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ip-utils.h 11.68 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
/*! \file ip-utils.h
* \author Johan Ouwerkerk <jm.ouwerkerk@gmail.com>
* \copyright GNU General Public License v3
* \brief IP address related utility functions (headers)
* \details Provides functions to query for network devices with a given device name or address.
* Devices may be looked up by either a device name or by the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the configured network interface.
* This functionality may be used to bind to user configurable network devices instead of relying on unpredictable implementation defined defaults.
* Parsing IPv4/IPv6 addresses is robust against malformed input.
* \see man 3 getifaddrs
* \see man 3 inet_pton
* \ingroup core
* \ref core
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
/** @name Janus helper methods to match names and addresses with network interfaces/devices.
typedef enum janus_network_query_options {
janus_network_query_options_none = 0,
janus_network_query_options_name = 1,
janus_network_query_options_ipv4 = 2,
janus_network_query_options_ipv6 = 4,
janus_network_query_options_any_ip = 6,
janus_network_query_options_any = 7
} janus_network_query_options;
* \brief Internal object representation of a network device query (configuration).
typedef struct janus_network_query_config {
const char *device_name;
janus_network_query_options mode;
struct in_addr ipv4;
struct in6_addr ipv6;
} janus_network_query_config;
* \brief Structure to hold network addresses in a tagged union which should be IPv4 and IPv6 compatible.
* Use the \c family member (either \c AF_INET or \c AF_INET6) to determine which type of address is contained.
* \see man 7 ip
* \see man 7 ipv6
* \see \c janus_network_get_device_address
typedef struct janus_network_address {
* Should be either \c AF_INET for IPv4 or \c AF_INET6 for IPv6.
int family;
union {
struct in_addr ipv4;
struct in6_addr ipv6;
} janus_network_address;
* \brief Structure to hold human readable forms of network addresses in a tagged union which should be IPv4 and IPv6 compatible.
* Use the \c family member (either \c AF_INET or \c AF_INET6) to determine which type of representation is contained.
* \see man 7 ip
* \see man 7 ipv6
* \see \c janus_network_address_to_string_buffer
typedef struct janus_network_address_string_buffer {
* Should be either \c AF_INET for IPv4 or \c AF_INET6 for IPv6.
int family;
union {
char ipv6[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
} janus_network_address_string_buffer;
* \brief Initialise a network device query.
* \param user_value The user-supplied string which is supposed to describe either the device name or its IP address.
* \param query_mode (A mask of) Options describing the supported types of matches which should be accepted when performing a look up with this query.
* This can be used to restrict the query to 'by device name' or 'IPv4 only' type searches.
* \param query The query object to configure.
* \return 0 on success or -EINVAL if any of the arguments are NULL or the given value to look for does not correspond to a valid IPv4/IPv6 address and
* matching by name is disabled.
* \see \c janus_network_query_options
int janus_network_prepare_device_query(const char *user_value, const janus_network_query_options query_mode, janus_network_query_config *query);
* \brief Initialise a network device query with default query options.
* \p This function will Initialise the query to accept any supported match type.
* \param user_value The user-supplied string which is supposed to describe either the device name or its IP address.
* \param query The query object to configure.
* \return 0 on success, or -EINVAL if any of the arguments are NULL
* \see \c janus_network_prepare_device_query
int janus_network_prepare_device_query_default(const char *user_value, janus_network_query_config *query);
* \brief Look up network devices matching the given query.
* The first matching device is returned, so to find all matching devices
* simply pass the `ifa_next` of the returned device in a subsequent call to this function to find more matches.
* \param ifas The first node of the list of network interfaces to search through. This should be obtained (indirectly) from
* \c getifaddrs().
* \param query A description of the criteria to look for when determining whether or not a network interface is a match.
* \return a pointer to a node describing the matching network interface or `NULL` if no (further) match was found.
* \see man 3 getifaddrs
const struct ifaddrs *janus_network_query_devices(const struct ifaddrs *ifas, const janus_network_query_config *query);
* \brief Copies the IPv4 address from a network inteface description to the given result structure.
* \param ifa The network interface description to grab the IPv4 address from. It should be obtained with `janus_network_query_devices()`.
* \param query A description of the criteria to look for when determining whether or not a network interface is a match
* \param result Pointer to a structure to populate with the IPv4 address of the given network interface
* \return 0 on success, -EINVAL if any argument is NULL or the network interface description or the network device query do not correspond to an IPv4 configuration.
* \see man 7 ip
* \see \c janus_network_query_devices
int janus_network_get_devices_ipv4(const struct ifaddrs *ifa, const janus_network_query_config *query, struct in_addr *result);
* \brief Copies the IPv6 address from a network inteface description to the given result structure.
* \param ifa The network interface description to grab the IPv6 address from. It should be obtained with `janus_network_query_devices()`.
* \param query A description of the criteria to look for when determining whether or not a network interface is a match
* \param result Pointer to a structure to populate with the IPv6 address of the given network interface
* \return 0 on success, -EINVAL if any argument is NULL or the network interface description or the network device query do not correspond to an IPv6 configuration.
