同步操作将从 连享会/nwcommands 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
capture program drop nwimport
program nwimport
syntax anything, type(string) [ name(string) clear nwclear xvars *]
local fname `"`anything'"'
if strpos(`"`anything'"',`"""') == 0 {
local fname `""`fname'""'
local options_original `"`options'"'
if "`name'" != "" {
local nameoff = "false"
gettoken type typeoptions : type, parse(",")
local typeoptions = subinstr("`typeoptions'",",","",.)
set more off
qui `clear'
qui `nwclear'
if "`name'" == "" {
local fname_temp = lower(subinstr(`"`fname'"', char(34), "", .))
local fnamerev = strreverse(`"`fname_temp'"')
local bslash = strpos(`"`fnamerev'"', "/")
local fslash = strpos(`"`fnamerev'"', "\")
local slash = max(`bslash', `fslash')
local slash = cond(`slash'== 0, length(`"`fnamerev'"'), `=`slash' - 1')
local name = substr(`"`fname_temp'"', `=length(`"`fname_temp'"') - `slash' + 1', .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".net", "", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".dat", "", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".txt", "", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".csv", "", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".dta", "", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".xlsx", ".xls", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"',".xls", "", .)
local name = subinstr(`"`name'"', char(34), "", .)
capture qui nwset
local nets_before = r(networks)
local 0 `type'
syntax anything(name=import_type) [, *]
_opts_oneof "pajek matrix edgelist compressed gml graphml ucinet" "import_type" "`import_type'" 6556
local options `"`options_original'"'
if "`import_type'" == "matrix" {
capture _nwimport_matrix `fname', `options' `typeoptions'
if "`import_type'" == "compressed" {
capture _nwimport_compressed `fname', `options' `typeoptions'
if "`import_type'" == "edgelist" {
capture _nwimport_edgelist `fname', `options' `typeoptions'
if "`import_type'" == "pajek" {
capture _nwimport_pajek `fname', `options'
if "`import_type'" == "gml" {
capture _nwimport_gml `fname', `options'
if "`import_type'" == "graphml" {
capture _nwimport_graphml `fname', `options'
if "`import_type'" == "ucinet" {
capture _nwimpdl `fname'
if "`nameoff'" == "" {
local nameoff = r(nameoff)
local i = 1
capture qui nwset
local nets_now = `r(networks)'
if `nets_now' > `nets_before'{
forvalues j = `=`nets_before'+1'/`nets_now' {
nwname, id(`j')
local d `r(directed)'
// check of network is undirected or not
nwissymmetric `r(name)'
if `r(issymmetric)' == 1 & "`d'" == "true" & "`directed'" == ""{
local newdirectedcmd "newdirected(false)"
if `r(issymmetric)' == 0 & "`d" == "false" & "`undirected'" == ""{
local newdirectedcmd "newdirected(true)"
local onename : word `i' of `name'
if "`onename'" != "" & "`nameoff'" != "true"{
local newnamecmd "newname(`onename')"
nwname, id(`j') `newnamecmd' `newdirectedcmd'
local i = `i' + 1
qui if "`xvars'" == ""{
di "{hline 30}"
di "{txt}{it:Importing successful}"
//di "{txt}(`=`nets_now'-`nets_before'' networks loaded)"
//di "{hline 30}"
else {
noi di `"{err}{it:Loading networks from file {bf:`fname'} failed}"'
error 6750
capture program drop _nwimport_pajek
program _nwimport_pajek
version 9
syntax [anything][, name(string) clear nwclear]
set more off
drop _all
tempfile dict
file open importfile using `anything', read
file read importfile line
while `"`line'"' != "" {
// get first word
local f_cmd : word 1 of `line'
local f_cmd = lower("`f_cmd'")
if lower("`f_cmd'") == "*vertices" {
local size = word(`"`line'"',2)
local mode = "vertices"
set obs `size'
gen _fromid = _n
gen _toid = _n
gen _value = 0
file read importfile line
local f_star = strpos(`"`line'"', "*")
// parse node labels
if `f_star' != 1 {
tempname dict_handler
local num_attributes : word count `line'
local attributes ""
forvalues k = 3/`num_attributes'{
local nextattrib : word `k' of `line'
capture confirm number `nextattrib'
if _rc == 0 {
local attributes "`attributes' int __x`=`k'-2'"
else {
local attributes "`attributes' str30 __x`=`k'-2'"
postfile `dict_handler' _nodeid str30 _nodelab `attributes' using `dict'
while (`f_star' != 1) {
local tempid : word 1 of `line'
local templab : word 2 of `line'
local attributes_post ""
forvalues l = 3/`num_attributes' {
local tempx : word `l' of `line'
capture confirm number `tempx'
if _rc == 0 {
local attributes_post `"`attributes_post' (`tempx')"'
else {
local attributes_post `"`attributes_post' ("`tempx'")"'
local templab = cond("`templab'" == "", "`tempid'", "`templab'")
local templab = subinstr("`templab'", " ","_",.)
