同步操作将从 连享会/nwcommands 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
capture program drop _nwevalnetexp
program _nwevalnetexp
syntax [anything] [, nodes(string)]
local mynodes = "`nodes'"
local arg = "`anything'"
gettoken netexp result: arg, parse("%")
// prepare result
local result = trim(subinstr("`result'", "%", "",.))
// prepare netexp and perform basic syntax check
local netexp = trim("`netexp'")
local lnet = length("`netexp'")
local netexp = substr("`netexp'", 1, `lnet')
local netexp_raw = "`netexp'"
local parenthesisBalance = 0
forvalues i = 1/`lnet'{
local charAt = substr("`netexp'",`i',1)
if ("`charAt'" == "(") local parenthesisBalance = `parenthesisBalance' + 1
if ("`charAt'" == ")") local parenthesisBalance = `parenthesisBalance' - 1
if ("`netexp'" == "" | `parenthesisBalance' != 0){a
di "{err}{it:netexp} empty or contains unmatched parentheses"
error 6077
// check for simple non-network expressions
capture mata: `netexp'
if (_rc == 0) {
mata: `result' = `netexp'
mata: st_numscalar("r(nodes)", rows(`result'))
local nodes = r(nodes)
else {
// parse and handle potential nw-generators
// left-align parenthesis
forvalues k = 1/10 {
local nonet = subinstr("`netexp'","( ", "(",.)
// identify network generator commands
local checkstring = "`netexp'"
local nw_start = strpos("`checkstring'","(_nw")
local nwgenNum = 0
while (`nw_start'!= 0) {
local checkstring = substr("`checkstring'", `nw_start',.)
local checkstring_length = length("`checkstring'")
local balance = 0
local i = 1
while (`i' <= `checkstring_length') {
local ch = substr("`checkstring'", `i', 1)
if ("`ch'" == "(") local balance = `balance' + 1
if ("`ch'" == ")") local balance = `balance' - 1
if (`balance' == 0) {
local nwgenNum = `nwgenNum' + 1
local gencmd = substr("`checkstring'", 3, `=`i'-3')
local gencmdReplace = trim("_`gencmd'")
local _tempnet = "_tempgen`nwgenNum'"
// add identifier of new temporary network
if (strpos("`gencmd'",",") != 0){
local gencmd "`gencmd' name(`_tempnet') xvars noreplace"
else {
local gencmd "`gencmd', name(`_tempnet') xvars noreplace"
// check that a valididty of nw-generator and execute it local generator = word("`gencmd'", 1)
local generator = word("`gencmd'",1)
capture which `generator'
if (_rc == 0) {
// networks before generator executed
capture nwset
local totalNetsBefore = r(networks)
capture `gencmd'
// network after generator executed
capture nwset
local totalNetsAfter = r(networks)
if (`totalNetsBefore' == `totalNetsAfter') {
local nwgenNum = `nwgenNum' - 1
local errorOccured = "errorGeneratorFailed"
local errorCode = 6079
local errorGenerator = "`gencmd'"
continue, break
else {
local nwgenNum = `nwgenNum' - 1
local errorOccured = "errorInvalidGenerator"
local errorCode = 6078
local errorGenerator = "`generator'"
continue, break
// replace gencmd in netexp
local netexp = subinstr("`netexp'", "`gencmdReplace'", "`_tempnet'",1)
local checkstring = trim("`checkstring'")
local checknext_len = length("`checkstring'") - 3
local checknext = substr("`checkstring'",3,`checknext_len')
local nw_start = strpos("`checknext'","(_nw") + 2
if (`nw_start' == 2) local nw_start = 0
local i = `checkstring_length' + 1
local i = `i' + 1
if ("`errorOccured'" != "") {
continue, break
// executes an early cleanup in case an error occured generating temporary network
if ("`errorOccured'" != ""){
forvalues i = 1/`nwgenNum' {
nwdrop _tempgen`i'
if "`errorOccured'" == "errorInvalidGenerator" {
di "{err}subcommand {bf:`errorGenerator'} is not a valid {it:nwgenerator}"
if "`errorOccured'" == "errorGeneratorFailed" {
di "{err}subcommand {bf:`errorGenerator'} failed to generate a network"
error `errorCode'
// Deal with operators in netexp expression
local exp "`netexp'"
local stataVars = 0
local netexp_mata ""
// replace all other operators
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","**"," matmult ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","=="," :== ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'",">="," :grequ ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","<="," :smequ ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'",">"," :> ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","<"," :< ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'",":grequ"," :>= ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'",":smequ"," :<= ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","*"," :* ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","/"," :/ ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","(-"," (J(matanodes , matanodes , mataminus1) * ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","-"," :- ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","mataminus1","-1",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","+"," :+ ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","&"," :& ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","|"," :| ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","("," ( ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'",")"," ) ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","["," [ ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","]"," ] ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","::"," :: ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'",","," , ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'","!="," :!= ",.)
local exp = subinstr("`exp'"," matmult "," * ",.)
