Replication of methods matter by Brodeur et al. (2020)
Replication codes for the paper "Informality Consumption Taxes & Redistribution"
Manuscript and code for a research note on measuring fiscal cyclicality through budget response to news
Code to reproduce aspects of "The Consumption Response to Trade Shocks: Evidence from the US-China Trade War"
BETA VERSION: Template do files for a basic data flow
create event study graphs in stata
An incomplete list of papers in AEA journals that use rdrobust
estimation, inference, RD Plots, and extrapolation with multiple cutoffs and multiple scores.
Panel_thresh_endogeneous/panel_thresh_endogenous.m extends the MATLAB proccedure IVTAR.M written by Bruce E. Hansen as described in Kremer, Bick and Nautz "Inflation and Growth: New Evidence From a Dynamic Panel Threshold Analysis" (Empirical Economics,44(2), April 2013, 861-878) to estimate a Dynamic Panel Threshold Model.
Difference in Differences with Multiple Periods and Variation in Treatment Timing
A tool to run a pool of synthetic controls, conduct inference, and produce visualizations.
简书文章[『君生我未生!Stata - 论文四表一键出』]( 文中使用的 Do-file 和原始 Markdown 文档。
[Data and Codes] Chen, Yi, Z. Fan, X. Gu, and L. Zhou. “Arrival of Young Talent: The Send-Down Movement and Rural Education in China.” American Economic Review 110 (11): 3393–3430.