Malicious traffic detection system
Adversary Emulation Framework
SniperPhish - The Web-Email Spear Phishing Toolkit
This is a project of "#Twiti: Social Listening for Threat Intelligence" (TheWebConf 2021)
Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 Design and Reference Guide
Cobalt Strike 利用 Chrome-0day 上线
SharpSQLTools 和@Rcoil一起写的小工具,可上传下载文件,xp_cmdshell与sp_oacreate执行命令回显和clr加载程序集执行相应操作。
database of pocassist(漏洞库)
A beacon generator using Cobalt Strike and PEzor.
EarlyBird process hollowing technique (BOF) - Spawns a process in a suspended state, inject shellcode, hijack main thread with APC, and execute shellcode
Emulate and Dissect MSF and *other* attacks