/* This file is part of the Palabos library.
* The Palabos softare is developed since 2011 by FlowKit-Numeca Group Sarl
* (Switzerland) and the University of Geneva (Switzerland), which jointly
* own the IP rights for most of the code base. Since October 2019, the
* Palabos project is maintained by the University of Geneva and accepts
* source code contributions from the community.
* Contact:
* Jonas Latt
* Computer Science Department
* University of Geneva
* 7 Route de Drize
* 1227 Carouge, Switzerland
* jonas.latt@unige.ch
* The most recent release of Palabos can be downloaded at
* <https://palabos.unige.ch/>
* The library Palabos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** \file
* Flow in a lid-driven 3D cavity. The cavity is square and has no-slip walls,
* except for the top wall which is diagonally driven with a constant
* velocity. The benchmark is challenging because of the velocity
* discontinuities on corner nodes.
#include "palabos3D.h"
#include "palabos3D.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace plb;
using namespace std;
typedef double T;
#define DESCRIPTOR descriptors::D3Q19Descriptor
template<typename T>
class CylinderShapeDomain3D : public plb::DomainFunctional3D {
CylinderShapeDomain3D(plb::plint cx_, plb::plint cz_, plb::plint radius)
: cx(cx_),
{ }
virtual bool operator() (plb::plint iX, plb::plint iY, plb::plint iZ) const {
return plb::util::sqr(iX-cx) + plb::util::sqr(iZ-cz) <= radiusSqr;
virtual CylinderShapeDomain3D<T>* clone() const {
return new CylinderShapeDomain3D<T>(*this);
plb::plint cx;
plb::plint cz;
plb::plint radiusSqr;
void cylinderSetup( MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice,
IncomprFlowParam<T> const& parameters,
OnLatticeBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& boundaryCondition,
Array<plint,3> &forceIds )
const plint nx = parameters.getNx();
const plint ny = parameters.getNy();
const plint nz = parameters.getNz();
Box3D inlet = Box3D(0, 0, 0, ny-1, 1, nz-2);
boundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary0N(inlet, lattice, boundary::dirichlet);
Box3D outlet = Box3D(nx-1, nx-1, 0, ny-1, 1, nz-2);
boundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary0P(outlet, lattice, boundary::neumann);
Box3D top = Box3D(1, nx-2, 0, ny-1, nz-1, nz-1);
boundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary2P(top, lattice, boundary::freeslip);
Box3D bottom = Box3D(1, nx-2, 0, ny-1, 0, 0);
boundaryCondition.addVelocityBoundary2N(bottom, lattice, boundary::freeslip);
Box3D edge_bot_left = Box3D(0, 0, 0, ny-1, 0, 0);
boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityEdge1NN (
edge_bot_left, lattice, boundary::dirichlet );
Box3D edge_top_left = Box3D(0, 0, 0, ny-1, nz-1, nz-1);
boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityEdge1PN (
edge_top_left, lattice, boundary::dirichlet );
Box3D edge_bot_right = Box3D(nx-1, nx-1, 0, ny-1, 0, 0);
boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityEdge1NP (
edge_bot_right, lattice, boundary::neumann );
Box3D edge_top_right = Box3D(nx-1, nx-1, 0, ny-1, nz-1, nz-1);
boundaryCondition.addExternalVelocityEdge1PP (
edge_top_right, lattice, boundary::neumann );
setBoundaryVelocity(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), Array<T,3>(parameters.getLatticeU(), 0.0, 0.0) );
// Box3D topLid = Box3D(0, nx-1, ny-1, ny-1, 0, nz-1);
// Box3D everythingButTopLid = Box3D(0, nx-1, 0, ny-2, 0, nz-1);
// boundaryCondition.setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), boundary::dirichlet);
lattice.periodicity().toggle(1, true);
initializeAtEquilibrium(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(),
(T) 1., Array<T,3>(parameters.getLatticeU(),(T)0.,(T)0.) );
plint cx = nx/2;
plint cz = nz/2+2; // cz is slightly offset to avoid full symmetry,
// and to get a Von Karman Vortex street.
