp_name = peek_tail_name(use_path);
symbol_search(this, des, use_scope, use_path, reg, par, eve);
if (reg && reg->struct_type()) {
method_name = tmp_name;
} else if (reg && reg->class_type()) {
method_name = tmp_name;
} else if (NetAssign_*subl = scan_lname_for_nested_members_(des, use_scope, path_)) {
return subl;
} else {
reg = 0;
if (reg == 0) {
if (use_scope->type()==NetScope::FUNC
&& use_scope->func_def()->return_sig()==0
&& use_scope->basename()==peek_tail_name(path_)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Cannot assign to " << path_
<< " because function " << scope_path(use_scope)
<< " is void." << endl;
} else {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Could not find variable ``"
<< path_ << "'' in ``" << scope_path(use_scope) <<
"''" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
ivl_assert(*this, reg);
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval: "
<< "Found l-value as reg."
<< " unpacked_dimensions()=" << reg->unpacked_dimensions() << endl;
// We are processing the tail of a string of names. For
// example, the Verilog may be "a.b.c", so we are processing
// "c" at this point. (Note that if method_name is not nil,
// then this is "a.b.c.method" and "a.b.c" is a struct or class.)
const name_component_t&name_tail = path_.back();
// Use the last index to determine what kind of select
// (bit/part/etc) we are processing. For example, the Verilog
// may be "a.b.c[1][2][<index>]". All but the last index must
// be simple expressions, only the <index> may be a part
// select etc., so look at it to determine how we will be
// proceeding.
index_component_t::ctype_t use_sel = index_component_t::SEL_NONE;
if (!name_tail.index.empty())
use_sel = name_tail.index.back().sel;
// Special case: The l-value is an entire memory, or array
// slice. This is, in fact, an error in l-values. Detect the
// situation by noting if the index count is less than the
// array dimensions (unpacked).
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > name_tail.index.size()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Cannot assign to array "
<< path_ << ". Did you forget a word index?" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
/* Get the signal referenced by the identifier, and make sure
it is a register. Wires are not allowed in this context,
unless this is the l-value of a force. */
if ((reg->type() != NetNet::REG)
&& (reg->type() != NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE)
&& !is_force) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: " << path_ <<
" is not a valid l-value in " << scope_path(use_scope) <<
"." << endl;
cerr << reg->get_fileline() << ": : " << path_ <<
" is declared here as " << reg->type() << "." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
if (reg->struct_type() && !method_name.nil()) {
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
name_component_t tmp_name (method_name);
elaborate_lval_net_packed_member_(des, use_scope, lv, tmp_name);
return lv;
if (reg->class_type() && !method_name.nil() && gn_system_verilog()) {
NetAssign_*lv = elaborate_lval_net_class_member_(des, use_scope, reg, method_name);
return lv;
// Past this point, we should have taken care of the cases
// where the name is a member/method of a struct/class.
ivl_assert(*this, method_name.nil());
bool need_const_idx = is_cassign || is_force || (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE);
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0)
return elaborate_lval_net_word_(des, scope, reg, need_const_idx);
// This must be after the array word elaboration above!
