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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
dirfile.ado 4.21 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
wbuchanan 提交于 2017-02-20 15:56 . Rebuilt EDA distribution page
* Description of the Program - *
* Utility for checking/handling directory construction/management related to *
* brewscheme. *
* *
* Data Requirements - *
* none *
* *
* System Requirements - *
* Active Internet Connection *
* *
* Program Output - *
* void *
* *
* Lines - *
* 134 *
* *
*! dirfile
*! v 0.0.6
*! 09NOV2016
// Drop the program from memory if loaded
cap prog drop dirfile
// Define the file
prog def dirfile
// Interpret under Stata version 13
version 13
// Syntax for calling the program
syntax [anything(name = root id = "Root directory")], [ Path(string) REBuild ]
// Default value for path parameter
if `"`path'"' == "" loc pmatch "*"
// Passes the value from the path parameter to be used in extended macro function
else loc pmatch `path'
// Check for file path existence
qui: loc newfile : dir "`root'" dirs "`pmatch'", respectcase
// Clean up quotation marks
loc newfile : list clean newfile
// Doesn't exist create it
if `"`newfile'"' == "" mkdir `"`root'/`path'"'
// Does exist and user wants to rebuild the directory
else if `"`newfile'"' != "" & "`rebuild'" != "" chksubdir `root'/`newfile'
// If directory exists but user does not want to rebuild
else di as res "Directory exists and rebuild option not specified. No further action"
// End of program definition
// Defines subroutine to check for files in subdirectories and remove them
prog def chksubdir
// Defines syntax for calling the subroutine
syntax anything(name = subdirnm id = "Subdirectory name")
// Check for any subdirectories
loc dirfiles : dir `"`subdirnm'"' dir "*", respectcase
// If there are subdirectories
if `: word count `dirfiles'' > 0 {
// Loop over subdirectories
forv d = 1/`: word count `dirfiles'' {
// Call the subroutine recursively
chksubdir `subdirnm'/`: word `d' of `dirfiles''
} // Loop over the subdirectories
} // End IF Block for subdirectory recursion
// Check for filenames
loc filenames : dir `"`subdirnm'"' files "*", respectcase
// Test if the subdirectory contains any files
if `: word count `filenames'' > 0 {
// Loop over the files in the directory
forv i = 1/`: word count `filenames'' {
// Stores the individual file name to check/test
loc filenm `: word `i' of `filenames''
// Print message to screen and get user input
di as res `"Delete the file `filenm' from `subdirnm'? (Y/n)"' _request(_del)
// If user enters nothing, y, or Y delete the file
if inlist(`"`del'"', "y", "Y", "") {
// Erase the file from the disk
erase `"`subdirnm'/`filenm'"'
// Success message to console
di as res `"Erased the file : `subdirnm'/`filenm'"'
} // End IF Block for user selected file deletion
} // End Loop over files in directory
} // End IF BLOCK for subdirectories with files
// Check for any subdirectories
loc dirfiles : dir `"`subdirnm'"' dir "*", respectcase
// Check for filenames
loc filenames : dir `"`subdirnm'"' files "*", respectcase
// If the directory is empty
if `"`dirfiles'`filenames'"' == "" {
// Ask user if they want to delete the directory
di as res `"`subdirnm' is empty. Delete the directory too? (Y/n)"' ///
// If y, Y, or null delete the directory
if inlist(`"`del'"', "y", "Y") qui: rmdir `"`subdirnm'"'
} // End IF Block for directory removal
// End of subroutine
马建仓 AI 助手
