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WiFiSimulator.m 21.90 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Lilach99 提交于 2020-05-24 10:59 . Add files via upload
function [output] = WiFiSimulator(devsParams, phyNetParams, logNetParams, simulationParams)
%Simulates the link, according to the linkParams struct fields
% the CSMA variables are as specified in the standardParams struct fields.
% The function returns the total time of the simulation, the
% effective link throughput and the percentage of collided packet,
% and also a DS contains information about the packets transmission times.
% pkt: a struct which contains its lenght (in bytes), its source
% and its destination and its type (control/data)
% simEvent: struct which contains the fields: type, time, station
% link is one directional in the DSs, from src to dst
fprintf('Simulator started...');
% take params from the structs:
numDevs = phyNetParams.numDevs;
linkLens = phyNetParams.linksLens;
finTime = simulationParams.finishTime;
debMode = simulationParams.debugMode;
linksInfo = logNetParams.linksInfo;
numLinks = size(linksInfo, 2);
%SIFS = cell2mat((cellfun(@(s)s.SIFS, devsParams,'uni',0)));
%SlotTime = cell2mat((cellfun(@(s)s.ST, devsParams,'uni',0)));
%DIFS = SIFS + 2*SlotTime;
c = 299704644.54; % light speed in air in m/sec, CONSTANT
curTime = 0; % time in simulation, in microseconds
APD = (linkLens*1000)/c; % air propagation delay in seconds, a matrix of APDs according to the distances between the devices - APD for devices i and j can be found in cell [i, j] in the array
rndRange = 10^-3; % the range of random first sending time, in seconds, TODO: check how to choose it
% nextSend = ones(1, numDevs);
% empty queues for the packets the devices want to send
devStates = cell(1, numDevs);
% create the devices' states cell array
for i=1:numDevs
% ACK Timeout = 2 * Air Propagation Time (max) + SIFS + Time to transmit 14 byte ACK frame
ackTO = 3*max(APD(i, :)) + devsParams{i}.SIFS + devsParams{i}.ackLenFunc(6*10^6); % according to the minimum PHY rate
devStates{i} = createDevInitState(devsParams{i}, ackTO);
%setGlobaleventInd(0); % initiate the global variable eventInd
% create the initial simEventType.START_SIM event for the simulation
simEventsList = createEvent(simEventType.START_SIM, curTime, 0); % station number '0' stands for a global event, which does not relate to a specific station
% output preperations:
packetsDS = {}; % packets documentation DS
% packetsOutDS = initPacketsOutDS();
collCnt = 0; % collisions counter
linksDS = initialLinksDS(numLinks, linksInfo);
if(debMode == 1)
eventsDS = cell(1, 1000); % just init, useful in Debug mode, events documentation DS, maybe it's better not to pre-allocate...
eventsCnt = 1;
% run this loop until the simulation time ends or both of the stations
% finished transmitting
while(curTime <= finTime)
% find the last simEvent happens now
if(size(simEventsList, 2)~=0) % we sould start handling only if there are events in the list...
curTime = simEventsList(1).time;
i = findLastCurEvent(simEventsList, curTime); % finds the last event in the list that happens now
[curSimEvents, ~] = sortByHandlingOrder(simEventsList(1:i)); % sorts the events according to their handling order
while(size(curSimEvents, 2) > 0) % foreach simEvent in currentsimEvents, new events might be added to this list during the handling the original events
simEvent = curSimEvents(1); % the struct
eventInd = findEvent(curSimEvents(1).id, curSimEvents(1).station, simEventsList); % get the index of the event in the list, using it's event unique ID
% to catch bugs:
if(simEventsList(eventInd).type ~= curSimEvents(1).type)
listHandlingBug = MException('MyComponent:noSuchVariable', 'different events deleted! error!');
% delete the whole cells of the currently handled simEvent from the lists
simEventsList(eventInd) = [];
curSimEvents(1) = [];
if(simEvent.time < 0)
fprintf('negative time!!!!!');
if(debMode == 1)
% add the simEvent to the events documentation DS if the system
% is in Debug mode
if(debMode ==1)
eventsDS{eventsCnt} = simEvent;
eventsCnt = eventsCnt + 1;
curStation = simEvent.station;
% handle simEvent
switch simEvent.type
% event handling scheme:
% handle current event
% update device's state if there's a need
% insert new events to the DS
% handle new current-time events if exists
case simEventType.START_SIM
% create 'GEN'PACK' simEvent to start with for each
% link, not each station!
