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file_headers.c 22.02 KB
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kkm 提交于 2020-11-22 00:09 . Fix failure to build with latest compilers
* Source File: file_headers.c
* Compilation: gcc -o sph2pipe sph2pipe.c shorten_x.c file_headers.c -lm
* Author: Dave Graff; LDC, University of Pennsylvania
* Purpose: functions to read/write SPHERE headers, and
* write RIFF, AU, AIFF headers
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sph_convert.h"
static char hdr[90];
static int hdrsize, origSampcount;
* readSphHeader
* get relevant fields from input sphere file header; return true (1) for success;
* return false if:
* - input file appears not to contain a sphere header
* - header does not contain all of these fields:
* channel_count, sample_count, sample_rate, sample_n_bytes, sample_coding(*)
* (* if sample_coding is missing, assume uncompressed pcm)
* - there is no data following the header
* If these conditions pass, check first four bytes of data to confirm whether
* file is "shorten" compressed, then assign values to corresponding globals
int readSphHeader( char *hdrfname )
size_t n;
int nx, inphdrsize;
char *field, fldname[24], fldtype[8], fldsval[32], cmpcheck[4];
FILE *fphd;
if ( hdrfname == NULL )
fphd = fpin;
else if (( fphd = fopen( hdrfname, "rb" )) == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open %s as input header\n", hdrfname );
return 1;
n = fread( inpbuf, 1, 1024, fphd ); /* nearly all sphere headers are 1024 bytes */
if ( n != 1024 || strncmp( inpbuf, "NIST_1A", 7 ))
return 1;
if ( sscanf( &inpbuf[8], "%d", &hdrsize ) != 1 )
return 1;
if ( hdrsize > 1024 ) {
if ( hdrsize >= STD_BUF_SIZE*2 ) { /* this should not happen */
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid header size (%d) in %s\n", hdrsize, hdrfname );
return 1;
fseek( fphd, 0, 0 );
n = fread( inpbuf, 1, hdrsize, fphd );
if ( n != hdrsize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't read %d byte header in %s\n", hdrsize, hdrfname );
return 1;
/* from now on, inphdrsize should represent an offset into the data file (fpin),
to the point where actual sample data begins; in the case where the header was
read from a separate file (hdrfname is not null), this offset is zero
inphdrsize = hdrsize;
if ( hdrfname != NULL ) {
fclose( fphd );
inphdrsize = 0;
/* having read the header, also read the first four bytes of sample data */
if ( fread( cmpcheck, 1, 4, fpin ) != 4 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to read sample data in %s\n", inpname );
return 1;
fseek( fpin, inphdrsize, 0 );
samptype = sampsize = sampcount = samprate = chancount = UNKNOWN;
inporder = NULL;
field = strtok( inpbuf, "\n" );
while ( field != NULL && strcmp( field, "end_head" ))
if ( !strncmp( field, "channel_count -i ", 17 ))
sscanf( field, "%s %s %d", fldname, fldtype, &chancount );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_count -i ", 16 ))
sscanf( field, "%s %s %d", fldname, fldtype, &sampcount );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_rate -i ", 15 ))
sscanf( field, "%s %s %d", fldname, fldtype, &samprate );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_n_bytes -i ", 18 ))
sscanf( field, "%s %s %d", fldname, fldtype, &sampsize );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_byte_format -s", 21 )) {
sscanf( field, "%s %s %s", fldname, fldtype, fldsval );
inporder = strdup( fldsval );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_coding -s", 16 )) {
sscanf( field, "%s %s %s", fldname, fldtype, fldsval );
samptype =
( !strncmp( fldsval, "ulaw", 4 )) ? ULAW :
( !strncmp( fldsval, "alaw", 4 )) ? ALAW :
( !strncmp( fldsval, "pcm", 3 )) ? PCM : UNKNOWN;
field = strtok( NULL, "\n" );
if ( strcmp( field, "end_head" )) /* this shouldn't happen */
return 1;
if ( !samptype &&
( sampsize == 2 || ( inporder && strlen( inporder ) == 2 )))
samptype = PCM;
/* having done that, the following things must be known, or else
* we don't really have a usable sphere file:
if ( !samptype || !sampcount || !samprate || !chancount ||
( samptype == PCM && inporder == NULL ))
return 1;
