同步操作将从 连享会/nwcommands 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
*! Date : 15sept2014
*! Version : 1.0
*! Author : Thomas Grund, Linkping University
*! Email : contact@nwcommands.org
capture program drop nwpath
program nwpath
version 9
syntax [anything(name=netname)], ego(string) alter(string)[sym generate(string) _paths(string) _geodesic(string) length(string) name(string) xvars ]
set more off
if "`length'" == "" {
local length 0
_nwsyntax `netname', max(1)
nwname `netname'
local labs "`r(labs)'"
mata: st_rclear()
local uselab = 1
capture confirm integer number `ego'
if _rc == 0 {
local uselab = 0
qui _nwnodeid `netname', nodelab(`ego')
local ego = r(nodeid)
qui _nwnodeid `netname', nodelab(`alter')
local alter = r(nodeid)
qui _nwnodelab `netname', nodeid(`ego')
local ego_lab = r(nodelab)
qui _nwnodelab `netname', nodeid(`alter')
local alter_lab = r(nodelab)
qui if "`_geodesic'" == "" {
if "`sym'" == ""{
nwgeodesic `netname', nosym unconnected(-1) xvars name(_temp_geodesic)
else {
nwgeodesic `netname', unconnected(-1) xvars name(_temp_geodesic)
qui nwvalue _temp_geodesic[`ego',`alter']
local shortestpath = r(value)
nwdrop _temp_geodesic
// distance matrix is given
else {
mata: st_numscalar("r(path_shortest)", `_geodesic'[`ego', `alter'])
local shortestpath = r(path_shortest)
if `shortestpath' == -1 {
di "{err}no valid path exists from node {bf:`ego'} to node {bf:`alter'}."
mata: st_numscalar("r(path_shortest)", -1)
mata: st_numscalar("r(paths)", 0)
mata: st_numscalar("r(ego)", `ego')
mata: st_numscalar("r(alter)", `alter')
mata: st_global("r(ego_lab)", "`ego_lab'")
mata: st_global("r(alter_lab)", "`alter_lab'")
error 6299
nwtomata `netname', mat(netpath)
if "`sym'" != "" {
mata: netpath = netpath :+ netpath'
mata: netpath = netpath :/ netpath
mata: _editmissing(netpath, 0)
mata: path = getpath(netpath, `ego', `alter', `length')
mata: st_numscalar("r(paths)", rows(path))
if `length' == 0 {
local length = `shortestpath'
mata: st_numscalar("r(path_length)", `length')
local path_nets `r(paths)'
if "`generate'" != "" {
forvalues i=1/`path_nets'{
local pname "`generate'"
if (`path_nets' > 1) {
local pname "`pname'_`i'"
mata: newpath = makenet(path, `i', `nodes')
nwset, name(`pname') mat(newpath) vars(`vars')
if "`_paths'" != "" {
mata: `_paths' = path
mata: st_matrix("r(paths_matrix)", path)
mata: st_numscalar("r(paths)", rows(path))
mata: st_numscalar("r(path_length)", `length')
mata: st_numscalar("r(path_shortest)", `shortestpath')
mata: st_numscalar("r(ego)", `ego')
mata: st_numscalar("r(alter)", `alter')
mata: st_global("r(ego_lab)", "`ego_lab'")
mata: st_global("r(alter_lab)", "`alter_lab'")
di ""
di "{hline 40}"
di "{txt} Network: {res}`netname'"
di "{hline 40}"
di "{txt} Ego : {res}`ego' (`ego_lab')"
di "{txt} Alter : {res}`alter' (`alter_lab')"
di "{txt} Shortest path length : {res}`r(path_shortest)'"
di "{txt} Selected length : {res}`r(path_length)'"
di "{hline 40}"
capture matrix temp_mat = r(paths_matrix)
capture local temp_rows = rowsof(r(paths_matrix))
if _rc != 0 {
local temp_rows = 0
capture local temp_cols = colsof(r(paths_matrix))
capture forvalues i = 1/`temp_rows' {
noi di ""
noi di "{txt} Path `i': " _continue
forvalues j = 1/`temp_cols' {
local temp = temp_mat[`i',`j']
local onelab : word `temp' of `labs'
if `uselab' == 1 {
noi di " {res}`onelab'" _continue
else {
noi di " {res}`temp'" _continue
if `j' < `temp_cols' {
noi di "{txt} =>" _continue
di ""
capture mata: mata drop path
capture mata: mata drop netpath
capture mata mata drop getpath()
capture mata mata drop makenet()
real matrix makenet(real matrix path, real scalar id, real scalar nodes){
net = J(nodes, nodes, 0)
for (i = 1; i < cols(path); i++){
ego = path[id, i]
alter = path[id, (i + 1)]
net[ego, alter] = 1
real matrix getpath(real matrix nw, real scalar ego, real scalar alter, real scalar length)
real scalar found, step, temp, temp_new
real matrix ids, paths_new, paths_sofar, paths_valid
//, paths_new, paths_valid, path_temp, paths_sofar, path_next,
found = 0
nodes = rows(nw)
ids = (1::nodes)
paths_sofar = J(1,1,ego)
step = 0
while (found == 0 & step <= nodes) {
new_paths = 0
step = step + 1
for (i = 1; i<= rows(paths_sofar); i ++) {
id_next = paths_sofar[i, step]
reach_next = (nw[id_next,])'
if (length != 0) {
if (step == length){
found = 1
else if (reach_next[alter,1] != 0) {
found = 1
new_paths = new_paths + sum(reach_next)
paths_new = J(new_paths, (step + 1),0)
temp = 1
if (rows(paths_new)> 0) {
for (i = 1; i<= rows(paths_sofar); i ++) {
id_next = paths_sofar[i, step]
reach_next = (nw[id_next,])'
reach_ids = select(ids, reach_next)
reach_num = sum(reach_next)
if (reach_num > 0){
path_next = J(reach_num, (step + 1),0)
path_next[,step] = J(reach_num,1,id_next)
path_next[,(step+1)] = reach_ids
for (j = 1; j<step;j++){
path_next[,j] = J(reach_num,1,paths_sofar[i,j])
new_temp = temp + (rows(path_next) - 1)
paths_new[(temp::new_temp),] = path_next
temp = new_temp + 1
paths_sofar = paths_new
paths_valid = paths_sofar[,(step + 1)] :== alter
paths = select(paths_sofar, paths_valid)
*! v1.5.0 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 13:09:53
*! v1.5.1 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 14:54:23
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