post `dict_handler' (`tempid') ("`templab'") `attributes_post'
file read importfile line
local f_star = cond(`"`line'"'=="", 1, strpos(`"`line'"', "*"))
postclose `dict_handler'
local f_cmd : word 1 of `line'
if "`f_cmd'" == "" {
local mode ""
if lower("`f_cmd'") == "*edgeslist" {
local mode = "edgeslist"
local directed = "false"
local nwfromedgeopt = "undirected"
file read importfile line
local f_cmd : word 1 of `line'
local f_cmd = lower("`f_cmd'")
if lower("`f_cmd'") == "*arcslist" {
local mode = "arcslist"
local directed = "true"
local nwfromedgeopt = "directed"
file read importfile line
local f_cmd : word 1 of `line'
local f_cmd = lower("`f_cmd'")
if lower("`f_cmd'") == "*arcs" {
local mode = "arcs"
local directed = "true"
local nwfromedgeopt = "directed"
file read importfile line
local f_cmd : word 1 of `line'
local f_cmd = lower("`f_cmd'")
if lower("`f_cmd'") == "*edges" {
local mode = "edges"
local directed = "false"
if "`nwfromedgeopt'" != "directed" {
local nwfromedgeopt = "undirected"
file read importfile line
local f_cmd : word 1 of `line'
local f_cmd = lower("`f_cmd'")
if lower("`f_cmd'") == "*matrix" {
local mode = "matrix"
// read edges from edgelist
if ("`mode'" == "arcs" | "`mode'" == "edges"){
local newN = _N + 1
set obs `newN'
local ego = word("`line'", 1)
local alter = word("`line'", 2)
replace _fromid = `ego' in `newN'
replace _toid = `alter' in `newN'
if (wordcount("`line'") - 2) > 0 {
local value = word("`line'", 3)
else {
local value = 1
replace _value = `value' in `newN'
if "`mode'" == "edges"{
local newN = _N + 1
set obs `newN'
replace _fromid = `alter' in `newN'
replace _toid = `ego' in `newN'
replace _value = `value' in `newN'
// read edges from compressed edgelist
if ("`mode'" == "arcslist" | "`mode'" == "edgeslist"){
local ego = word("`line'", 1)
local next = 2
local alter = word("`line'", `next')
while "`alter'" != "" {
local newN = _N + 1
set obs `newN'
replace _fromid = `ego' in `newN'
replace _toid = `alter' in `newN'
replace _value = 1 in `newN'
if "`mode'" == "edgeslist" {
local newN = _N + 1
set obs `newN'
replace _fromid = `alter' in `newN'
replace _toid = `ego' in `newN'
replace _value = 1 in `newN'
local next = `next' + 1
local alter = word("`line'", `next')
// read edges from matrix
if ("`mode'" == "matrix") {
local id_ego : word `id_num' of `id'
local id_num = `id_num' + 1
local next = 1
local value = word("`line'", `next')
while "`value'" != "" {
local id_alter : word `next' of `id'
local next = `next' + 1
if (`value' != 0 | (`id_alter' == `id_ego')){
local newN = _N + 1
set obs `newN'
replace _fromid = `id_ego' in `newN'
replace _toid = `id_alter' in `newN'
replace _value = `value' in `newN'
local value = word("`line'", `next')
file read importfile line
file close importfile
capture replace _fromid = trim(_fromid)
