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* Description of the Program - *
* EDA subroutine used to create scatter plots *
* *
* Program Output - *
* Creates series of scatterplots GPHs and PDFs as well as entries in the *
* LaTeX document *
* *
* Lines - *
* 287 *
* *
*! edascat
*! v 0.0.1
*! 01may2019
// Drop program from memory if already loaded
cap prog drop edascat
// Define program
prog def edascat
// Version used to interpret code
version 14
// Syntax structure for edabar subroutine
syntax varlist(min=1) [if] [in], root(string asis) ///
[ LFIT LFIT2(string asis) ///
QFIT QFIT2(string asis) ///
LOWess LOWess2(string asis) ///
FPFIT FPFIT2(string asis) ///
LFITCi LFITCi2(string asis) ///
QFITCi QFITCi2(string asis) ///
FPFITCi FPFITCi2(string asis) ///
scheme(passthru) keepgph ///
byvars(varlist) byseq ]
// Mark only the observations to use
marksample touse, strok novarlist
// If byvars weren't passed
if `"`byvars'"' == "" {
// Add section header to LaTeX file
file write doc "\subsubsection{Scatterplots}" _n
// Generate list of all pairwise combination of continuous variables
tuples `varlist', asis min(2) max(2) cvp
// Generate scatter plots for all pairwise combinations of continuous variables
forv i = 1/`ntuples' {
// Use the first element of the tuple for the x-axis
loc x : word 1 of `tuple`i''
// Use the second element of the tuple for the y-axis
loc y : word 2 of `tuple`i''
// Check for linear fit
if "`lfit'" != "" {
// Check for lfit overlay options
if "`lfit2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc lfit2 , `lfit2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with lfit option syntax
loc grlfit lfit `y' `x' if `touse'`lfit2' ||
// Legend label
loc lfitlab "Linear"
} // End of IF Block for linear fit overlay
// Check for lowess smoothed fit
if "`lowess'" != "" {
// Check for lowess overlay options
if "`lowess2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc lowess2 , `lowess2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with lowess option syntax
loc grlowess lowess `y' `x' if `touse'`lowess2' ||
// Legend label
loc lowesslab "Loess Smoother"
} // End of IF Block for lowess smoothed fit
// Check for quadratic fit
if "`qfit'" != "" {
// Check for qfit overlay options
if "`qfit2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc qfit2 , `qfit2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with qfit option syntax
loc grqfit qfit `y' `x' if `touse'`qfit2' ||
// Legend label
loc qfitlab "Quadratic"
} // End of IF Block for quadratic fit overlay
// Check for fractional polynomial fit
if "`fpfit'" != "" {
// Check for fpfit overlay options
if "`fpfit2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc fpfit2 , `fpfit2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with fpfit option syntax
loc grfpfit fpfit `y' `x' if `touse'`fpfit2' ||
// Legend label
loc fpfitlab "Fractional Polynomial"
} // End of IF Block for fractional polynomial fit
// Check for linear fit with confidence intervals
if "`lfitci'" != "" {
// Check for lfitci overlay options
if "`lfitci2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc lfitci2 , `lfitci2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with lfitci option syntax
loc grlfitci lfitci `y' `x' if `touse'`lfitci2' ||
// Label for linear ci overlay
loc lfitcilab "Linear Fit w/CIs"
} // End of IF Block for linear fit with confidence intervals overlay
// Check for quadratic fit with confidence intervals
if "`qfitci'" != "" {
// Check for qfitci overlay options
if "`qfitci2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc qfitci2 , `qfitci2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with qfitci option syntax
loc grqfitci qfitci `y' `x' if `touse'`qfitci2' ||
// Label for linear ci overlay
loc lfitcilab "Quadratic Fit w/CIs"
} // End of IF Block for quadratic fit with confidence intervals overlay
// Check for fractional polynomial fit with confidence intervals
if "`fpfitci'" != "" {
// Check for qfitci overlay options
if "`fpfitci2'" != "" {
// Add comma before options
loc fpfitci2 , `fpfitci2'
} // End If Block for linear fit options
// Local with qfitci option syntax
loc grfpfitci fpfitci `y' `x' if `touse' `fpfitci2' ||
// Label for linear ci overlay
loc fpfitcilab "Fractional Polynomial w/CIs"
} // End of IF Block for fractional polynomial fit with confidence intervals
// Local macro to use for indexing legending graphs
loc scattercounter = 1
// Loop over the overlay options
foreach ov in lfit lowess qfit fpfit lfitci qfitci fpfitci {
// End IF Block to check for legend labels
if `"``ov'lab'"' != "" {
// Increment the counter id
loc scattercounter = `scattercounter' + 1
// Append the labels for the legend
loc legendlabels `legendlabels' label(`scattercounter' ``ov'lab')
} // End IF Block
} // End Loop over overlay options
// Add scatter points as the last element of the legend labels
loc legendlabels label(`= `scattercounter' + 1' "Scatter Points")
// Append the labels for the legend
loc legendlabels `legendlabels' label(`scattercounter' ``ov'lab')
// If there are 4 or less total legend entries use a single row
if `scattercounter' <= 4 {
// Syntax to enforce single row of legend keys
loc leg legend(rows(1) symy(1.85) symx(1.85) `legendlabels')
} // End IF Block for <= 4 graph elements
// If there are more elements to place in the legend
else {
// Reduce the size of the labels
loc leg legend(rows(2) symy(1.85) symx(1.85) `legendlabels' size(small))
} // End ELSE Block for many legend entries
// Generate the scatterplot
tw `grlfitci' `grqfitci' `grfpfitci' `grlfit' `grlowess' `grqfit' ///
`grfpfit' scatter `y' `x' if `touse', `scheme' `leg' ///
xti(`: char `x'[title]') yti(`: char `y'[title]') ///
ti("Joint Distribution of `y' and `x'") ///
note("Created on: `c(current_date)' at: `c(current_time)'")
// Export the scatterplot as a .png file
qui: gr export `"`root'/graphs/scatter-`y'-`x'.pdf"', as(pdf) replace
// Check if user wants to keep the GPH files
if "`keepgph'" != "" {
// Define local macro with syntax to remove file
qui: gr save `"`root'/graphs/scatter-`y'-`x'.gph"', replace
} // End IF Block to remove .gph files
// Get LaTeX cleaned y variable label
texclean `"`: var l `y''"'
// Store the y variable label in yti
loc yti `r(clntex)'
// Get LaTeX cleaned x variable label
texclean `"`: var l `x''"'
// Store the x variable label in xti
loc xti `r(clntex)'
// Add the scatterplot to the LaTeX document
file write doc "\begin{figure}[h!]" _n
file write doc `"\caption{Scatterplot of `yti' \& `xti' \label{fig:scatter`i'}}"' _n
file write doc `"\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{scatter-`y'-`x'.pdf}"' _n
file write doc "\end{figure} \newpage\clearpage" _n
} // End Loop over scatter plot permutations
} // End IF Block for no byvars argument
// sequential by graphs
else if `"`byvars'"' != "" & "`byseq'" != "" {
} // End ELSEIF Block for sequential by graphs
// Lattice graphs
else if `"`byvars'"' != "" & "`byseq'" == "" {
} // End ELSE IF Block for Lattice style graphs
// End Program definition
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