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init_model.m 12.48 KB
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EmanuelFeru 提交于 2020-09-01 17:38 . Initial commit
% This file is part of the hoverboard-new-firmware-hack-FOC project
% Compared to previouse commutation method, this project implements
% FOC (Field Oriented Control) for BLDC motors with Hall sensors.
% The new control methods offers superior performanace
% compared to previous method featuring:
% >> reduced noise and vibrations
% >> smooth torque output
% >> improved motor efficiency -> lower energy consumption
% Author: Emanuel FERU
% Copyright 2019-2020 Emanuel FERU <aerdronix@gmail.com>
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% Clear workspace
close all
% Load model parameters
load BLDCmotorControl_data;
Ts = 5e-6; % [s] Model sampling time (200 kHz)
Ts_ctrl = 6e-5; % [s] Controller sampling time (~16 kHz)
f_ctrl = 16e3; % [Hz] Controller frequency = 1/Ts_ctrl (16 kHz)
% Ts_ctrl = 12e-5; % [s] Controller sampling time (~8 kHz)
% Motor parameters
n_polePairs = 15; % [-] Number of pole pairs
a_elecPeriod = 360; % [deg] Electrical angle period
a_elecAngle = 60; % [deg] Electrical angle between two Hall sensor changing events
a_mechAngle = a_elecAngle / n_polePairs; % [deg] Mechanical angle between two Hall sensor changing events
r_whl = 6.5 * 2.54 * 1e-2 / 2; % [m] Wheel radius. Diameter = 6.5 inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm): Speed[kph] = rpm*(pi/30)*r_whl*3.6
i_sca = 50; % [-] [not tunable] Scalling factor A to int16 (50 = 1/0.02)
% Sine/Cosine wave look-up table
res_elecAngle = 2;
a_elecAngle_XA = 0:res_elecAngle:360; % [deg] Electrical angle grid
r_sin_M1 = sin((a_elecAngle_XA + 30)*(pi/180)); % Note: 30 deg shift is to allign it with the Hall sensors position
r_cos_M1 = cos((a_elecAngle_XA + 30)*(pi/180));
% figure
% stairs(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin_M1); hold on
% stairs(a_elecAngle_XA, r_cos_M1);
% legend('sin','cos');
%% Control selection
% Control type selection
CTRL_COM = 0; % [-] Commutation Control
CTRL_SIN = 1; % [-] Sinusoidal Control
CTRL_FOC = 2; % [-] Field Oriented Control (FOC)
z_ctrlTypSel = CTRL_FOC; % [-] Control Type Selection (default)
% Control model request
OPEN_MODE = 0; % [-] Open mode
VLT_MODE = 1; % [-] Voltage mode
SPD_MODE = 2; % [-] Speed mode
TRQ_MODE = 3; % [-] Torque mode
z_ctrlModReq = VLT_MODE; % [-] Control Mode Request (default)
%% F01_Estimations
% Position Estimation Parameters
% Hall = 4*hA + 2*hB + hC
% Hall = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
vec_hallToPos = [0 2 0 1 4 3 5 0]; % [-] Mapping Hall signal to position
% Speed Calculation Parameters
cf_speedCoef = round(f_ctrl * a_mechAngle * (pi/180) * (30/pi)); % [-] Speed calculation coefficient (factors are due to conversions rpm <-> rad/s)
z_maxCntRst = 2000; % [-] Maximum counter value for reset (works also as time-out to detect standing still)
n_commDeacvHi = 30; % [rpm] Commutation method deactivation speed high
n_commAcvLo = 15; % [rpm] Commutation method activation speed low
dz_cntTrnsDetHi = 40; % [-] Counter gradient High for transient behavior detection (used for speed estimation)
dz_cntTrnsDetLo = 20; % [-] Counter gradient Low for steady state detection (used for speed estimation)
n_stdStillDet = 3; % [rpm] Speed threshold for Stand still detection
cf_currFilt = 0.12; % [%] Current filter coefficient [0, 1]. Lower values mean softer filter
%% F02_Diagnostics
b_diagEna = 1; % [-] Diagnostics enable flag: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default)
t_errQual = 0.24 * f_ctrl/3; % [s] Error qualification time
t_errDequal = 1.80 * f_ctrl/3; % [s] Error dequalification time
r_errInpTgtThres = 600; % [-] Error input target threshold (for "Blocked motor" detection)
%% F03_Control_Mode_Manager
dV_openRate = 1000 / (f_ctrl/3);% [V/s] Rate for voltage cut-off in Open Mode (Sample Time included in the rate)
%% F04_Field_Weakening
b_fieldWeakEna = 0; % [-] Field weakening enable flag: 0 = disable (default), 1 = enable
r_fieldWeakHi = 1500; % [-] Input target High threshold for reaching maximum Field Weakening / Phase Advance
r_fieldWeakLo = 1000; % [-] Input target Low threshold for starting Field Weakening / Phase Advance
n_fieldWeakAuthHi = 400; % [rpm] Motor speed High for field weakening authorization
n_fieldWeakAuthLo = 300; % [rpm] Motor speed Low for field weakening authorization
% FOC method
id_fieldWeakMax = 5 * i_sca; % [A] Field weakening maximum current
% SIN method
a_phaAdvMax = 25; % [deg] Maximum phase advance angle
%% F05_Field_Oriented_Control
b_selPhaABCurrMeas = 1; % [-] Select measured current phases: {iA,iB} = 1 (default); {iB,iC} = 0
% Motor Limitations Calibratables
cf_iqKiLimProt = 60 / (f_ctrl/3); % [-] Current limit protection integral gain (only used in VLT_MODE and SPD_MODE)
cf_nKiLimProt = 20 / (f_ctrl/3); % [-] Speed limit protection integral gain (only used in VLT_MODE and TRQ_MODE)