capture replace _toid = trim(_toid)
nwfromedge _fromid _toid _value, xvars name(`name') labs(`labs') `nwfromedgeopt'
qui nwname
local nodes = r(nodes)
capture drop _nodeid
capture drop _nodelab
capture drop _xcoord
capture drop _ycoord
if _N < `nodes' {
set obs `nodes'
gen _nodeid = _n if _n <= `nodes'
merge m:n _nodeid using `dict', nogenerate
qui nwname, newlabsfromvar(_nodelab)
capture program drop _nwimport_ucinet
program _nwimport_ucinet
version 9
syntax [anything][, name(string) clear nwclear]
set more off
drop _all
gen _fromid = ""
gen _toid = ""
gen _value = .
local labs ""
file open importfile using `anything', read
local mode ""
file read importfile line
local l = 0
// read line
local matrix_loaded = 0
while `"`line'"' != "" & `matrix_loaded' == 0{
local line = subinstr(`"`line'"', "="," = ",.)
local first : word 1 of `line'
if "`mode'" == "label" {
local labs "`line'"
local labs = subinstr("`line'",","," ",.)
//local labs `""`labs'""'
local mode = ""
if "`mode'" == "data" & "`data_format'" == "" {
local data_format = "fullmatrix"
if "`mode'" == "data" & "`data_format'" == "edgelist1" {
local second : word 2 of `line'
local value : word 3 of `line'
if "`value'" == "" {
local value = 1
_insert_edge, from(`first') to(`second') value(`value')
if ("`mode'" == "data" & strpos("fullmatrix edgelist1", "`data_format'") == 0) {
noi di "{err}format {bf:`data_format'} not supported"
error 6705
if "`mode'" == "data" & "`data_format'" == "fullmatrix" {
local matrix_loaded = 1
insheet using `anything', delimiter(" ") clear
drop if _n < `l'
foreach v of varlist _all {
destring `v', replace
if "`labs'" == "" {
forvalues i = 1/`nodes' {
local labs "`labs' `i'"
local k 1
foreach var of varlist _all {
rename `var' net`k'
local k = `k' + 1
nwset _all, name(`name') labs(`labs')
local dl_add = 0
if (lower("`first'") == "dl") {
local first : word 2 of `line'
local dl_add = 1
if (lower("`first'") == "n") {
local num = 3 + `dl_add'
local nodes : word `num' of `line'
forvalues i = 1/`nodes' {
_insert_edge, from("`i'") to("`i'") value(0)
if lower("`first'") == "format" {
local data_format : word 3 of `line'
di "Format:`format'"
if lower("`line'") == "labels embedded:"{
local mode = "label"
drop if _n <= `nodes'
if lower("`line'") == "labels:"{
local mode = "label"
local uselabs = "true"
if lower("`line'") == "data:"{
local mode = "data"
local l = `l' + 1
// read next line
file read importfile line
capture file close importfile
if "`uselabs'" == "" {
local labs ""
if `matrix_loaded' == 0 {
capture replace _fromid = trim(_fromid)
capture replace _toid = trim(_toid)
qui nwfromedge _fromid _toid _value, name(`name') labs(`labs') `nwfromedgeopt'
capture program drop _insert_edge
program _insert_edge
syntax, from(string) to(string) value(string)
