同步操作将从 连享会/nwcommands 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
{* *! version 1.0.6 23aug2014 author: Thomas Grund}{...}
{marker topic}
{helpb nw_topical##import:[NW-2.2] Import/Export}
{p2colset 9 18 22 2}{...}
{p2col :nwexport {hline 2} Export network as Pajek file}
{p 8 17 2}
{cmdab: nwexport}
[{it:{help netname}}],
{opt type}({it:{help nwexport##exp_type:exp_type}})
[, {opth fname(filename)}
{opt replace}]
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{opth fname(filename)}}filename of the exported network: default = {it:netname}{p_end}
{synopt:{opt replace}}overwrite exported file{p_end}
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{marker exp_type}{...}
{p2col:{cmd: pajek}}network is saved in {browse "http://gephi.github.io/users/supported-graph-formats/pajek-net-format/":Pajek .NET file format}
{p2col:{cmd: ucinet}}network is saved in {help nwimport##ucinet:Ucinet .DL file format}
Exports a network to either 1) Pajek .NET or 2) Ucinet .DL file format. Only exports one network and no node level
attributes. By default, the
new network file is saved in the working directory. When no {opt fname} is specified, the program calls the new file {it:netname.dl} (Ucinet) or
{it:netname.net} (Pajek).
This example loads the {help netexample:Florentine marriage data} and exports to both .DL and .NET format.
{cmd:. webnwuse florentine, nwclear}
{cmd:. nwexport flomarriage, type(ucinet)}
{cmd:. nwexport flomarriage, type(ucinet)}
{title:See also}
{help nwimport}, {help nwuse}, {help nwsave}
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