/* if "sample_n_bytes" was not specified, we can set it based
* on sample_coding ( samptype & 3 )
if ( sampsize == UNKNOWN )
sampsize = samptype & 3;
/* Now that we're done with the text data in the sphere header, look
* at the first four bytes of waveform data to see if it's shortened
origSampcount = sampcount;
if ( !strncmp( cmpcheck, "ajkg", 4 )) { /* the "magic number" for shorten */
if ( samptype == ALAW ) /* this must be a mistake -- abort now */
return 1;
else { /* when not shortened, we can try to check file size vs. header specs */
struct stat statbuf;
int fdin;
fdin = fileno( fpin );
if ( fstat( fdin, &statbuf ) < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to determine size of file %s\n",
inpname );
else {
n = inphdrsize + chancount * sampcount * sampsize;
if ( statbuf.st_size != n ) { /* if they conflict, go with the file size */
sampcount = ( statbuf.st_size - inphdrsize ) / ( chancount * sampsize );
fprintf( stderr,
"Warning:%s: sample_count reset to %d to match size (%d bytes)\n",
inpname, sampcount, statbuf.st_size );
/* compute total duration, leave file pointer at end of header (start of data)
totalsec = sampcount / (double) samprate;
return 0;
* writeSphHeader
* If used at all, this function is called almost immediately
* after readSphHeader, so SPH header data is still present in
* inpbuf. Now, make adjustments to the header data as needed
* (to reflect uncompression, and/or conversion between u/alaw
* and pcm, and/or demux), and adjust padding to assure the
* correct header size on output.
void writeSphHeader( void )
char *field, *ohdr, *fldsval, extrahdr[16];
int i, flen, hdrbytesOut = 0, didSBFormat = 0;
/* Header data is still in inpbuf after call to readSphHeader,
* but first we have to undo the effects of strtok():
ohdr = inpbuf;
for ( i=0; i<hdrsize; i++ ) {
if ( *ohdr == '\0' )
*ohdr = '\n';
ohdr = outbuf;
field = strtok( inpbuf, "\n" );
while ( field != NULL && strcmp( field, "end_head" ))
if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_checksum ", 16 )) {
field = strtok( NULL, "\n" ); /* can't set a correct value here, so */
continue; /* we're better off leaving it out */
else if ( !strncmp( field, "channel_count -i ", 17 ) && chancount > chanout )
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "channel_count -i 1\n" );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_count -i ", 16 ) &&
sampcount != origSampcount )
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_count -i %d\n", sampcount );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_n_bytes -i ", 18 ) &&
sampsize != sizeout )
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_n_bytes -i %d\n", sizeout );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_byte_format -s", 21 ) &&
( sampsize != sizeout || ( sizeout == 2 && strcmp( outorder, inporder )))) {
if ( sizeout == 1 ) {
field = strtok( NULL, "\n" ); /* don't need this field for u/alaw output */
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_byte_format -s2 %s\n", outorder );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_coding -s", 16 ) &&
( doshorten || ( samptype != typeout ))) {
if ( typeout == PCM ) {
i = 3;
fldsval = "pcm";
} else {
i = 4;
fldsval = ( typeout == ALAW ) ? "alaw" : "ulaw";
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_coding -s%d %s\n", i, fldsval );
else if ( !strncmp( field, "sample_sig_bits -i ", 19 ) ) {
int bits;
sscanf( &field[19], "%d", &bits );
if ( bits > 8 && typeout != PCM )
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_sig_bits -i 8\n" );
else if ( bits == 8 && typeout == PCM )
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_sig_bits -i 16\n" );
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "%s\n", field ); /* no change needed */
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "%s\n", field );
ohdr += flen;
hdrbytesOut += flen;
field = strtok( NULL, "\n" );
/* Minor detail: if input is ulaw/alaw AND output is pcm AND the input header
* happens to lack the "sample_byte_format" field (because this is not needed
* for ulaw/alaw data), now we have to add this field to the output header.