if ("`from'" != "-1" & "`to'" != "-1"){
local n = _N
local newN = `n' + 1
set obs `newN'
replace _fromid = "`from'" in `newN'
replace _toid = "`to'" in `newN'
replace _value = `value' in `newN'
capture program drop _nwimport_matrix
program _nwimport_matrix
syntax anything, [name(string) delimiter(string) directed rownames colnames ]
if "`name'" == "" {
local name "network"
if "`rownames'" != "" {
local firstrow = "firstrow"
local varnames = "names"
local excelfile = strpos(`"`anything'"', ".xls")
local excelfile = (`excelfile' != 0)
local success = 0
local excel = 0
local pot_delimiters = `""tab" ";" "," " ""'
local pot_delimiters_length : word count `pot_delimiters'
local i = 1
// Excel file detected
if (`excelfile' != 0){
local excel = 1
import excel `anything', `firstrow' clear
else {
while (`excel' == 0 & "`delimiter'" == "" & `success' == 0 & `i' <= `pot_delimiters_length'){
local use_delimiter : word `i' of `pot_delimiters'
local i = `i' + 1
if "`use_delimiter'" == "tab" {
local insheet_opt = ", tab clear"
else {
local insheet_opt = `", delimiter("`use_delimiter'") clear"'
insheet using `anything' `insheet_opt' `varnames'
if `c(k)' == 1 {
split v1, parse(" ")
drop v1
foreach v of varlist _all {
if `v'[1] == "" {
noi di "`v'"
drop `v'
destring _all, replace
if (`c(k)' == 1){
local success = 0
else {
local success = 1
if "`delimiter'" != "" {
local insheet_opt = ", clear"
insheet using `anything' `insheet_opt' `varnames' delimiter("`delimiter'")
if `c(k)' == 1 {
split v1, parse(" ")
drop v1
foreach v of varlist _all {
if `v'[1] == "" {
noi di "`v'"
drop `v'
destring _all, replace
if (`c(k)' == 1){
local success = 0
else {
local success = 1
// Check for rownames and colnames
local firstvar : word 1 of `r(varlist)'
local secondvar : word 2 of `r(varlist)'
if "`rownames'" == "" {
local check1 = `secondvar'[1]
capture confirm number `check1'
if _rc != 0 {
local rownames "rownames"
if "`colnames'" == "" {
local check2 = `firstvar'[2]
capture confirm number `check2'
if _rc != 0 {
local colnames "colnames"
unab varlist : _all
if "`colnames'" == "colnames" {
local labscmd " labsfromvar(`firstvar')"
local varlist : list varlist - firstvar
if "`rownames'" == "rownames" {
local newvarlist ""
local coladd = 0
if "`colnames'" != "" {
local coladd = 1
local k_start = 1 + `coladd'
local k_end = `=_N' + `coladd'
local k = 1
foreach var of varlist _all {
if `k' >= `k_start' & `k' <= `k_end' {
local newvarlist "`newvarlist' `var'"
local k = `k' + 1
local varlist "`newvarlist'"
destring `varlist', force replace
nwset `varlist', name("`name'") `labscmd'
drop `firstvar'
capture program drop _nwimport_gml
program _nwimport_gml
version 9
syntax [anything][, name(string) clear nwclear]
set more off
drop _all
gen _fromid = ""
gen _toid = ""
gen _value = .
