BFS算法+探路+追尾, 自动寻路+手动模式 几年前大一写着玩的 别在意 By C language
jsMind 是一个显示/编辑思维导图的纯 javascript 类库。pull request 请提交到,感谢支持。
(遗传算法、粒子群算法、模拟退火、蚁群算法、免疫优化算法、鱼群算法,旅行商问题)Heuristic Algorithms(Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, Ant Colony Algorithm,Immune Algorithm, Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm and TSP in Python
大道至简,殊途同归。 CocosCreatorShader意图在于帮助不会Shader的用户能够快速了解如何使用Cocos Effect。 CocosCreatorShader intends to help users who do not know Shader quickly understand how to use Cocos Effect.
This is literally a game framework, based on Unity game engine. It encapsulates commonly used game modules during development, and, to a large degree, standardises the process, enhances the development speed and ensures the product quality.