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YC-Coder-Chen 提交于 2020-03-29 23:39 . Update GA, SA algo v3.0
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 27 11:18:30 2020
@author: chenyingxiang
import random
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import random
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from deap import base, creator, tools, algorithms
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
class Genetic_Algorithm(object):
Genetic Algorithm Algorithm for feature selection
n_pop: int, default =20
The number of population
n_gen: int, default = 20
The number of generation
both: boolean, default = True
Whether offsprings can result from both crossover and mutation
If False, offsprings can result from one of them.
n_children: int, default = None
The number of children to produce when offsprings can only result from one of the operations
including crossover, mutation and reproduction
Default None will set n_children = n_pop
n_children corresponds with the lambda_ parameter in deap.algorithms.varOr
cxpb: float, default = 0.5
The probability of mating two individuals
The sum of cxpb and mutpb shall be in [0,1]
mutpb: float, default = 0.3
The probability of mutating an individual
The sum of cxpb and mutpb shall be in [0,1]
cx_indpb: float, default = 0.25
The independent probabily for each attribute to be exchanged under uniform crossover.
mu_indpb: floatt, default = 0.25
The independent probability for each attribute to be flipped under mutFlipBit.
algorithm: string, default="one-max"
The offspring selection algorithm
"NSGA2" is also available
loss_func: object
The loss function of the ML task.
loss_func(y_true, y_pred) should return the loss.
estimator: object
A supervised learning estimator
It has to have the `fit` and `predict` method (or `predict_proba` method for classification)
predict_type: string, default="predict"
Final prediction type.
- For some classification loss functions, probability output is required.
Should set predict_type to "predict_proba"
best_sol: np.array of int
The index of the best subset of features.
best_loss: float
The loss associated with the best_sol
loss_dict: dictionary
Store the evaluation results to speed up fitting process
1. https://deap.readthedocs.io/en/master/index.html
2. https://github.com/kaushalshetty/FeatureSelectionGA
3. Haupt, R. L. (1995). An introduction to genetic algorithms for electromagnetics.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 37(2), 7-15.
4. Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S., & Meyarivan, T. A. M. T. (2002). A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II.
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, 6(2), 182-197.
5. Mkaouer, W., Kessentini, M., Shaout, A., Koligheu, P., Bechikh, S., Deb, K., & Ouni, A. (2015). Many-objective software remodularization using NSGA-III.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 24(3), 1-45.
6. Fortin, F. A., Rainville, F. M. D., Gardner, M. A., Parizeau, M., & Gagné, C. (2012). DEAP: Evolutionary algorithms made easy.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13(Jul), 2171-2175.
def __init__(self, loss_func, estimator, n_pop = 20, n_gen = 20, both = True, n_children = None,
cxpb = 0.5, mutpb = 0.2, cx_indpb = 0.25, mu_indpb = 0.25,
algorithm = "one-max", predict_type = 'predict'):
#### check type
if not hasattr(estimator, 'fit'):
raise ValueError('Estimator doesn\' have fit method')
if not hasattr(estimator, 'predict') and not hasattr(estimator, 'predict_proba'):
raise ValueError('Estimator doesn\' have predict or predict_proba method')
for instant in [cxpb, mutpb, cx_indpb, mu_indpb]:
if type(instant) != float:
raise TypeError(f'{instant} should be float type')
if (instant > 1) or (instant) < 0:
raise ValueError(f'{instant} should be within range [0,1]')
for instant in [n_pop, n_gen]:
if type(instant) != int:
raise TypeError(f'{instant} should be int type')
if type(both) != bool:
raise TypeError(f'{both} should be boolean type')
if predict_type not in ['predict', 'predict_proba']:
raise ValueError('predict_type should be "predict" or "predict_proba"')
if algorithm not in ['one-max', 'NSGA2']:
raise ValueError('algorithm should be "one-max" or "NSGA2"')
if not n_children:
n_children = n_pop
if type(n_children) != int:
raise TypeError(f'{n_children} should be int type')
if (cxpb + mutpb) > 1.0:
raise ValueError(f'The sum of cxpb and mutpb shall be in [0,1]')
self.n_pop = n_pop
self.n_gen = n_gen
self.both = both
self.n_children = n_children
self.cxpb = cxpb
self.mutpb = mutpb
self.cx_indpb = cx_indpb
self.mu_indpb = mu_indpb
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.loss_func = loss_func
self.estimator = estimator
self.predict_type = predict_type
self.loss_dict = dict()
def _get_cost(self, X, y, estimator, loss_func, X_test = None, y_test = None):
estimator.fit(X, y.ravel())
if type(X_test) is np.ndarray:
if self.predict_type == "predict_proba": # if loss function requires probability
y_test_pred = estimator.predict_proba(X_test)
return loss_func(y_test, y_test_pred)
y_test_pred = estimator.predict(X_test)
return loss_func(y_test, y_test_pred)
y_pred = estimator.predict(X)
return loss_func(y, y_pred)
def _cross_val(self, X, y, estimator, loss_func, cv):
loss_record = []
for train_index, test_index in KFold(n_splits = cv).split(X): # k-fold
X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
estimator.fit(X_train, y_train.ravel())
if self.predict_type == "predict_proba":
y_test_pred = estimator.predict_proba(X_test)
loss = loss_func(y_test, y_test_pred)
y_test_pred = estimator.predict(X_test)
loss = loss_func(y_test, y_test_pred)
return np.array(loss_record).mean()
def _eval_fitness(self, individual):
individual = [True if x else False for x in individual]
if sum(individual) == 0:
current_loss = np.Inf
encoded_str = ''.join(['1' if x else '0' for x in individual])
if self.loss_dict.get(encoded_str):
current_loss = self.loss_dict.get(encoded_str)
if self.cv:
current_loss = self._cross_val(self.X_train[:,individual], self.y_train,
self.estimator, self.loss_func, self.cv)
current_loss = np.round(current_loss, 4)
elif type(self.X_val) is np.ndarray:
current_loss = self._get_cost(self.X_train[:,individual], self.y_train,
self.estimator, self.loss_func,
self.X_val[:,individual], self.y_val)
current_loss = np.round(current_loss, 4)
current_loss = self._get_cost(self.X_train[:,individual], self.y_train,
self.estimator, self.loss_func, None, None)
current_loss = np.round(current_loss, 4)
self.loss_dict[encoded_str] = current_loss
if self.algorithm == "one-max":
return current_loss,
return current_loss, sum(individual)
def fit(self, X_train, y_train, cv = None, X_val = None, y_val = None,
init_sol = None, stop_point = 5):
Fit method.