local labs ""
file open importfile using `anything', read
local mode ""
file read importfile line
// read line
while `"`line'"' != "" {
tokenize `"`line'"'
local i = 1
// read all elements
while "``i''" != "" {
if "``i''" == "id" & "`mode'" == "node" {
local mode_sub = "node_id"
local node = "``=`i'+1''"
_insert_edge, from(`node') to(`node') value(0)
if "``i''" == "label" & "`mode'" == "node" {
local mode_sub = "node_label"
local nextlab `"``=`i'+1''"'
local labs `"`labs' "`nextlab'""'
if "``i''" == "source" & "`mode'" == "edge" {
local mode_sub = "edge_source"
local source = "``=`i'+1''"
_insert_edge, from(`source') to(`target') value(1)
if "``i''" == "target" & "`mode'" == "edge" {
local mode_sub = "edge_target"
local target = "``=`i'+1''"
_insert_edge, from(`source') to(`target') value(1)
if "``i''" == "node" {
local mode = "node"
if "``i''" == "edge" {
local mode = "edge"
local target = -1
local source = -1
local i = `i' + 1
// read next line
file read importfile line
capture file close importfile
capture replace _fromid = trim(_fromid)
capture replace _toid = trim(_toid)
nwfromedge _fromid _toid _value, name(`name') labs(`labs') `nwfromedgeopt'
capture program drop _nwimport_gefx
program _nwimport_gefx
version 9
syntax [anything][, name(string) clear nwclear]
set more off
drop _all
gen _fromid = ""
gen _toid = ""
gen _value = .
local labs ""
file open importfile using `anything', read
local mode ""
file read importfile line
// read line
while `"`line'"' != "" {
local line = subinstr(`"`line'"', "="," = ",.)
tokenize `"`line'"'
local i = 1
// read all elements
while "``i''" != "" {
if "``i''" == "id" & "`mode'" == "node" {
local mode_sub = "node_id"
local node = "``=`i'+2''"
_insert_edge, from(`node') to(`node') value(0)
if "``i''" == "label" & "`mode'" == "node" {
local mode_sub = "node_label"
local nextlab ``=`i'+2''
local labs "`labs' `nextlab'"
if "``i''" == "source" & "`mode'" == "edge" {
local mode_sub = "edge_source"
local source = ``=`i'+2''
_insert_edge, from(`source') to(`target') value(1)
if "``i''" == "target" & "`mode'" == "edge" {
local mode_sub = "edge_target"
local target = ``=`i'+2''
_insert_edge, from(`source') to(`target') value(1)
if "``i''" == "<node" {
local mode = "node"
if "``i''" == "<edge" {
local mode = "edge"
local target = -1
local source = -1
local i = `i' + 1
// read next line
file read importfile line
capture file close importfile
capture encode _fromid, gen(_fromidnum)
if _rc != 0 {
gen _fromidnum = _fromid
capture encode _toid, gen(_toidnum)
if _rc != 0 {
gen _toidnum = _toid
capture replace _fromidnum = trim(_fromidnum)
capture replace _toidnum = trim(_toidnum)
nwfromedge _fromidnum _toidnum _value, name(`name') labs(`labs') `nwfromedgeopt'
capture program drop _nwimport_edgelist
program _nwimport_edgelist
syntax anything, [keeporiginal name(string) delimiter(string) directed undirected xvars]
if "`name'" == "" {
local name "network"
if (strpos(lower(`anything'), ".dta") != 0) | (strpos(lower(`anything'), ".DTA") != 0) {
use `anything', clear
local ego : word 1 of `r(varlist)'
local alter : word 2 of `r(varlist)'
local value : word 3 of `r(varlist)'
replace `alter' = `ego' if `alter' == .
drop if `ego' == .
nwfromedge `ego' `alter' `value', `keeporiginal' `undirected' `direcetd' `xvars' name(`name')
else {
local success = 0
local excel = 0
local pot_delimiters = `""tab" ";" "," " ""'
local pot_delimiters_length : word count `pot_delimiters'
local i = 1
// Excel file detected
if (strpos(`"`anything'"', ".xls") != 0 ){
local excel = 1
import excel `anything', clear
if c(k) == 1 | _rc != 0 {
local success = 0
else {
local success = 1
local i = 1
while (`excel' == 0 & "`delimiter'" == "" & `success' == 0 & `i' <= `pot_delimiters_length'){
local use_delimiter : word `i' of `pot_delimiters'
local i = `i' + 1
if "`use_delimiter'" == "tab" {
local insheet_opt = ", tab clear"
else {
local insheet_opt = `", delimiter("`use_delimiter'") clear"'
capture insheet using `anything' `insheet_opt'
// Check for failure
if c(k) == 1 | _rc != 0{
local success = 0
else {
local success = 1
if `excel' != 0 {
// Try other delimiters
if ("`delimiter'" != ""){
insheet using `"`anything'"', delimiter("`delimiter'") clear
di `"insheet using `"`anything'"', delimiter("`delimiter'") clear"'
// Check for failure
if c(k) == 1 | _rc != 0 {
local success = 0
else {
local success = 1
if `success' == 0 {
noi di "{err}{it:edgelist} could not be loaded"
error 6704
if `c(k)' > 3 | `c(k)' < 2 {
noi di "{err}Something went wrong; data has more than three columns."