* \see man 7 ipv6
* \see \c janus_network_query_devices
int janus_network_get_devices_ipv6(const struct ifaddrs *ifa, const janus_network_query_config *query, struct in6_addr *result);
* \brief Copies the IP address from a network interface description to the given result structure.
* \return 0 on success, or -EINVAL if any argument is NULL or the given network interface does not correspond to an IP address.
* \see \c janus_network_address
int janus_network_get_device_address(const struct ifaddrs *ifa, janus_network_address *result);
* \brief Set the given network address to a null/nil value.
* \param a The address to nullify. Nothing is done if the pointer is NULL itself.
* \see \c janus_network_address_is_null
void janus_network_address_nullify(janus_network_address *a);
* \brief Test if a given network address is null-valued
* \param a The address to check
* \return A positive integer if the given address is null-valued, 0 otherwise.
* \see \c janus_network_address_nullify
int janus_network_address_is_null(const janus_network_address *a);
* \brief Convert a struct sockaddr to a janus_network_address
* \param s The struct sockaddr to convert
* \param a The address to write to
* \return 0 on success, or -EINVAL otherwise.
int janus_network_address_from_sockaddr(struct sockaddr *s, janus_network_address *a);
* \brief Convert the given network address to a form which can be used to extract a human readable network address from.
* \param a The address to convert
* \param buf A buffer to contain the human readable form.
* \return 0 on success, or -EINVAL if any argument is NULL.
* \see \c janus_network_address
* \see \c janus_network_address_string_buffer
* \see \c janus_network_address_string_from_buffer
* \see man 3 inet_ntop
int janus_network_address_to_string_buffer(const janus_network_address *a, janus_network_address_string_buffer *buf);
* \brief Set the given network address string buffer to a null/nil value.
* \param b The address to nullify. Nothing is done if the pointer is NULL itself.
* \see \c janus_network_address_string_buffer_is_null
void janus_network_address_string_buffer_nullify(janus_network_address_string_buffer *b);
* \brief Test if a given network address string buffer is null-valued
* \param b The buffer to check
* \return A positive integer if the given buffer is null-valued, 0 otherwise.
* \see \c janus_network_address_string_buffer_nullify
int janus_network_address_string_buffer_is_null(const janus_network_address_string_buffer *b);
* \brief Extract the human readable representation of a network address from a given buffer.
* \param b The buffer containing the given network
* \return A pointer to the human readable representation of the network address inside the given buffer, or NULL if the buffer is invalid or NULL.
* \see \c janus_network_address_to_string_buffer
const char *janus_network_address_string_from_buffer(const janus_network_address_string_buffer *b);
* \brief Test if a given IP address string is a valid address of the specified type
* \param addr_type The type of address you're interested in (janus_network_query_options_ipv4,
* janus_network_query_options_ipv6 or janus_network_query_options_any_ip)
* \param user_value The IP address string to check
* \return A positive integer if the given string is a valid address, 0 otherwise.
int janus_network_string_is_valid_address(janus_network_query_options addr_type, const char *user_value);
* \brief Convert an IP address string to a janus_network_address instance
* \param addr_type The type of address you're interested in (janus_network_query_options_ipv4,
* janus_network_query_options_ipv6 or janus_network_query_options_any_ip)
* \param user_value The IP address string to check
* \param result Pointer to a valid janus_network_address instance that will contain the result
* \return 0 in case of success, -EINVAL otherwise otherwise
int janus_network_string_to_address(janus_network_query_options addr_type, const char *user_value, janus_network_address *result);
* \brief Convert an interface name or IP address to a janus_network_address instance
* \param ifas The list of interfaces to look into (e.g., as returned from getifaddrs)
* \param iface The interface name or IP address to look for
* \param result Pointer to a valid janus_network_address instance that will contain the result
* \return 0 in case of success, -EINVAL otherwise otherwise
int janus_network_lookup_interface(const struct ifaddrs *ifas, const char *iface, janus_network_address *result);
* \brief Helper method to find a valid local IP address, that is an address that can be used to communicate
* \param addr_type The type of address you're interested in (janus_network_query_options_ipv4,
* janus_network_query_options_ipv6 or janus_network_query_options_any_ip)
* \param result Pointer to a valid janus_network_address instance that will contain the result
* \return 0 in case of success, -EINVAL otherwise otherwise
int janus_network_detect_local_ip(janus_network_query_options addr_type, janus_network_address *result);
* \brief Wrapper to janus_network_detect_local_ip that returns a string instead
* \note The string is allocated with g_strdup and so needs to be freed by the caller
* \param addr_type The type of address you're interested in (janus_network_query_options_ipv4,
* janus_network_query_options_ipv6 or janus_network_query_options_any_ip)
* \return 0 in case of success, -EINVAL otherwise otherwise
char *janus_network_detect_local_ip_as_string(janus_network_query_options addr_type);
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