// cycle through expression words first to get number of maxAllowedNodes
local exp_words = wordcount("`exp'")
local exp_net = "`exp'"
tokenize "`exp_net'"
local maxAllowedNodes = 9999
forvalues i = 1/`exp_words' {
local x "``i''"
mata: st_rclear()
capture nwname `x'
if (_rc == 0){
local maxAllowedNodes = min(`maxAllowedNodes', r(nodes))
// set number of nodes
local nodes = `maxAllowedNodes'
// cycle through words in netexp
local exp = subinstr("`exp'", "matanodes", "`nodes'",.)
local exp_words = wordcount("`exp'")
local exp_net = "`exp'"
tokenize "`exp_net'"
forvalues i = 1/`exp_words' {
local x "``i''"
local operators = "op round( exp( abs( sqrt( log( ln( J , * :!= :: [ ] :& :| :> :< :>= :<= :* :/ :== & | :- :+ ( )"
local isoperator_match : list operators & x
local isoperator = wordcount("`isoperator_match'")
//(strpos("`operators'", "`x'") > 0)
local subnet = "[(1::`nodes'),(1::`nodes')]"
// word is not a number or operator
if (real("`x'")== . & `isoperator' != 1 ){
local found = 0
// word is a network
capture nwname `x'
local id = r(id)
if (_rc == 0){
local found = 1
local exp = subinword("`exp'", "`x'", "nw_mata`id'`subnet' ",1)
// word is Stata _n or _N
if ("`x'" == "_n" | "`x'" == "_N" ){
local found = 1
tempvar _ntemp
gen `_ntemp' = `x'
local exp = subinword("`exp'", "`x'", "`_ntemp'",.)
local x = "`_ntemp'"
// word is a Stata variable
capture confirm variable `x'
if (_rc == 0){
local obsStata = _N
local maxAllowedNodes = min(`obsStata', `nodes')
local nodes = `maxAllowedNodes'
local found = 1
local stataVars = `stataVars' + 1
mata: stataVar_`stataVars' = st_data((1::`nodes'),"`x'")
local exp = subinword("`exp'", "`x'", "stataVar_`stataVars'",.)
// word is neither number, operator, nor network or variable
if (`found' == 0) {
if (strpos("`x'","_nw") == 1){
di "{err}{it:nwgenerator} {bf:`x'} failed"
else {
di "{err}{it:network} or {it:variable} {bf:`x'} not found"
local errorOccued = "errorNetwork"
continue, break
// executes an early cleanup in case a network cound not be found
if ("`errorOccured'" == "errorNetwork"){
forvalues i = 1/`nwgenNum' {
nwdrop _tempgen`i'
error 6001
local netexp_mata = "`exp'"
// to handle single numbers
local sub_exp = "`exp'"
local subpos1 = 1
local subnodes = `nodes'
while (`subpos1' != 0) {
local subpos1 = strpos("`sub_exp'","[")
local subpos2 = strpos("`sub_exp'","]")
local subdiff = `subpos2' - `subpos1' + 1
local sub = trim(substr("`sub_exp'", `subpos1',`subdiff'))
local subcomma = strpos("`sub'", ",")
local subend1 = `subcomma' - 2
local substart2 = `subcomma' + 1
local sublen2 = length("`sub'") - `substart2'
local sub1 = substr("`sub'",2,`subend1')
local sub2 = substr("`sub'", `substart2', `sublen2')
if (`subpos1' != 0) {
local sub1 = "(`sub1')"
local sub2 = "(`sub2')"
mata: st_numscalar("r(sub1)", rows(`sub1'))
mata: st_numscalar("r(sub2)", rows(`sub2'))
local subwords1 = wordcount("`sub1'")
local subnodes = min(`subnodes', `r(sub1)')
local subnodes = min(`subnodes', `r(sub2)')
// invalid subnet
if r(sub1) != r(sub2) {
local subprint = subinstr("`sub'"," ","",.)
di "{err}{it:subnet} {bf:`subprint'} not square"
local errorOccured = "errorSubnet"
continue, break
local nextsubstart = `subpos2' + 1
local sub_exp = substr("`sub_exp'",`nextsubstart',.)
// invoke early cleanup because of subnet failure
if "`errorOccured'" == "errorSubnet" {
forvalues j= 1/`stataVars' {
mata: mata drop stataVar_`j'
forvalues i = 1/`nwgenNum' {
nwdrop _tempgen`i'
error 6500
local netexp_mata = " J(`subnodes',`subnodes',1) :* `netexp_mata'"
local matacmd "`netexp_mata'"
//di "Mata: `matacmd'"
// execute network expression in mata
if ("`result'" != ""){
capture mata: mata drop `result'
mata: `result' = `matacmd'
if "`mynodes'" != "" {
mata: `result' = getResultWithNodes(`result', `mynodes')
// clean up
forvalues j= 1/`stataVars' {
mata: mata drop stataVar_`j'
forvalues i = 1/`nwgenNum' {
nwdrop _tempgen`i'
mata: st_rclear()
mata: st_numscalar("r(nodes)", `nodes')
mata: st_global("r(mat)", "`result'")
mata: st_global("r(netexp)","`netexp_raw'")
capture mata : mata drop getResultWithNodes()
real matrix getResultWithNodes(real matrix res, scalar nodes) {
if (nodes < rows(res)){
res = res[(1::nodes), (1::nodes)]
if (nodes > rows(res)){
result2 = J(nodes, nodes, 0)
result2[(1::rows(res)), (1::cols(res))] = res
res = result2
*! v1.5.0 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 13:09:53
*! v1.5.1 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 14:54:23
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