if ( didSBFormat == 0 && sampsize < sizeout ) {
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "sample_byte_format -s2 %s\n", outorder );
ohdr += flen;
hdrbytesOut += flen;
flen = sprintf( ohdr, "end_head\n" ); /* add the end-of-header marker */
ohdr += flen;
hdrbytesOut += flen;
/* Final detail: it's possible that changing "sample_sig_bits" and/or
* "sample_coding", and/or adding/changing "sample_byte_format" could
* enlarge the header size beyond its current multiple of 1024 -- if so,
* we need to expand the header size to the next multiple of 1024:
if ( hdrbytesOut > hdrsize ) {
hdrsize += 1024;
sprintf( extrahdr, "%7d", hdrsize );
strncpy( &outbuf[8], extrahdr, 7 );
/* Add white-space padding to complete the header block
while ( hdrbytesOut < hdrsize ) {
*ohdr++ = (char)(( hdrbytesOut % 32 ) ? ' ' : '\n' );
if ( fwrite( outbuf, 1, hdrsize, fpout ) != hdrsize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't write %d byte output header from %s\n",
hdrsize, inpname );
* copycharr
* could've used memcopy, but this feels more stable/portable...
void copycharr( char *from, char *to, int n )
int i;
for ( i=0; i<n; i++ )
*to++ = *from++;
* copylong
* copy a 4-byte int, making sure to use the intended byte
* order for the destination, regardless of what the
* native byte order is on the current machine
void copylong( int val, char *dest, char *intended )
int i, e, incr;
if ( strcmp( nativorder, intended )) {
i = 3;
e = -1;
incr = -1;
else {
i = 0;
e = 4;
incr = 1;
long_order.i4 = val;
for ( ; i != e; i += incr )
*dest++ = long_order.ch[i];
* copyshort
* copy a 2-byte int, making sure to use the intended byte
* order for the destination, regardless of what the
* native byte order is on the current machine
void copyshort( short int val, char *dest, char *intended )
if ( strcmp( nativorder, intended ))
swab((char *) &val, short_order.ch, 2 );
short_order.i2 = val;
*dest++ = short_order.ch[0];
*dest = short_order.ch[1];
* writeAUHeader
* The folloing documentation about the AU header format has been
* copied verbatim from www.wotsit.org (no copyright statement):
* [ From: mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us (Marshall Rose) ]
* Audio data is encoded in three parts: a header, containing fields that
* describe the audio encoding format; a variable-length information field,
* in which, for instance, ASCII annotation may be stored; and, the actual
* encoded audio. The header and data fields are written using big-endian
* ordering.
* The header part consists of six 32-bit quantities, in this order:
* longword field description
* -------- ----- -----------
* 0 magic number the value 0x2e736e64 (ASCII ".snd")
* 1 data offset the offset, in octets, to the data part.
* The minimum valid number is 24 (decimal).
* 2 data size the size in octets, of the data part.
* If unknown, the value 0xffffffff should
* be used.
* 3 encoding the data encoding format:
* value format
* 1 8-bit ISDN u-law
* 2 8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM]
* 3 16-bit linear PCM
* 4 24-bit linear PCM
* 5 32-bit linear PCM
* 6 32-bit IEEE floating point
* 7 64-bit IEEE floating point
* 23 8-bit ISDN u-law compressed
* using the CCITT G.721 ADPCM
* voice data encoding scheme.
* 4 sample rate the number of samples/second (e.g., 8000)
* 5 channels the number of interleaved channels (e.g., 1)
* The information part, consists of 0 or more octets, and starts 24 octets
* after the beginning of the header part. The length of the information
* part is calculated by subtracting 24 (decimal) from the data offset
* field in the header part.
* --
* Bill Janssen janssen@parc.xerox.com (415) 812-4763
* Xerox Palo Alto Research Center FAX: (415) 812-4777
* 3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304
* The following approach was written by Dave Graff for the LDC
void writeAUHeader( void )
char *ordr = "10"; /* AU files use high-byte first */
int dsize, nchan, enc;
nchan = ( chanout < chancount ) ? 1 : chancount;
hdrsize = 24;
dsize = sampcount * nchan * sizeout;
enc = ( sizeout == 1 ) ? 1 : 3; /* either 8-bit u-law or 16-bit PCM */
copycharr( ".snd", &hdr[0], 4 );
copylong( hdrsize, &hdr[4], ordr );
copylong( dsize, &hdr[8], ordr );
copylong( enc, &hdr[12], ordr );
copylong( samprate, &hdr[16], ordr );
copylong( nchan, &hdr[20], ordr );
if ( fwrite( hdr, 1, hdrsize, fpout ) != hdrsize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to write AU header to %s\n", outname );
* writeRIFFHeader
* The following documentation about the RIFF header format has been
* copied verbatim from "wav.c" in sox-12.17; the copyright notice
* contained in that source file is included, and applies to the
* following commentary:
----- excerpt from sox-12.17/wav.c
----- (available from http://home.sprynet.com/~cbagwell/sox.html)
* Microsoft's WAVE sound format driver
* This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
* any purpose. This copyright notice must be maintained.
* Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for
* the consequences of using this software.
* ... [See note below. -- DG/LDC]
* NOTE: Previous maintainers weren't very good at providing contact
* information.
* Copyright 1992 Rick Richardson
* Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
* ...
* Info for format tags can be found at:
* http://www.microsoft.com/asf/resources/draft-ietf-fleischman-codec-subtree-01.txt
... write .wav headers as follows:
bytes variable description
0 - 3 'RIFF'
4 - 7 wRiffLength length of file minus the 8 byte riff header
8 - 11 'WAVE'
12 - 15 'fmt '
16 - 19 wFmtSize length of format chunk minus 8 byte header
20 - 21 wFormatTag identifies PCM, ULAW, ALAW etc
22 - 23 wChannels
24 - 27 wSamplesPerSecond samples per second per channel
28 - 31 wAvgBytesPerSec non-trivial for compressed formats
32 - 33 wBlockAlign basic block size
34 - 35 wBitsPerSample non-trivial for compressed formats
PCM formats then go straight to the data chunk:
36 - 39 'data'
40 - 43 wDataLength length of data chunk minus 8 byte header
44 - (wDataLength + 43) the data
non-PCM formats must write an extended format chunk and a fact chunk:
ULAW, ALAW formats:
36 - 37 wExtSize = 0 the length of the format extension
38 - 41 'fact'
42 - 45 wFactSize = 4 length of the fact chunk minus 8 byte header
46 - 49 wSamplesWritten actual number of samples written out
50 - 53 'data'
54 - 57 wDataLength length of data chunk minus 8 byte header
58 - (wDataLength + 57) the data
----- end of excerpt
* Note: The source code change history (and source code) was omitted;
* Stan Brooks (stabro@megsinet.com) and Chris Bagwell
* (cbagwell@sprynet.com) authored several recent improvements
* to wav.c, including the documentation quoted above.
* The following approach, written by David Graff for the LDC,
* supports output to stdout (this was not supported in sox-12.17,
* probably because sox included support for various RIFF-based
* forms of compression, which are not supported here).
void writeRIFFHeader( void )
char *ordr = "01"; /* RIFF header wants ints with low-byte first */
int fsize, hsize, hoffs;
short int nbyts, nchan, fmtyp;
nchan = ( chanout < chancount ) ? 1 : chancount;
nbyts = nchan * sizeout;
fsize = sampcount * nbyts;
if ( sizeout == 1 ) { /* applies to ALAW and ULAW */
hoffs = 18;
hsize = 50;
fmtyp = ( typeout == ALAW ) ? 0x0006 : 0x0007;
} else {
hoffs = 16;
hsize = 36;
fmtyp = 0x0001;
copycharr( "RIFF", &hdr[0], 4 );
copylong( fsize + hsize, &hdr[4], ordr );
copycharr( "WAVE", &hdr[8], 4 );
copycharr( "fmt ", &hdr[12], 4 );
copylong( hoffs, &hdr[16], ordr );
copyshort( fmtyp, &hdr[20], ordr );
copyshort( nchan, &hdr[22], ordr );
copylong( samprate, &hdr[24], ordr );
copylong( nbyts * samprate, &hdr[28], ordr );
copyshort( nbyts, &hdr[32], ordr );
copyshort( sizeout * 8, &hdr[34], ordr );
if ( sizeout == 1 ) { /* applies to ALAW and ULAW */
copyshort( 0, &hdr[36], ordr );
copycharr( "fact", &hdr[38], 4 );
copylong( 4, &hdr[42], ordr );
copylong( sampcount, &hdr[46], ordr );
hoffs = hsize;
copycharr( "data", &hdr[hoffs], 4 );
copylong( fsize, &hdr[hoffs+4], ordr );
hsize += 8; /* add in the first 8 bytes, which weren't included earlier */
if ( fwrite( hdr, 1, hsize, fpout ) != hsize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to write WAV header to %s\n", outname );
/* The following documentation and code for "ConvertToIeeeExtended"
* has been copied verbatim from the SoX source code distribution.