if (reg->get_scalar() &&
use_sel != index_component_t::SEL_NONE) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: can not select part of ";
if (reg->data_type() == IVL_VT_REAL) cerr << "real: ";
else cerr << "scalar: ";
cerr << reg->name() << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_PART) {
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
elaborate_lval_net_part_(des, scope, lv);
return lv;
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP ||
use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_DO) {
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
elaborate_lval_net_idx_(des, scope, lv, use_sel, need_const_idx);
return lv;
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_BIT) {
if (reg->darray_type()) {
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
elaborate_lval_darray_bit_(des, scope, lv);
return lv;
} else {
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
elaborate_lval_net_bit_(des, scope, lv, need_const_idx);
return lv;
ivl_assert(*this, use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_NONE);
if (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE && !is_force) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< path_ << " Unable to assign to unresolved wires."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
/* No select expressions. */
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
return lv;
NetAssign_* PEIdent::elaborate_lval_method_class_member_(Design*des,
NetScope*scope) const
if (!gn_system_verilog())
return 0;
if (scope->parent() == 0)
return 0;
if (path_.size() != 1)
return 0;
const netclass_t*class_type = find_class_containing_scope(*this, scope);
if (class_type == 0)
return 0;
const name_component_t&name_comp = path_.back();
perm_string member_name = name_comp.name;
int pidx = class_type->property_idx_from_name(member_name);
if (pidx < 0)
return 0;
NetScope*scope_method = find_method_containing_scope(*this, scope);
ivl_assert(*this, scope_method);
NetNet*this_net = scope_method->find_signal(perm_string::literal("@"));
if (this_net == 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": internal error: "
<< "Unable to find 'this' port of " << scope_path(scope_method)
<< "." << endl;
return 0;
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_method_class_member_: "
<< "Ident " << member_name
<< " is a property of class " << class_type->get_name() << endl;
NetExpr*canon_index = 0;
if (! name_comp.index.empty()) {
ivl_type_t property_type = class_type->get_prop_type(pidx);
if (const netsarray_t* stype = dynamic_cast<const netsarray_t*> (property_type)) {
canon_index = make_canonical_index(des, scope, this,
name_comp.index, stype, false);
} else {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Index expressions don't apply to this type of property." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
// Detect assignment to constant properties. Note that the
// initializer constructor MAY assign to constant properties,
// as this is how the property gets its value.
property_qualifier_t qual = class_type->get_prop_qual(pidx);
if (qual.test_const()) {
if (class_type->get_prop_initialized(pidx)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx)
<< " is constant in this method."
<< " (scope=" << scope_path(scope) << ")" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
} else if (scope->basename()!="new" && scope->basename()!="new@") {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx)
<< " is constant in this method."
<< " (scope=" << scope_path(scope) << ")" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
} else {
// Mark this property as initialized. This is used
// to know that we have initialized the constant
// object so the next assignment will be marked as
// illegal.
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_method_class_member_: "
<< "Found initializers for property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx) << endl;
ivl_type_t tmp_type = class_type->get_prop_type(pidx);
if (const netuarray_t*tmp_ua = dynamic_cast<const netuarray_t*>(tmp_type)) {
const std::vector<netrange_t>&dims = tmp_ua->static_dimensions();
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_method_class_member_: "
<< "Property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx)
<< " has " << dims.size() << " dimensions, "
<< " got " << name_comp.index.size() << " indices." << endl;
if (canon_index) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_method_class_member_: "
<< "Canonical index is:" << *canon_index << endl;
if (dims.size() != name_comp.index.size()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Got " << name_comp.index.size() << " indices, "
<< "expecting " << dims.size()
<< " to index the property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx) << "." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
NetAssign_*this_lval = new NetAssign_(this_net);
if (canon_index) this_lval->set_word(canon_index);
return this_lval;
NetAssign_* PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_word_(Design*des,
bool need_const_idx) const
const name_component_t&name_tail = path_.back();
ivl_assert(*this, !name_tail.index.empty());
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_word_: "
<< "Handle as n-dimensional array." << endl;
if (name_tail.index.size() < reg->unpacked_dimensions()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Array " << reg->name()
<< " needs " << reg->unpacked_dimensions() << " indices,"
<< " but got only " << name_tail.index.size() << "." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
// Make sure there are enough indices to address an array element.
const index_component_t&index_head = name_tail.index.front();
if (index_head.sel == index_component_t::SEL_PART) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: cannot perform a part "
<< "select on array " << reg->name() << "." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
// Evaluate all the index expressions into an
// "unpacked_indices" array.