% genEvents = cell(1, numLinks);
genEve = createEvent(simEventType.GEN_PACK, randi(10)*rndRange, 1);
for l=1:numLinks
pktTime = randi(10)*rndRange;
% create and insert simEvents to the data structure,
% which we maintain sorted accordding to the 'time' field.
genEve = createEvent(simEventType.GEN_PACK, pktTime, l);
genEvents(l) = genEve;
simEventsList = saveNewEvents(genEvents, simEventsList);
curSimEvents = updateEventsList(genEvents, curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.END_SIM
% make the outputs ready to be returned
output.packetsDS = compressPacketsDS(packetsDS);
output.collCnt = collCnt;
output.finTime = curTime;
output.linksRes = linksDS;
if(debMode == 1)
output.eventsDS = eventsDS;
case simEventType.GEN_PACK
% happens per link, triggers a 'NEW_PACKET'
% event for the src device of the link (which is
% directional)
% so, in the 'station' field of the GEN_PACK event,
% there will be the link index in the array instead
% of a single station's ID.
pktLength = getPacketLength(linksInfo{curStation}, devStates{curStation});%randi([linksInfo{curStation}.minPS, linksInfo{curStation}.maxPS]); % randomize the packet size
pkt = generatePacket(curStation, linksInfo{curStation}, pktLength , curTime, linksInfo{curStation}.src, linksInfo{curStation}.dst);
% update the device that it has a packet to send
linksDS{curStation}.generatedPktCnt = linksDS{curStation}.generatedPktCnt + 1;
genDevEve = createEvent(devEventType.NEW_PACKET, curTime, linksInfo{curStation}.src, createOpts(pkt, timerType.NONE));
[devStates{linksInfo{curStation}.src}, newSimEvents] = updateState(genDevEve, devStates{linksInfo{curStation}.src}, curTime);
simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
curSimEvents = updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
% create a future GEN_PACK simulation event
genSimEve = createEvent(simEventType.GEN_PACK, curTime + interArr(pkt, linksInfo{curStation}), curStation);
simEventsList = insertInOrder(simEventsList, genSimEve);
% case simEventType.MED_BUSY
% % the medium became busy from some station's point of
% % view, so we have to notify this station
% medEve = createEvent(devEventType.MED_BUSY, curTime, curStation);
% [devStates{curStation}, newSimEvents] = updateState(medEve, devStates{curStation}, curTime);
% % insert the new events that the device might triggered
% % to the simEvents list
% simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
% curSimEvents = updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
% case simEventType.MED_FREE
% % the medium became free from some station's point of
% % view, so we have to notify this station
% medEve = createEvent(devEventType.MED_FREE, curTime, curStation);
% [devStates{curStation}, newSimEvents] = updateState(medEve, devStates{curStation}, curTime);
% % insert the new events that the device might triggered
% % to the simEvents list
% simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
% curSimEvents = updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.SET_TIMER
% notify the device that the timer he asked for had
% expired right now, there are 'opts' in a simEventType.SET_TIMER
% simEvent
opts = createOpts(simEvent.pkt, simEvent.timerType);
timerEve = createEvent(devEventType.TIMER_EXPIRED, curTime, curStation, opts);
[devStates{curStation}, newSimEvents] = updateState(timerEve, devStates{curStation}, curTime);
% insert the new events that the device might triggered
% to the simEvents list
simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
curSimEvents = updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.CLEAR_TIMER
% cancel a timer setting which was done by the device
% in the past (if exists), by finding it in the
% simEvents array - assuming there is only ONE timer
% event per station!
timerSimInd = findTimer(curStation, simEvent.timerType, simEventsList);
% delete the whole cells of the SET_TIMER simEvent
if(simEventsList(timerSimInd).time == curTime)
% we have to delete a timer which is schuduled
% to now !!! so we have to delete it from curSimEvents!
timerCurInd = findTimer(curStation, simEvent.timerType, curSimEvents);
curSimEvents(timerCurInd) = [];
simEventsList(timerSimInd) = [];
case simEventType.TRAN_START
curPkt = simEvent.pkt; % 'opts' exists in this case, and it contains the packet which is being transmitted right now
curRet = devStates{curStation}.curRet;
if(curPkt.type ~= packetType.ACK)
% insert the packet to the packets DS if it's
% not an ACK packet
[packetsDS, curPkt] = insertPacketToDS(packetsDS, curRet, curPkt, curTime);
devStates{curStation}.curPkt = curPkt; % same packet but with the updated index in the packetsDS!
%insertPacketToOutSD(packetsOutDS, curPkt, curTime);
if(curPkt.type == packetType.ACK)
% we are transmitting an ACK packet, what means
% we received a packet properly, so if it's the
% first time we are receiving it (according to
% the "packetInd" filed in the ACK pakcet) - we
% have to count its length to the "dataRecNeto"
% field in the corrsponding linksDS cell!
pktAcked = packetsDS{curPkt.packetInd}.pkt;
if(isNewPacket(pktAcked, linksDS{pktAcked.linkInfo}) == 1)
linksDS{pktAcked.linkInfo} = updateNewPktInLinksDSCell(linksDS{pktAcked.linkInfo}, pktAcked);
% create a REC_START event for all devices but the src
% of the packet
opts = createOpts(curPkt, simEvent.timerType);
% newSimEvents = cell(1, numDevs-1); % everyone but the src needs a new event
newSimEvents = createEvent(simEventType.REC_START, 0, 0); % just for init
newInd = 1;
for k=1:numDevs
% the src does not receive the packet...