cf_KbLimProt = 1000 / (f_ctrl/3);% [-] Back calculation gain for integral anti-windup
% Voltage Limitations
V_margin = 100; % [-] Voltage margin to make sure that there is a sufficiently wide pulse for a good phase current measurement
Vd_max = 1000 - V_margin;
Vq_max_XA = 0:20:Vd_max;
Vq_max_M1 = sqrt(Vd_max^2 - Vq_max_XA.^2); % Circle limitations look-up table
% figure
% stairs(Vq_max_XA, Vq_max_M1); legend('V_{max}');
% Speed limitations
n_max = 1000; % [rpm] Maximum motor speed
% Current Limitations
i_max = 15; % [A] Maximum allowed motor current (continuous)
i_max = i_max * i_sca;
iq_maxSca_XA = 0:0.02:0.99;
iq_maxSca_XA = fixpt_evenspace_cleanup(iq_maxSca_XA, ufix(16), 2^-16); % Make sure the data is evely spaced up to the last bit
iq_maxSca_M1 = sqrt(1 - iq_maxSca_XA.^2); % Current circle limitations map
% figure
% stairs(iq_maxSca_XA, iq_maxSca_M1); legend('i_{maxSca}');
% Q axis control gains
cf_iqKp = 0.3; % [-] P gain
cf_iqKi = 100 / (f_ctrl/3); % [-] I gain
% D axis control gains
cf_idKp = 0.2; % [-] P gain
cf_idKi = 60 / (f_ctrl/3); % [-] I gain
% Speed control gains
cf_nKp = 1.18; % [-] P gain
cf_nKi = 20.4 / (f_ctrl/3);% [-] I gain
%% F06_Control_Type_Management
% Commutation method
z_commutMap_M1 = [-1 -1 0 1 1 0; % Phase A
1 0 -1 -1 0 1; % Phase B
0 1 1 0 -1 -1]; % Phase C [-] Commutation method map
omega = a_elecAngle_XA*(pi/180);
pha_adv = 30; % [deg] Phase advance to mach commands with the Hall position
r_sinPhaA_M1 = -sin(omega + pha_adv*(pi/180));
r_sinPhaB_M1 = -sin(omega - 120*(pi/180) + pha_adv*(pi/180));
r_sinPhaC_M1 = -sin(omega + 120*(pi/180) + pha_adv*(pi/180));
% Sinusoidal 3rd harmonic method
A = 1.15; % Sine amplitude (tunable to get the Saddle sin maximum to value 1000)
sin3Arm = -0.224*sin(3*(omega + pha_adv*(pi/180))); % 3rd armonic
r_sin3PhaA_M1 = sin3Arm + A*r_sinPhaA_M1;
r_sin3PhaB_M1 = sin3Arm + A*r_sinPhaB_M1;
r_sin3PhaC_M1 = sin3Arm + A*r_sinPhaC_M1;
disp('---- BLDC_controller: Initialization OK ----');
%% Plot control methods
show_fig = 0;
if show_fig
% Apply scaling
sca_factor = 1000; % [-] scalling factor (to avoid truncation approximations on integer data type)
r_sinPhaA_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sinPhaA_M1;
r_sinPhaB_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sinPhaB_M1;
r_sinPhaC_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sinPhaC_M1;
r_sin3PhaA_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sin3PhaA_M1;
r_sin3PhaB_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sin3PhaB_M1;
r_sin3PhaC_M1sca = sca_factor * r_sin3PhaC_M1;
% Commutation method
a_commElecAngle_XA = [0 60 120 180 240 300 360]; % [deg] Electrical angle grid
hall_A = [0 0 0 1 1 1 1] + 4;
hall_B = [1 1 0 0 0 1 1] + 2;
hall_C = [0 1 1 1 0 0 0];
% SVM (Space Vector Modulation) calculation
SVM_vec = [r_sinPhaA_M1sca; r_sinPhaB_M1sca; r_sinPhaC_M1sca];
SVM_min = min(SVM_vec);
SVM_max = max(SVM_vec);
SVM_sum = SVM_min + SVM_max;
SVM_vec = SVM_vec - 0.5*SVM_sum;
SVM_vec = (2/sqrt(3))*SVM_vec;
color = ['m' 'g' 'b'];
lw = 1.5;
s1 = subplot(231); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
title('Hall sensors');
legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C','Location','NorthEast');
s2 = subplot(232); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
title('Hall sensors');
legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C','Location','NorthEast');
s3 = subplot(233); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_A, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_B, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, hall_C, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
title('Hall sensors');
legend('Phase A','Phase B','Phase C','Location','NorthEast');
s4 = subplot(234); hold on
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(1,:) z_commutMap_M1(1,1)] + 6000, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(2,:) z_commutMap_M1(2,1)] + 3000, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
stairs(a_commElecAngle_XA, sca_factor*[z_commutMap_M1(3,:) z_commutMap_M1(3,1)], color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
ylim([-1000 7000]);
title('Commutation method [0]');
xlabel('Electrical angle [deg]');
s5 = subplot(235); hold on
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin3PhaA_M1sca, color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin3PhaB_M1sca, color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, r_sin3PhaC_M1sca, color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
ylim([-1000 1000])
title('SIN method [1]');
xlabel('Electrical angle [deg]');
s6 = subplot(236); hold on
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(1,:), color(1), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(2,:), color(2), 'Linewidth', lw);
plot(a_elecAngle_XA, SVM_vec(3,:), color(3), 'Linewidth', lw);
ylim([-1000 1000])
title('FOC method [2]');
xlabel('Electrical angle [deg]');
linkaxes([s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6],'x');
xlim([0 360]);
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