error 6704
nwfromedge _all, name(`name') `keeporiginal' `directed' `undirected' `xvars'
capture program drop _nwimport_compressed
program _nwimport_compressed
syntax anything, [name(string) delimiter(string) directed undirected xvars keeporiginal]
if "`name'" == "" {
local name "network"
if "`delimiter'" == "" {
local delimiter = "comma"
local anyting "compressed_example.txt"
import delimited `anything', delimiter(`delimiter') varnames(noname) clear
rename v1 ego
capture replace v2 = ego if v2 == ""
capture replace v2 = ego if v2 == .
reshape long v, i(ego) j(j)
keep if v != "" | j == 2
rename v alter
replace ego = trim(ego)
replace alter = trim(alter)
nwfromedge ego alter, `directed' `undirected' `xvars' name(`name') `keeporiginal'
if "`xvars'" == "" {
capture program drop _nwimpdl_nodelist1
program _nwimpdl_nodelist1
syntax, filehandler(string) nodes(int) [undirected directed rankedlist edgelist netlabs(string) labs(string) labelsembedded collabsembedded rowlabsembedded]
set obs `nodes'
gen _fromid = ""
gen _toid = ""
gen _value = .
if "`labelsembedded'" != "" {
foreach onenode in `labs' {
local onenode = lower("`onenode'")
_insert_edge, from("`onenode'") to("`onenode'") value(0)
else {
forvalues i = 1/`nodes' {
_insert_edge, from("`i'") to("`i'") value(0)
local r = 0
file read `filehandler' line
if "`collabsembedded'" != "" {
local labs "`line'"
file read `filehandler' line
if "`rowlabsembedded'" != "" {
local r = 1
local lc : word count `labs'
local labscomplete = cond(`lc' == `nodes', "true", "")
while r(eof)==0 {
if "`rowlabsembedded'" != "" & "`labscomplete'" == "" {
local onelab : word 1 of `line'
labs "`labs' `onelab'"
local wc : word count `line'
local sender : word `=1 + `r'' of `line'
local sender = lower("`sender'")
if "`edgelist'" != "" {
local wc = `=2+`r''
forvalues i = `=2+`r''/ `wc' {
local receiver : word `i' of `line'
local receiver = lower("`receiver'")
if "`rankedlist'" == "" {
local value 1
local value = `i' - `=2+`r'' + 1
if "`edgelist'" != "" {
local value1 : word `=`i'+1' of `line'
capture confirm number `value1'
if _rc == 0 {
local value `value1'
capture _insert_edge, from("`sender'") to("`receiver'") value(`value')
file read `filehandler' line
file close `filehandler'
capture drop if _fromid == .
