同步操作将从 连享会/nwcommands 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
capture program drop nwgenerate
program nwgenerate
local arg `0'
gettoken arg options: arg, parse(",") bind
if "`options'" != "" {
local options: subinstr local options "," " "
gettoken netname netexp: arg, parse("=")
local netexp: subinstr local netexp "_if" "$$ff"
local netexp: subinstr local netexp "if" "#"
gettoken dump opts: arg, parse(",") bind
if "`opts'" != "" {
local 0 `opts'
syntax [, xvars vars(string) replace *]
local fcn_opt = "`options'"
local netname = trim("`netname'")
capture _nwsyntax_other `netname'
if _rc == 0 & (strpos("`options'", "replace")==0){
di "{err}Network {bf:`netname'} already exists. Change {it:netname} or specify option {bf:replace}.{txt}"
error 6099
local netexp: subinstr local netexp "_if" "$"
// if condition
gettoken netexp ifcond: netexp, parse("#")
local ifcond: subinstr local ifcond "#" "if"
local ifcond: subinstr local ifcond "$$ff" "_if"
local netexp: subinstr local netexp "$$ff" "_if"
// check if network or variable should be created
local netexp : subinstr local netexp "(" "( "
/*gettoken job jobrest: netexp, parse("(")
local job = trim("`job'")
local job = substr("`job'", 2,.)
local selectjob : word 1 of `job'*/
local selectjob : word 2 of `netexp'
local nwgenopt "large( addnodes( collapse( duplicate( dyadprob( geodesic( subset( homophily( lattice( path( permute( pref( random( reach( ring( small( sym( transpose( evcent( context( degree( outdegree( indegree( isolates( components( lgc( clustering( closeness( farness( nearness( between("
local whichjob : list nwgenopt & selectjob
local netfcn : word count `whichjob'
// no varfcn or netfcn
qui if `netfcn' == 0 {
capture nwname `netname'
if _rc == 0 & (strpos("`options'", "replace")==0){
di "{err}network {it:`netname'} already defined"
error 6004
// get rid of first equal sign and check for single generator
local netexp = substr(trim("`netexp'"),2,.)
if (substr("`netexp'",1,1)=="_") {
local netexp "(`netexp')"
// evaluate network expression
_nwevalnetexp `netexp' % _genmat
local nodes = r(nodes)
// check if new network id directed
mata: st_numscalar("r(sym)", issymmetric(_genmat))
if (r(sym) == 1){
local undirected "undirected"
// replace the network if it exists already
if (strpos("`options'", "replace")!=0){
capture nwdrop `netname'
local options ""
nwrandom `nodes', prob(0) name(`netname') `undirected' `options' xvars `vars'
nwreplacemat `netname', newmat(_genmat) `vars' xvars
mata: st_rclear()
nwname `netname'
mata: st_global("r(netexp)", "`netexp'")
mata: mata drop _genmat
if "`ifcond'" != "" {
nwkeep `netname' `ifcond'
// generate variable or network based on function
else {
// get whatever is inside parenthesis
local start = strpos("`netexp'", "(")
local length2 = length("`netexp'")
local length = `length2' - `start' - 1
//local length = (strpos("`netexp'",")")) - `start'
local subopt = substr("`netexp'", `=`start' + 1', `length')
local optionsold `options'
local 0 `subopt'
syntax [anything(name=sub1)] [, *]
local sub2 `options'
di "netexp: `netexp'"
di "subopt: `subopt'"
di "sub1: `sub1'"
di "sub2: `sub2'"
di "options: `options'"*/
// nwduplicate shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "large(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
tempvar _lgc
nwgen `_lgc' = lgc(`sub1')
nwduplicate `sub1', name(`netname')
nwkeep `netname' if `_lgc' == 1
// nwduplicate shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "duplicate(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwduplicate `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwduplicate shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "subset(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwsubset `sub1' `ifcond', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwdyadprob shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "dyadprob(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwdyadprob `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwgeodesic shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "geodesic(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwgeodesic `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwgeodesic shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "homophily(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwhomophily `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwlattice shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "lattice(" {
nwlattice `sub1', `sub2'name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwlattice shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "path(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwpath `subopt', name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwlattice shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "permute(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwpermute `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwpref shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "pref(" {
nwpref `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwrandom shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "random(" {
nwrandom `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwreach shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "reach(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwreach `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwring shortcut
if "`whichjob'" == "ring(" {
nwring `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwsmall shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "small(" {
nwsmall `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwtranspose shortcut
qui if "`whichjob'" == "transpose(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1', max(9999)
nwtranspose `sub1', `sub2' name(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwclustering shortcuts
qui if "`whichjob'" == "clustering(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwclustering `subopt', gen(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwcloseness shortcuts
qui if "`whichjob'" == "closeness(" {
tempvar _t1 _t2
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwcloseness `sub1', `sub2' gen(`netname' `_t1' `_t2') `fcn_opt'
qui if "`whichjob'" == "farness(" {
tempvar _t1 _t2
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwcloseness `sub1', `sub2' gen(`_t1' `netname' `_t2') `fcn_opt'
qui if "`whichjob'" == "nearness(" {
tempvar _t1 _t2
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwcloseness `sub1', `sub2' gen(`_t1' `_t2' `netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwcomponents shortcuts
if "`whichjob'" == "components(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
qui nwcomponents `sub1', `sub2'gen(`netname') `fcn_opt'
if "`whichjob'" == "lgc(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
qui nwcomponents `sub1', `sub2' gen(`netname') lgc `fcn_opt'
// nwdegree shortcuts
qui if "`whichjob'" == "isolates(" {
tempvar _t1
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwdegree `sub1', `sub2' isolates gen(`_t1') `fcn_opt'
rename _isolate `netname'
capture drop *`_t1'
qui if "`whichjob'" == "indegree(" {
tempvar _t1
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwdegree `sub1', `sub2' gen(`netname' `_t1') `fcn_opt'
capture confirm variable _in`netname'
if _rc == 0 {
rename _in`netname' `netname'
drop _out`netname'
qui if "`whichjob'" == "outdegree(" {
tempvar _t1
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwdegree `sub1', `sub2' gen(`netname' `_t1') `fcn_opt'
capture confirm variable _out`netname'
if _rc == 0 {
rename _out`netname' `netname'
drop _in`netname'
qui if "`whichjob'" == "degree(" {
tempvar _t1
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwdegree `sub1', `sub2' gen(`netname' `_t1') `fcn_opt'
capture confirm variable _out`netname'
if _rc == 0 {
rename _out`netname' `netname'
drop _in`netname'
// nwbetween shortcuts
if "`whichjob'" == "between(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwbetween `sub1', `sub2' generate(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwcontext shortcuts
if "`whichjob'" == "context(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwcontext `sub1', generate(`netname') `fcn_opt'
// nwevcent shortcuts
if "`whichjob'" == "evcent(" {
noi _nwsyntax_other `sub1'
nwevcent `sub1', `sub2' generate(`netname') `options'
capture nwdrop _temp*
*! v1.5.0 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 13:09:53
*! v1.5.1 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 14:54:23
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