list<long> unpacked_indices_const;
indices_flags flags;
indices_to_expressions(des, scope, this,
name_tail.index, reg->unpacked_dimensions(),
NetExpr*canon_index = 0;
if (flags.invalid) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if (flags.undefined) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: "
<< "ignoring undefined l-value array access "
<< reg->name() << as_indices(unpacked_indices)
<< "." << endl;
} else if (flags.variable) {
if (need_const_idx) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: array '" << reg->name()
<< "' index must be a constant in this context." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
ivl_assert(*this, unpacked_indices.size() == reg->unpacked_dimensions());
canon_index = normalize_variable_unpacked(reg, unpacked_indices);
} else {
ivl_assert(*this, unpacked_indices_const.size() == reg->unpacked_dimensions());
canon_index = normalize_variable_unpacked(reg, unpacked_indices_const);
if (canon_index == 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: "
<< "ignoring out of bounds l-value array access "
<< reg->name() << as_indices(unpacked_indices_const)
<< "." << endl;
// Ensure invalid array accesses are ignored.
if (canon_index == 0)
canon_index = new NetEConst(verinum(verinum::Vx));
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_word_: "
<< "canon_index=" << *canon_index << endl;
if (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Unable to assign words of unresolved wire array." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(reg);
if (debug_elaborate)
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: Set array word=" << *canon_index << endl;
/* An array word may also have part selects applied to them. */
index_component_t::ctype_t use_sel = index_component_t::SEL_NONE;
if (name_tail.index.size() > reg->unpacked_dimensions())
use_sel = name_tail.index.back().sel;
if (reg->get_scalar() &&
use_sel != index_component_t::SEL_NONE) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: can not select part of ";
if (reg->data_type() == IVL_VT_REAL) cerr << "real";
else cerr << "scalar";
cerr << " array word: " << reg->name()
<< as_indices(unpacked_indices) << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_BIT)
elaborate_lval_net_bit_(des, scope, lv, need_const_idx);
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_PART)
elaborate_lval_net_part_(des, scope, lv);
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP ||
use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_DO)
elaborate_lval_net_idx_(des, scope, lv, use_sel, need_const_idx);
return lv;
bool PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_bit_(Design*des,
bool need_const_idx) const
bool rc = calculate_packed_indices_(des, scope, lv->sig(), prefix_indices);
if (!rc) return false;
const name_component_t&name_tail = path_.back();
ivl_assert(*this, !name_tail.index.empty());
const index_component_t&index_tail = name_tail.index.back();
ivl_assert(*this, index_tail.msb != 0);
ivl_assert(*this, index_tail.lsb == 0);
NetNet*reg = lv->sig();
ivl_assert(*this, reg);
// Bit selects have a single select expression. Evaluate the
// constant value and treat it as a part select with a bit
// width of 1.
NetExpr*mux = elab_and_eval(des, scope, index_tail.msb, -1);
long lsb = 0;
if (NetEConst*index_con = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (mux)) {
// The index has a constant defined value.
if (index_con->value().is_defined()) {
lsb = index_con->value().as_long();
mux = 0;
// The index is undefined and this is a packed array.
} else if (prefix_indices.size()+2 <= reg->packed_dims().size()) {
long loff;
unsigned long lwid;
bool rcl = reg->sb_to_slice(prefix_indices, lsb, loff, lwid);
ivl_assert(*this, rcl);
if (warn_ob_select) {
cerr << get_fileline()
<< ": warning: L-value packed array select of "
<< reg->name();
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0) cerr << "[]";
cerr << " has an undefined index." << endl;
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(verinum::Vx)), lwid);
return true;
// The index is undefined and this is a bit select.
} else {
if (warn_ob_select) {
cerr << get_fileline()
<< ": warning: L-value bit select of "
<< reg->name();
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0) cerr << "[]";
cerr << " has an undefined index." << endl;
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(verinum::Vx)), 1);
return true;
if (debug_elaborate && (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_bit_: "
<< "Try to assign bits of unresolved wire."
<< endl;
// Notice that we might be assigning to an unresolved wire. This
// can happen if we are actually assigning to a variable that
// has a partial continuous assignment to it. If that is the
// case, then the bit select must be constant.
ivl_assert(*this, need_const_idx || (reg->type()!=NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE));
if (prefix_indices.size()+2 <= reg->packed_dims().size()) {
// Special case: this is a slice of a multi-dimensional
// packed array. For example:
// reg [3:0][7:0] x;
// x[2] = ...
