同步操作将从 连享会/nwcommands 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
capture program drop nwlattice
program nwlattice
syntax anything(name=dims) , [xwrap ywrap name(string) labs(string) vars(string) stub(string) xvars undirected noreplace ntimes(integer 1)]
version 9
set more off
// Get parameters
local cols = word("`dims'",1)
local rows = 1
if (wordcount("`dims'") > 1) {
local rows = word("`dims'",2)
local nodes = `cols' * `rows'
// Check if this is the first network in this Stata session
if "$nwtotal" == "" {
global nwtotal = 0
// Generate valid network name and valid varlist
if "`name'" == "" {
local name "lattice"
if "`stub'" == "" {
local stub "lattice"
nwvalidate `name'
local latticename = r(validname)
local varscount : word count `vars'
if (`varscount' != `nodes'){
nwvalidvars `nodes', stub(`stub')
local latticevars "$validvars"
else {
local latticevars "`vars'"
if `ntimes' != 1 {
di in smcl as txt "{p}"
forvalues i = 1/`ntimes'{
if mod(`i', 25) == 0 {
di in smcl as txt "...`i'"
nwlattice `cols' `rows', name(`name'_`i') stub(`stub') `xvars' `undirected' labs(`labs') vars(`latticevars')
// Generate network
mata: newmat = J(`nodes',`nodes', 0)
forvalues i = 1/`nodes' {
local right = `i' + 1
local left = `i' - 1
local up = `i' - `cols'
local down = `i' + `cols'
if ((mod(`=`right'-1', `cols') != 0) & `right' <= `nodes') mata: newmat[`i', `right'] = 1
if ((mod(`left', `cols') != 0) & `left' > 1) mata: newmat[`i', `left'] = 1
mata: newmat[2,1]=1
if (`up' > 0) mata: newmat[`i', `up'] = 1
if (`down' > 0 & `down' <= `nodes') mata: newmat[`i', `down'] = 1
if "`xwrap'" != "" {
if `i' <= `cols'{
mata: newmat[`i',(`i' + ((`rows' - 1) * `cols'))] = 1
mata: newmat[(`i' + ((`rows' - 1) * `cols')), `i'] = 1
if "`ywrap'" != "" {
if mod(`i', `rows') == 1 {
mata: newmat[`i',(`i' + (`rows' - 1))] = 1
mata: newmat[(`i' + (`rows' - 1)), `i'] = 1
nwset, mat(newmat) vars(`latticevars') name(`name') `undirected' labs(`labs')
nwload `randomname', `xvars'
mata: mata drop newmat
*! v1.5.0 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 13:09:53
*! v1.5.1 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 14:54:23
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