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2_listWithArrayOfObjects.ets 4.67 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* List of Repeat items with virtualScroll and templates
* Author: Vidhya Pria Arunkumar <vidhya.pria.arunkumar@huawei.com>
* Description:
* This application showcases a list of vehicles with dynamically changing prices using
* custom classes and components.
* Classes:
* - VehicleData: Represents a vehicle with properties including id, name, price, and intakeValue (used for dynamic pricing).
* - Constructor initializes a vehicle with a name and price, assigning a unique id.
* - addPrice(): Method to increment the intakeValue based on the vehicle's price.
* - VehicleDB: Represents a database of VehicleData objects initialized with default vehicle entries.
* - vehicleItems: Array holding instances of VehicleData.
* Components:
* - entryComp: Main component managing the list of VehicleData.
* - Buttons to delete the first and last vehicles from the list.
* - Button to increment the intakeValue of all vehicles based on their prices.
* - List with virtual scrolling displaying vehicles using Repeat and custom ListItem components.
* - Differentiates rendering using templateId and template based on index parity.
* - Each vehicle displayed with its name and dynamically calculated intakeValue.
* Usage:
* - Click "Del First" or "Del Last" buttons to remove vehicles from the list.
* - Click "Change price" to update the intakeValue of all vehicles based on their prices.
* - Scroll through the list to observe virtual scrolling behavior with dynamically rendered components.
let NextId = 1;
@ObservedV2 class VehicleData {
@Trace id: string;
@Trace name: string;
@Trace price: number;
@Trace intakeValue: number = 0;
constructor(name: string, price: number) {
this.id = `${NextId++}`;
this.name = name;
this.price = price;
public addPrice() : void {
this.intakeValue += this.price;
@ObservedV2 class VehicleDB {
// public VehicleData[] will be updated from outside
public vehicleItems : VehicleData[];
constructor() {
// init with a default value
this.vehicleItems = [
new VehicleData("Toyota Corolla", 20000),
new VehicleData("Honda Civic", 22000),
new VehicleData("Ford F-150", 30000),
new VehicleData("Tesla Model 3", 35000),
new VehicleData("Chevrolet Silverado", 32000),
new VehicleData("BMW 3 Series", 40000),
new VehicleData("Audi A4", 42000),
new VehicleData("Mercedes-Benz C-Class", 45000),
new VehicleData("Nissan Altima", 24000),
new VehicleData("Hyundai Elantra", 20000),
new VehicleData("Kia Optima", 23000)
struct entryComp {
@Local vehicleItems: VehicleData[] = new VehicleDB().vehicleItems;
@Local totalCount:number = this.vehicleItems.length;
scroller: Scroller = new Scroller();
build() {
Column({space: 3}) {
Row() {
Button("Del First").onClick(()=>{
this.totalCount -= 1;
Button("Del Last").onClick(()=>{
this.totalCount -= 1;
Button("Change price")
.onClick(() => {
console.log("TotalCount: ", this.totalCount);
console.log("vehicleItems length: ", this.vehicleItems.length);
this.vehicleItems.forEach(item => item.addPrice());
List({ scroller:this.scroller }) {
totalCount: this.totalCount
.templateId((item:VehicleData, index:number) => {
return index % 2 ? 'font-32' : 'something-wrong';
.template("font-32", (ri) => {
ListItem() {
Text("Vehicle: " + `${ri.item.name} \n price: ${ri.item.intakeValue} $`)
}, { cachedCount: 5 })
.each((ri) => {
ListItem() {
Text("Vehicle: " + `${ri.item.name} \n price: ${ri.item.intakeValue} $`)
.key((item, index) => {
const k = `${index}:${item}`;
return k;
.onScrollIndex((start, end) => {
console.log('onScrollIndex', start, end);
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