// This shows up as the prefix_indices being too short
// for the packed dimensions of the vector. What we do
// here is convert to a "slice" of the vector.
if (mux == 0) {
long loff;
unsigned long lwid;
bool rcl = reg->sb_to_slice(prefix_indices, lsb, loff, lwid);
ivl_assert(*this, rcl);
if (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE) {
bool rct = reg->test_and_set_part_driver(loff+lwid-1, loff);
if (rct) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "These bits are already driven." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(loff)), lwid);
} else {
ivl_assert(*this, reg->type()!=NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE);
unsigned long lwid;
mux = normalize_variable_slice_base(prefix_indices, mux,
reg, lwid);
lv->set_part(mux, lwid);
} else if (reg->data_type() == IVL_VT_STRING) {
ivl_assert(*this, reg->type()!=NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE);
// Special case: This is a select of a string
// variable. The target of the assignment is a character
// select of a string. Force the r-value to be an 8bit
// vector and set the "part" to be the character select
// expression. The code generator knows what to do with
// this.
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: "
<< "Bit select of string becomes character select." << endl;
if (mux)
lv->set_part(mux, 8);
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(lsb)), 8);
} else if (mux) {
ivl_assert(*this, reg->type()!=NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE);
// Non-constant bit mux. Correct the mux for the range
// of the vector, then set the l-value part select
// expression.
if (need_const_idx) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: '" << reg->name()
<< "' bit select must be a constant in this context."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
mux = normalize_variable_bit_base(prefix_indices, mux, reg);
lv->set_part(mux, 1);
} else if (reg->vector_width() == 1 && reg->sb_is_valid(prefix_indices,lsb)) {
// Constant bit mux that happens to select the only bit
// of the l-value. Don't bother with any select at all.
// NOTE: Don't know what to do about unresolved wires
// here, but they are probably wrong.
ivl_assert(*this, reg->type()!=NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE);
} else {
// Constant bit select that does something useful.
long loff = reg->sb_to_idx(prefix_indices,lsb);
if (warn_ob_select && (loff < 0 || loff >= (long)reg->vector_width())) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: bit select "
<< reg->name() << "[" <<lsb<<"]"
<< " is out of range." << endl;
if (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE) {
bool rct = reg->test_and_set_part_driver(loff, loff);
if (rct) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Bit " << loff << " is already driven." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(loff)), 1);
return true;
bool PEIdent::elaborate_lval_darray_bit_(Design*des, NetScope*scope, NetAssign_*lv)const
const name_component_t&name_tail = path_.back();
ivl_assert(*this, !name_tail.index.empty());
// For now, only support single-dimension dynamic arrays.
ivl_assert(*this, name_tail.index.size() == 1);
if (lv->sig()->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< path_ << " Unable to darray word select unresolved wires."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
const index_component_t&index_tail = name_tail.index.back();
ivl_assert(*this, index_tail.msb != 0);
ivl_assert(*this, index_tail.lsb == 0);
// Evaluate the select expression...
NetExpr*mux = elab_and_eval(des, scope, index_tail.msb, -1);
return true;
bool PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_part_(Design*des,
NetAssign_*lv) const
list<long> prefix_indices;
bool rc = calculate_packed_indices_(des, scope, lv->sig(), prefix_indices);
ivl_assert(*this, rc);
// The range expressions of a part select must be
// constant. The calculate_parts_ function calculates the
// values into msb and lsb.
long msb, lsb;
bool parts_defined_flag;
bool flag = calculate_parts_(des, scope, msb, lsb, parts_defined_flag);
if (!flag) return false;
NetNet*reg = lv->sig();
ivl_assert(*this, reg);
if (! parts_defined_flag) {
if (warn_ob_select) {
cerr << get_fileline()
<< ": warning: L-value part select of "
<< reg->name();
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0) cerr << "[]";
cerr << " has an undefined index." << endl;
// Use a width of two here so we can distinguish between an
// undefined bit or part select.