newSimEvents(newInd) = createEvent(simEventType.REC_START, curTime + APD(curPkt.src, k), k, opts);
newInd = newInd + 1;
% insert the new events to the simEvents list
simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
curSimEvents =updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.TRAN_END
curPkt = simEvent.pkt;
% update the packet info in the packets DS
if(curPkt.type ~= packetType.ACK)
curRet = devStates{curStation}.curRet;
curPkt = devStates{curStation}.curPkt; % for the ind in the DS...
packetsDS = modifyPacketEndInDS(packetsDS, curRet, curPkt, curTime);
desLinkInd = getLinkInfoOfPacket(curPkt, linksInfo);
linksDS{desLinkInd} = updateLinkDSCell(devStates{curStation}, linksDS{desLinkInd}, curPkt, simEventType.TRAN_END); % update meta data in the linksDS
% create a REC_END event for all devices but the src
% of the packet
opts = createOpts(curPkt, simEvent.timerType);
% newSimEvents = cell(1, numDevs-1); % everyone but the src needs a new event
newSimEvents = createEvent(simEventType.REC_START, 0, 0); % just for init
newInd = 1;
for k=1:numDevs
% the src does not receive the packet...
newSimEvents(newInd) = createEvent(simEventType.REC_END, curTime + APD(curPkt.src, k), k, opts);
newInd = newInd + 1;
% also, create devEventType.TRAN_END event for the src device
opts = createOpts(simEvent.pkt, simEvent.timerType);
tranEve = createEvent(devEventType.TRAN_END, curTime, curStation, opts);
[devStates{curStation}, moreNewSimEvents] = updateState(tranEve, devStates{curStation}, curTime);
% insert the new events that the device might triggered
% to the simEvents list
simEventsList = saveNewEvents([newSimEvents, moreNewSimEvents], simEventsList);
curSimEvents =updateEventsList([newSimEvents, moreNewSimEvents], curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.REC_START
% save packet info. to the documentation DS
curPkt = simEvent.pkt; % 'opts' should exists (with a packet)
curRet = devStates{curPkt.src}.curRet;
if(curPkt.type ~= packetType.ACK && curPkt.dst == curStation)
% we have to insert the packet meta data to the
% DS iff it's a data packet destined for us
packetsDS = modifyPacketReachInDS(packetsDS, curRet, curPkt, curTime);
% update the needed device's state
opts = createOpts(simEvent.pkt, simEvent.timerType);
recStartEve = createEvent(devEventType.REC_START, curTime, curStation, opts);
[devStates{curStation}, newSimEvents] = updateState(recStartEve, devStates{curStation}, curTime);
% insert the new events that the device might triggered
% to the simEvents list
simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
curSimEvents =updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.REC_END
curPkt = simEvent.pkt;
if(curPkt.dst == simEvent.station)
% this is a packet for us so we have to update
% its details in the linksInfo DS
desLinkInd = getLinkInfoOfPacket(curPkt, linksInfo);
linksDS{desLinkInd} = updateLinkDSCell(devStates{curStation}, linksDS{desLinkInd}, curPkt, simEventType.REC_END); % update meta data in the linksDS
if(curPkt.type == packetType.ACK)
% update packetsDS so that we will know
% that the acked packet has been acked
packetsDS{curPkt.packetInd}.isAcked = 1;
opts = createOpts(curPkt, simEvent.timerType);
recEndEve = createEvent(devEventType.REC_END, curTime, curStation, opts);
[devStates{curStation}, newSimEvents] = updateState(recEndEve, devStates{curStation}, curTime);
% insert the new events that the device might triggered
% to the simEvents list
simEventsList = saveNewEvents(newSimEvents, simEventsList);
curSimEvents =updateEventsList(newSimEvents, curTime, curSimEvents); % insert new events which have to be handled right now to the current events list
case simEventType.COLL_INC
% increase the collisions counter by 1
collCnt = collCnt + 1;
% save packet info to the documentation DS
curPkt = simEvent.pkt; % should exists
curRet = devStates{curPkt.src}.curRet; % the curRet of the source device is the relevant (assumming ackTO is big enough)
if(curPkt.type ~= packetType.ACK && curPkt.dst == curStation)
% we have to insert the packet meta data to the
% DS iff it's a data packet destined for us
packetsDS = modifyPacketCollInDS(packetsDS, curRet, curPkt, curTime);
if(curPkt.dst == simEvent.station)
% this is a packet for us so we have to update
% its details in the linksInfo DS
desLinkInd = getLinkInfoOfPacket(curPkt, linksInfo);
linksDS{desLinkInd} = updateLinkDSCell(devStates{curStation}, linksDS{desLinkInd}, curPkt, simEventType.COLL_INC); % update meta data in the linksDS
fprintf('invalid simEvent!') % we should not reach this line...
% pewpare output if we finished on time
if(curTime > finTime)
output.packetsDS = compressPacketsDS(packetsDS);
output.collCnt = collCnt;
output.finTime = finTime;
output.linksRes = linksDS;
if(debMode == 1)
output.eventsDS = eventsDS;
马建仓 AI 助手


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