plint radius = parameters.getResolution() / 2;
forceIds[0] = lattice.internalStatSubscription().subscribeSum();
forceIds[1] = lattice.internalStatSubscription().subscribeSum();
forceIds[2] = lattice.internalStatSubscription().subscribeSum();
defineDynamics(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(),
new CylinderShapeDomain3D<T>(cx, cz, radius),
new plb::MomentumExchangeBounceBack<T,DESCRIPTOR>(forceIds));
initializeMomentumExchange (lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox() );
template<class BlockLatticeT>
void writeGifs(BlockLatticeT& lattice,
IncomprFlowParam<T> const& parameters, plint iter)
const plint imSize = 600;
const plint nx = parameters.getNx();
const plint ny = parameters.getNy();
const plint nz = parameters.getNz();
const plint xComponent = 0;
Box3D slice(0, nx-1, ny/2, ny/2, 0, nz-1);
ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo");
imageWriter.writeScaledGif( createFileName("ux", iter, 6),
*computeVelocityComponent (lattice, slice, xComponent),
imSize, imSize );
imageWriter.writeScaledGif( createFileName("uNorm", iter, 6),
*computeVelocityNorm (lattice, slice),
imSize, imSize );
imageWriter.writeScaledGif( createFileName("omega", iter, 6),
*computeNorm(*computeVorticity (
*computeVelocity(lattice) ), slice ),
imSize, imSize );
template<class BlockLatticeT>
void writeVTK(BlockLatticeT& lattice,
IncomprFlowParam<T> const& parameters, plint iter)
T dx = parameters.getDeltaX();
T dt = parameters.getDeltaT();
//VtkImageOutput3D<T> vtkOut(createFileName("vtk", iter, 6), dx);
ParallelVtkImageOutput3D<T> vtkOut(createFileName("vtk", iter, 6), 3, dx);
vtkOut.writeData<3,float>(*computeVelocity(lattice), "velocity", dx/dt);
vtkOut.writeData<float>(*computeVelocityNorm(lattice), "velocityNorm", dx/dt);
vtkOut.writeData<3,float>(*computeVorticity(*computeVelocity(lattice)), "vorticity", 1./dt);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
plbInit(&argc, &argv);
IncomprFlowParam<T> parameters(
(T) 1e-2, // uMax
(T) 10., // Re
10, // N
50., // lx
0.5, // ly
50. // lz
const T logT = (T)1/(T)10;
const T imSave = (T)1/(T)10;
const T vtkSave = (T)1/(T)100;
const T maxT = (T)10.1;
pcout << "omega= " << parameters.getOmega() << std::endl;
writeLogFile(parameters, "3D cylinder");
T omega = parameters.getOmega();
MultiBlockLattice3D<T, DESCRIPTOR> lattice (
parameters.getNx(), parameters.getNy(), parameters.getNz(),
new BGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>(omega) );
OnLatticeBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>* boundaryCondition
= createInterpBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>();
Array<plint,3> forceIds;
cylinderSetup(lattice, parameters, *boundaryCondition, forceIds);
T previousIterationTime = T();
// Loop over main time iteration.
for (plint iT=0; iT<parameters.nStep(maxT); ++iT) {
if (iT%parameters.nStep(imSave)==0) {
pcout << "Writing Gif ..." << endl;
writeGifs(lattice, parameters, iT);
if (iT%parameters.nStep(vtkSave)==0 && iT>0) {
pcout << "Saving VTK file ..." << endl;
writeVTK(lattice, parameters, iT);
if (iT%parameters.nStep(logT)==0) {
pcout << "step " << iT
<< "; t=" << iT*parameters.getDeltaT();
// Execute a time iteration.
// Access averages from internal statistics ( their value is defined
// only after the call to lattice.collideAndStream() )
if (iT%parameters.nStep(logT)==0) {
pcout << "; av energy="
<< setprecision(10) << getStoredAverageEnergy<T>(lattice)
<< "; av rho="
<< setprecision(10) << getStoredAverageDensity<T>(lattice) << endl;
pcout << "Time spent during previous iteration: "
<< previousIterationTime << endl;
T drag = lattice.getInternalStatistics().getSum(forceIds[0]);
T lift = lattice.getInternalStatistics().getSum(forceIds[2]);
T length = parameters.getNy(); // Because of periodicity!
T diameter = parameters.getResolution() + 1;
T vel = parameters.getLatticeU();
T avgRho = computeAverage(*computeDensity(lattice));
T drag_coef_factor = 1.0 / (length * util::sqr(vel) * diameter * avgRho);
pcout << "Drag coefficient: " << drag * drag_coef_factor << std::endl;
pcout << "Lift coefficient: " << lift * drag_coef_factor << std::endl;
pcout << "Average rho: " << avgRho << std::endl;
pcout << std::endl;
previousIterationTime = global::timer("mainLoop").stop();
delete boundaryCondition;
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