capture drop if _fromid == ""
nwfromedge _all, name(`netlabs') labs(`labs') `directed' `undirected' `xvars'
capture program drop _nwimpdl_fullmatrix
program _nwimpdl_fullmatrix
syntax, filehandler(string) nodes(int) nets(int) [directed netlabs(string) labs(string) diagonal(string) rowlabsembedded collabsembedded]
mata: onenet = J(`nodes', `nodes', 0)
file read `filehandler' line
local lc = 1
local x = 1
local y = 0
local twc = 0
local netcounter 1
if "`collabsembedded'" != "" {
local labs "`line'"
file read `filehandler' line
while r(eof)==0 {
local wc : word count `line'
local nc = `nodes'
if "`diagonal'" == "absent" {
local nc = `nc' - 1
if "`rowlabsembedded'" != "" {
local nc = `nc' + 1
forvalues i = 1/ `wc' {
local ncc = `nc' * `nodes'
local oneword : word `i' of `line'
local twc = `twc' + 1
if mod(`twc', `nc') == 1 & "`rowlabsembedded'" != "" {
local newlabs "`newlabs' ``oneword'"
else {
local y = `y' + 1
if `y' > `nodes' {
local y = 1
local x = `x' + 1
if "`oneword'" != "0" {
mata: onenet[`x', `y'] = `oneword'
// one network complete
if `y' == `nodes' & `x' == `nodes' {
local onename : word `netcounter' of `netlabs'
mata: st_numscalar("r(issymmetric)", issymmetric(onenet))
local symmetric = `r(issymmetric)'
nwset, name(`onename') labs(`labs') mat(onenet)
if "`symmetric'" == "1" & "`directed'" == "" {
nwsym `onename'
mata: onenet = J(`nodes', `nodes', 0)
local x = 1
local y = 0
local netcounter = `netcounter' + 1
file read `filehandler' line
file close `filehandler'
capture program drop _nwimpdl_lowerhalf
program _nwimpdl_lowerhalf
syntax, filehandler(string) nodes(int) nets(int) [ directed netlabs(string) labs(string) diagonal(string) rowlabsembedded collabsembedded]
mata: onenet = J(`nodes', `nodes', 0)
file read `filehandler' line
local lc = 1
local twc = 0
local netcounter 1
local y = 1
local x = 0
local ab = 0
if "`collabsembedded'" != "" {
local labs "`line'"
file read `filehandler' line
if "`diagonal'" == "absent" {
local ab = 1
local y = 2
while r(eof)==0 {
local wc : word count `line'
forvalues i = 1/ `wc' {
local twc = `twc' + 1
if `x' >= `y'-`ab' {
local x = 1
local y = `y' + 1
else {
local x = `x' + 1
local oneword : word `i' of `line'
di "x:`x' y:`y' v:`oneword'"
mata: onenet[`x',`y'] = `oneword'
mata: onenet[`y',`x'] = `oneword'
if (`y' == `nodes' & `x' == `nodes' - `ab') {
local onename : word `netcounter' of `netlabs'
nwset, name(`onename') labs(`labs') mat(onenet)
mata: onenet = J(`nodes', `nodes', 0)
local x = 0
local y = 0 + `ab'
local netcounter = `netcounter' + 1
file read `filehandler' line
file close `filehandler'
capture program drop _nwimpdl
program _nwimpdl
syntax anything, [ netlistonly ]
local nodes = ""
local nets = "1"
local cols = ""
local rows = ""
local format = "fullmatrix"
local diagonal = ""
local labels_on = 0
local labs ""
local netlabels_on = 0
local netlabs ""
local data_on = 0
local rowlab_embedded ""
local collab_embedded ""
local labels_embedded ""
local diagonal = ""
tempname importfile
// parse header of .dl file
file open `importfile' using `anything', read
file read `importfile' line
local firstword : word 1 of `line'
local firstword = trim(lower("`firstword'"))
// check for .dl format
if "`firstword'" != "dl" {
noi di "{err}No valid {bf:.dl} file"
error 6099
set more off
// parse header until data part
while ("`firstword'" != "data:") {
local line : subinstr local line "=" " ", all
local line : subinstr local line "," " ", all
local line : subinstr local line ";" " ", all
// parse word by word
local lc : word count `line'
forvalues i = 1/ `lc' {
local oneword : word `i' of `line'
local keywords = "level matrix n nm nr nc format data: labels: diagonal"
local oneword_low = lower("`oneword'")
local key : list oneword_low & keywords
if `labels_on' == 1 & `netlabels_on' == 0 & "`key'" == "" {