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(verinum::Vx)), 2);
return true;
if (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE) {
bool rct = reg->test_and_set_part_driver(msb, lsb);
if (rct) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< path_ << "Part select is double-driving unresolved wire."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
const vector<netrange_t>&packed = reg->packed_dims();
long loff, moff;
long wid;
if (prefix_indices.size()+1 < packed.size()) {
// If there are fewer indices then there are packed
// dimensions, then this is a range of slices. Calculate
// it into a big slice.
bool lrc;
unsigned long tmp_lwid, tmp_mwid;
lrc = reg->sb_to_slice(prefix_indices,lsb, loff, tmp_lwid);
ivl_assert(*this, lrc);
lrc = reg->sb_to_slice(prefix_indices,msb, moff, tmp_mwid);
ivl_assert(*this, lrc);
if (loff < moff) {
moff = moff + tmp_mwid - 1;
} else {
long ltmp = moff;
moff = loff + tmp_lwid - 1;
loff = ltmp;
wid = moff - loff + 1;
} else {
loff = reg->sb_to_idx(prefix_indices,lsb);
moff = reg->sb_to_idx(prefix_indices,msb);
wid = moff - loff + 1;
if (moff < loff) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: part select "
<< reg->name() << "[" << msb<<":"<<lsb<<"]"
<< " is reversed." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
// Special case: The range winds up selecting the entire
// vector. Treat this as no part select at all.
if (loff == 0 && moff == (long)(reg->vector_width()-1)) {
return true;
/* If the part select extends beyond the extremes of the
variable, then output a warning. Note that loff is
converted to normalized form so is relative the
variable pins. */
if (warn_ob_select && (loff < 0 || moff >= (long)reg->vector_width())) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: Part select "
<< reg->name() << "[" << msb<<":"<<lsb<<"]"
<< " is out of range." << endl;
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(loff)), wid);
return true;
bool PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_idx_(Design*des,
index_component_t::ctype_t use_sel,
bool need_const_idx) const
bool rc = calculate_packed_indices_(des, scope, lv->sig(), prefix_indices);
ivl_assert(*this, rc);
const name_component_t&name_tail = path_.back();;
ivl_assert(*this, !name_tail.index.empty());
const index_component_t&index_tail = name_tail.index.back();
ivl_assert(*this, index_tail.msb != 0);
ivl_assert(*this, index_tail.lsb != 0);
NetNet*reg = lv->sig();
unsigned long wid;
calculate_up_do_width_(des, scope, wid);
NetExpr*base = elab_and_eval(des, scope, index_tail.msb, -1);
ivl_select_type_t sel_type = IVL_SEL_OTHER;
// Handle the special case that the base is constant. For this
// case we can reduce the expression.
if (NetEConst*base_c = dynamic_cast<NetEConst*> (base)) {
// For the undefined case just let the constant pass and
// we will handle it in the code generator.
if (base_c->value().is_defined()) {
long lsv = base_c->value().as_long();
long offset = 0;
// Get the signal range.
const vector<netrange_t>&packed = reg->packed_dims();
ivl_assert(*this, packed.size() == prefix_indices.size()+1);
// We want the last range, which is where we work.