* The function calls invoked here require the inclusion of the
* math library at compile-time ("-lm").
* C O N V E R T T O I E E E E X T E N D E D
/* Copyright (C) 1988-1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Machine-independent I/O routines for IEEE floating-point numbers.
* NaN's and infinities are converted to HUGE_VAL or HUGE, which
* happens to be infinity on IEEE machines. Unfortunately, it is
* impossible to preserve NaN's in a machine-independent way.
* Infinities are, however, preserved on IEEE machines.
* These routines have been tested on the following machines:
* Apple Macintosh, MPW 3.1 C compiler
* Apple Macintosh, THINK C compiler
* Silicon Graphics IRIS, MIPS compiler
* Cray X/MP and Y/MP
* Digital Equipment VAX
* Implemented by Malcolm Slaney and Ken Turkowski.
* Malcolm Slaney contributions during 1988-1990 include big- and little-
* endian file I/O, conversion to and from Motorola's extended 80-bit
* floating-point format, and conversions to and from IEEE single-
* precision floating-point format.
* In 1991, Ken Turkowski implemented the conversions to and from
* IEEE double-precision format, added more precision to the extended
* conversions, and accommodated conversions involving +/- infinity,
* NaN's, and denormalized numbers.
#ifndef HUGE_VAL
# define HUGE_VAL HUGE
#endif /*HUGE_VAL*/
#define FloatToUnsigned(f) ((unsigned long)(((long)(f - 2147483648.0)) + 2147483647L + 1))
int ConvertToIeeeExtended(num, bytes)
double num;
char *bytes;
int sign;
int expon;
double fMant, fsMant;
unsigned long hiMant, loMant;
if (num < 0) {
sign = 0x8000;
num *= -1;
} else {
sign = 0;
if (num == 0) {
expon = 0; hiMant = 0; loMant = 0;
else {
fMant = frexp(num, &expon);
if ((expon > 16384) || !(fMant < 1)) { /* Infinity or NaN */
expon = sign|0x7FFF; hiMant = 0; loMant = 0; /* infinity */
else { /* Finite */
expon += 16382;
if (expon < 0) { /* denormalized */
fMant = ldexp(fMant, expon);
expon = 0;
expon |= sign;
fMant = ldexp(fMant, 32);
fsMant = floor(fMant);
hiMant = FloatToUnsigned(fsMant);
fMant = ldexp(fMant - fsMant, 32);
fsMant = floor(fMant);
loMant = FloatToUnsigned(fsMant);
bytes[0] = expon >> 8;
bytes[1] = expon;
bytes[2] = hiMant >> 24;
bytes[3] = hiMant >> 16;
bytes[4] = hiMant >> 8;
bytes[5] = hiMant;
bytes[6] = loMant >> 24;
bytes[7] = loMant >> 16;
bytes[8] = loMant >> 8;
bytes[9] = loMant;
/* The following code has been adapted from the file "aiff.c" provided
* in the SoX source code distribution.
void writeAIFFHeader( void )
char *ordr = "10"; /* AIFF header want high-byte first */
int fsize, hsize, hoffs;
short int nbyts, nchan, fmtyp;
char ieeebuf[10];
nchan = ( chanout < chancount ) ? 1 : chancount;
nbyts = nchan * sizeout;
hsize = 46;
fsize = nbyts * sampcount;
ConvertToIeeeExtended((double)samprate, ieeebuf);
copycharr( "FORM", &hdr[0], 4 );
copylong( fsize + hsize, &hdr[4], ordr );
copycharr( "AIFF", &hdr[8], 4 );
copycharr( "COMM", &hdr[12], 4 );
copylong( 18, &hdr[16], ordr );
copyshort( nchan, &hdr[20], ordr );
copylong( sampcount, &hdr[22], ordr );
copyshort( 16, &hdr[26], ordr );
copycharr( ieeebuf, &hdr[28], 10 );
copycharr( "SSND", &hdr[38], 4 );
copylong( 8+fsize, &hdr[42], ordr );
copylong( 0, &hdr[46], ordr );
copylong( 0, &hdr[50], ordr );
hsize += 8; /* add in the first 8 bytes, which weren't included earlier */
if ( fwrite( hdr, 1, hsize, fpout ) != hsize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to write AIFF header to %s\n", outname );
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