local labs "`labs' `oneword'"
else {
local labels_on = 0
if `netlabels_on' == 1 & "`key'" == "" {
local netlabs "`netlabs' `oneword'"
else {
//local netlabels_on = 0
if (lower("`oneword'") == "n"){
local nodes : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`oneword'") == "nm") {
local nets : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`oneword'") == "nr") {
local rows : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`oneword'") == "nc") {
local cols : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`oneword'") == "format") {
local format : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
local format = lower("`format'")
if (lower("`oneword'") == "diagonal") {
local diagonal : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
local diagonal = lower("`diagonal'")
if (lower("`oneword'") == "labels:") {
if `netlabels_on' == 0 {
local labels_on = 1
if (lower("`oneword'") == "labels"){
local secondword : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`secondword'") == "embedded"){
local labels_embedded "labelsembedded"
if (lower("`oneword'") == "matrix" | lower("`oneword'") == "level") {
local secondword : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`secondword'") == "labels:"){
local labels_on = 0
local netlabels_on = 1
local nameoff = "true"
if (lower("`oneword'") == "row" | lower("`oneword'") == "col") {
local secondword : word `=`i' + 1' of `line'
if (lower("`secondword'") == "labels"){
local thirdword : word `=`i' + 2' of `line'
if (lower("`thirdword'") == "embedded"){
if (lower("`oneword'") == "row") {
local rowlab_embedded = "rowlabsembedded"
if (lower("`oneword'") == "col") {
local collab_embedded = "collabsembedded"
file read `importfile' line
local firstword : word 1 of `line'
local firstword = lower("`firstword'")
if "`rows'" != "`cols'" {
noi di "{err}Two-mode networks are not supported"
error 6088
local labscount : word count `labs'
if `labscount' > `nodes' {
local newlabs ""
forvalues i = 1/`nodes' {
local onelab : word `i' of `labs'
local newlabs "`newlabs' `onelab'"
local labs `newlabs'
local format = lower("`format'")
if "`netlistonly'" == "" {
if lower("`format'") == "fullmatrix" {
capture _nwimpdl_fullmatrix, filehandler(`importfile') labs(`labs') netlabs(`netlabs') nodes(`nodes') nets(`nets') diagonal(`diagonal') `rowlab_embedded' `collab_embedded'
if lower("`format'") == "nodelist1" {
qui capture _nwimpdl_nodelist1, filehandler(`importfile') labs(`labs') netlabs(`netlabs') nodes(`nodes') `labels_embedded' `rowlab_embedded' `collab_embedded'
if lower("`format'") == "rankedlist1" {
qui capture _nwimpdl_nodelist1, rankedlist filehandler(`importfile') labs(`labs') netlabs(`netlabs') nodes(`nodes') `labels_embedded' `rowlab_embedded' `collab_embedded'
if lower("`format'") == "edgelist1" {
qui capture _nwimpdl_nodelist1, edgelist filehandler(`importfile') labs(`labs') netlabs(`netlabs') nodes(`nodes') `labels_embedded' `rowlab_embedded' `collab_embedded'
if lower("`format'") == "lowerhalf" {
if "`rowlabsembedded'" != "" {
noi di "{err}Ucinet {bf:row labels embedded} not supported together with format {bf:lowerhalf}"
else {
capture _nwimpdl_lowerhalf, filehandler(`importfile') labs(`labs') netlabs(`netlabs') nodes(`nodes') nets(`nets') diagonal(`diagonal') `rowlab_embedded' `collab_embedded'
mata: st_global("r(netlabs)", "`netlabs'")
capture file close `importfile'
local sformat "fullmatrix nodelist1 edgelist1 lowerhalf"
local f : list format & sformat
if "`f'" == "" {
noi di "{err}Ucinet format = {bf:`format'} not supported."
mata: st_global("r(nameoff)","`nameoff'")
*! v1.5.0 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 13:09:53
*! v1.5.1 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 14:54:23
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