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sbmeff.sthlp 3.97 KB
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kerrydu 提交于 2020-09-15 21:14 . merge lgtfpch&lsbmeff + compiled in V16
{* *! version 0.3 29 Oct 2019}{...}
{cmd:help sbmeff}
{bf:sbmeff} {hline 2} Slacks-based Measure of Efficiency in Stata
{p 8 21 2}
{cmd:sbmeff} {it:{help varlist:inputvars}} {cmd:=} {it:{help varlist:desirable_outputvars}} {ifin}
{cmd:,} {cmdab:d:mu(}{varname}{cmd:)} [{it:options}]
{p 8 21 2}
{cmd:sbmeff} {it:{help varlist:inputvars}} {cmd:=} {it:{help varlist:desirable_outputvars}} {cmd::} {it:{help varlist:undesirable_outputvars}} {ifin}
{cmd:,} {cmdab:d:mu(}{varname}{cmd:)} [{it:options}]
{synoptset 28 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{cmdab:d:mu:(varname)}}specifies names of DMUs. It is required.
{synopt:{cmdab:t:ime:(varname)}}specifies time period for contemporaneous production technology. If {opt time:(varname)} is not specified, global production technology is assumed.
{synopt:{cmdab:win:dow(#)}}specifies window production technology with the #-period bandwidth.
{synopt:{cmdab:bi:ennial}}specifies biennial production technology.
{synopt:{cmdab:seq:uential}}specifies sequential production technology.
{synopt:{cmdab:glo:bal}}specifies global production technology.
{synopt:{opt vrs}}specifies production technology with variable returns to scale. By default, production technology with constant returns to scale is assumed.
{synopt:{opt rf(varname)}}specifies the indicator variable that defines which data points of outputs and inputs form the technology reference set.
{synopt:{opt sav:ing(filename[,replace])}}specifies that the results be saved in {it:filename}.dta.
{synopt:{opt maxiter(#)}}specifies the maximum number of iterations, which must be an integer greater than 0. The default value of maxiter is 16000.
{synopt:{opt tol(real)}}specifies the convergence-criterion tolerance, which must be greater than 0. The default value of tol is 1e-8.
{cmd:sbmeff} selects the input and output variables from the user designated data file or in the opened data set and solves Slacks-based Measure of Efficiency models by options specified.
The sbmeff program uses the buit-in mata function linearprogram(). Stata 16 or later is required.
The sbmeff program requires initial data set that contains the input and output variables for observed units.
Variable names must be identified by inputvars for input variable, by desirable_outputvars for desirable output variable, and by undesirable_outputvars for undesirable output variable
to allow that {cmd:sbmeff} program can identify and handle the multiple input-output data set.
{phang}{"use ...\example_sbm.dta"}
{phang}{cmd:. sbmeff labor capital energy=gdp, dmu(id) time(t) vrs}
{phang}{cmd:. sbmeff labor capital energy=gdp, dmu(id) sav(sbm_result)}
{phang}{cmd:. sbmeff labor capital energy=gdp:co2, dmu(id) time(t) vrs}
{phang}{cmd:. sbmeff labor capital energy=gdp:co2, dmu(id) sav(sbm_result,replace)}
{title:Saved Results}
{cmd: r(file)} the stored results of {cmd:sbmeff} that have observation rows of DMUs and variable columns with input data, output data, efficiency scores, and slacks.
{marker references}{...}
Tone, K. (2001). A slacks-based measure of efficiency in data envelopment analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 130(3):498-509.
Tone, K. (2004). Dealing with Undesirable Outputs in DEA: A Slacks-Based Measure (SBM) Approach. North American Productivity Workshop 2004, Toronto, 23-25 June 2004, 44-45.
Kerry Du
Xiamen University
Xiamen, China
E-mail: kerrydu@xmu.edu.cn
Daoping Wang
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Shanghai, China
E-mail: daopingwang@live.sufe.edu.cn
Ning Zhang
Jinan University
Guangzhou, China
E-mail: zn928@naver.com
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