const netrange_t&rng = packed.back();
if (((rng.get_msb() < rng.get_lsb()) &&
use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP) ||
((rng.get_msb() > rng.get_lsb()) &&
use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_DO)) {
offset = -wid + 1;
delete base;
long rel_base = reg->sb_to_idx(prefix_indices,lsv) + offset;
/* If we cover the entire lvalue just skip the select. */
if (rel_base == 0 && wid == reg->vector_width()) return true;
base = new NetEConst(verinum(rel_base));
if (warn_ob_select) {
if (rel_base < 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: " << reg->name();
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0) cerr << "[]";
cerr << "[" << lsv;
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP) {
cerr << "+:";
} else {
cerr << "-:";
cerr << wid << "] is selecting before vector." << endl;
if (rel_base + wid > reg->vector_width()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: " << reg->name();
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0) cerr << "[]";
cerr << "[" << lsv;
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP) {
cerr << "+:";
} else {
cerr << "-:";
cerr << wid << "] is selecting after vector." << endl;
} else {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": warning: L-value indexed part "
<< "select of " << reg->name();
if (reg->unpacked_dimensions() > 0) cerr << "[]";
cerr << " has an undefined base." << endl;
} else {
if (need_const_idx) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: '" << reg->name()
<< "' base index must be a constant in this context."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
ivl_assert(*this, prefix_indices.size()+1 == reg->packed_dims().size());
/* Correct the mux for the range of the vector. */
if (use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_IDX_UP) {
base = normalize_variable_part_base(prefix_indices, base,
reg, wid, true);
sel_type = IVL_SEL_IDX_UP;
} else {
// This is assumed to be a SEL_IDX_DO.
base = normalize_variable_part_base(prefix_indices, base,
reg, wid, false);
sel_type = IVL_SEL_IDX_DOWN;
if (debug_elaborate)
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: Set part select width="
<< wid << ", base=" << *base << endl;
lv->set_part(base, wid, sel_type);
return true;
NetAssign_* PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_class_member_(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
NetNet*sig, const perm_string&method_name) const
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": elaborate_lval_net_class_member_: "
<< "l-value is property " << method_name
<< " of " << sig->name() << "." << endl;
const netclass_t*class_type = sig->class_type();
ivl_assert(*this, class_type);
/* Make sure the property is really present in the class. If
not, then generate an error message and return an error. */
int pidx = class_type->property_idx_from_name(method_name);
if (pidx < 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Class " << class_type->get_name()
<< " does not have a property " << method_name << "." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
property_qualifier_t qual = class_type->get_prop_qual(pidx);
if (qual.test_local() && ! class_type->test_scope_is_method(scope)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Local property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx)
<< " is not accessible (l-value) in this context."
<< " (scope=" << scope_path(scope) << ")" << endl;
des->errors += 1;
} else if (qual.test_static()) {
// Special case: this is a static property. Ignore the
// "this" sig and use the property itself, which is not
// part of the sig, as the l-value.
NetNet*psig = class_type->find_static_property(method_name);
ivl_assert(*this, psig);
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(psig);
return lv;
} else if (qual.test_const()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Property " << class_type->get_prop_name(pidx)
<< " is constant in this context." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
NetAssign_*lv = new NetAssign_(sig);
ivl_type_t ptype = class_type->get_prop_type(pidx);
const netdarray_t*mtype = dynamic_cast<const netdarray_t*> (ptype);
if (mtype) {
const name_component_t&name_tail = path_.back();
if (! name_tail.index.empty()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: "
<< "Array index of array properties not supported."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return lv;
bool PEIdent::elaborate_lval_net_packed_member_(Design*des, NetScope*scope,
const name_component_t&member_comp) const
const perm_string&member_name = member_comp.name;
NetNet*reg = lv->sig();
ivl_assert(*this, reg);
const netstruct_t*struct_type = reg->struct_type();
ivl_assert(*this, struct_type);
if (debug_elaborate) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": debug: elaborate lval packed member: "
<< "path_=" << path_ << endl;
if (! struct_type->packed()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": sorry: Only packed structures "
<< "are supported in l-value." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
// Shouldn't be seeing unpacked arrays of packed structs...
ivl_assert(*this, reg->unpacked_dimensions() == 0);
// This is a packed member, so the name is of the form
// "a.b[...].c[...]" which means that the path_ must have at
// least 2 components. We are processing "c[...]" at that
// point (otherwise known as member_name) so we'll save a
// reference to it in name_tail. We are also processing "b[]"
// so save that as name_base.