X_train: numpy array shape = (n_samples, n_features).
The training input samples.
y_train: numpy array, shape = (n_samples,).
The target values (class labels in classification, real numbers in regression).
cv: int or None, default = None
Specify the number of folds in KFold. None means SA will not use
k-fold cross-validation results to select features.
[1] If cv = None and X_val = None, the GA will evaluate each subset on trainset.
[2] If cv != None and X_val = None, the GA will evaluate each subset on generated validation set using k-fold.
[3] If cv = None and X_val != None, the GA will evaluate each subset on the user-provided validation set.
X_val: numpy array, shape = (n_samples, n_features) or None. default = None.
The validation input samples. None means no validation set is provoded.
[1] If cv = None and X_val = None, the GA will evaluate each subset on trainset.
[2] If cv != None and X_val = None, the GA will evaluate each subset on generated validation set using k-fold.
[3] If cv = None and X_val != None, the GA will evaluate each subset on the user-provided validation set.
y_val: numpy array, shape = (n_samples, ) or None. default = None.
The validation target values (class labels in classification, real numbers in regression).
self : object
# make sure input has two dimensions
assert len(X_train.shape) == 2
num_feature = X_train.shape[1]
# save them for _eval_fitness function
self.X_train = X_train
self.y_train = y_train
self.cv = cv
self.X_val = X_val
self.y_val = y_val
# creator
if self.algorithm == "one-max":
creator.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,)) # minimize the loss
creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin)
creator.create("FitnessMulti", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0, -0.1))
creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMulti)
# register
toolbox = base.Toolbox()
toolbox.register("gene", random.randint, 0, 1)
toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual,
toolbox.gene, n = num_feature)
toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual,
n = self.n_pop)
toolbox.register("evaluate", self._eval_fitness)
toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxUniform, indpb = self.cx_indpb)
toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutFlipBit, indpb = self.mu_indpb)
if self.algorithm == "one-max":
toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=5)
toolbox.register("select", tools.selNSGA2)
# start evolution
# evaluate inital population
population = toolbox.population()
fits = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate, population)
for ind, fit in zip(population, fits):
ind.fitness.values = fit
# evolving
for gen in tqdm(range(self.n_gen)):
if self.both:
offspring = algorithms.varOr(population, toolbox,
lambda_ = self.n_children, cxpb = self.cxpb,
mutpb = self.mutpb)
offspring = algorithms.varAnd(population, toolbox, cxpb = self.cxpb,
mutpb = self.mutpb)
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid]
fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
ind.fitness.values = fit
if self.algorithm == 'one-max':
population = toolbox.select(offspring, k = self.n_pop)
population = toolbox.select(offspring + population, k = self.n_pop)
fits = list(toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate, population))
if self.algorithm != "one-max":
fits = [x[0] for x in fits]
best_idx = np.argmin(np.array(fits))
self.best_sol = [True if x else False for x in population[best_idx]]
self.best_loss = fits[best_idx]
if np.isinf(self.best_loss): # if best loss is inf
best_key = min([(value, key) for key, value in self.loss_dict.items()])[1]
self.best_sol = [True if x == '1' else False for x in best_key]
self.best_loss = min([(value, key) for key, value in self.loss_dict.items()])[0]
best_key = min([(value, key) for key, value in self.loss_dict.items()])[1]
self.best_sol = [True if x == '1' else False for x in best_key]
self.best_loss = min([(value, key) for key, value in self.loss_dict.items()])[0]
def transform(self, X):
Transform method.
X: numpy array shape = (n_samples, n_features).
The data set needs feature reduction.
transform_X: numpy array shape = (n_samples, n_best_features).
The data set after feature reduction.
transform_X = X[:, self.best_sol]
return transform_X
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