ivl_assert(*this, path_.size() >= 2);
pform_name_t::const_reverse_iterator name_idx = path_.rbegin();
ivl_assert(*this, name_idx->name == member_name);
const name_component_t&name_tail = *name_idx;
++ name_idx;
const name_component_t&name_base = *name_idx;
// Calculate the offset within the packed structure of the
// member, and any indices. We will add in the offset of the
// struct into the packed array later. Note that this works
// for packed unions as well (although the offset will be 0
// for union members).
unsigned long off;
const netstruct_t::member_t* member = struct_type->packed_member(member_name, off);
if (member == 0) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Member " << member_name
<< " is not a member of variable " << reg->name() << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
unsigned long use_width = member->net_type->packed_width();
// Get the index component type. At this point, we only
// support bit select or none.
index_component_t::ctype_t use_sel = index_component_t::SEL_NONE;
if (!name_tail.index.empty())
use_sel = name_tail.index.back().sel;
ivl_assert(*this, use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_NONE || use_sel == index_component_t::SEL_BIT);
if (! name_tail.index.empty()) {
// If there are index expressions in this l-value
// expression, then the implicit assumption is that the
// member is a vector type with packed dimensions. For
// example, if the l-value expression is "foo.member[1][2]",
// then the member should be something like:
// ... logic [h:l][m:n] foo;
// Get the dimensions from the netvector_t that this implies.
const netvector_t*mem_vec = dynamic_cast<const netvector_t*>(member->net_type);
ivl_assert(*this, mem_vec);
const vector<netrange_t>&mem_packed_dims = mem_vec->packed_dims();
if (name_tail.index.size() > mem_packed_dims.size()) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< "Too many index expressions for member." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
// Evaluate all but the last index expression, into prefix_indices.
bool rc = evaluate_index_prefix(des, scope, prefix_indices, name_tail.index);
ivl_assert(*this, rc);
// Evaluate the last index expression into a constant long.
NetExpr*texpr = elab_and_eval(des, scope, name_tail.index.back().msb, -1, true);
long tmp;
if (texpr == 0 || !eval_as_long(tmp, texpr)) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
"Array index expressions must be constant here." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
delete texpr;
// Now use the prefix_to_slice function to calculate the
// offset and width of the addressed slice of the member.
long loff;
unsigned long lwid;
prefix_to_slice(mem_packed_dims, prefix_indices, tmp, loff, lwid);
off += loff;
use_width = lwid;
// The dimensions in the expression must match the packed
// dimensions that are declared for the variable. For example,
// if foo is a packed array of struct, then this expression
// must be "b[n][m]" with the right number of dimensions to
// match the declaration of "b".
// Note that one of the packed dimensions is the packed struct
// itself.
ivl_assert(*this, name_base.index.size()+1 == reg->packed_dimensions());
// Generate an expression that takes the input array of
// expressions and generates a canonical offset into the
// packed array.
NetExpr*packed_base = 0;
if (reg->packed_dimensions() > 1) {
list<index_component_t>tmp_index = name_base.index;
index_component_t member_select;
member_select.sel = index_component_t::SEL_BIT;
member_select.msb = new PENumber(new verinum(off));
packed_base = collapse_array_indices(des, scope, reg, tmp_index);
long tmp;
if (packed_base && eval_as_long(tmp, packed_base)) {
off = tmp;
delete packed_base;
packed_base = 0;
if (reg->type()==NetNet::UNRESOLVED_WIRE) {
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: "
<< path_ << " Unable to member-select unresolved wires."
<< endl;
des->errors += 1;
return false;
if (packed_base == 0) {
lv->set_part(new NetEConst(verinum(off)), use_width);
return true;
// Oops, packed_base is not fully evaluated, so I don't know
// yet what to do with it.
cerr << get_fileline() << ": internal error: "
<< "I don't know how to handle this index expression? " << *packed_base << endl;
ivl_assert(*this, 0);
return false;
NetAssign_* PENumber::elaborate_lval(Design*des, NetScope*, bool, bool) const
cerr << get_fileline() << ": error: Constant values not allowed "
<< "in l-value expressions." << endl;
des->errors += 1;
return 0;
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